Is it possible to create, update, and delete events on a public folder calendar through the MS Graph API? - microsoft-graph-api

The question pretty much sums it up. I'd like to create/delete/update events in a calendar that's accessed by several people on a public folder using the Graph API, but haven't been able to find much about how to do it, at least not in the official documentation.
I found this post from 2018 saying "Public Folders aren't yet accessible via the Graph API", but I don't know if that still applies in 2021.
As for SO, the only other question I could find which seems related to this was How to read Public calendar with MS Graph API , but it unfortunately doesn't contain much information either.
In case Graph doesn't support this, would it be possible to do it in some other way (e.g. with some other API)? Ideally something that can be used from Java. Thanks in advance!

No you can't access Public Folders (or Online Archives) using the Microsoft Graph and given the legacy status of Public Folders I don't think they have plans to change this. You can use EWS to access them (make sure you include routing headers through
Moving your Public Folder Calendars to a Office365 Unified Groups is generally a better idea you get improved functionality and you can use the Graph API and other Group workloads for future needs etc.


Online meeting invite, access with default name

Im working with microsoft graph with the new api for teams.
I was wondering if i can set up the access to an online meeting, where i can pass an url to a person with a pre-assigned name on it (like adding a parameter to the url).
If its not a posibility, is any way to do this? and are you planning on adding it? It could be a nice feature to makes things easier when using microsoft teams.
Thanks in advance

Microsoft Graph API Road Map

I can't seem to find anything more than the changelog, does anyone know if there's a roadmap for planned functionality?
Notably, we're looking to have our employees enroll in MFA through a custom app calling the Graph API and add their mobile number, other email, and authenticator. I found a confirmation that this would be available from here but there hasn't been any update for nearly two years.
Thanks in advance!
There is no roadmap for Microsoft Graph currently. We announce new features into preview throughout the year with two major moments at Build and Ignite conferences. You can keep up with those announcements at
We do have a Microsoft Graph UserVoice where you can request and see others requests. Our PMs will actually change the status of features that are in development. This will give you a subset of the things we're working on that relate to public requests.
As you mention , our Change log will be the way to track new things on the API
We also have a monthly Community Call online that we announce things that is the first tuesday of every month. . Existing events are blogged about and also available here,Videos

Is it possible to query or modify project membership/guests with the Asana API?

I'd like to be able to add a user as a guest to a project specific to that individual, but it looks like I cannot do this programmatically and must instead resort to manually adding them as a guest. Is there anything I'm missing in the API documentation? Is there an undocumented feature that would let me do so? Or am I just out of luck?
It is currently not possible to manage users of an organization via the API.
This is on our API roadmap, which I hope to publish a public version of soon.
You can subscribe to incremental changes of our API and it's documentation on API changelog

Migrating Exchange public folder to SharePoint

I have been reading a number of articles online suggesting different approaches to migrate data in an Exchange public folder to a SharePoint Library.
Our company has a list of items tracked inside an Exchange public folder. It is just a bunch of data columns and we have to move that data to SharePoint and start using SharePoint instead.
Does anyone know how to handle this programatically? Or if it is too much work, a tool that is known to handle this well.
I ended up writing code to handle this myself.

Create new calendar system support in Exchange OWA

Since Exchange doesn't provide support for all local calendar types in OWA, I need to create one, using Microsoft.Net's support of calendars, but where should I start?
If I understand correct what you want, the usage of Exchange Server Web Services would be the best way for you. EWS gives you full set of API for appointments and they can be used in .NET very easy. You can use Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Web Services SDK (EWS SDK) with Exchange Server 2007 SP1 (you should just use ExchangeService constructor with ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1 parameter).
I recommend you to watch video I find this video as the best starting point.
Other 6 videos from can gives you more additional information. In two last videos from there you can learn some optimization tricks like retrieving only the properties which you need and paging of results. Using of custom extended properties in appointments is also explained in both of this video sources.
Some small examples how to work with with calendar items (appointment) with respect of EWS SDK you will find here:
On you will find more interesting information, links and some good examples.
