Is there a way to shift the principal point of a Scene Kit camera? - ios

I'd like to simulate the shift of a tilt-shift/perspective-control lens in Scene Kit on MacOS.
Imagine the user has the camera facing a tall building at ground level, I'd like to be able to shift the 'lens' so that the projective distortion shifts (see e.g. Wikipedia).
Apple provides lots of physically-based parameters for SCNCamera (sensor height, aperture blade count), but I can't see anything obvious for this. It seems to exist in Unity.
Crucially I'd like to shift the lens so that the object stays in the same position relative to the camera. Obviously I could move the camera to get the effect, but the object needs to stay centred in the viewport (and I can't see a way to modify the viewport either). I've tried to modify the .projectionTransform matrix directly, but it was unsuccessful.

There's is no API on SCNCamera that does that out of the box. As you guessed one has to create a custom projection matrix and set it to the projectionTransform property.

I finally worked out the correct adjustment to the projection matrix – it's quite confusing to follow the maths, because it is a 4x4 matrix rather than 3x4 or 4x3 as you'd use for a plain camera projection matrix, which additionally makes it especially confusing to work out whether it is expecting row vectors or column vectors.
Anyway, the correct element is .m32 for the y axis
let camera = SCNNode() = SCNCamera()
let yShift: CGFloat = 1.0!.projectionTransform.m32 = yShift
Presumably .m31 will shift in the x axis, but I have to admit I haven't tested this.
When I thought about it a bit more, I also realised that the effect I actually wanted involves moving the camera too. Adjusting .m32 simulates moving the sensor, which will appear to move the subject relative to the camera, as if you had a wide angle lens and you were moving the crop. To keep the subject centred in frame, you need to move the camera's position too.
With a bit (a lot) of help from this blog post and in particular this code, I implemented this too:
let distance: CGFloat = 1.0 // calculate distance from subject here
let fovRadians =!.fieldOfView * CGFloat.pi / 180.0
let yAdjust = tan(fovRadians / 2) * distance * yShift
camera.position = camera.position - camera.worldUp * yAdjust
(any interested readers could presumably work out the x axis shift from the source above)


How can I get direction from camera to an anchor

I'm new to ARKit. I want to get the direction from anchor 1 to anchor 2. Currently, I can get the position from transform.columns.3. However, this works only for fixed axis.(z-axis always toward user)
How can I compare two anchor with respect to 6 axes (pitch, yaw, roll)? What should I read to get more detail information about this?
func showDirection(of object: ARAnchor) { // only work for fixed axis
if let currentFrame = sceneView.session.currentFrame {
print("diff(x) = \( - object.transform.columns.3.x)")
print("diff(y) = \( - object.transform.columns.3.y)")
print("diff(z) = \( - object.transform.columns.3.z)")
I think my answer to this other user's question may be helpful. Basically, using SceneKit or ARKit, you can find the orientations of the camera and of your target anchor, and do some quaternion math to find the axis and angle of the relative rotation between them on x, y and z axes. My example assumed a SceneKit/ARKit app, which allows you to use quaternions instead of matrices, but the math should essentially be the same for ARKit transforms. If you use ARKit's simd_float4x4 transform matrices, you could find one matrix in the space of the other (A.inverse * B) and use the resulting matrix to glean relative position and orientation.
Your question was a little hard to follow, as I'm not sure if the orientation of the anchor you're targeting matters in your case, but this should help as far as comparing two anchors with respect to pitch, yaw and roll.

