UE4 Is anyone know why the 4.26.2 ARKit for some devices keeps black? - ios

Is anyone know why UE4.26.2 ARkit for some devices will always keeps black?
I use the Default AR project to test it, for some device with project build from UE4.26.2, the Camera will keeps black, but it can actually detect& tracking the plane, just can't display.
Same project build from UE4.25 for same devices, all works good, is anyone know why this happened?
I'm going to check the source code about the Apple ARKit.
Any hint will be appreciated, thanks in advances!

I finally figure it out with the UE4.26.2 source engine, there are two steps:
Copy the ARkitCameraMaterial from UE4.25 to AppleARKit content folder
Inside "AppleARKitVideoOVerlay.cpp", change the OverlayMaterialPath to the path that "ARKitCameraMaterial" located, then it works on my case
By the way, don't change & re-apply this material, cause there is a function depreciated by UE4.26, but this way takes some time cause need build the source engine, hope it can help you guys!


SKAction playSoundFileNamed Not Playing Sound on Physical iPad

I am currently on Whack-A-Penguin (Project 14) of Hacking with Swift. I am trying to get the sound to work, but I am unsure of why it is not working. There is no error code that comes up in debugger, which makes it hard to understand what is going wrong...
I am testing on a physical iPad with the sound settings on. Below is a snapshot of where i have placed the files and how the soundfile is being called in my code. Not sure what the issue is...Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Image of my file directory and code snippet
When you select your sound file in XCode, access the inspector on the right side, then make sure the file is selected for your target(s).
Screenshot from Xcode showing where to do this

Why in iOS Framework, xctest is always red colour?

I'm trying to make a new framework to use in my other project. I know if it is red colour means can not find to the path of the file. But this not a file I created!
What I don't understand is why my new framework with pretty much nothing inside is always red colour. I even run test cases (default). I appreciate if anyone can help me to fix this:
No, Scheme(not schema) is different from Target. Check out this thread for better understanding Xcode: What is a target and scheme in plain language?
To solve your issue, click on the WSBandKit framework icon on top left section(adjacent to iPad2 simulator icon); and select editScheme option from drop down. You will be presented with a new screen with some option. Go to Build option and tick the option of Run for your test target. Close the screen and Build the framework for Device.
Check the image for reference. Initially the Run option will be unchecked for test target that you have to check.

iPhone-AR toolkit - Does not update points on the radar when device starts moving

I have implemented the iPhone-AR toolkit app found in this link.
I want to re plot the radar points everytime device starts moving i.e. Everytime the current lat long values change, the existing set of values should change their position on the radar . But it does not move the points present on the radar. Can anyone tell me where I have to change to implement this?
You can try Calonso's ar-kit project which is similar to yours since they are both forked from same repository: https://github.com/calonso/ios-arkit

iOS UI Automated Testing: How to pull down, drag or scroll in a CollectionView?

I am testing my app with the UI Automated Testing framework. I have a UIACollectionView I would like to pull down or drag my CollectionView. I already tried the ways from the documentation:
to drag up
target.dragInsideWithOptions({startOffset:{x:0.5, y:0.9}, endOffset:{x:0.5, y:0.2}, duration:2.0});
or to pull down:
target.dragInsideWithOptions({startOffset:{x:0.5, y:0.3}, endOffset:{x:0.5, y:0.8}, duration:2.0});
when this didnt work I tried to use the inheritated methods of the UIAScrollView. chatList is my UIACollectionView
archivedChatCell = chatList.cells()["Noise"]
archivedChatCell.scrollToElementWithValueForKey(1, "isVisible")
But nothing is moving in the screen. I read in some threads that this (dragInsideWithOptions) is a Apple problem that needs to be fixed for the iOS7 UI Testing.
Does someone have any idea what the problem is? Am I missing something or is there a work around for that?
The weird thing is, I am using the same code in a different CollectionView in my App, the dragInsideWithOptions works fine and drags or pulls the screen.
thank you
Yes, dragInsideWithOptions and flickInsideWithOptions are not working on the simulator. However, they do work on a real device. Therefore, my suggestion is to use a real device until Apple fixes the problem.

No code highlights in fx:Script of flash builder 4.5

It seems all codes inside fx:Script blocks are black with no highlights. That's pretty inconvenient. Can anyone please let me know how to turn it on? Thanks!
First check that the active perspective is "Flash".
Then Window->Preferences. On the left side of the window expand Flash Builder->Editors->Syntax Coloring. On the right side you can set the colors for ActionsScript, CSS and MXML.
If after tinkering around you cannot fix the problem try to delete the "Adobe Flash Builder 4.5" folder located in the user's folder.
Hope this helps
Problem solved. I was using two different namespaces in Application and Module. It's "adobe.com/2006/mxml"; in mx:Application and "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" in mx:Module. After the namespace in mx:Application was made consistent with the one from mx:Module, all syntax are highlighted correctly.
