Data sharing between Safari and standalone iPhone 12 iOS 14.3 - ios

I tried to share data between Safari browser and standalone PWA on iPhone12 with iOS 14.3.
The information, that this should work are here:
I#ve tried this:
Without success.
Are there any suggestions to running this? Or is it not possible ...
This is the code
const CACHE_NAME = "auth";
const TOKEN_KEY = "token";
const FAKE_TOKEN = "sRKWQu6hCJgR25lslcf5s12FFVau0ugi";
// Cache Storage was designed for caching
// network requests with service workers,
// mainly to make PWAs work offline.
// You can give it any value you want in this case.
const FAKE_ENDPOINT = "/fake-endpoint";
const saveToken = async (token: string) => {
try {
const cache = await;
const responseBody = JSON.stringify({
[TOKEN_KEY]: token
const response = new Response(responseBody);
await cache.put(FAKE_ENDPOINT, response);
console.log("Token saved! 🎉");
} catch (error) {
// It's up to you how you resolve the error
console.log("saveToken error:", { error });
const getToken = async () => {
try {
const cache = await;
const response = await cache.match(FAKE_ENDPOINT);
if (!response) {
return null;
const responseBody = await response.json();
return responseBody[TOKEN_KEY];
} catch (error) {
// Gotta catch 'em all
console.log("getToken error:", { error });
const displayCachedToken = async () => {
const cachedToken = await getToken();
console.log({ cachedToken });
// Uncomment the line below to save the fake token
// saveToken(FAKE_TOKEN);
Without success means no result, i've tried to set data in safari and get them in standalone pwa


Capacitor iOS Geolocation watchPostion kCLErrorDomain error 1 while permission granted

I am using an older version of the capacitor geolocation, v1.3.1, and recently switched to the watchPosition implementation but occasionally that created a situation where the position is null or undefined even when the device is showing the location icon being active for the app. I tried to solve that by falling back to the slower getCurrentPosition function but still persists. Has anyone run into this issue before? Here is a gist of the hook.
const useCurrentPosition = (): GeoWatchPositionResult => {
const [position, setPosition] = useState<Position>();
const [watchId, setWatchId] = useState("");
const [error, setError] = useState();
const clearWatch = () => {
if (watchId) {
clearPosition({ id: watchId });
const startWatch = async () => {
if (!watchId) {
const id = await watchPosition(async (pos: Position | null, err) => {
if (err) {
if (pos) {
} else {
const newPosition = await getCurrentPosition();
useEffect(() => {
return () => clearWatch();
}, []);
return { currentPosition: position, error };
Even though the watchPosition is still returning location data on the interval I am getting a kCLErrorDomain error 1. which online says it means the permission was denied but thats not the case the phone was just in sleep mode. Is there a way to catch this error specifically? Should I clear the watch and restart it on this error?
One attempt I made was to use a try catch in the watch, but I still have encountered this issue.
const useCurrentPosition = (): GeoWatchPositionResult => {
const [position, setPosition] = useState<Position>();
const [watchId, setWatchId] = useState("");
const [error, setError] = useState();
const clearWatch = () => {
if (watchId) {
clearPosition({ id: watchId });
const startWatch = async () => {
if (!watchId) {
const id = await watchPosition(async (pos: Position | null, err) => {
try {
if (err) {
if (pos) {
} else {
const newPosition = await getCurrentPosition();
} catch (ex) {
await requestPermission();
await startWatch();
useEffect(() => {
return () => clearWatch();
}, []);
return { currentPosition: position, error };
I think you should use this code snippet to check the current position.
import { Geolocation, Geoposition } from '#ionic-native/geolocation/ngx';
constructor(private geolocation: Geolocation) { }
let watch = this.geolocation.watchPosition();
watch.subscribe((data) => {
// data can be a set of coordinates, or an error (if an error occurred).
// data.coords.latitude
// data.coords.longitude
You can also use the following code snippet to get the current position.
this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then((resp) => {
// resp.coords.latitude
// resp.coords.longitude
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error getting location', error);
If you want to handle the permission denied error, the best way to handle the permission denied error is to check the permission status of the app first before trying to access any location data. This can be done by using the Capacitor Permissions API. If the permission has been granted, you can then proceed to use the watchPosition or getCurrentPosition APIs. If the permission has been denied, you can present a prompt to the user to request permission again.
setState is an asynchronous function, so please pass to it an anonymous function:
if (pos) {
} else {
const newPosition = await getCurrentPosition();
setPosition(() => newPosition);

Is there a limitation in number of context which can be opened in Playwright?

