I build my project with Electron. Its run on Nodejs. I compile this project with Electron-Packager. It's run, but when i move compiled folder, project won't run I get some path errors.
export function getSafeWPPath(): string {
let home = app.getPath('home');
home = path.resolve(home, ".SafeWP");
if (!fs.existsSync(home)) {
return home;
I get
Uncaught Exception:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolve' of undefined
at getSafeWPPath
enter image description here
its becuase it cannot find a path module. make sure you have added 'path' to dependencies instead of dev dependencies.
Use case: I have a dependency that falls back to a subproject:
src/meson.build contains:
mylib_dep = dependency('mylib') # Searches for mylib with pkg-config then fall backs to mylib.wrap.
myexec_exe = executable ('myexec', 'myexec.c', dependencies : mylib_dep)
Dependency mylib_dep provides libraries, which, if not installed on the system, make the main executable of my project unusable:
$ meson build && cd build && meson compile src/my_exec
$ src/my_exec
src/my_exec: error while loading shared libraries: libmylib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
My testing script build/tests/mytests.sh is configure_filed from tests/mytests.sh.in to indicate the location of myexec, and I'd like to pass to it the library paths, so that it can adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run the executable. For instance, in tests/meson.build:
conf_data = configuration_data ()
conf_data.set_quoted ('MYEXEC_PATH', myexec_exe.full_path ())
conf_data.set_quoted ('MYLIB_PATH', mylib_dep.??????)
mytest_exe = configure_file (input : 'mytests.sh.in', output : 'mytests.sh', configuration : conf_data)
and in tests/mytests.sh.in:
Question: What should go at the ?????? above? In other words, given a dependency object, how can I extract the libraries within it, and get their full paths?
Usually in meson you wouldn't configure_file this, you'd pass the library/executable(s) to the script as arguments in the test command:
args : [executable_target, library_target, ...],
It can be frustrating trying to get this sort of info out of Meson. Fortunately, if Meson used CMake to find the dependency, you may be able to get the library path from the underlying CMake variables, which are available in the Meson dependency object. Eg, something along the following lines worked for me:
mylib_dep = dependency('mylib')
if mylib_dep.found()
mylib_path = mylib_dep.get_variable(default_value : '', cmake : 'PACKAGE_LIBRARIES')
message('Library path is:', mylib_path)
I tried to reinstall bazel, so i deleted all the bazel files in the .cache in my home directory.
After i reinstall bazel using the steps provided on the official website, it always returned me error when i tried to compile something.
the error message is:
ERROR:/home/user/..cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/ios_rules.bzl:164:9: name 'coverage_common' is not defined
ERROR: /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/testing/apple_test_bundle_support.bzl:303:9: name 'coverage_common' is not defined
ERROR: Skipping ':all': while parsing ':all': error loading package '': in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/com_github_grpc_grpc/bazel/grpc_build_system.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/ios.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/testing/ios_rules.bzl: Extension 'apple/internal/testing/apple_test_bundle_support.bzl' has errors
ERROR: while parsing ':all': error loading package '': in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/com_github_grpc_grpc/bazel/grpc_build_system.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/ios.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/testing/ios_rules.bzl: Extension 'apple/internal/testing/apple_test_bundle_support.bzl' has errors
How can i fix these errors?
I am trying to use bazel as build system.
My project looks like this:
a static library which contains a bunch of classes and functions
a dynamic library (so/dll) using the same code as the static library (need to have it because of windows, cc_library rule does not automatically build a dll on windows)
a cc_test rule which build an executable. it contains unit tests based on google test framework
It works when running on Windows and Linux.
The test rule fails when trying to build Android like this
bazel build //unit:unit --crosstool_top=#androidndk//:default_crosstool --cpu=armeabi-v7a
INFO: Invocation ID: b7c88128-3448-4eb7-bf25-ce8269895956 ERROR: ../yg32wcuz/external/androidndk/BUILD.bazel:39:1: in cc_toolchain_suite rule #androidndk//:toolchain-gnu-libstdcpp: cc_toolchain_suite '#androidndk//:toolchain-gnu-libstdcpp' does not contain a toolchain for cpu 'x64_windows'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//unit:unit' failed; build aborted: Analysis of target '#androidndk//:toolchain-gnu-libstdcpp' failed; build aborted
It looks like that bazel seems to have problem with cc_test and android toolchain
Is there any way to build and run an executable for android using bazel? Maybe I missed some command line arguments
tried the solution below and added a sh_test rule but it fails again
using #androidsdk//:adb and leads to the following error
ERROR: missing input file '#androidsdk//:platform-tools/adb'
ERROR: unit/BUILD:61:1: //unit:unit_android: missing input file '#androidsdk//:platform-tools/adb' Target //unit:unit_android failed to build
ERROR: unit/BUILD:61:1 1 input file(s) do not exist
I also need to use $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb to get the adb binary. external/androidsdk/platform-tools/adb does not work. my BUILD file is in a sub folder of the workspace, maybe this is the issue.
