hudson: way to get the user value who initiated the build? - jenkins

Is there a way to get the hudson job initiated user name.
Is it possible to get using script shell, py etc.
Lets assume I have the build # which was initiated. I know how to get the latest build info using api but would like to get a user details for a specific job.
Do you think, this will work for hudson? :)
Thanks in advance

That plugin will not work with Hudson, unless you download a very old version of the plugin. I'm not sure how many people are still using Hudson and haven't upgraded to Jenkins.
Anyway, when a user manually triggers a build, this is called a "user cause"; there are other types of cause, e.g. SCM trigger.
You can use the JSON or XML API to get the causes for a build, for example:
In this case, this returns the username that caused the build to run.
Though note that there may be multiple causes for a build, and potentially other cause types that use the userId field.
This works in Jenkins, but it should also work in Hudson, but I haven't tested it.


How to start a build via a phrase in Jenkins Pipelines

I am switching from the github pull request builder plugin (for security reasons) and am trying to get the same functionality from Pipelines (using different plugin). I think I have just about everything, however I can't seem to find a way to re-trigger a build simply by a trigger phrase like in github pull request builder plugin. Is that possible via pipelines?
By trigger phrase, I mean that a user can make a comment on the PR saying "Jenkins re-test" and it will kick off the build again.
You can put a condition at the top of the build script to check for the message. You can access the changesets using currentBuild.ChangeSets. The last changeset is at the end of the array. Then you need to access the last element of that changeset. Finally you can access the message via message property. You can then search for your keyword.
I am doing the opposite (not triggering the build with a phrase) but never tried for pullrequests though.
Another idea is to use the "ignore builds with specific message" property and setting this message to be a regex with look ahead that accepts everything except the keyword. I don't really recall the syntax though :/

Modify notifications on a running build in jenkins

I occasionally want to get notified when a particular jenkins job that is building finishes. Is there any way to do this?
Scripting it through the API would be fine. I already have the jenkins IRC bot that notifies me of many things, so if I could just dynamically modify the running job build, that would be enough to do what I want -- I'm just having a hard time finding how to accomplish that.
AFAIK, you cannot change a job's config while it's running.
Here is an idea: Use a post-build step to check for an external resource status (like a file containing an action by text) and running an action based on the content of the file.
The external file can be modified while the build is running, so when the post-build is executed, it will follow the logic defined based on the content of the file.
I hope this helps.
You can use email notifier, It will send you an email

Unable to add build step in jenkins job

I was able to create the new job but I am NOT able to add any build step.
This behaviour is reproducible and it occurs when I try to do it from the initial “configure” page I get after job creation as well as with a later configure attempt. And its persists for all job types.
It does not depend on whether I am logged in or not.
The problem is that when I open the “add build step” I get a selection of possible job types (“shell script”, “windows batch”, …) but when I select one of those nothing more happens.
I also have other jobs of this type already up and running and I am also not able to add more build steps to those.
I had this with v1.625.3, all of a sudden. Problem in Chrome and FF. Workaround was to use IE.

Restrict a build step for a job name or user

Is there a way to restrict a build step for a user. I have added a build step using the templates plugin, this template is for the deployment.
I do not want any users who has access to create a job or modify a job to be able to use this build step. The new build step that has been added should only be used by the the administrator.
If people can modifying Job configuration, they can get around any limitation you would place.
If your step can be executed post-build, I suggest to take a look at Promoted Builds plugin. The promotions can be configured to be limited to certain users only. But again, if a user has ability to change job configuration, they can overcome that easily.
The only way I can think of, is to have an external script (or preferably a compiled program than cannot be simply "read" with text editor) that is expecting a password that only you now, before executing whatever secret stuff that you want.

Need help getting artifact names out of Jenkins for email

I have three Jenkins projects (Maven jobs, to be exact) that have many available parameters. I've set up a way to automate running these weekly with a set of parameters using the Build Flow plugin so that I end up running a total of 12 builds. I also have a follow-up project that exists only to send an email containing some information about the builds that ran, including a link to all 12 of the artifacts.
My problem is figuring out a way to get the artifact names from all 12 jobs. I think the best way to do that is using the REST API, but I could use some help with that.
I am using the Editable Email Notification plugin, and I have access to the job name and build number. I probably just need a script to grab the artifact name from each job.
Does anyone have experience with this?
I haven't tried the exact case you want, but you should be able to use the depth and tree parameters of the REST API to narrow down the data you need. Start with the API URL for one of the builds, which will be of the form