We are trying web crawl and get contents from multiple pages. I am taking the advantage of async API with Promise ALL which can execute requests in parallel.
Is there a limitation on the number of contexts which can be opened parallel?
const fs = require('fs');
let browser;
const batch_size = 4; // control the number of async parallel calls
(async () => { // main function
let urls = [];
urls = fs.readFileSync('./resources/input_selenium_urls.csv').toString().split("\n");
browser = await chromium.launch();
let context_size = 0;
let processUrls = [];
let total_length = 0;
for (let i=0;i<urls.length;i++,total_length++) {
if ((context_size==batch_size)||(i==urls.length-1)){
await Promise.all( => getHTMLPageSource(x)));
context_size = 0;
processUrls = [];
} else {
await browser.close();
async function getHTMLPageSource(url) {
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
let response = {}
try {
await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
response = {
url : url,
content: await page.title(),
error : null
catch {
response = {
error : "Timeout error"
return response;
Browser contexts are cheap to create, but it's not clear whether there is a hard-coded limit on them from the docs perhaps the limit might depend on the browser you chose and your OS resources. I think you might only be able to find out by creating a lot of contexts.

Getting Puppeteer timeouts often on 'await browser.newpage'

I inherited a script to manage a deploy of Salesforce code to multiple orgs in one go, to ensure all orgs are on the same version. The code is maintained in a Github respository and the final step is the update of the main branch, so the deploy therefore has to be successful for all orgs before it updates the main branch. Currently we have 32 orgs for which the deploys run simultaneously (with more to be added).
The final step after the code has deployed successfully is to check all the Salesforce to Salesforce connections and mappings, since all the orgs update a 'hub' org. It is in this step that I've started getting Puppeteer timeouts. Sometimes it completes, sometimes it fails. It seems to be getting worse in that I have to rerun it 2 or 3 times to get it pass without timing out. I'm not experienced in Node or Puppeteer or scripts like these so don't know how to stop this happening. I've tried increasing the timeout from the default 30000 to 90000 but even then it fails sometimes so that is not a solution, obviously.
Interestingly a few of us have also been having problems lately with Chrome being dreadfully slow and timing out just in the browser (we run on the latest version of Chrome) and I read that Puppeteer uses Chrome. I tried googling but haven't found anything that helps me hence posting this query here.
I would appreciate any help to sort this out because running it multiple times for each deploy is not a viable solution, especially with the length of time it takes to complete.
This is the function from where it sets the timeout.
async function checkDifferencesForConnectionSafely(
argv: Config,
browser: Browser,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
const page = await browser.newPage();
page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(90000); // added this but it still times out
try {
console.log(`Checking ${connection.username} -> ${}`);
await checkDifferencesForConnection(argv, page, connection, changes);
console.log(`Finished ${connection.username} -> ${}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${}`, e);
throw e;
} finally {
await page.close();
And this is the called function where I believe the timeout happens:
async function checkDifferencesForConnection(
argv: Config,
page: Page,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
await page.goto(connection.url);
const subscribedObjects = await getSubscribedObjects(page);
for (const object of subscribedObjects) {
await gotoObject(page, object);
const fields = await getSubscribedFields(page);
let changesMade = false;
for (const field of fields) {
field.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (field.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = field.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: field,
await selectMapping(page, field, newValue);
changesMade = true;
} else if (!field.value) {
const options = =>;
throw new Error(
`No value for ${} -> ${} -> ${}, ` +
`options: ${options.join(", ")}`
if (!argv.skipPicklists) {
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
await gotoObject(page, object);
changesMade = false;
const pickListMappings = await getPicklistMappingLinks(page);
for (const pickListMapping of pickListMappings) {
try {
} catch (e) {
`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${} -> ${} -> ${}`,
throw e;
const picklistValues = await getPicklistValues(page);
for (const picklistValue of picklistValues) {
picklistValue.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (picklistValue.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = picklistValue.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: picklistValue,
await selectMapping(page, picklistValue, newValue);
changesMade = true;
await savePicklistMapping(page);
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
This is the error thrown (after running 2hrs 40min!)It is close to the end of the process so has completed most of the org checks at this stage. It doesn't always fail in the same place or on the same org checks so the timeout is not related to a specific connection.
The full script is here:
import puppeteer, { Browser, Page } from "puppeteer";
import { flatten } from "lodash";
import yargs from "yargs";
import pAll from "p-all";
import {
} from "../page-objects/";
import {
} from "../page-objects/";
import {
save as saveSubscribedFields,
} from "../page-objects/";
import { SClusterConfig } from "../s-cluster-config";