finding the depth in arkit with SCNVector3Make

the goal of the project is to create a drawing app. i want it so that when i touch the screen and move my finger it will follow the finger and leave a cyan color paint. i did created it BUT there is one problem. the paint DEPTH is always randomly placed.
here is the code, just need to connect the sceneView with the storyboard.
my question is how do i make the program so that the depth will always be consistent, by consistent i mean there is always distance between the paint and the camera.
if you run the code above you will see that i have printed out all the SCNMatrix4, but i none of them is the DEPTH.
i have tried to change hitTransform.m43 but it only messes up the x and y.
If you want to get a point some consistent distance in front of the camera, you don’t want a hit test. A hit test finds the real world surface in front of the camera — unless your camera is pointed at a wall that’s perfectly parallel to the device screen, you’re always going to get a range of different distances.
If you want a point some distance in front of the camera, you need to get the camera’s position/orientation and apply a translation (your preferred distance) to that. Then to place SceneKit content there, use the resulting matrix to set the transform of a SceneKit node.
The easiest way to do this is to stick to SIMD vector/matrix types throughout rather than converting between those and SCN types. SceneKit adds a bunch of new accessors in iOS 11 so you can use SIMD types directly.
There’s at least a couple of ways to go about this, depending on what result you want.
Option 1
// set up z translation for 20 cm in front of whatever
// last column of a 4x4 transform matrix is translation vector
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.z = -0.2
// get camera transform the ARKit way
let cameraTransform =
// if we wanted, we could go the SceneKit way instead; result is the same
// let cameraTransform = view.pointOfView.simdTransform
// set node transform by multiplying matrices
node.simdTransform = cameraTransform * translation
This option, using a whole transform matrix, not only puts the node a consistent distance in front of your camera, it also orients it to point the same direction as your camera.
Option 2
// distance vector for 20 cm in front of whatever
let translation = float3(x: 0, y: 0, z: -0.2)
// treat distance vector as in camera space, convert to world space
let worldTranslation = view.pointOfView.simdConvertPosition(translation, to: nil)
// set node position (not whole transform)
node.simdPosition = worldTranslation
This option sets only the position of the node, leaving its orientation unchanged. For example, if you place a bunch of cubes this way while moving the camera, they’ll all be lined up facing the same direction, whereas with option 1 they’d all be in different directions.
Going beyond
Both of the options above are based only on the 3D transform of the camera — they don’t take the position of a 2D touch on the screen into account.
If you want to do that, too, you’ve got more work cut out for you — essentially what you’re doing is hit testing touches not against the world, but against a virtual plane that’s always parallel to the camera and a certain distance away. That plane is a cross section of the camera projection frustum, so its size depends on what fixed distance from the camera you place it at. A point on the screen projects to a point on that virtual plane, with its position on the plane scaling proportional to the distance from the camera (like in the below sketch):
So, to map touches onto that virtual plane, there are a couple of approaches to consider. (Not giving code for these because it’s not code I can write without testing, and I’m in an Xcode-free environment right now.)
Make an invisible SCNPlane that’s a child of the view’s pointOfView node, parallel to the local xy-plane and some fixed z distance in front. Use SceneKit hitTest (not ARKit hit test!) to map touches to that plane, and use the worldCoordinates of the hit test result to position the SceneKit nodes you drop into your scene.
Use Option 1 or Option 2 above to find a point some fixed distance in front of the camera (or a whole translation matrix oriented to match the camera, translated some distance in front). Use SceneKit’s projectPoint method to find the normalized depth value Z for that point, then call unprojectPoint with your 2D touch location and that same Z value to get the 3D position of the touch location with your camera distance. (For extra code/pointers, see my similar technique in this answer.)

OpenGL ES - camera look at touch position

I have a camera (main view, projection). I create it here:
// Generate a perspective matrix with a 60 degree FOV
float aspect = self.frame.size.width / self.frame.size.height;
ksPerspective(&_projectionMatrix, 60.0, aspect, 0.01f, 50.0f);
ksTranslate(&_projectionMatrix, 0.0, -0.295, 0.0);
// Defaul value
mFloatScale = 0.5;
// Load projection matrix
glUniformMatrix4fv(_projectionSlot, 1, GL_FALSE, (GLfloat*)&_projectionMatrix.m[0][0]);
Also I have gesture recognizer. So I want when my user move finger he will rotate camera like in first person shooters games. How can I update my projection matrix? I think I must create something like lookAt function.
Either use a method to generate the lookAt matrix or create your own. It is an easy equation found on web.
Once you have this what I suggest is you store 3 vectors representing your camera as position, forward, up. These will be inserted into the lookAt method (center = position+forward).
Now at this point you may implement quite a few variations of camera movement. The omni situation would be to create an additional vector right which is a cross product of forward and up. Then:
Turn left/right: forward += right*someRotationSpeedFactor
Turn up/down: forward += up*someRotationSpeedFactor
Tilt left/right: up += right*someRotationSpeedFactor
Move forward/backwards: position += forward*someSpeedFactor
Move up/down: position += up*someSpeedFactor
Move sideways: position += right*someSpeedFactor
Changing the direction means negative factor. The factors are usually received from either the user input (the distance of two touch events) or current speed. After using any of these equations you need to renormalize the changed vectors for forward and up (divide them by their distance). Also you need to recompute the effected vector forward or up if any by again using a cross product. For instance if you turn up you will change the forward vector but the up vector is effected by it as well. That means you need to set the up vector as a cross product of forward and right vectors. It sounds confusing in theory but in practice it looks something like this:
- (void)turnUp:(CGFloat)scale {
vector forward = self.forward;
vector up = self.up;
vector right = cross(self.forward, self.up);
self.forward = normalized(forward + up*scale);
self.up = cross(self.forward, right);
Now this procedure is quite good for something like piloting a space craft or a jet for instance. But the first person shooters are usually a bit more restricted as the up vector must always face upwards your display. The tilt is then not implemented and in some games you have a restriction as to maximum upwards angle. This is due to the math issue in this case. Anyway in general if you simply leave the up vector unchanged you should do fine but you might need to normalize the right vector after computing it as it will not have a length of 1 anymore.

How to convert 2D point to 3D using SceneKit's unprojectPoint without having a depth value?

