Vaadin 14 - Grid Column Header Formatting - vaadin

I have some special characters in some of my column headers, such as "-" and "*". When these column names are rendered in the Grid, they include a space before and after the sequence.
In other words, if my original string was "CUR-A1" then it would be displayed as "CU R- A1" instead.
Is there any way to disable this kind of auto-formatting?

This turned out to be a pretty simple fix - I was using SharedUtil.camelCaseToHumanFriendly(header) for each header, which introduced the strange formatting.


Extract substring after '-' character in Google Sheets

I am using the following formula to extract the substring venue01 from column C, the problem is that when value string in column C is shorter it only extracts the value 1 I need it to extract anything straight after the - (dash) no matter the length of the value text in column c
There is a much simpler solution using regular expressions.
In case you are no familiar with Regular Expressions what this means is, get me every string of characters ((.*)) after a dash (-).
Test regular expressions
Cheat sheet for regular expressions
To answer bomberjackets question in the comment of Raserhin:
To select the part of the string before the "-"
example of code
Adding to your original formula. I think if you'd use RIGHT and inside it reverse the order of the string with ARRAY then that may work.
It takes string from the right side up to X number of characters.
Number of character is fetched from reversing the text, then finding
the dash "-".
It adds one more +1 of the text as it will take out so it accounts
for the dash itself, if no +1 is added, it will show the dash on
the extracted string.
The REGEX on the other answer works great too, however, you can control a number of character to over or under trim. E.g. if there is a space after the dash and you would like to always account for one more char.

How to trim starting spaces of entire column in LibreOffice or Google sheets?

I'm a bit of a newbie at this, so hope to get some help.
I have a large spreadsheet where columns C and D each have a blank space before the data in each column. Can some one please explain me how to trim an entire column to remove starting spaces in LibreOffice of Google Spreadsheets
In LibreOffice:
1. Select the cells you want to change
2. Edit -> Find & Replace
3. Find: ^\s+
4. Replace:
5. Other Options - Regular expressions: ON
6. Other Options - Current selection only: ON
7. Click Replace All
In Google Sheets, I would do the following.
First, enter the formula =arrayformula(trim(C:D)) in some cell of the first row, for example E1. It will fill two columns (E and F) with trimmed values (removing spaces at the beginning and end of each string).
Then copy the contents of columns E-F and paste values only in C-D; this is done with Ctrl-Shift-V, or by selecting "paste special -> values only" from the context manu.
In LibreOffice you can trim all spaces (beginning and end) via the "text to column" function:
Data -> "Text to Column"
Then assure the column is not being split (e.g. select tab als separator, if no tabs are present) and select "Trim spaces"
I'm sure the other answer works, but if you just need to do it once, I have an easy option. Download Sublime Text or some other text editor. Look for spaces at the beginning of a string (using ("^ ") without quotes should do it), and erase them.
Text editors are really helpful for normalizing data like this when you don't need updates in the future.

Google spreadsheet text length validation

I am working on Google spreadsheet. I am trying to make a validation rule on the text length.
For example the text length must be equal to 12 characters which includes number, on dash and one capital character.
I tried to search in google groups but no result! can you help in this please
You can use Data > Validation > Custom Formula is
=REGEXMATCH(B3, "^(?=.{12}$)(?=(^[^A-Z]*[A-Z]{1}[^A-Z]*$))(?=(^[^-]*[-]{1}[^-]*$)).*")
I'm not an expert on Regex so this may be a bit over the top, but it appears to work:
Debuggex Demo
This allows any string with exactly 12 characters, 1 upper case letter and 1 dash.
EDIT: The (Lookahead) Regex doesn't seem to work in Spreadsheets (see comment)
EDIT2: Using a custom function like the following seems to work, but only if you use warnings (instead of rejections) for some reason (bug?)
function test(myString) {
return myString.match("^(?=.{12}$)(?=(^[^A-Z]*[A-Z]{1}[^A-Z]*$))(?=(^[^-]*[-]{1}[^-]*$)).*")!=null;