class Config {
configFile: string;
clusterConfigFile: string;
dryRun: boolean;
strict: boolean;
concurrency: number;
skipPicklists: boolean;
constructor() {
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const argv: any = yargs
.describe("config-file", "The file configuring the SF2SF sync.")
.alias("config-file", "c")
.default("config-file", "./sf2sf.config.json")
.describe("cluster-config-file", "The file configuring the SF2SF sync.")
.alias("cluster-config-file", "f")
"don't make any changes, just print what you're going to do."
.default("dry-run", false)
.describe("strict", "Prevents associations from being unassigned")
.default("strict", false)
.default("concurrency", 10)
.describe("skip-picklists", "Skip assigning the picklists")
.default("skip-picklists", false).argv;
this.configFile = argv["config-file"];
this.clusterConfigFile = argv["cluster-config-file"];
this.dryRun = argv["dry-run"];
this.strict = argv["strict"];
this.concurrency = argv["concurrency"];
this.skipPicklists = argv["skip-picklists"];
interface SubscribedFieldUpdate {
connection: Connection;
connectionObject: ConnectionObject;
connectionField: SubscribedField;
newValue?: SubscribedFieldOption;
async function checkDifferencesForConnection(
argv: Config,
page: Page,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
await page.goto(connection.url);
const subscribedObjects = await getSubscribedObjects(page);
for (const object of subscribedObjects) {
await gotoObject(page, object);
const fields = await getSubscribedFields(page);
let changesMade = false;
for (const field of fields) {
field.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (field.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = field.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: field,
await selectMapping(page, field, newValue);
changesMade = true;
} else if (!field.value) {
const options = =>;
throw new Error(
`No value for ${} -> ${} -> ${}, ` +
`options: ${options.join(", ")}`
if (!argv.skipPicklists) {
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
await gotoObject(page, object);
changesMade = false;
const pickListMappings = await getPicklistMappingLinks(page);
for (const pickListMapping of pickListMappings) {
try {
} catch (e) {
`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${} -> ${} -> ${}`,
throw e;
const picklistValues = await getPicklistValues(page);
for (const picklistValue of picklistValues) {
picklistValue.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (picklistValue.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = picklistValue.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: picklistValue,
await selectMapping(page, picklistValue, newValue);
changesMade = true;
await savePicklistMapping(page);
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
async function checkDifferencesForConnectionSafely(
argv: Config,
browser: Browser,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
const page = await browser.newPage();
try {
console.log(`Checking ${connection.username} -> ${}`);
await checkDifferencesForConnection(argv, page, connection, changes);
console.log(`Finished ${connection.username} -> ${}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${}`, e);
throw e;
} finally {
await page.close();
(async (): Promise<void> => {
const argv = new Config();
const { clusterConfigFile, concurrency } = argv;
const clusterConfig = await SClusterConfig.fromPath(clusterConfigFile);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({});
const connections = flatten(
await pAll(
(username) => (): Promise<Connection[]> =>
loginAndGetConnections(browser, username)
{ concurrency }
).filter((conn) => conn.isActive);
const differences: SubscribedFieldUpdate[] = [];
await pAll(
(connection) => (): Promise<void> =>
{ concurrency }
const result =
({ connection, connectionObject, connectionField, newValue }) => ({
username: connection.username,
oldValue: (connectionField.value && || "",
newValue: (newValue && || ""
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, " "));
await browser.close();

ionic ios issue white page when doing REST Calls

I've got an ionic react app which fetches data from a rest API. When I bundle the ab with ionic server or on Android the app works fine.
When I run the same code on iOS I got a blank page. Some Versions before it worked on iOS as well. When I rebase my code the version 5 days ago now it doesn't work at all.
the code looks like this:
export default function PostsContainer() {
let {categoryid} = useParams<any>();
const [posts, setPosts] = useState<any[]>([]);
const [page, setPage] = useState<number>(1);
const [totPages, setTotPages] = useState<number>(1);
const [title, setTitle] = useState<string>("Recent posts");
const baseUrl = BASE_URL + "wp-json/wp/v2";
const [loadingPosts, setLoadingPosts] = useState<boolean>(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function loadPosts() {
let url = baseUrl + "/posts?status=publish&page=" + page;
if (categoryid !== undefined) {
url = url + "&categories=" + categoryid;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
const totalPages = await response.headers.get("x-wp-totalpages");
const postsTemp = await response.json();
}, [page, categoryid]);
function handleClickNextPage() {
setPage(page + 1);
async function getCategoryName(id: number) {
let url = baseUrl + "/categories/" + id;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
const category = await response.json();
if (loadingPosts) {
return (
<IonHeader translucent={true}>
{page === 1 ? <Slider listOfPosts={posts}/> : <div/>}
} else {
return <IonLoading
are there any settings belonging to the rest api? The call is to a URL with https. When I remove the useefect and only render a static page without content, it works fine.
At the End it was a CORS error on Endpoint. I had to allow cordova://localhost on Endpoint.

