Input Control Parameters not passing in Jaspersoft Reference Hyperlink to Dashboard - hyperlink

I have a jaspersoft report (line chart built in studio), and I want the data series in the chart to be hyperlinks that drilldown to open a dashboard.
Based on this wiki page I was able to create Reference hyperlinks so that clicking on any data series in the chart opens the correct dashboard. But I cannot get the Input Control parameters to pass correctly.
The URL when I load my dashboard directly from the repository (not by clicking hyperlinks in my line chart report) is
The URL generated when i do not include input controls in my hyperlink reference expression is the same:
<itemHyperlink hyperlinkType="Reference">
The URL generated when i do include Input Control parameter values is different, but still loads the dashboard empty (without passing the parameter values):
<itemHyperlink hyperlinkType="Reference">
<hyperlinkReferenceExpression><![CDATA["./dashboard/viewer.html#%2Fpublic%2FP2%2FMidcap%2FFinancial%2FDashboards%2FWell_Profile"+"&hidden_WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0} + "&hidden_OccurrenceDate_1=" + $P{RecordDate_0_1} + "&hidden_OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}]]></hyperlinkReferenceExpression>
I know I am naming the input controls correctly because if i change my link type to report execution and link to a simple report using those input controls the proper report opens and the input control values are passed correctly.
I would also appreciate if anyone has other references they can point me to for drilling down TO a dashboard from a report.

I'm working with 6.3 and was able to resolve the issue with a small modification to the HyperlinkReferenceExpression syntax.
Specifically, I removed the "_hidden" before the input control resource IDs:
original syntax:
+"&hidden_WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0}
+"&hidden_OccurrenceDate_1=" + $P{RecordDate_0_1}
+"&hidden_OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}
modified syntax:
+"&WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0}
+"&OccurrenceDate_1=" +$P{RecordDate_0_1}
+"&OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}

I'm assuming you're running 6.4.0. I'm not sure that approach is still valid.
You will likely need to register a custom hyperlink handler in your report in order to drill-down to a Dashboard. See here for more details:
And here:
Let me know if that works for you on 6.4.0!

My solution is a bad solution., but it worked for me.
In my Dataset - query I used the following:
Select p.printer_name, p.display_name, $P{start_date_1} as start_date_param, ....
Then, use the start_date_param as a field in the hyperlink.


How to prevent automatic hyperlink detection in the console of Firefox/Chrome developer tools?

