ionic ios issue white page when doing REST Calls - ios

I've got an ionic react app which fetches data from a rest API. When I bundle the ab with ionic server or on Android the app works fine.
When I run the same code on iOS I got a blank page. Some Versions before it worked on iOS as well. When I rebase my code the version 5 days ago now it doesn't work at all.
the code looks like this:
export default function PostsContainer() {
let {categoryid} = useParams<any>();
const [posts, setPosts] = useState<any[]>([]);
const [page, setPage] = useState<number>(1);
const [totPages, setTotPages] = useState<number>(1);
const [title, setTitle] = useState<string>("Recent posts");
const baseUrl = BASE_URL + "wp-json/wp/v2";
const [loadingPosts, setLoadingPosts] = useState<boolean>(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function loadPosts() {
let url = baseUrl + "/posts?status=publish&page=" + page;
if (categoryid !== undefined) {
url = url + "&categories=" + categoryid;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
const totalPages = await response.headers.get("x-wp-totalpages");
const postsTemp = await response.json();
}, [page, categoryid]);
function handleClickNextPage() {
setPage(page + 1);
async function getCategoryName(id: number) {
let url = baseUrl + "/categories/" + id;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
const category = await response.json();
if (loadingPosts) {
return (
<IonHeader translucent={true}>
{page === 1 ? <Slider listOfPosts={posts}/> : <div/>}
} else {
return <IonLoading
are there any settings belonging to the rest api? The call is to a URL with https. When I remove the useefect and only render a static page without content, it works fine.

At the End it was a CORS error on Endpoint. I had to allow cordova://localhost on Endpoint.


Is there a limitation in number of context which can be opened in Playwright?

We are trying web crawl and get contents from multiple pages. I am taking the advantage of async API with Promise ALL which can execute requests in parallel.
Is there a limitation on the number of contexts which can be opened parallel?
const fs = require('fs');
let browser;
const batch_size = 4; // control the number of async parallel calls
(async () => { // main function
let urls = [];
urls = fs.readFileSync('./resources/input_selenium_urls.csv').toString().split("\n");
browser = await chromium.launch();
let context_size = 0;
let processUrls = [];
let total_length = 0;
for (let i=0;i<urls.length;i++,total_length++) {
if ((context_size==batch_size)||(i==urls.length-1)){
await Promise.all( => getHTMLPageSource(x)));
context_size = 0;
processUrls = [];
} else {
await browser.close();
async function getHTMLPageSource(url) {
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
let response = {}
try {
await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
response = {
url : url,
content: await page.title(),
error : null
catch {
response = {
error : "Timeout error"
return response;
Browser contexts are cheap to create, but it's not clear whether there is a hard-coded limit on them from the docs perhaps the limit might depend on the browser you chose and your OS resources. I think you might only be able to find out by creating a lot of contexts.

