Create new calendar system support in Exchange OWA - localization

Since Exchange doesn't provide support for all local calendar types in OWA, I need to create one, using Microsoft.Net's support of calendars, but where should I start?

If I understand correct what you want, the usage of Exchange Server Web Services would be the best way for you. EWS gives you full set of API for appointments and they can be used in .NET very easy. You can use Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Web Services SDK (EWS SDK) with Exchange Server 2007 SP1 (you should just use ExchangeService constructor with ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1 parameter).
I recommend you to watch video I find this video as the best starting point.
Other 6 videos from can gives you more additional information. In two last videos from there you can learn some optimization tricks like retrieving only the properties which you need and paging of results. Using of custom extended properties in appointments is also explained in both of this video sources.
Some small examples how to work with with calendar items (appointment) with respect of EWS SDK you will find here:
On you will find more interesting information, links and some good examples.


Detailed Skype for Business reports from Microsoft Graph

my goal is simple: I want to fetch a detailed report of the PSTN usage of my users in Office 365. I wanted to achieve that with PowerShell but unfortunately, the Get-CxPSTNUsageDetailReport command was deprecated in January 2018.
I ended up playing around Microsoft Graph as suggested by this article (the one about the deprecated command). After taking a deep look in here, I wasn't able to find any information on how to get this report from the API.
Do any of you knows if there is:
An API query for that
An official support channel for this
Also, I've found some threads about Skype for Business and most of them were back from 2017 stating that a lot of S4B features were not available in Graph, is it still the case?
If so, why are they suggesting Microsoft Graph as an alternative then?
You can use this API:
/reports/SfbActivity(view=view-value, period=period-value, date=date-value)/content
For more information, refer to the documentation.

How to Embed a PowerBI Tile in a Rails app? (and apply filter to it)

I'm struggling with this since a week... I have tried so many things, read so many documentations (walkthrougsh), I can't find any solutions and I have lost the clarity. I really need your help.
I have created a simple Rails app.
I have a Power BI account and a Azure account.
I'm using an example set of data on PowerBI (Retail Analysis Sample).
I want my users to signin on my app (through devise), then access to some pages and see embedded PowerBI Tiles (or report, or dashboard maybe). Then I want them to be able to filter the results. A client-side example is
I want to be able to do the same.
I'm lost with all the client id, secret, ressource uri, ressource url, ...
What solution/walkthrough must I use?
Thank you so much for your time
New tile API allows to integrate content from a user’s Power BI
account into application UI for tiles that are on a user’s
dashboards. You can leverage this to add personalized BI content from
your user’s Power BI account into your application.
See documentation
A Sample application
You may want to look into Power Bi Embedded here. This will allow you to control who can see what content from within your application without having to authenticate with the Power Bi service. Power Bi Embedded is an azure service that allows you to upload pbix files which are then subsequently available for view by using an "Access key" to get a token to view the report. I know it works well for displaying "Reports," I am not sure about just showing "Tiles." They recently released RLS and some new Javascript SDK for more advanced features like filtering, check that here.
Hope this helps.

SharePoint calendar in ios

As I am new to iOS(Swift),I don't know whether we can display and use SharePoint calendar in iOS or not .
If we can, then please tell me the way to display and to access its events.
Thank You in advance.
This is topic has been here for awhile.
Basically, there is no native approach to achieve this requirement, what Microsoft suggest is to use RSS. Also there are some third party solutions that with allow you to achieve this. However if you like to get your hands dirty and do it by yourself, there are some programmatic workarounds.
The one that I prefer because I know it works, is to use an Exchange Calendar, an iOS calendar can be connected to an Exchange Calendar.
Furthermore if you don't have a real dependency on your current SharePoint Calendar, you could simply migrate it to an Exchange Calendar, SharePoint is able to display Exchange Calendars natively, by doing this you will be able to access your calendar from SharePoint and iOS.
But lets say that you must preserve your current SharePoint Calendar and you cannot migrate it to Exchange, in this case you can sync your SharePoint Calendar with an Exchange Calendar programmatically, by using a SharePoint Event Receiver you can ensure that all your events will be replicated in your Exchange Calendar, you can use Exchange Object Model within your SharePoint Event Receiver code.
As you can imagine an Event Receiver is not the only alternative, there are other ways to achieve this by using different programmatic approaches, but you will need to invest some time to research this.

Is MetaWeblog API still supported?

Is the MetaWeblog API still supported? I ask because while researching XMLRPC, the Cook Computing library and implementing MetaWeblog API, I clicked a link that took me to MSDN that states the topic has been removed.
There is a link there that takes me to new docs for Windows Live SDK. On the new page i cannot find current info on MWAPI.
I am using EF, MV3, and VB.Net.
MetaWeblog API support had always seemed (to me) tenuous at best. Seeing as how the project hasn't been updated since 2003 ( I think it is safe to assume that support has essentially ceased. That's my .02 anyway.
(Also, the Yahoo web group's newest post is from 2004 (

Is there a Delphi implementation of Google Data APIs?

Google offers various libraries for interfacing with the Google Data APIs. Currently these do not include Delphi (Win32) support.
Has anyone done any work on a Delphi interface to Google Data, or the underlying Atom/AtomPub protocols?
There is an open issue with Google suggesting that they create one.
Thanks for your suggestion.
This probably isn't likely to happen anytime in the near future, as we need to
concentrate our available resources in other areas.
However, GData is based upon standard XML and HTTP requests, so work on a Delphi
client library can certainly be done outside Google. I'll leave this issue open so
others can vote for it, and perhaps someone in the community can pick this up.
So you can vote it up.
