Getting details of other columns from active record joins - ruby-on-rails

I have following join where I am getting Review tables all columns but I need to add other columns but it is showing nothing for other column.
Review.joins(division: [{company: :region}, :departments, :employees]).select(', as company,, as division).limit(10)
But I am getting only Reivews
[#<Review:0x00007ff5006bb910 id: 1>,
How can I get, and

What you are seeing (only Review objects) is what you're supposed to see, Rails performs the join between Review, Devision, Company etc etc and brings you back the Review records resulting from that join. However the selected aliased columns should be available as methods on the Review records:
reviews = Review.joins(...)
Note that inspect method doesn't show non column attributes so your console might hide the aliased columns (company, division) but they are there.
Since it seems like you're not after only filtering but you need association data, you might be better off exchanging this with eager_loading since if you try to access the associations like that you will fire n+1 queries.
Review.includes(division: [{company: :region}, :departments, :employees]).select(', as company,, as division).limit(10)


How to delete all logs except last 100 for each user in single table?

I have a single logs table which contains entries for users. I want to (prune) delete all but the last 100 for each user. I'd like to do this in the most efficient way (one statement using ActiveRecord if possible).
I know I can use the following:
.order(created_at: :desc) to get the records sorted
.offset(100) to get all records except the ones I want to keep
.ids to pluck the record ids
select(:user_id).distinct to get a list of all users in the table
The table has id, user_id, created_at columns (and others not pertinent to this question).
Each user should have at least the last 100 log entries remaining the logs table.
Not really sure how to do this using ruby syntax with my Log model. If it can't be done efficiently using ruby then I'll resort to using the SQL equivalent.
Any help much appreciated.
In SQL, you could do this:
ORDER BY created_at DESC)
AS rownr
FROM logs
) AS a
WHERE rownr > 100
) AS b
If the table is large, this will be slow.

RoR PostgresQL - Get latest, distinct values from database

I am trying to query my PostgreSQL database to get the latest (by created_at) and distinct (by user_id) Activity objects, where each user has multiple activities in the database. The activity object is structured as such:
Activity(id, user_id, created_at, ...)
I first tried to get the below query to work:
Activity.order('created_at DESC').select('DISTINCT ON (activities.user_id) activities.*')
however, kept getting the below error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InvalidColumnReference: ERROR: SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions
According to this post: PG::Error: SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list, it looks like The ORDER BY clause can only be applied after the DISTINCT has been applied. This does not help me, as I want to get the distinct activities by user_id, but also want the activities to be the most recently created activities. Thus, I need the activities to be sorted before getting the distinct activities.
I have come up with a solution that works, but first grouping the activities by user id, and then ordering the activities within the groups by created_at. However, this takes two queries to do.
I was wondering if what I want is possible in just one query?
This should work, try the following
Solution 1'DISTINCT ON (activities.user_id) activities.*').order('created_at DESC')
Solution 2
If not work Solution 1 then this is helpful if you create a scope for this
activity model
scope :latest, -> {
select("distinct on(user_id) activities.user_id,
order("user_id, created_at desc")
Now you can call this anywhere like below
Hope it helps

Ambiguous reference on column when grouping by association

I'm grouping a list of Bug reports on a known collection of users that are related to the report (that is, the user that is responsible for the report and the user that is currently assigned to it).
The Model Bug (AR, Rails 4.2.x) thus has, among others, two associations assigned_to and responsible, which are resolved to the foreign keys assigned_to_id, responsible_id.
Bugs can also be related to a project, which may also have a responsible user set, thus they also possess a responsible_id foreign key.
As we're grouping on both attributes from the report itself and the associated project, we want to include the associated project in the returned query.
I can then get a hash count of <User> => count through the following statement, grouping on the association name of the bug report:
which correctly produces the desired result: A collection of Users (assignees) and the Bugs they are being assigned to.
For responsibles, the same query:
yields an error, since the attribute responsible_id is both contained in the query by bugs and the associated projects.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "bugs"."id") AS count_id,
responsible_id AS responsible_id
FROM "bugs"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "bugs"."project_id"
GROUP BY "bugs"."responsible_id"
If I instead group on the explicit attribute itself using'bugs.responsible_id'), I get a valid response, however in the form of responsible_id => count.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "bugs"."id") AS count_id,
bugs.responsible_id AS bugs_responsible_id
FROM "bugs"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "bugs"."project_id"
WHERE <condition>
GROUP BY bugs.responsible_id
Is there a way to force using the association, but namespace the query as in the second query?
Of course I could process the result and expand it to the responsible users, however since the grouping is part of a larger querying functionality, I only get to manipulate the grouping identifier without extensive changes to the query builder.
I don't think there is a fix for this now (in rails 4.2.4). This will however become easy in rails 5.
If you absolutely must solve the problem now, you could patch ActiveRecord::Calculations#execute_grouped_calculation with the fix available in rails 5 for your app. Simply add an initializer at config/initializers e.g. active_record_calculations_patch.rb with the following (abbreviated) content. You can copy the original code from your rails version and then add the fix:
module ActiveRecord
module Calculations
def execute_grouped_calculation(operation, column_name, distinct)
group_fields = group_attrs
group_fields = arel_columns(group_fields)
group_aliases = { |field|

