Numeric Keypad and the text input is not visible in iOS screenshot - ios

I have set the passwordTF.secureTextEntry = true and everything is working fine the UITextField is getting masked . But I see that if take a screenshot with the numeric keypad and masked input then the screenshot doesn't contains any keypad or text. Everything is blank . Is it the security feature of iOS for secureTextEntry ?
I tried to search but could not find any specific documents and I am using iOS 14.6

Sorry for being late actually I found out that it is a security feature which is in action since iOS 13 itself so if you have a keyboard which is numeric and in case you have a text field with secure text masking on then the screenshot captured will not show the keyboard or the textfield contents
Apple Discussion 1
Apple Discussion 2


How can I get the current SIM number in iPhone?

I know that unlike the operator name and the country code, it's not possible to get the user's phone number in iOS programmatically (at least not with publicly available APIs).
But I have just tried the app Lyft and it is autosuggesting my current phone number. I want to know how this app is doing that.
The phone number suggestion appearing above the keyboard is a built-in iOS feature and it works if a Text Content Type is set for a UITextField.
Since iOS 10, you can provide a content type for your inputs. iOS then will recommend autofill options for the given content type.
You can set up a content type...
in Interface Builder by navigating to the Text Input Traits section of the Attributes inspector (the fourth icon from the right in the top sidebar):
...or programmatically with:
textField.textContentType = .telephoneNumber

Is there a way around Apple's UITextField Emoji bug?

So, Apple has a bug right now where if you type an Emoji into a UITextField, it will shift the text down. In fact, if you type enough emojis and then backspace, it'll shift the text even further down from where it was supposed to be. I confirmed this by trying UITextFields in Twitter, Snapchat and other apps.
Here is a video of my app displaying the bug.
Use this: textField.clipsToBounds = false
It prevents the textField to move when editing. Even when you try to edit it again.
(Tested on iPhone 6, iOS 10.0)
I don't think their would be a way around this, as it just seems that the emoji is changing the margin of the text inside of the UITextField.

iOS 10 XCode 8 - secure text field, bug?

I updated my app from Xcode 7 to Xcode 8 and now I am facing a problem with my password input field.When the password is longer than the provided field, my app freezes and starts to consume memory until it crashes.Fun fact, it just happens when I set the text to "secure text".My field is vertically centered and has a fixed width (not sure if thats imporant), and when my password is longer than the number of characters, the input field can take (and where it should move to the left) I get the crash.
Did anybody experience smt like that?(as I said I just updated to a newer XCode - running on a 10.0.2 real device, didnt have that problem on the old one ...)
Yes, it is a bug.
Bug is like :
An app can freeze when a user types a large password into a textfield that tries to scale down the text to fit.
Check it :
Possible solution :
change the secure password character in UITextfield
Secure UITextField text change to (*) asterisk character

kasra not displayed on iOS

When I write arabic text containing the letter kasra (unicode character 0x650, phonetic equivalent i) to a button, the kasra is not displayed. Thus, the word mumkin appears as mumkn. If I inspect the NSString in Xcode, the kasra is present, but the kasra is not displayed in the iPhone simulator or on a real iPad. The other two short vowels (fatha and damma) are displayed correctly.
The arabic letter kasra (unicode character 0x650) is missing from all of the built-in IOS7 fonts that i have tried.
The solution was to build a different font into my app- I used AGA-Rasheeq-Bold.
This may be a bug. I just tried it in the storyboard editor and it does not seem to work. I created a string in the MAC Notes application, copied and pasted. It displays correctly in the left hand properties panel, but not in the button itself. Could you provide the exact Unicode string? You may need to open a bug report with Apple.
I can confirm that it works correctly in a Label field, but not a Button (IOS 6.1 and Xcode 4.6.3)
Try attributed text. This seems to work around the issue.

Can the iOS keyboard be programmed not to automatically insert a period for two spaces?

On the iOS platform, I have a UITextField where I am using the ASCII keyboard layout. I notice (like the keyboard works in other apps) that when I type space + space, a period '.' is inserted into the text field. This is all normal iOS stuff...
But can I configure the text field or the keyboard somehow so that this "two spaces == period" behavior is turned off?
One possible solution (albeit not a perfect one) has been posted here ...
