Ansible - Append local date_time to a file name - ios

Ansible Experts,
I am trying to create a play-book, that retrieves current configuration of Cisco routers and switches, then to save it to a file. I also need the file name to append with local datetime. Like ansible_date_time field in facts, i did not see any in routers/switches gather_facts data. So i tried to get this information from local host where i run ansible. As it is not included in the host inventory file, i had to add a localhost.
The problem i face is, i am successfully getting date_time from ansible_facts, however this registered value seems to be not working with filename. I am guessing it is due to the "when" statement in my tasks. Not sure.
TASK [Display Ansible date_time fact and register] *******************************************************************************************
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07EXTRT03]
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07EXTRT04]
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "2021-06-18"
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07SPN01]
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07SPN02]
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07LF01]
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07LF02]
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07LF03]
skipping: [LAB_TKYAT07LF04]
My output filename looks "LAB_TKYAT07LF01{'skip_reason': u'Conditional result was False', 'skipped': True, 'changed': False}_showrunn.txt"
connection: network_cli
gather_facts: false
hosts: LAB_ALL
name: gather facts from apps
- hardware
when: ansible_connection == 'local'
tags: linux
name: "Display Ansible date_time fact and register"
msg: "{{ }}"
when: ansible_connection == 'local'
register: currenttime
tags: linux
name: "retrieve show runn all from Nexus "
- command: show runn all
register: nexus_output
when: ansible_network_os == 'nxos'
name: "Save Nexus output to outputs folder"
content: "{{ nexus_output.stdout[0] }}"
dest: "./outputs/{{ inventory_hostname }}{{ currenttime }}_showrunn.txt"
when: ansible_network_os == 'nxos'
name: "retrieve show runn all from Routers "
- command: show runn all
register: ios_output
when: ansible_network_os == 'ios'
name: "Save IOS output to outputs folder"
content: "{{ ios_output.stdout[0] }}"
dest: "./outputs/{{ inventory_hostname }}{{ currenttime }}_showrunn.txt"
when: ansible_network_os == 'ios'

Change your second task to:
name: "Display Ansible date_time fact and register"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: yes
currenttime: "{{ }}"
tags: linux
Although you are right: this would not explain why the following task are being skipped.
You can try to figure out which value is returned for a given hosts, using the setup plugin:
ansible -m setup my-nxos-target
Note that the docs would mention some cisco.nxos.nxos or cisco.ios.ios instead.
See: ,


Ansible copy file to remote instance error

I have a Ansible playbook that run by Jenkins on server A, all it does is to copy a file folder from server A to a remote server B:
The code looks like this:
- hosts: "{{ lookup('env', 'REMOTE_HOST') }}"
any_errors_fatal: true # fail all hosts if any host fails
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
gather_facts: yes
date_time: "{{ lookup('env', 'DATE_TIME') }}"
version_main: 10.7
sql_dir: "~/code/data/sql/sql_data/{{ version_main }}"
remote_files_directory: "~/deploy/{{ version_main }}/{{ date_time }}/files"
- name: "Copy SQL files from {{ sql_dir }} to {{ remote_files_directory }} on the remote host"
become: yes
become_user: user_a
src: "{{ sql_dir }}"
dest: "{{ remote_files_directory }}"
remote_src: true
All the SQL files are on server A, under user_a's home directory: ~/code/data/sql/sql_data/{{ version_main }}, and I want to copy them to server B(REMOTE_HOST) under the same user_a's home: ~/deploy/{{ version_main }}/{{ date_time }}/files
Variables REMOTE_HOST, DATE_TIME are from Jenkins.
The error I am getting with remote_src: true is:
[0;31 fatal: [server_B]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /home/user_a/code/data/sql/sql_data/10.7/ not found"}
If I set remote_src: false, I get this error:
[0;31 fatal: [server_B]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not find or access '~/code/data/sql/sql_data/10.7' on the Ansible Controller. If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option"}
I even added the delegate_to: "{{ lookup('env', 'DEPLOY_DATAMONTH_HOST') }}" and it does not make any differences.
Somehow it can not figure out the source file folder on server A which is where the Ansible and Jenkins run.
This is the Ansible version I have on server A.
ansible --version
ansible [core 2.13.7]
Usser jenkins can not access /home/user_a/code/data/sql/sql_data/10.7/ directly, but jenkins can sudo su - user_a, so I think
become: yes
become_user: user_a
should have helped.
What am I still missing?
I believe that defining this at the host level with the following code block:
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
takes priority over your attempt to become user_a in the tasks with the following code block:
become: yes
become_user: user_a

How do Docker Swarm Workers Do Self Check?