Is it possible to use SceneKit's unprojectPoint to convert a 2D point to 3D without having a depth value?
I only need to find the 3D location in the XZ plane. Y can be always 0 or any value since I'm not using it.
I'm trying to do this for iOS 8 Beta.
I had something similar with JavaScript and Three.js (WebGL) like this:
function getMouse3D(x, y) {
var pos = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
var pMouse = new THREE.Vector3(
(x / renderer.domElement.width) * 2 - 1,
-(y / renderer.domElement.height) * 2 + 1,
projector.unprojectVector(pMouse, camera);
var cam = camera.position;
var m = pMouse.y / ( pMouse.y - cam.y );
pos.x = pMouse.x + ( cam.x - pMouse.x ) * m;
pos.z = pMouse.z + ( cam.z - pMouse.z ) * m;
return pos;
But I don't know how to translate the part with unprojectVector to SceneKit.
What I want to do is to be able to drag an object around in the XZ plane only. The vertical axis Y will be ignored.
Since the object would need to move along a plane, one solution would be to use hitTest method, but I don't think is very good in terms of performance to do it for every touch/drag event. Also, it wouldn't allow the object to move outside the plane either.
I've tried a solution based on the accepted answer here, but it didn't worked. Using one depth value for unprojectPoint, if dragging the object around in the +/-Z direction the object doesn't stay under the finger too long, but it moves away from it instead.
I need to have the dragged object stay under the finger no matter where is it moved in the XZ plane.
First, are you actually looking for a position in the xz-plane or the xy-plane? By default, the camera looks in the -z direction, so the x- and y-axes of the 3D Scene Kit coordinate system go in the same directions as they do in the 2D view coordinate system. (Well, y is flipped by default in UIKit, but it's still the vertical axis.) The xz-plane is then orthogonal to the plane of the screen.
Second, a depth value is a necessary part of converting from 2D to 3D. I'm not an expert on three.js, but from looking at their library documentation (which apparently can't be linked into), their unprojectVector still takes a Vector3. And that's what you're constructing for pMouse in your code above — a vector whose z- and y-coordinates come from the 2D mouse position, and whose z-coordinate is 1.
SceneKit's unprojectPoint works the same way — it takes a point whose z-coordinate refers to a depth in clip space, and maps that to a point in your scene's world space.
If your world space is oriented such that the only variation you care about is in the x- and y-axes, you may pass any z-value you want to unprojectPoint, and ignore the z-value in the vector you get back. Otherwise, pass -1 to map to the far clipping plane, 1 for the near clipping plane, or 0 for halfway in between — the plane whose z-coordinate (in camera space) is 0. If you're using the unprojected point to position a node in the scene, the best advice is to just try different z-values (between -1 and 1) until you get the behavior you want.
However, it's a good idea to be thinking about what you're using an unprojected vector for — if the next thing you'd be doing with it is testing for intersections with scene geometry, look at hitTest: instead.

XNA 4.0 Camera Question

I'm having trouble understanding how the camera works in my test application. I've been able to piece together a working camera - now I am trying to make sure I understand how it all works. My camera is encapsulated in its own class. Here is the update method that gets called from my Game.Update() method:
public void Update(float dt)
Yaw += (200 - Game.MouseState.X) * dt * .12f;
Pitch += (200 - Game.MouseState.Y) * dt * .12f;
Mouse.SetPosition(200, 200);
_worldMatrix = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Right, Pitch) * Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Up, Yaw);
float distance = _speed * dt;
if (_game.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.E))
if (_game.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
if (_game.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
if (_game.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.F))
if (_game.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
if (_game.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z))
_worldMatrix *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(_position);
_viewMatrix = Matrix.Invert(_worldMatrix); // What's gong on here???
First of all, I understand everything in this method other than the very last part where the matrices are being manipulated. I think the terminology is getting in my way as well. For example, my _worldMatrix is really a Rotation Matrix. What really baffles me is the part where the _viewMatrix is calculated by inverting the _worldMatrix. I just don't understand what this is all about.
In prior testing, I always used Matrix.CreateLookAt() to create a view matrix, so I'm a bit confused. I'm hoping someone can explain in simple terms what is going on.
One operation the view matrix does for the graphics pipeline is that it converts a 3d point from world space (the x, y, z, we all know & love) into view (or camera) space, a space where the camera is considered to be the center of the world (0,0,0) and all points/objects are relative to it. So while a point may be at 1,1,1 relative to the world, what are it's cordinates relative to the camera location? Well, as it turns out, to find out, you can transform that point by the inverse of a matrix representing the camera's world space position/rotation.
It kinda makes sense if you think about it... let's say the camera position is 2,2,2. An arbitrary point is at 3,3,3. We know that the point is 1,1,1 away from the camera, right? so what transformation would you apply to the point 3,3,3 in order for it to become 1,1,1 (it's location relative to the camera)? you would transform 3,3,3 by -2,-2,-2 to result in 1,1,1. -2,-2,-2 is also the camera's inverted position. That example was for translation because it is relatively easy to groc but basically the same happens for rotation. But don't expect to be able to simply negate all basis vectors to invert a matrix... there is a little more going on with that for rotation.
The Matrix.CreateLookAt() method automatically returns the inverted matrix so you don't really notice it happening unless you reflect its code.
Taking that one step further, the Projection matrix then takes that point in view space and projects it onto a flat surface and that point that started out in 3d space is now in 2d space.
