iPhone-AR toolkit - Does not update points on the radar when device starts moving - ios

I have implemented the iPhone-AR toolkit app found in this link.
I want to re plot the radar points everytime device starts moving i.e. Everytime the current lat long values change, the existing set of values should change their position on the radar . But it does not move the points present on the radar. Can anyone tell me where I have to change to implement this?

You can try Calonso's ar-kit project which is similar to yours since they are both forked from same repository: https://github.com/calonso/ios-arkit


UE4 Is anyone know why the 4.26.2 ARKit for some devices keeps black?

Is anyone know why UE4.26.2 ARkit for some devices will always keeps black?
I use the Default AR project to test it, for some device with project build from UE4.26.2, the Camera will keeps black, but it can actually detect& tracking the plane, just can't display.
Same project build from UE4.25 for same devices, all works good, is anyone know why this happened?
I'm going to check the source code about the Apple ARKit.
Any hint will be appreciated, thanks in advances!
I finally figure it out with the UE4.26.2 source engine, there are two steps:
Copy the ARkitCameraMaterial from UE4.25 to AppleARKit content folder
Inside "AppleARKitVideoOVerlay.cpp", change the OverlayMaterialPath to the path that "ARKitCameraMaterial" located, then it works on my case
By the way, don't change & re-apply this material, cause there is a function depreciated by UE4.26, but this way takes some time cause need build the source engine, hope it can help you guys!

Here Map SDK IOS (Premium) tap on the marker

Good afternoon, who once worked with heremap sdk premium for ios. How do I make it possible to click on the NMAMapMarker? What they have written in the documentation does not describe it, but maybe I'm wrong.
there are different option available for NMAMapMarker to use.
This represents a marker used to display an icon on a geographical position on a map. The map handles proper placement of icons on the screen as well as panning and rotation.
Check for more details : https://developer.here.com/documentation/ios-premium/3.18/api_reference_jazzy/Classes/NMAMapMarker.html#%2Fc:objc(cs)NMAMapMarker(im)initWithGeoCoordinates.
Please revert with your code implementation in case of any further concern.

AudioKit shouldOptimizeForRealtimePlot causing plot to go blank

I've got an iOS project set up in Xcode utilizing AudioKit to display a realtime plot of a chosen onboard microphone on the iOS device.
I am currently attempting to set the flag for an AKNodeOutputPlot where shouldOptimizeForRealtimePlot = true, but I've found that if I even add that line of code, whether it's set to true or false, to the project (in the ViewController the plot in which the plot is displayed, OR as a key-value in IB), the plot no longer displays.
If I remove the line of code, my plot resumes functionality as normal.
Has anyone else run into this?
My plot is setup mostly in IB, I pretty much just use the VC to set the input node and pause/resume the plot, but if you'd like to see any extra code, or a screenshot of my setup in IB, I'm happy to oblige.
Thank you for your assistance.

How to remove an arrow from Google Maps geolocation marker (iOS)?

How do you remove an arrow from Google Maps geolocation marker (iOS)?
This is an arrow I'm talking about
If you really want to remove that arrow everywhere in your app from Google Maps SDK, it might be easiest to modify asset in GoogleMaps.framework.
Just navigate (cd) to GoogleMaps.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GoogleMaps.bundle/GMSCoreResources.bundle/ and notice the following files:
If you open these files, you can notice the arrow is there. So just edit directly in the asset by replacing arrow by nothing (transparent pixels).
Note: I haven't test it myself and this is not tested solution, but I believe it should work.
Disclaimer: I'm not sure, but I think this modification might violate Terms & Conditions for using the SDK. I don't get any responsibility for such modification, it's your call...
There is no way to do this with current version of the SDK (1.9.1), and actually there is an open issue with this request: Look here.
As a work around, you can hide the default button with:
_map.myLocationEnabled = NO;
Then create a custom GMSMarker
GMSMarker *pointMarker = [GMSMarker markerWithPosition:currentPosition];
pointMarker.icon = [UIImage imageNamed:#"YourImage"];
pointMarker.map = _map;
And change the position of it using a CLLocationManager, so it always show the current position. It's a bit tricky but is the only way, I could think, that you can achieve this. If you need a more complete example let me know.

Open Flash Chart - tooltip #x_label# not showing

I'm currently playing with a bar chart implemented through Open Flash Charts (I believe version 1, might be version 2...) with PHP. Unfortunately, we're having real trouble with the tooltip not showing the correct thing. I am trying to get it to show the x-axis label for the hovered-over column, then a ":", then the value of the bar. The code is as follows:
$Colour = '#3465A4';
$BarChart= new bar();
$x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
$x = new x_axis();
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$chart->set_bg_colour( '#FFFFFF' );
$tooltip = new tooltip();
$JSONArray['my_chart_1'] = $chart->toPrettyString();
As far as I can tell, this should be correct - the bar chart appears, with the correct values (populated from $bar, whose generation is not shown above). However, the hover-over tool-tip for a column only shows ":value" - the label name is missing!
Does anyone know where we might have gone wrong, and how I can fix it?
An update for any Bounty Hunters coming in to try and answer this question. The reason I have not accepted the below answer is that it only provides a work-around, and does not explain why the work-around is necessary. I am looking either for an answer to my original question (how to make the labels show in a normal bar-chart), or a reasonable explanation regarding why one must use a stacked bar chart (including sources makes your answer so much better!). If the latter, example code or an explanation of how stacked charts are created would be much appreciated as well!
If you are happy with the simple bar visuals then use stacked bar (using it with an array of one element will draw it just like the simple bar). That one will replace #x_label# correctly.
Alternatively you can copy the missing code from Bars/Stack.as to other bar types and recompile the code.
As per: http://forums.openflashchart.com/viewtopic.php?p=7433#p7433
It's a bug in OFC2 in the latest versions (at least). I've found what is causing the issue with #x_label#, but my understanding of the code/Flash isn't good enough to know why it's happened/broken.
I've done a quick fix that I need to test some more, but it now works on bar charts. Assuming I've not broken anything else beyond repair, it'll make it's way into the next community release.
If anyone wants the source code changes before the next release let me know.
(I am currently maintaining the community releases)