How do I do a simple HTTP request against the dataflow API on gcloud with node?

I want to monitor my dataflow jobs with an application. The application I'm developing is a nodejs application and ideally it would exist a package like #google-cloud/bigquery but for dataflow instead. I'm fully aware that I might not be able to start job, if it is not a template job, but it should be an easy way to list jobs or get job information.
I found this spec,$discovery/rest?version=v1b3, but I don't understand what location is for the list operation. The spec was linked from this page:
I did find the solution myself. There is a repo that basically has all the APIs for gcloud out there:
After I found that I could easily do what I wanted:
'use strict';
var google = require('googleapis');
var dataflow = google.dataflow('v1b3');
google.auth.getApplicationDefault(function (err, authClient, projectId) {
if (err) {
throw err;
// The createScopedRequired method returns true when running on GAE or a local developer
// machine. In that case, the desired scopes must be passed in manually. When the code is
// running in GCE or a Managed VM, the scopes are pulled from the GCE metadata server.
// See for more information.
if (authClient.createScopedRequired && authClient.createScopedRequired()) {
// Scopes can be specified either as an array or as a single, space-delimited string.
authClient = authClient.createScoped([
// Fetch the list of GCE zones within a project.
// NOTE: You must fill in your valid project ID before running this sample!
var compute = google.compute({
version: 'v1',
auth: authClient
var result ={
'projectId': projectId,
'auth': authClient
}, function (err, result) {
console.log(err, result);
For posterity . . . there is a way to do this without a client library, but it requires generating a jwt from service account credentials and exchanging the jwt for an access token to execute a Dataflow template. This example uses the Cloud_Bigtable_to_GCS_Avro template:
import axios from "axios";
import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
import mem from "mem";
const loadCredentials = mem(function() {
// This is a string containing service account credentials
const serviceAccountJson = process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS;
if (!serviceAccountJson) {
throw new Error("Missing GCP Credentials");
const credentials = JSON.parse(serviceAccountJson.replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\t/g, "\\t"));
return {
projectId: credentials.project_id,
privateKeyId: credentials.private_key_id,
privateKey: credentials.private_key,
clientEmail: credentials.client_email,
interface ProjectCredentials {
projectId: string;
privateKeyId: string;
privateKey: string;
clientEmail: string;
function generateJWT(params: ProjectCredentials) {
const scope = "";
const authUrl = "";
const issued = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
const expires = issued + 60;
const payload = {
iss: params.clientEmail,
sub: params.clientEmail,
aud: authUrl,
iat: issued,
exp: expires,
scope: scope,
const options = {
keyid: params.privateKeyId,
algorithm: "RS256",
return jwt.sign(payload, params.privateKey, options);
async function getAccessToken(credentials: ProjectCredentials): Promise<string> {
const jwt = generateJWT(credentials);
const authUrl = "";
const params = {
grant_type: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
assertion: jwt,
try {
const response = await, params);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to get access token", error);
throw error;
function buildTemplateParams(projectId: string, table: string) {
return {
jobName: `[job-name]`,
parameters: {
bigtableProjectId: projectId,
bigtableInstanceId: "[table-instance]",
bigtableTableId: table,
outputDirectory: `[gs://your-instance]`,
filenamePrefix: `${table}-`,
environment: {
zone: "us-west1-a" // omit or define your own,
tempLocation: `[gs://your-instance/temp]`,
async function backupTable(table: string) {`Executing backup template for table=${table}`);
const credentials = loadCredentials();
const { projectId } = credentials;
const accessToken = await getAccessToken(credentials);
const baseUrl = "";
const templatePath = "gs://dataflow-templates/latest/Cloud_Bigtable_to_GCS_Avro";
const url = `${baseUrl}/${projectId}/templates:launch?gcsPath=${templatePath}`;
const template = buildTemplateParams(projectId, table);
try {
const response = await, template, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` },
console.log("GCP Response",;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to execute template for ${table}`, error.message);
async function run() {
await backupTable("my-table");
try {
} catch (err) {