I am having trouble checking if a docker swarm worker node has already joined a swarm on Ansible.
- name: Check if Worker has already joined
shell: docker node ls
register: swarm_status
ignore_errors: true
- name: Join Swarm
shell: shell: docker swarm join --token {{ hostvars[groups['leader'][0]]['worker_token']['stdout'] }} {{ hostvars[groups['leader'][0]]['ec2_public_ip']['stdout'] }}:2377
when: swarm_status.rc != 0
run_once: true
This doesn't work as swarm_status will always display error as worker cannot inspect self.
Edit: You can check from a manager node with docker_node_info. Debug the json file to find the information you need:
- name: Docker Node Info
name: worker
register: worker_status
- name: Debug
msg: "{{ worker_status }}"
Next, use json query to filter out the results using jmespath
- name:
msg: "{{ worker_status | json_query('nodes[*].Spec.Role')}}"

How to force Ansible to recreate a docker container if mounted files have changed

I'm trying to get Ansible to recreate an existing docker container in case one of the mounted files have changed. I tried to use docker_containerto remove the container, if it exists and any file has changed, before I deploy it using docker_stack and a compose file. Here is the code:
- name: Template configuration files to destination
register: template_files_result
- name: Get docker container name
shell: "docker ps -f 'name=some_name' -q"
register: container_id
- name: Remove container
name: container_id.stdout
force_kill: yes
state: absent
files_changed: "{{ template_files_result | json_query('results[*].changed') }}"
when: container_id.stdout and files_changed is any
- name: Deploy
state: present
name: stack_name
- "compose.yml"
with_registry_auth: true
However, the Remove container task never does anything and I can't figure out why.
What am I missing?

ansible jenkins_plugins mdule : error when playing again a playbook : Jenkins Home not found

I have a problem with the jenkins_plugins module.
Within a playbook that pull a jenkins docker image (jenkins/jenkins:lts-alpine) and runs it to install the instance and configure it, I have a task that installs a list of plugins on an instance, which is :
- name: Install plugins
owner: "{{ jenkins_process_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_process_group }}"
name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
timeout: 120
url: "http://{{ jenkins_hostname }}:{{ jenkins_http_port }}{{ jenkins_url_prefix }}"
url_username: "{{ jenkins_admin_name }}"
url_password: "{{ jenkins_admin_password }}"
with_dependencies: yes
loop: "{{ jenkinsPlugins }}"
register: pluginResult
until: not pluginResult.failed
retries: 5
notify: restart_image
become: True
become_user: "{{ jenkins_process_user }}"
It works correctly when the playbook is run for the first time.
All plugins are installed, and possibly retried in case of problem.
But, when I relaunch exactly the same playbook, Each and every plugin installation is retried up to the max nbr of retry and fails with (for example):
failed: [devEnv] (item=blueocean) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "attempts": 5, "changed": false, "item": "blueocean", "msg": "Jenkins home directory doesn't exist."}
For sure, I have verified that the jenkins home directory actually exists and has the awaited "{{ jenkins_process_user }}" and
"{{ jenkins_process_group }}" owner and group, which is jenkins:jenkins.
Note that the docker container is bound to a local directory which belongs to jenkins:jenkins. To be sure uid and gid are the same on the local machine (a VM created with vagrant) and on the container, the uid:gid are forced to 1001:1001 when starting the container.
I also have checked that it actually the case.
I really cannot explain why I get this error, which clearly makes this playbook not idempotent !
I know that there is a way to install plugins via a shell script provided by Jenkins, but I'd like to stick with ansible playbook as far as possible.
For sure, I can give the whole playbook if you need additional information.
Thanks for your help.
Ok, I understand the problem.
Reading again the jenkins_plugins documentation, and looking at the jenkins_plugins module code, I found that installation and check already installed plugin version do not run the same code (two different alternatives of a test).
And the second one needs **JENKINS_HOME** to be defined, which is optional (defaults to /var/lib/jenkins) on the module parameters. I did not set it.
Well, it is actually /var/lib/jenkins on the container, but not on the docker controler machine, which is the ansible playbook target where it is /home/jenkins/jenkins_home.
So... This question is closed, unless someone has an additional information to give. You're welcome !
Best Regards.

k8s with kubespray fails at dns config

My k8s with kubespray always bails out at the following error
"Too many nameservers. You can relax this check by set docker_dns_servers_strict=no and we will only use the first 3
In my cluster.yml I have this under - hosts
- docker_dns_servers_strict: no but I still get the error.
What am I missing?
For me, it worked with adding -e 'docker_dns_servers_strict=no':
ansible-playbook -i ../inventories/kubernetes.yaml --become --become-user=root cluster.yml -e 'docker_dns_servers_strict=no'
As explained here, check the format of your yaml file.
Here is one example:
- hosts: k8s-cluster:etcd:calico-rr
any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
- docker_dns_servers_strict: no
- { role: kubespray-defaults}
- { role: kernel-upgrade, tags: kernel-upgrade, when: kernel_upgrade is defined and kernel_upgrade }
- { role: kubernetes/preinstall, tags: preinstall }
- { role: docker, tags: docker }
- role: rkt
tags: rkt
when: "'rkt' in [etcd_deployment_type, kubelet_deployment_type, vault_deployment_type]"
As mentioned in this issue:
This usually happens if you configure one set of dns servers on the servers before you run the kubespray role.
In my case I added docker_dns_servers_strict: false in the all.yaml file. It's solved my problem.
below worked for my installation by trimming the nameserver to max 6
added it in roles/container-engine/docker/tasks/set_facts_dns.yml
just below trim the nameserver
- name: rtrim number of numbers of search domain to 6
docker_dns_search_domains: "{{ docker_dns_search_domains[0:6] }}"
when: docker_dns_search_domains|length > 6
