I've been tasked with a project to get attendance information from specific types of Teams. I have a service account that is already a member of these Teams, however it is unable to access an endpoint needed to resolve JoinWebUrls to meetingIDs (See example #3, 'Retrieve an online meeting by JoinWebUrl').
I have done the following thus far:
Create a new App Registration and assigning it 'OnlineMeetings.Read.All' as an Application permission (this process needs to run as a script, meaning that Delegate permissions won't work here)
Create a new Application Access Policy, assigned the aforementioned App Registration's App ID to it, and granted it to the service account.
Signed into MS Graph as the service account (using the 'password' grant_type) and retrieved the 'events' within the Team (via /v1.0/groups/$GroupID/events)
Extracted the JoinWebURL parameter from each of those events.
Step 5 would be to resolve the meetingID from the JoinWebURL, however when I all of the following requests fail:
GET /v1.0/me/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '$JoinWebURL' (as the service account, which should be able to interact with the meeting)
GET /v1.0/users/$ServiceAccountObjectID/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '$JoinWebURL' (as the service account to access it's own object's meetings, however this does seem to be the endpoint for Application permissions rather than Delegate permissions)
GET /v1.0/users/$ServiceAccountObjectID/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '$JoinWebURL' (using the App Registration mentioned earlier, signing in with the 'client_credentials' grant_type)
GET /v1.0/me/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '$JoinWebURL' (as the App Registration trying to access any meeting, however this does seem to be the endpoint for Delegate permissions rather than Application permissions)
Basically, I'm stuck. Is there something obvious that I'm missing? I'm also considering raising a support call with Microsoft, to see if the behaviour I'm experiencing is merely a bug.
Thanks in advance.
Events and online meetings are two different API's, you have created an event and trying to get online meeting details. That's the reason you are getting those errors. If you want to get event details please try this document.
I'm currently trying implement an app to read calendars only for a group that's permitted to the app. The idea behind this is that when I want to add a another calendar all I'd have to do is add the object to a specific o365 group. I'm taking the application approach over delegation that way I don't have anything actually logging in to utilize the app. Ultimately I'd like to stay away from any of the *.All permissions for security reasons.
Steps taken :
- created o365 group
- added resource objects and one user service account (just for testing) to the group
- registered app
- generated secret
- assigned group to the app
- granted admin consent to groups.selected via the azure portal
When I run a GET for group/{id}/members :
{'error': {'code': 'Authorization_RequestDenied', 'message': 'Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.', 'innerError': {'request-id': '473410a8-4db4-49d6-8d2c-92b9fbd4edb1', 'date': '2020-03-05T14:59:28'}}}
As per the docs
If you are using Application permissions to Get Members for a group. you will need User.Read.All, Group.Read.All, Directory.Read.All.
The usual issue is not granting that permissions to the application in Portal.azure.com and admin consenting it.
If you're confident with that. Then I'd eliminate your code as being the issue by using something like postman with your app id and client secret. We have a sample Postman collection here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/use-postman . for delegated permissions you can use our Graph Explorer playground.
MS docs says:
Note: This permission is exposed in the Azure portal for a feature that is not available for general use. Do not use this permission as it is subject to change.
I'm building my first Slack bot and I've got the basics mostly working... sending API requests, receiving commands and events, etc. But the part I'm left a bit confused about is what I'm supposed to do with the "Bot User OAuth Access Token".
The token appears to be shared across teams/workspaces, but it is returned to be during authentication of individual users with a call to /oauth.v2.access. Currently I'm storing the returned credentials payload in a table that has three columns:
My app's internal user ID
The Slack user ID embedded in the payload as authed_user.id
The entire JSON payload itself (jsonb in postgres if you're curious)
This allows me to initiate new API calls for actions that take place in my app (find by internal user ID) and also for interactions within Slack (find by Slack user ID).
What has left me a bit puzzled is what the convention is for when a user interacts with my bot that hasn't added my app. This can happen when a person ("Jose") adds my app and then their colleague ("Mary") discovers it in Slack and views the home screen, sends it a message, etc.
In order to take some action, such as prompt for the user to install my app, I need a token. Of course I have a token for Jose but not for Mary. I also have Jose's team ID stored in my table and Mary's team ID as part of the incoming event. So technically I could do something like this to get a working token to interact with Mary:
select credential_json from slack_credentials
where credential_json->>'type' = 'bot' and credential_json->'team'->>'id' = :marysTeamId
... which would pull out the bot token I captured when Jose added the app. This works, but it feels very wrong. I suppose if I just stored bot tokens in a separate table that looked like this:
The Slack team ID embedded in the payload as team.id
A subset of the JSON payload (ex: access_token, scope, bot_user_id, etc but not authed_user)
Then it wouldn't feel so yucky. But the docs + API ergonomics don't suggest this is a common approach either. So I'm curious what others do. If I don't hear anything back, I suppose my plan is to break out the bot tokens into a team-centric table.
The basic concept of Slack apps is that they are installed per workspace, not per user.
So while it's true that the app's token is derived from the user who installed your app to a new workspace, most the apps function are available to all users of the workspace.
e.g. slash commands will work for every user in every channel
e.g. posts of your app will be visible to all users of the related channel.