removing #androidsdk//:adb fixes this error. there are some adjustments needed in sh_test rule like:
name = "unit_android",
srcs = ["unit_android.sh"],
data = [
deps = [
"#bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", # to access the manifest
using runfiles dependency allows me to access the binary via $(rlocation ..) in shell script. but now there seems to be another issue:
when using 'bazel run':
It looks like that bazel is trying to upload the file to msys shell (i am using windows) and not to the device:
adb: error: failed to copy '.../_bazel_exb_a/yg32wcuz/execroot/test/bazel-out/armeabi-v7a-fastbuild/bin/unit/unit' to 'C:/Development/msys2/data/local/tmp/unit'
when using 'bazel test':
it just states an error and the content of test log is
unknown parameter - /users
Edit 2:
WORKSPACE file about android sdk/ndk
name = "androidndk", # Required. Name *must* be "androidndk".
api_level = 26
name = "androidsdk", # Required. Name *must* be "androidsdk".
api_level = 26
In both case I assume env var ANDROID_NDK_HOME (points to ndk), ANDROID_SDK_HOME (points to sdk) and ANDROID_HOME (points to sdk) are set. I also checked the external dir, sdk is in there. Removing "#androidsdk//:adb" seem to work but the bazel shell environment now tries to add a prefix before "/data/local/tmp" and tries to upload to a non existing folder.
forget about the issue with "/users" (windows path issue ...)
--crosstool_top by itself sets both the target and host crosstool, so you may just need to set --host_crosstool_top back to the default: --host_crosstool_top=#bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain
Running the test on a device is unfortunately not supported out of the box by bazel test. There needs to be some test runner that knows how to put the test on the device, run it, and collect the results. A very simple version of that might look like:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Test always passes.
// Return non-zero for test failure.
return 0;
# The test requires a running emulator or connected device.
# The name of the cc_test binary can be passed in using the
# args attribute of sh_test to make this script generic.
$adb push example_test /data/local/tmp
# adb shell returns the exit code of the command
# that was executed, and the exit code of the
# test shell script determines if the sh_test target
# passes or fails.
$adb shell "/data/local/tmp/example_test"
name = "example_test",
srcs = ["test.cc"],
linkopts = ["-pie"],
linkstatic = 1,
name = "example_android_cc_test",
srcs = ["example_android_cc_test.sh"],
data = [
Note that this approach is not hermetic because it relies on an emulator to already be running, or a device to be already connected. It's possible to start an emulator as part of the test, but that's more involved.
we are trying to create a Scala project which uses Spark also but we are facing issue Encountered error while reading extension file 'intellij_info_bundled.bzl': no such package '#intellij_aspect//': No WORKSPACE file found in C:/users//_bazel_user/i45wuf6d/external/intellij_aspect. Is it has something missing in Intellij?
Scala file
package src.main.scala
object HelloWorld extends App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello, world!")
Build file
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library", "scala_test")
name = "hello-world",
srcs = glob(["src/main/scala/*.scala"]),
name = "Hello_test",
srcs = glob(["src/main/scala/*.scala"]),
size = "small", # Expect this test to run quickly
Work Space
workspace(name = "scala_example")
rules_scala_version="7522c866450cf7810eda443e91ff44d2a2286ba1" # update this as needed
name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala/archive/%s.zip"%rules_scala_version,
type = "zip",
strip_prefix= "rules_scala-%s" % rules_scala_version
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories")
scala_repositories()`enter code here`
# register default scala toolchain
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains")
Command and Error from console
Command: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\bazel.exe build --tool_tag=ijwb:IDEA:community --keep_going --curses=no --color=yes --experimental_ui=no --progress_in_terminal_title=no --aspects=#intellij_aspect//:intellij_info_bundled.bzl%intellij_info_aspect --override_repository=intellij_aspect=C:\Users\ADMIN.IdeaIC2017.3\config\plugins\ijwb\aspect --output_groups=intellij-compile-java,intellij-compile-py -- //...:all
INFO: Loading complete. Analyzing...
ERROR: Encountered error while reading extension file 'intellij_info_bundled.bzl': no such package '#intellij_aspect//': No WORKSPACE file found in C:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_sandhya/criyrv6d/external/intellij_aspect.
INFO: Found 3 targets...
WARNING: failed to create one or more convenience symlinks for prefix 'bazel-':
cannot create symbolic link bazel-out -> C:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_sandhya/criyrv6d/execroot/scala_example/bazel-out: Cannot create junction (name=C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, target=C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file-jni.cc(86): nativeCreateJunction(C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file.cc(128): CreateJunction(\?\C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out): Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
cannot create symbolic link bazel-out -> C:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp/_bazel_sandhya/criyrv6d/execroot/scala_example/bazel-out: Cannot create junction (name=C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, target=C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file-jni.cc(86): nativeCreateJunction(C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out, C:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp_bazel_sandhya\criyrv6d\execroot\scala_example\bazel-out): ERROR: src/main/native/windows/file.cc(128): CreateJunction(\?\C:\users\admin\scalaprojects\example1\bazel-out): Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
INFO: Building...
