Unpacked extension not loaded on browser startup - microsoft-edge

For some reason my unpacked extension stopped being loaded when browser starts, I have to manually open extensions tabs and load unpacked extension.
If I rename extension's folder, Edge assigns a new ID to it and than it automatically gets loaded on startup. It's like original ID got banned or something?
Anyone know why this happening and how can I "unban" original ID? (without removing profile)
not certain if this question is more suitable for superuser or stackoverlow


How can I access the contents of a folder selected from Files app?

Basically my app works like a iCloud-based note app (for example, logseq). Users first select a folder in Files app, then my app starts downloading/updating the contents of the folder.
So I implemented folder selection via UIDocumentPickerViewController, after I got the folder path in Files app. I tried downloading a hardcoded file like (<the folder path user just selected>/fileList.json) via FileManager.startDownloadingUbiquitousItem, got 257 permission error (the file does exist in my icloud drive). Then I followed the answer from this answer to call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource. It always returns false and the same 257 error returned.
Perhaps, I cannot access a random file from a selected folder? but how can those note apps work by simply letting users selecting a root folder?
Answering my own question after some debugging. Call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource on the folder path you grabbed from picker, not its subfiles. After that, you can start downloading its subfiles via startDownloadingUbiquitousItem

In Unity3D for iOS when loading on demand resources, how can I check the latest version is already loaded and if not, what is the download size?

I've recently transitioned my iOS Unity app to use asset bundles as on demand resources. This all works great! The only problem is that when the application first starts up and all the ODRs are preloaded it just starts to download them from the apple servers. I need to know before preloading them if they require downloading and if so, how big of a download. I need this info to show a prompt for the user to let them know that additional data needs to be downloaded and maybe turn on their wifi etc.
If you are using WWW class then there is this WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload, this function takes in a version parameter which you can probably use for checking on versions.
If you are using UnityWebRequest, then maybe you can use the meta files which get generated with asset bundle and then download it and read version or a hash (You will probably have to google a little bit on this what to use) to actually look if you have a version change and do you need to download new version or not.
If none of the above suits you then the hard coded way would be to setup a list of your asset bundles with your versions on a webserver and download it to match it with your local version everytime you start the app.
I hope this atleast helps you look in the correct direction.
I've managed to do this myself in the end. My current setup is the following:
I have a bunch of assetbundles marked as On Demand Resources.
When I build the assetbundles I save a file containing the CRC and file sizes of all these bundles and I save it in StreamingAssets to always have it available
Whenever the app starts up, I try to load the assetbundles from PersistentDataPath against their latest CRC (at first launch there will be no bundles there)
If any bundles are missing or have invalid CRC, show a prompt to the user that x MB of data needs to be downloaded (taken from the file made at build time)
After the ODR resources are downloaded, I reencrypt the assetbundle from res:// (the only way I could access it) and move it to PersistentDataPath
Whenever a new updated comes it, it should contain new CRCs for the changed bundles and the process should restart
It seems to work quite well. The only real issues that I have is that I currently don't know how to delete the downloaded ODR data, and there could be a version mismatch if a user installs the app and defers downloading the extra data, and only opts to do so when an updated version of the app (with different bundle CRCs) is available on the server but they still stay on the older version. This would probabily load the new bundles but will fail the CRC checks for them...

having external files in an electron application

I have an electron app, and when I make it, it packages and compiles everything.
Sounds like it works perfectly right?
Well, problem is I want one of the folders to not be compiled, but still be accessible by my static files, so the users can add or remove content from the folders.
I've tried making it in a seperate folder, but then it can't find the files even when it's placed in the correct relative path.
Overall, I want my app to exist next to a folder and my <script src="./folder/script.js"></script> to actually be able to access it.
I'm new to basically anything node or electron so i'm probably making some dumb mistake.
Thanks in advance.
Having your user touching files close to your Electron application may be fraught with danger. If they accidently overwrite an important file or accidently delete an important file then your application may stop working and require the user to perform a re-install.
Instead, have any default files the user may need to "touch" packaged up with your application and then upon your applications first run, copy these files (and any necessary folder structure) over to the users home, desktop, documents, downloads or even userData directory.
That way, your application will always know where to find them and the directory is a directory your user will already be comfortable adding files to and removing files from.
You can always let the use choose where these files are stored as a settings option which persists in an application setting file, using something similar to path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'settings.json');
See Electron's app.getPath(name) for more information.

Using Backload to upload image to project file but images do not appear until project is rebuilt

Using MVC 4 I downloaded Blackcity Backload from nuget, I am trying to save the uploaded images to a file that is within my project. Everything works great and it shows that the image uploaded, except for the fact that after you upload a new image, and refresh the page the image does not appear in the list of returned images even though it was saved. Also if you delete a file it comes off the list at first but again if you refresh the page it is back. If you rebuild the application then everything appears as it should and the images in the backload file list are all listed correctly and they match what is in the actual file.
I thought it may be a server cache issue but I did all i can to prevent the server from caching and still same problem.
I think it may have to do with the fact that Backloader is dynamically creating folders to put the images in and they are not included in the project even though they are in the file structure. So since they are not part of the project they are not being returned in the get request. Its not until you rebuild that they are recognized as part of the project.
Is there a way to dynamically include new files in the project without rebuilding?
Please help. This is killing me.
Ok this is solved. Had to remove filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute()) from my global filters and then add [Authorize] to each controller and it worked.

Getting initial content into an app on installation

I'm making an iOS app that will have updatable content, and I want to include some initial content with the app installation. Knowing content placed in the main bundle can't be modified, where should I store this initial content, and how could I get it there, short of downloading it on initial launch?
Content in the main bundle can't be modified, but it can certainly be copied to your user's documents folder and used from there. In your -applicationDidFinishLaunching: or similar on-startup method, you can:
Get the path to the desired documents folder/file
Check if any of your downloaded content already exists at that path
If not, copy your special resource from the main bundle to the documents folder
If so, just keep going - you already have content
Continue by downloading updates or whatever else your app needs from the network