Office Outlook 365 Addin SSO API Permission

Is there some one who can really help here?
I can't get anything from sso.getGraphData in the office addin generated from Yeoman generator.
Here is my code in ssoauthhelper.js:
export async function getGraphData() {
try {
let bootstrapToken = await OfficeRuntime.auth.getAccessToken({ allowSignInPrompt: true });
let exchangeResponse = await sso.getGraphToken(bootstrapToken);
if ( {
// Microsoft Graph requires an additional form of authentication. Have the Office host
// get a new token using the Claims string, which tells AAD to prompt the user for all
// required forms of authentication.
let mfaBootstrapToken = await OfficeRuntime.auth.getAccessToken({ authChallenge: });
exchangeResponse = sso.getGraphToken(mfaBootstrapToken);
if (exchangeResponse.error) {
// AAD errors are returned to the client with HTTP code 200, so they do not trigger
// the catch block below.
} else {
/*const response = await sso.makeGraphApiCall(exchangeResponse.access_token);
const _EndPoint = "/me/messages";
const _UrlParams = "?$select=receivedDateTime,subject,isRead&$orderby=receivedDateTime&$top=10";
const response = await sso.getGraphData(exchangeResponse.access_token, _EndPoint, _UrlParams);
sso.showMessage("Your data has been added to the document.");
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.code) {
if (sso.handleClientSideErrors(exception)) {
} else {
sso.showMessage("EXCEPTION: " + JSON.stringify(exception));
the code in documentHelper.js:
function writeDataToExcel(result) {
/*return (context) {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let data = [];
let userProfileInfo = filterUserProfileInfo(result);
for (let i = 0; i < userProfileInfo.length; i++) {
if (userProfileInfo[i] !== null) {
let innerArray = [];
const rangeAddress = `B5:B${5 + (data.length - 1)}`;
const range = sheet.getRange(rangeAddress);
range.values = data;
return context.sync();
return (context) {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
const rangeHeadings = sheet.getRange("A1:D1");
rangeHeadings.valueTypes = [["ReceivedDateTime", "subject", "Read?", "ID"]];
const _Contents = result.value;
for (let i = 0; i < _Contents.length; i++) {
if (_Contents !== null) {
let _TempArr = [];
let _Data = [];
const _rangeaddress = `A${2 + i}:D${2 + i}`;
const _rangedata = sheet.getRange(_rangeaddress);
_rangedata.values = _Data;
return context.sync();
When i run the add-in, it does not proceed after GET/ auth? as shown in below image.
Here are my permission in the Azure APP Registration:
I can't understand what is really happening. When i click on the button in the sideloaded task pane, nothing is sent from the Graph API as shown in the command prompt image. I am really grateful, if someone could point out where the error is.
I have defined the scopes in my manifiest file as well.
Please help.

Data sharing between Safari and standalone iPhone 12 iOS 14.3

I tried to share data between Safari browser and standalone PWA on iPhone12 with iOS 14.3.
The information, that this should work are here:
I#ve tried this:
Without success.
Are there any suggestions to running this? Or is it not possible ...
This is the code
const CACHE_NAME = "auth";
const TOKEN_KEY = "token";
const FAKE_TOKEN = "sRKWQu6hCJgR25lslcf5s12FFVau0ugi";
// Cache Storage was designed for caching
// network requests with service workers,
// mainly to make PWAs work offline.
// You can give it any value you want in this case.
const FAKE_ENDPOINT = "/fake-endpoint";
const saveToken = async (token: string) => {
try {
const cache = await;
const responseBody = JSON.stringify({
[TOKEN_KEY]: token
const response = new Response(responseBody);
await cache.put(FAKE_ENDPOINT, response);
console.log("Token saved! 🎉");
} catch (error) {
// It's up to you how you resolve the error
console.log("saveToken error:", { error });
const getToken = async () => {
try {
const cache = await;
const response = await cache.match(FAKE_ENDPOINT);
if (!response) {
return null;
const responseBody = await response.json();
return responseBody[TOKEN_KEY];
} catch (error) {
// Gotta catch 'em all
console.log("getToken error:", { error });
const displayCachedToken = async () => {
const cachedToken = await getToken();
console.log({ cachedToken });
// Uncomment the line below to save the fake token
// saveToken(FAKE_TOKEN);
Without success means no result, i've tried to set data in safari and get them in standalone pwa

Is there a way to run a Lighthouse audit using the Chrome DevTools protocol?