Google new spreadsheet Split() function bug?

try this.
in cell A1 10/8/2013 Mike1, 2013, 0
now Split(A1,",")
now change A1 and add a colon 10/8/2013 Mike:1, 2013, 0
Split(A1,",") ... notice how Mike:1 is gone. Bug?
I need to split something with a colon in it and it is chopping off part of the text
The problem is that "10/8/2013 Mike:1" is interpreted as a date, it seems to be something like: "dd/mm/yyyy hhhh:mm". (if you change the display of the first cell to raw text you'll see he is giving you a number: 41496).
try this formula:
in a easier way: As I suppose you can't change the way it's displayed, the possible workaround that I see here is to first split around the ":", then split with the "," and then join the two first elements.
I can't reproduce this issue, either with function SPLIT or with Split text into columns... and with or without formatting as dd/mm/yyyy hhhh:mm.
Select A1, Data > Split text into columns... is all that is required.

extract number from cell in openoffice calc

I have a column in open office like this:
Now, I need to get only the sum of the numbers 23, 32 and 1 using a formula and regular expressions in calc.
How do I do that?
I tried
But somehow this does not work.
Starting with LibreOffice 6.4, you can use the newly added REGEX function to generically extract all numbers from a cell / text using a regular expression:
Replace A1 with the cell-reference you want to extract numbers from.
Explanation of REGEX function arguments:
Arguments are separated by a semicolon ;
A1: Value to extract numbers from. Can be a cell-reference (like A1) or a quoted text value (like "123abc"). The following regular expression will be applied to this cell / text.
"[^[:digit:]]": Match every character which is not a decimal digit. See also list of regular expressions in LibreOffice
The outer square brackets [] encapsulate the list of characters to search for
^ adds a NOT, meaning that every character not included in the search list is matched
[:digit:] represents any decimal digit
"": replace matching characters (every non-digit) with nothing = remove them
"g": replace all matches (don't stop after the first non-digit character)
Unfortunately Libre-Office only supports regex in find/replace and in search.
If this is a once-only deal, I would copy column A to column to B, then use [data] [text to columns] in B and use the - as a separator, leaving you with all the text in column B and the numbers in column C.
Alternatively, you could use =Right(A1,find("-",A1,1)+1) in column B, then sum Column C.
I think that this is not exactly what do you want, but maybe it can help you or others.
It is all about substring (in Calc called [MID][1] function):
First: Choose your cell (for example with "abc-23" content).
Secondly: Enter the start length ("british" --> start length 4 = tish).
After that: To print all remaining text, you can use the [LEN][2] function (known as length) with your cell ("abc-23") in parameter.
Code now looks like this:
=MID(D15; 5; LEN(D15))
And the output is: 23
When you edit numbers (in this example 23), no problem. However, if you change anything before (text "abc-"), the algorithm collapses because the start length is defined to "5".
Paste the string in a cell, open search and replace dialog (ctrl + f) extended search option mark regular expression search for ([\s,0-9])([^0-9\s])+ and replace it with $1
adjust regex to your needs
I didn't figure out how to do this in OpenOffice/LibreOffice directly. After frustrations in searching online and trying various formulas, I realised my sheet was a simple CSV format, so I opened it up in vim and used vim's built-in sed-like feature to find/replace the text in vim command mode:
This only worked for me because there were no other columns with this matching text. If there are other columns with the same text, then the solution would be a bit more complex.
If your sheet is not a CSV, you could copy the column out to a text file and use vim to find/replace, and then paste the data back into the spreadsheet. For me, this was a lot less frustrating than trying to figure this out in LibreOffice...
I won't bother with a solution without knowing if there really is interest, but, you could write a macro to do this. Extract all the numbers and then implement the sum by checking for contained numbers in the text.
