Unable import text using importxml and xpath inside div - google-sheets

i'm Using Google Sheets with IMPORTXML to scrape a download count information from a japanese website via XPath in google sheet. I want to save the number/text inside this red box
here's the link
here's my function
=IMPORTXML("https://www.photo-ac.com/main/detail/4465781?title=アゲハ蝶とヒャクニチソウ", "/html/body/div[17]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]//text()")
the function doesn't work? why?
thank you

When I tested your formula, I confirmed that an error of Could not fetch url: occurred. But, fortunately, when Google Apps Script is used, I confirmed that the URL can be requested using UrlFetchApp. So, in this answer, I would like to propose to use Google Apps Script. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script:
Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Google Spreadsheet, and save it, and put a formula of =SAMPLE("URL") to a cell. If the function name is not found, please reopen the Google Spreadsheet and test it again. This script is used as the custom function.
function SAMPLE(url) {
const value = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText().match(/ダウンロード:.+/);
if (!value) throw new Error("Value was not retrieved.");
return value;
When above script is used, the following result is obtained.
This sample script is for the current HTML of the URL of https://www.photo-ac.com/main/detail/4465781?title=アゲハ蝶とヒャクニチソウ. And, when the structure of HTML of the URL is changed, above script might not be able to be used. Please be careful this.
Custom Functions in Google Sheets


Unexpected behavior while finding and deleting files in Google Drive: file disappears

I want to find and delete files in Google Drive, which contain special string in the file name.
I tried it in the following way:
created a spreadsheet named testDeleteByName, where I will run Google App script,
created a project in the Cloud Console,
activated Google Drive API for the project, created OAuth and added the spreadsheet testDeleteByName to this project in the project setting of the spreadsheet.
In the spreadsheet I added the script
function SearchFiles() {
var searchFor ='title contains "untitled"';
var files = DriveApp.searchFiles(searchFor);
while (files.hasNext()) {
Then I created a spreadsheet named untitled testsheet to test the script.
After this I executed the script in the testDeleteByName.
As result I get
An error in execution log
Exception: Access denied: DriveApp. SearchFiles # Code.gs:5
The test file untitled testsheet is disappeared (not even in the bin)
The file testDeleteByName with the script is removed into the bin.
What I'm doing wrong? How looks the correct way?

Using google query to download parts of a published sheet

This works:
curl 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS3iBtVf4i_won5zAN9NGPqhcd6CcTb-4QHxpisSjCmlgV95B6mFmZvtMaC9GPvD7m8kD-6XLkVAhfc/pub?gid=911257845&single=true&output=csv'
however I want to only pick up rows where count > 300.
The query before encoding would be
select * where F > 300
After encoding
So the url becomes
The line above works retrieves a file, but it returns the whole file, and doesn't filter.
Note that a published web sheet has the form
This works. Adding &output=csv to it (no space before the &) works, and it downloads as a csv file. This opens in excel and shows the data in the table.
I tried this:
and get errors -- resource not available.
The page above should be public for people who want to try.
This may be an issue between publishing a sheet, and sharing a whole spread sheet to anyone who has the link.
I've created a new page that uses importrange() that slurps up the page from the main sheet, and that one is public.
How about this modification?
Modification points :
When it uses query, please use like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/### file ID ###/gviz/tq?gid=###&tq=### query ###.
When select%20*%20where%20%F%3E300 is decoded, it is select * where %F>300.
select * where F > 300 is select%20%2a%20where%20F%20%3e%20300.
In order to output CSV, please use tqx=out:csv.
Please share the Spreadsheet.
On Google Drive
On the Spreadsheet file
right-click -> Share -> Advanced -> Click "change" at "Private - Only you can access"
Check "On Anyone with the link"
Click "Save"
At "Link to share", copy URL.
Retrieve file ID from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/### file ID ###/edit?usp=sharing
Modified curl command :
curl 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/### file ID ###/gviz/tq?gid=911257845&tq=select%20%2a%20where%20F%20%3e%20300&tqx=out:csv'
Reference :
Query Language Reference
If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.
Edit :
The following 2 URLs are the comparison between your URL and my answer. The URL of my answer was matched to your URL.
1. Your URL
When above URL is separated,
e/ is not required.
This is not the file ID of spreadsheet.
2. In my answer matched to your URL
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/### file ID ###/gviz/tq?gid=###&tqx=out:csv&tq=### query ###
When above URL is separated,
### file ID ###
You can see the detail of the file ID of spreadsheet at here.
You can use gid=911257845.
This has to be used instead of output=csv.
tq=### query ###
You can use tq=select%20*%20where%20F%3E300.
Note :
Each number corresponds.
And please share the Spreadsheet as follows. This is difference from "Publish to the web" on Spreadsheet.
On Google Drive
On the Spreadsheet file
right-click -> Share -> Advanced -> Click "change" at "Private - Only you can access"
Check "On Anyone with the link"
Click "Save"
At "Link to share", copy URL.
Retrieve file ID from ``https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/###