I would like to run a Lighthouse audit programatically. I have found multiple examples on how to accomplish this with Puppeteer. However, is there a way to run a Lighthouse audit using the Chrome DevTools Protocol?
You can run Lighthouse programatically by using the PageSpeed Insights API:
Javascript example:
function run() {
const url = setUpQuery();
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
// See
// to learn more about each of the properties in the response object.
const cruxMetrics = {
"First Contentful Paint": json.loadingExperience.metrics.FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS.category,
"First Input Delay": json.loadingExperience.metrics.FIRST_INPUT_DELAY_MS.category
const lighthouse = json.lighthouseResult;
const lighthouseMetrics = {
'First Contentful Paint': lighthouse.audits['first-contentful-paint'].displayValue,
'Speed Index': lighthouse.audits['speed-index'].displayValue,
'Time To Interactive': lighthouse.audits['interactive'].displayValue,
'First Meaningful Paint': lighthouse.audits['first-meaningful-paint'].displayValue,
'First CPU Idle': lighthouse.audits['first-cpu-idle'].displayValue,
'Estimated Input Latency': lighthouse.audits['estimated-input-latency'].displayValue
function setUpQuery() {
const api = '';
const parameters = {
url: encodeURIComponent('')
let query = `${api}?`;
for (key in parameters) {
query += `${key}=${parameters[key]}`;
return query;
function showInitialContent(id) {
document.body.innerHTML = '';
const title = document.createElement('h1');
title.textContent = 'PageSpeed Insights API Demo';
const page = document.createElement('p');
page.textContent = `Page tested: ${id}`;
function showCruxContent(cruxMetrics) {
const cruxHeader = document.createElement('h2');
cruxHeader.textContent = "Chrome User Experience Report Results";
for (key in cruxMetrics) {
const p = document.createElement('p');
p.textContent = `${key}: ${cruxMetrics[key]}`;
function showLighthouseContent(lighthouseMetrics) {
const lighthouseHeader = document.createElement('h2');
lighthouseHeader.textContent = "Lighthouse Results";
for (key in lighthouseMetrics) {
const p = document.createElement('p');
p.textContent = `${key}: ${lighthouseMetrics[key]}`;

Ajax calls working in Android but not iOS

I'm developing an app in Nativescript for the first time and running into an issue where AJAX calls work on Android but not iOS. I have a login.js file which requires a user-view-model (user-view-model.js), and when I test the code on Android it takes me to the "home" page but it hits the catch function on iOS.
var dialogsModule = require("ui/dialogs");
var UserViewModel = require("../../shared/view-models/user-view-model");
var applicationSettings = require("application-settings");
var user = new UserViewModel({
email: "",
password: "aaa"
var frameModule = require("ui/frame");
var page;
exports.loaded = function(args) {
page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = user;
exports.login = function () {
user.login().catch(function(error) {
message: "Unfortunately we could not find your account.",
okButtonText: "OK"
return Promise.reject();
}).then(function(response) {
console.log("past response")
applicationSettings.setString("user_id", response.user_id);
applicationSettings.setString("first_name", response.first_name);
applicationSettings.setString("last_name", response.last_name);
applicationSettings.setString("user_type", response.user_type);
var topmost = frameModule.topmost();
var config = require("../../shared/config");
var fetchModule = require("fetch");
var observableModule = require("data/observable");
var http = require("http");
function User(info) {
info = info || {};
var viewModel = new observableModule.fromObject({
email: || "",
password: info.password || ""
viewModel.login = function() {
let loginEmail = JSON.stringify(this.get("email")).replace(/['"]+/g, '');
let loginPassword = JSON.stringify(this.get("password")).replace(/['"]+/g, '');
console.log(loginEmail, loginPassword);
let loginUrl = config.serverPHPServiceUrl + "Login.php?user_id=" + loginEmail + "&password=" + loginPassword;
// I tried this way first and wasn't able to login on iOS, which made me try the second method below.
// return fetchModule.fetch(loginUrl, {
// method: "POST",
// headers: {
// "Content-Type": "application/json"
// }
// }).then(handleErrors).then(function(response) {
// return response.json();
// }).then(function(data) {
// console.dir(data);
// console.log(data["results"][0]["user_id"])
// return data["results"][0];
// });
// This method works on Android but not iOS.
return http.getJSON(loginUrl).then(function(response) {
return response.results[0];
return viewModel;
function handleErrors(response) {
console.log("in errors")
if (!response.ok) {
throw Error(response.statusText);
return response;
module.exports = User;
Is there anything fundamentally wrong with my code, or do asynchronous calls work differently on iOS vs Android in Nativescript? I did the Grocery tutorial and didn't run into this issue, so I didn't think this was the case. Does it matter that the backend is using PHP?
I fixed my issue: I started a new project with Angular 2 and ran into the same error, but then it gave me the error message "Error: The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection." I solved it by adding "https" to my url call, but this post has another solution.