Therefore the best approach for storing tokens usually is with a primary key of Slack Team ID, Slack User ID.
And just to clarify. You do not need a token to prompt a user to install you app. Every app can be installed from webpage hosted by you (with the "Add to Slack button") or directly from the App Directory.
I am writing a .Net Core 2.0 MVC-like app where users log in and then do such operations on an AAD B2C tenant such as add new user, edit user, delete user etc.
Listing and adding users was pretty easy to do, but now when I try to remove certain users, I get a 403 Forbidden error. I'm assuming it's because I missed permissions somewhere, but I don't really know where.
I have enabled literally ALL possible App permissions in my AAD B2C Tenant b2c-extensions-app and most of the ones that sound right (30 app+30 delegated) in apps.dev.microsoft.com. I added the account I log in to test to owner list, too. Any clues on why I keep getting those errors would be much appreciated. What are the things I could have missed?
// I found out that to delete users, Directory.AccessAsUser.All is required. I already have it in delegated permissions but I keep getting the same error.
// Yes, I did add myself as owner to b2c-extensions-app and I also added literally every possible permission to it. Windows Azure Active Directory has 7+9, Microsoft Graph has 37+78.
// Okay it seems that the same error occurs when I try to edit a user's password (or any contents, really), too.
Did you setup your permissions through Azure portal or PowerShell?
Delete permissions for a B2C application must be created using PowerShell.
You can find instructions on this page of Microsoft Docs, under the section 'Configure delete permissions for your application'.
Let me know if it helped!
I'm trying to leverage the beta api for assigning azure users to applications.
I looked at the documentation and tried a variety of attempts in a C# console app using HttpClient and WebClient and couldn't succeed. I then went to the Microsoft graph explorer https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer . I couldn't get it to work.
I looked at the documentation
The document's actual documentation of the HTTP request which doesn't match the Example. The Graph Explorer seems to hint that the example is correct, but through various attempts, I can only get a response of
"error": {
"code": "Request_UnsupportedQuery",
"message": "Direct queries to this resource type are not supported.",
My essential url is
The example says {id} but I have no idea what to put in. I put in several guids, user ids, object ids, resource ids, and none worked.
It isn't saying any access denied messages so I assume it has nothing to do with Scopes (all though the documentation is a little empty regarding that as well).
Ideally, I'd be able to see if for a given Guest Azure User has access to a particular App, then I'd be able to go and Update the assignment. I'll probably also need to delete the assignment as well.
[Edit (2021-07-06): Use Microsoft Graph v1.0 for all of this.]
It looks like the Microsoft Graph API's beta endpoint doesn't currently allow you to list AppRoleAssignments.
[Edit (2018-10-11): The Microsoft Graph beta endpoint now supports the ability to list AppRoleAssignments, though you should still use Azure AD Graph for any production application, until it gets to v1.0.] Fortunately, the Azure AD Graph API does work for this (plus, it's not a beta endpoint, so it's more likely to be stable).
To list all app roles a user is assigned with Microsoft Graph:
To list all app roles a group is assigned:
To do the reverse, and list all users or groups assigned to an app:
Azure AD Graph is deprecated and all support for it will cease in June 2022. The equivalent requests were (in the same order as above):
In the new Azure portal, under "Enterprise applications" > (your app) > "Users and groups", you'll see the list of users who are assigned to the application, as well as the app role they are assigned to. After testing , you could do the equivalent thing using Microsoft Graph API request :
Your could get the service principal under "Enterprise applications" > (your app) >Properties>Object ID .Here is sample of the response :
id is the role id , In your scenario ,you could check whether record exists when the principalId matches the object id of the specific user , and principalType is user .
I am using the Microsoft Graph SDK as downloaded from NuGet (1.2). I authenticate to Azure AD (using ADAL).
I am using Client Credentials flow (not authenticated as any particular user) and am using Application Permission roles to access resources.
We are going to set up one service mailbox with a bunch of aliases. The aliases are given to the clients. This is so they are emailing an address that has a meaningful name to them.
My app will run as a service, and routinely scan new emails in this inbox. It should find the To address, and depending on what alias was used, file the email in a location relevant to that client.
The resource I want is: GET /users/<id | userPrincipalName>/messages
However, there doesn't appear to be a method in the SDK for it.
I can get users with this:
IGraphServiceUsersCollectionPage filteredUsers =
.Filter("userPrincipalName eq 'user#domain.com'")
When I loop through the collection, I can see that the User has a 'Messages' property, but it is always null.
If I manually build a request message with HttpClient I can get the messages.
The second problem is that the Recipient property is always the userPrincipalName of the mailbox. How can I get the alias that was used by the sender?
While you are able to get your collection of users successfully, you have to make another request to receive the messages. This would look something like:
IUserMessagesCollectionPage userMessages =
To answer your second question, at this time you cannot access the original recipient through the Graph API, but you can do this through EWS. This is due to the fact that you can only retrieve the SMTP message headers through EWS. You can read more about how to do this here.
If this is something you believe is valuable to you in the Graph, I would encourage you to post it in our UserVoice.
If you want to get the email as a file, you can simply get the body as bytes through the SDK:
byte[] asBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(message.Body.ToString());