ERROR: command succeeded, but not all targets were analyzed.
INFO: Elapsed time: 18.108s, Critical Path: 0.05s
Make failed
This is a sample Helloworld program only
In general, like #Ittai, I would suggest you open an issue in the intellij plugin github repo.
Unfortunately, your version of the plugin is no longer supported. I, too, previously ran into an issue with an older version of the plugin and was recommended to upgrade to the latest version. Which resolved the specific issue I was facing.
When reporting the issue make sure to include the following bits of information:
intellij build number
plugin version number
rules_scala version
operating system (it seems your using Windows, while most users use unix based systems)
bazel release number
how you have opened the intellij project (BUILD file, WORKSPACE, .blazeproject)
Additionally, to verify this is in fact an issue with the plugin, I would also suggest you try to reproduce this issue on a Unix based system. It seems you are using Intellij
compile on Windows. This may be Windows specific issue with aspects not being recognized.
When attempting to reproduce, make sure to clone your repository in a separate directory, close the intellij project, and reopen the project
I would like to:
use the Frege programming language to write a simple "Hello World" piece of code,
then using the Frege compiler generating the equivalent Java source code,
then building an executable Jar file to run from the command line,
all the previous steps should be "controlled" by Gradle.
I am able to generate the source code (items 1. and 2. from the previous list), but I am not able to specify a "package" structure of the Java source code in output, i.e. I can not see the package Java statement as the first line of code in the generate Java source code. I can specify to the Frege compiler where to put the generated code though (via the -d argument).
I think this is the reason why when building an executable Jar, then launching it, I am seeing similar errors (according to different attempts on Gradle tasks) e.g.: no main manifest attribute.
The Frege source code is saved in a file named HelloFrege.fr, the generated Java source code is in a file named HelloFrege.java (I verified the file contains the expected main method).
Here there's a version of the Gradle "Jar task":
//create a single Jar with all dependencies
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
manifest {
attributes 'Implementation-Title': 'Hello Frege Jar Example',
'Implementation-Version': version,
'Main-Class': 'HelloFrege'
baseName = project.name + '-all'
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
with jar
Here there's another version of the Gradle "Jar" task:
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'HelloFrege'
How can I solve this problem? I would like to avoid to manually add the package reference to the automatically generated Java source code file.
If your module name in Frege is unqualified such as HelloWorld, you will not see the package statement generated in Java. The module name will become the class name and the package will be empty or default package.
If your module name is qualified such as foo.bar.HelloWorld, then foo.bar will be the package name and HelloWorld will be the class name in the generated Java source.
The rule is that the last part of the module name becomes the class name and the qualifiers form the package name in the generated Java source.
I am not sure what gradle can do for you in this regard, but without gradle, the following should at least be possible:
... build your jar, as before ...
jar -uvfe project-all.jar HelloFrege
java -jar project-all.jar # run it
This, of course, is just another way to create a manifest. If this works, then it would be time to investigate why gradle refuses to do it.
Postscriptum: After thinking another minute about what the problem might be, it occurs to me that you may think that the source file name/path has anything to do with the java package name. This is not so in Frege, though it is good practice to have the file path match the package name, and the file base name match the class name (just like in Java). In addition, to remove some confusion, use the module keyword in frege. As explained by Marimuthu, the Java package and class name is derived from the frege module name.
$ cat Foo.fr
module my.org.Baz where
$ java -jar fregec.jar -d bin Foo.fr
This generates the Baz class in package my.org, and creates the class file in bin/my/org/Baz.class
I am posting here my findings so far. The combination of Gradle commands that works for me is the following one (calling it from the command line typing gradle clean generateJavaSrcFromFregeSrc fatJar):
task generateJavaSrcFromFregeSrc {
ant.java(jar:"lib/frege3.21.586-g026e8d7.jar",fork:true) {
arg(value: "-j") // do not run the java compiler
arg(value: "-d")
arg(value: "src/main/java") // the place where to put the generated source code (paired to the -d argument)
arg(value: "src/main/frege/HelloFrege.fr")
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'org.wathever.HelloFrege'
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
from files(sourceSets.main.output.classesDir)
from files(sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir)
//from {configurations.compile.collect {zipTree(it)}} // this does not include the autogenerated source code
baseName = project.name + '-fatJar'
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
with jar
The manifest details need to be specified in the jar block of code, if I specify them in the task fatJar then when running the jar I get no main manifest attribute, in [...].
If I use just the block of code jar with the property from("$projectDir") { include 'lib/**'} to include the Frege jar, then I get errors like java.lang.ClassNotFoundException (I think because the Jar is included as it is and not as a set of .class files).
The folder src/main/java/org/wathever needs to be there before running Gradle (additional info: the Maven convention prefix src/main/java with as a suffix the "Java package" as specified inside the HelloFrege.fr source code: module org.wathever.HelloFrege where)
Some useful details I found:
How to build a fat Jar
Another how to build a fat Jar
An "Hello Frege" example without the Gradle management
The Gradle documentation on how to use the Jar task