How to loop through each point of a multi point selection to get the pixel value? - imagej

I'm new to ImageJ and ImageJ macro. I started to make a macro that apply the "Find Maxima" function on an image. Then I would like to test each pixel spotted as maxima to filter them by value. How can I loop through all the points of the selection into my macro ?

Finally I found an answer :
threshold = 254;
getSelectionCoordinates(x, y);
for (i=0; i<x.length; i++){
if(getPixel(x[i], y[i]) < threshold){
makePoint(x[i], y[i]);


Matchingproblems when using OpenCVs matchShapes function

I´m trying to find a objekt in a larger Picture with the findContour/matchShape functions (the object can vary so it´s not possible to look after the color or something similar, Featuredetectors like SIFT also doesn´t work because the object could be symetric)
I have written following code:
Mat scene = imread...
Mat Template = imread...
Mat imagegray1, imagegray2, imageresult1, imageresult2;
int thresh=80;
double ans=0, result=0;
// Preprocess pictures
cvtColor(scene, imagegray1,CV_BGR2GRAY);
GaussianBlur(imagegray1,imagegray1, Size(5,5),2);
GaussianBlur(imagegray2,imagegray2, Size(5,5),2);
Canny(imagegray1, imageresult1,thresh, thresh*2);
Canny(imagegray2, imageresult2,thresh, thresh*2);
vector<vector <Point> > contours1;
vector<vector <Point> > contours2;
vector<Vec4i>hierarchy1, hierarchy2;
// Template
// Szene
imshow("template", Template);
double helper = INT_MAX;
int idx_i = 0, idx_j = 0;
// Match all contours with eachother
for(int i = 0; i < contours1.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < contours2.size(); j++)
ans=matchShapes(contours1[i],contours2[j],CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1 ,0);
// find the best matching contour
if((ans < helper) )
idx_i = i;
helper = ans;
// draw the best contour
drawContours(scene, contours1, idx_i,
When I'm using a scene where only the Template is located in, i get a good matching result:
But when there are more objects in the pictures i have trouble detecting the object:
Hope someone can tell me whats the problem with the code i´m using. Thanks
You have a huge amount of contours in the second image (almost each letter).
As the matchShape checks for scale-invariant Hu-moments ( also a very small contours may fit the shape you are looking for.
Furthermore, the original shape is not distinguished properly like can be seen when excluding all contours with an area smaller 50.
if(contourArea(contours1[i]) > 50)
drawContours(scene, contours1, i, Scalar(255, 255, 0), 1);
To say it with other words, there is no problem with your code. The contour can simply not be detected very well. I would suggest to have a look at approxCurve and convexHull and try to close the contour this way. Or improve the use of Canny in some way.
Then you could use a priori knowledge to restrict the size (and maybe rotation?) of the contour you are looking for.

Accuracy of the center with hough circle transform

I try to get the center of circles using Hough Circle algorithm from
but I need more accurate coordinates.
When I get those coordinates like
for( size_t i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++ )
Vec3i c = circles[i];
cout<<c[0]<<" "<<c[1]<<endl;
it prints just the integer part.
Is there any posibility to get the center more precise(4 decimals or more)?
You are explicitly converting the coordinates to integers by assigning them to an integer vector (Vec3i). If you print them like this, you will print the values as you get them from OpenCV:
cout<<circles[0]<<" "<<circles[1]<<endl;
However, these results might not be as accurate as you desire. In that case, you are out of luck with your current approach as OpenCV does not provide more accurate results.

Segmentation of perspectively distorted barcodes

There are images with perspectively distorted barcodes in them.
They are located and decoded using ZBar.
Now I do not only need the rough location, but the four real corner points of the barcode, that define the enclosing 4-point polygon.
I tried different approaches, but did not yet get the desired result.
One of them was:
convert image to grayscale
threshold image
erode image
floodFill beginning with a pixel known to be part of barcode
obtain the contour around the floodFill result
But around this contour I now would need to find the minimum best fitting 4-point polygon, which seems to be not that easy.
Do you have ideas for better approaches?
You could use the following code and try to reduce your contour to 4-point polygon via approxPoly
vector approx;
for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
approxPolyDP(Mat(contours[i]), approx,
arcLength(Mat(contours[i]), true)*0.02, true);
if (approx.size() == 4 &&
fabs(contourArea(Mat(approx))) > 1000 &&
double maxCosine = 0;
for( int j = 2; j < 5; j++ )
double cosine = fabs(angle(approx[j%4], approx[j-2], approx[j-1]));
maxCosine = MAX(maxCosine, cosine);
if( maxCosine < 0.3 )
You can also try the following methods, maybe they will produce good enough results for you:
OK, I found a solution that works good enough for my use case.
First a scanline is generated from the ZBar result.
Now the first and the last black pixels are found in verion of the image resulting from cv::adaptivethreshold with a large enough blockSize.
From there on the first and the last bar are segmented using cv::findContours.
Now for both end bars the two contour points with the most distance to each others are searched.
They finally define the enclosing 4-point-polygon.
Which is not exactly what I posted in my question, but the additional size due to the elongated guard patterns does not matter in my case.

getting segmentation fault with Point2f

I have extracted some feature points of an image using the following code
vector<Point2f> cornersFrame1;
goodFeaturesToTrack( frame1, cornersFrame1, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, Mat(), blockSize, useHarrisDetector, k );
After that i want to read the values of present at these feature points. So, i am using the following code:
for(int i=0; i<cornersFrame1.size(); i++)
float frame1 =<float>( cornersFrame1[i].x, cornersFrame1[i].y );
then i get Segmentation fault.
But if i use the following code in "For loop" then it work.
float frame1 =<float>( cornersFrame1[i].y, cornersFrame1[i].x );
I am confused because i think that "Point2f" stores pixel information as (row , col). Isn't it?
No, it is not. All types of points in OpenCV are just normal points that you can think about: (x,y). When it comes to coordinate in image this means that 'x' is a column and 'y' is a row. On the other hand at<> requires as input (row, column). This is why you had to provide (y,x) instead of (x,y).
Just to prevent future confusion, one of the ways of using at<> is this one:
float frame1 =<float>( cornersFrame1[i] );
This way you don't need to think whether you should provide (x,y) or (y,x).

opencv sliding window

Is there any built in library for sliding a window (custom size) over an image in opencv version 2.x?
I tried to write the algorithm by myself but I found it very painful and probably error-prone.
I need to slide over an image and create histogram for the input of svm.
there is one for HOG Descriptor, which calculates HOG features but I have my own feature set so I just need an algorithm to let me slide over an image.
You can define a Region of Interest (ROI) on a cv::Mat object, which gives you a new Mat object referring to the sub-window. This does not copy the underlying data, merely a new header with the appropriate metadata.
See also this other question:
OpenCV C++, getting Region Of Interest (ROI) using cv::Mat
Basic code can looks like. The code is described good enought. I hope.
This is single scale slideing window 60x60 witch Step 30.
Result of this simple example is ROI.
You can visit this basic tutorial Tutorial Here.
// Parameters of your slideing window
int windows_n_rows = 60;
int windows_n_cols = 60;
// Step of each window
int StepSlide = 30;
for (int row = 0; row <= LoadedImage.rows - windows_n_rows; row += StepSlide)
for (int col = 0; col <= LoadedImage.cols - windows_n_cols; col += StepSlide)
Rect windows(col, row, windows_n_rows, windows_n_cols);
Mat Roi = LoadedImage(windows);