Adding related data to ActiveRecords without using a join

My Rails 4 app has a User model, a Link model, and a Hit model. Each User has many Links, and each Link has many Hits. Occasionally, I want to display a list of the User's Links with the number of Hits it has.
The obvious way to do this would be to loop over the links and call link.hits.count on each one, but this produces N+1 queries. So instead, I wrote a scope which joins the hits table:
scope :with_hit_counts, -> {
joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN hits ON hits.link_id =").select('links.*', 'count(hits.link_id) AS hit_count').group("")
This effectively adds a virtual hit_count attribute to each Link, which is computed in a single query. Curiously, it appears to be a separate query from loading the links, rather than actually being done in the same query:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, AS links_id
FROM "links" LEFT OUTER JOIN hits ON hits.link_id =
WHERE "links"."user_id" = $1
ORDER BY "links"."domain_id" ASC, "links"."custom_slug" ASC, "links"."id" ASC ;
Unfortunately, as the hits table grows, this has become a slow query. EXPLAIN indicates that the query is joining all hits with their matching links using an index, and then narrowing the links down to just the ones with the correct user_id by sequential scan; that seems to be the reason it's slow. However, if we're already loading the list of links separately—and we are—there's no actual need to join the links table at all. We can get the list of link IDs for the user and then do a query purely on the hits table with hits.link_id IN (list of IDs).
It's easy to write this as a separate query, and it runs lightning-fast:
Hit.where(link_id: #user.links.ids).group(:link_id).count
The problem is, I can't figure out how to get ActiveRecord to do this as a scope on the Link model, so that each Link has a hit_count attribute I can use, and so that I can use the resulting return value as a relation with the ability to chain other queries onto it. Any ideas?
(I do know about ActiveRecord's counter_cache feature, but I don't want to use it here—hits are inserted by a separate, non-Ruby system, and modifying that system to update the counter cache would be moderately painful.)
As trh mentioned, the common way to go about this is to add a hits_count to link.rb Then you can query and sort quickly. You just have to keep them in sync. If it truly is a basic count, then you can use the basic rails counter cache. This will increment and decrement on create and destroy.
class AddCounterCacheToLink < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_column :links, :hits_count, :integer, :default => 0
Link.all.each do |l|
l.update_attribute :hits_count, l.hits.size
And then in the model
class Hit < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :link, :counter_cache => true #this will trigger the rails magic
If you have something more complicated, you can write your own, which is trivial.

Rails 3 Comparing foreign key to list of ids using activerecord

I have a relationship between two models, Registers and Competitions. I have a very complicated dynamic query that is being built and if the conditions are right I need to limit Registration records to only those where it's Competition parent meets a certain criteria. In order to do this without select from the Competition table I was thinking of something along the lines of...
Register.where("competition_id in ?", Competition.where("...").collect {|i|})
Which produces this SQL:
SELECT "registers".* FROM "registers" WHERE (competition_id in 1,2,3,4...)
I don't think PostgreSQL liked the fact that the in parameters aren't surrounded by parenthesis. How can I compare the Register foreign key to a list of competition ids?
you can make it a bit shorter and skip the collect (this worked for me in 3.2.3).
Register.where(competition_id: Competition.where("..."))
this will result in the following sql:
SELECT "registers".* FROM "registers" WHERE "registers"."competition_id" IN (SELECT "competitions"."id" FROM "competitions" WHERE "...")
Try this instead:
competitions = Competition.where("...").collect {|i|}
Register.where(:competition_id => competitions)