Input Control Parameters not passing in Jaspersoft Reference Hyperlink to Dashboard

I have a jaspersoft report (line chart built in studio), and I want the data series in the chart to be hyperlinks that drilldown to open a dashboard.
Based on this wiki page I was able to create Reference hyperlinks so that clicking on any data series in the chart opens the correct dashboard. But I cannot get the Input Control parameters to pass correctly.
The URL when I load my dashboard directly from the repository (not by clicking hyperlinks in my line chart report) is
The URL generated when i do not include input controls in my hyperlink reference expression is the same:
<itemHyperlink hyperlinkType="Reference">
The URL generated when i do include Input Control parameter values is different, but still loads the dashboard empty (without passing the parameter values):
<itemHyperlink hyperlinkType="Reference">
<hyperlinkReferenceExpression><![CDATA["./dashboard/viewer.html#%2Fpublic%2FP2%2FMidcap%2FFinancial%2FDashboards%2FWell_Profile"+"&hidden_WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0} + "&hidden_OccurrenceDate_1=" + $P{RecordDate_0_1} + "&hidden_OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}]]></hyperlinkReferenceExpression>
I know I am naming the input controls correctly because if i change my link type to report execution and link to a simple report using those input controls the proper report opens and the input control values are passed correctly.
I would also appreciate if anyone has other references they can point me to for drilling down TO a dashboard from a report.
I'm working with 6.3 and was able to resolve the issue with a small modification to the HyperlinkReferenceExpression syntax.
Specifically, I removed the "_hidden" before the input control resource IDs:
original syntax:
+"&hidden_WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0}
+"&hidden_OccurrenceDate_1=" + $P{RecordDate_0_1}
+"&hidden_OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}
modified syntax:
+"&WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0}
+"&OccurrenceDate_1=" +$P{RecordDate_0_1}
+"&OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}
I'm assuming you're running 6.4.0. I'm not sure that approach is still valid.
You will likely need to register a custom hyperlink handler in your report in order to drill-down to a Dashboard. See here for more details: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-use-custom-hyperlink-handler-dashboard-jasperreports-server
And here: http://www.helicaltech.com/use-custom-hyperlink-handler-with-a-dashboard-in-jasperreports-server/
Let me know if that works for you on 6.4.0!
My solution is a bad solution., but it worked for me.
In my Dataset - query I used the following:
Select p.printer_name, p.display_name, $P{start_date_1} as start_date_param, ....
Then, use the start_date_param as a field in the hyperlink.

How to get url to google drive file from GTLDriveFile?

In old version of the Google Drive API v2 a fileresource contained was alternateUrl which could be used to point to the file in browser. In latest version of Google Drive v3 a fileresource contains only webViewLink, but it's returned nil.
Maybe there is way to convert file identifier to url ?
As mentioned in similar question on stack overflow, the webViewLink is returned only for public folders. As a workaround i used for now:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"https://drive.google.com/file/d/%#/view", file.identifier]
But not sure if this urls will be valid in future, perfectly google api would return something i could use to later open file in browser.
in my app, my webViewLink have value!
You must in query action add following codefileListQuery.fields = #"*";

Get value of an input element on a firefox addon

How i can fetch the value of this input element in my main.js:
<input type="hidden" value="12124054" id="ctl00_cphContent_hdnID" name="ctl00$cphContent$hdnID">
I tried var id = document.getElementById("ctl00_cphContent_hdnPlayerID").value; and contentWindow.document.getElementById("ctl00_cphContent_hdnPlayerID").focus(); but i am getting errors that document and contentWindows are unidentified :(
You need to get the value from the page using a content script and then send the value to main.js - this is because web content is inherently untrusted by the addon-sdk. Please see these docs for more on how to use content scripts:
Here is an example add-on on Builder that shows how to pass values frmo the content script back to main.js. In this case I'm using the xui library to more easily bind events in the pgae.
