Get Sonarqube Analysis Status on a variable (GUI Job) - jenkins

I couldn't find any solutions to this particular need.
Basically I have a GUI Job and I need the status of the Sonarqube Analysis so I can later send a POST Request with it.
(I'm aware that pipeline exists and works great but because a specific reason I need it to be GUI)
On the pipeline you have the WaitForQualityGate.status(), I've tried using this but no success.
Example of what is desired
Any insights? Thanks in advance

You can use the SonarQube Rest API to get the status.
Whenever you run SonarQube analysis through Jenkins Pipeline, upon the successful analysis you will see report-task.txt created in the workspace folder.
Note: The location of report-task.txt file depends on the tool that was used to generate it. The mvn sonar:sonar task defaults to path target/sonar. In my case, I used sonarscanner to analyse a nodejs project. So the location of report-tast.txt is .scannerwork.
Now, you will get the ceTaskUrl and ceTaskId in report-task.txt. You can use that ceTaskUrl to get the analysisId.
Then, you can use the below api to get the quality gate status using analysisId.
Now, try to get the curl output of the above API into a variable.

If you mean to say that you want a custom variable message to pop up in your Jenkins GUI based on the SonarQube scan status, then that would require you to:
Clone the original Jenkins source code
Add a custom HTML button/div/graphic
Compile the Jenkins code
Build the new code
Execute the generated JAR
Else, you can try some plugins available on Jenkins that would give you the ability to render conditional outputs. No promises on whether they can actually help you change the original GUI.
Any alternative traditional approach wouldn't be able to fulfill your GUI requirement.


Use Jenkins REST API to rebuild a build

I have a build in Jenkins which has failed for a temporary reason. I'd like to just re-build it. On the website I just click "rebuild" (from the rebuild plug-in), and if it is a parameterized job, I get asked if I want to keep the parameters. Importantly, the new job contains a "rebuild" link back to the original job enabling back-tracing.
How can I effect this "rebuild" from the REST API. I have code that will get a completed job, extract the parameters, and invoke a new job with those same parameters - so I've got most of the way there.
But I don't know how to establish the rebuild link so I can trace what job is a rebuild of what other job.
You can't -- the rebuild plugin does not implement a REST API (as of current version 1.25; I just checked the sources).
If your job has no parameters, then just GETing the <buildUrl>/rebuild URL should trigger a rebuild, though.
If your job does have parameters, then some more scripting will be needed to mimick what you do manually in those two steps.

integration issue with testlink jenkins and Jmeter

I have JMeter setup on Jenkins. I am running some performance test with it. On Jenkins, I have setup the TestLink plugin.
On JMeter, I have 'View Results Tree' tree setup, and export the results to a xml file. With the results with the following format:
<testResults version="1.2">
<httpSample t="81" lt="81" ts="1463588977147" s="true" lb="Unit_EdgeSpanTest_transmission-submit_Case1" rc="200" rm="OK" tn="CinemaCMSAPITest 1-1" dt="text" by="382">
<name>Response Assertion-ResponseCode</name>
<name>Response Assertion-TextResponse</name>
Now I have problem get JMeter results report back to testLink. Googled, not much resource out there tell me what to do. I could only find one resource from Jenkins:
But it did not help much. I am not using Ant...
Does anyone has successfully made this work? And could give me some hint of what to do?
Thank you very much in advance!
I recall I had to submit JMeter results to TestLink some time ago. In my case each JMeter sampler represented an individual test case so I used the Beanshell Assertion and TestLink Java API Client combination. If you're not familiar with Beanshell - check out How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component
If you're not comfortable with coding I guess you can access the API endpoints using HTTP Request or SOAP/XML-RPC Request samplers.
There is also a number of discussions regarding the API on TestLink forum
Hope this helps.
I followed the instruction described in the question to configure the testLink, JMeter, and Jenkins. Just with one problem: I first tried to use the script from the link above, but it seems always returned the wrong result. I wrote a simple java script to transform JMeter XML test result file to TAP format. Except that the link from the question is a good instruction to follow to setup the integration between JMeter/Jenkins/TestLink:
To summarize:
From Jenkins:
install TestLink plugin
Configure TestLink from Jenkins > Configuration
Create a project > Configure:
Invoke TestLink: Put the TestLink Version/Test Project Name/Test Plan Name/Build Name/Custom Fields/Test Plan Custom Fields according to the settings from the TestLink.
Add build action to run the java function/shell script
Result Seeking Strategy: Add the tap directory in 'Include Pattern' Add JMeterTestCase to Key Custom Field.
From TestLink:
Create custom Fields,
Add the JMeterTestCase custom field to test specs. And set the test specs to 'Automated'
Assign the test specs/cases to the according test plan.
From JMeter:
Make sure the test result listener generates xml format result.
Have a script transform JMeter Test result from xml format to Tap format.
In the link from the question, it has a script for doing that, and I also attached a simple script wrote in Java for transforming JMeter Result xml file to TAP file in java:

hudson: way to get the user value who initiated the build?

Is there a way to get the hudson job initiated user name.
Is it possible to get using script shell, py etc.
Lets assume I have the build # which was initiated. I know how to get the latest build info using api but would like to get a user details for a specific job.
Do you think, this will work for hudson? :)
Thanks in advance
That plugin will not work with Hudson, unless you download a very old version of the plugin. I'm not sure how many people are still using Hudson and haven't upgraded to Jenkins.
Anyway, when a user manually triggers a build, this is called a "user cause"; there are other types of cause, e.g. SCM trigger.
You can use the JSON or XML API to get the causes for a build, for example:
In this case, this returns the username that caused the build to run.
Though note that there may be multiple causes for a build, and potentially other cause types that use the userId field.
This works in Jenkins, but it should also work in Hudson, but I haven't tested it.

To get build status through environment variable

I am using jenkins for continous integration.
For my build purpose, i triggering email using Ant task. I am not able to find an environment variable to pass ant for sending email build status(success/failure/stable).
i want to know how can i get environment variable for build status?..if not available, what is the alternative option for build status?
Thanks in Advance
Why use ANT to send emails from Jenkins when you have two great plugins that does just that?
The default mail notification is quite good, and if you would like to have more control
I suggest using the Email-ext plugin which is very comprehensive.
If still wish to use ANT to sent your mail-notifications including the status
you will have to break your process into two steps,
where the first part runs the build and the second one runs the ANT script to report the status.
In this case, you will need to trigger the second job from the first job via the Parameterized Build plugin -
see my answer here:
trigger other configuration and send current build status with Jenkins
The build status is not set until the job has finished running, so there is no easy way to push build status to a process triggered within the build itself. You could pull build status via the API, but this would have to be an externally triggered process due to the constraint mentioned above. Any reason you aren't using the built in email support or one of the excellent email extension plugins such as this one?

Get result of a build step in Hudson/Jenkins to re-use it in another one

My question may be silly but I've been trying several ways and I still can't do what I want, i.e.:
use the scp target of Ant to target a remote machine and execute
a script there
this script creates a dynamic list of files
get this list of files (only their names) back in Hudson to use it in the next build step (another scp from Ant)
I tried to use environment variables but they are interpreted by Hudson so I'm stuck here...
Globally my question would be: how to get a result from an Ant build step ?
Thanks for your ideas,
You may find File parameter useful. This allows you to create an input file, pass it to build. You may need to write script/ant script to process the file though.
In the long term you may evaluate a Hudson farm. This will allow to create tasks that span multiple machines , pass results around. (
You can get the ID(s) of the job that triggered your job via the API and fetch their status.