Something that drives me nuts in the developper tools of Chrome (106) and Firefox (105) is the fact that whenever some text logged to the console via console.log(text) happens to contain a hyperlink, this link is not only turned clickable (I can live with it even when I usually prefer to have just plain text) but is abbreviated, if it is a long link. So when I want to control what precise link is in some variable, I cannot just write e.g. console.log(img.src), because some of the interesting information of the link is hidden.
You can try yourself with
var href = '';
In both, Firefox and Chrome, the output for me contains some '...', e.g. in Firefox I obtain as output:…link%5D+automatic+detection&someMoreStuffTomakeTheLinkLonger
thus hiding the part after "-devtools". (Chrome hides a slightly different part). The console is mostly a debugging tool. I log things because I want to see them, not hide them. I always need to either hover with the mouse and wait for the tooltip (doesn't allow me to copy fractions of the link) or to right click copy the link and paste it somewhere where I can see it completely. Or take a substring to remove the "https://" in the front. But note that the variable isn't necessarily a single hyperlink, but can be any text containing several such hyperlinks. I didn't find a way to force console.log to just print plain text all content. Did anybody meet this problem as well and find a workaround?
I made this a community wiki answer, because the main insight is not from myself but from the comments. Feel free to improve.
The console.log() function allows several arguments, which allows also a formatted output similar to printf in some languages. The possibilities of formatting can be found in the documentation of console.log() on MDN. In any case, this formatted output provides a solution at least for Chrome, as #wOxxOm pointed out in the comments:
console.log('%O', href) // works in Chrome
This is rather surprising, because %O is described at MDN as
"Outputs a JavaScript object. Clicking the object name opens more information about it in the inspector".
It seems there is no 'clicking' in Chrome when the object is a string.
There is also %s for string output, but this just gives the standard behavior of replacing links in both browsers. And for Firefox none of the above two formatting options works. There one really has to replace the protocol "https://" by something that is not recognized as link. A space behind ':' seems enough, so "https: //". It turns out, that one can also insert a formatting string "https:%c//", which can even be empty, and thus yield an output which is the complete link and can be copied as well:
console.log(href.replace(/(https?:)/, "$1%c"), ""); // works in Firefox
In particular the FF solution is cumbersome, and there might also be several links within one console-output. So it is useful to define one's own log-function (or if one prefers, redefine console.log, but note the remark at the end)
function isChrome() {...} // use your favorite Chrome detection here
function isFirefox() {...} // use your favorite Firefox detection here
function plainLog() {
const msg = arguments[0];
if (isChrome() && arguments.length == 1 && typeof msg == "string") {
return console.log("%O", msg);
if (isFirefox() && arguments.length == 1 && typeof msg == "string") {
const emptyStyle = ""; // serves only as a separator, such that FF doesn't recognize the link anymore
const reg = /(https?:)\/\//g;
const emptyStyles = []; // we need to insert one empty Style for every found link
const matches = msg.matchAll(reg);
for (let match of matches) {
return console.log(msg.replace(reg, '$1%c//'), ...emptyStyles);
return console.log(...arguments);
For browser detection isChrome() and isFirefox() see e.g. here on SO.
One can of course extend the redefinition also to the other console functions (, console.warn, etc.)
The downside of the redefinition of console.log is that usually every output of the console shows also the last entry of the call stack as a practical link to the source of the logging. But due to the redefintion, this link is now always to the same place, namely the file and line number where plainLog() is defined and calls console.log(), instead of the place where the new log command plainLog() was called. This new problem is described on SO here, but the solution (see comment) is again a bit involved and also not completely satisfying to serve as a replacement for the built-in console.log . So if links appear only rarely in the logging, it's probably better to switch to the redefined plainLog() only for these links.

Unable import text using importxml and xpath inside div

i'm Using Google Sheets with IMPORTXML to scrape a download count information from a japanese website via XPath in google sheet. I want to save the number/text inside this red box
here's the link
here's my function
=IMPORTXML("アゲハ蝶とヒャクニチソウ", "/html/body/div[17]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]//text()")
the function doesn't work? why?
thank you
When I tested your formula, I confirmed that an error of Could not fetch url: occurred. But, fortunately, when Google Apps Script is used, I confirmed that the URL can be requested using UrlFetchApp. So, in this answer, I would like to propose to use Google Apps Script. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script:
Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Google Spreadsheet, and save it, and put a formula of =SAMPLE("URL") to a cell. If the function name is not found, please reopen the Google Spreadsheet and test it again. This script is used as the custom function.
function SAMPLE(url) {
const value = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText().match(/ダウンロード:.+/);
if (!value) throw new Error("Value was not retrieved.");
return value;
When above script is used, the following result is obtained.
This sample script is for the current HTML of the URL ofアゲハ蝶とヒャクニチソウ. And, when the structure of HTML of the URL is changed, above script might not be able to be used. Please be careful this.
Custom Functions in Google Sheets

Hyperlink in CellRendererText Markup

I want to display a hyperlink in a pygtk table:
column.add_attribute(cr, "markup", 0)
my_liststore=['google', ...]
Hyperlink "a" seems not supported by the markup. I get this warning:
GtkWarning: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Unknown tag 'a' on line 1
How can I display a hyperlink in a pygtk table? And of course it should open the browser if you click on it ...
Several month after asking this question: Here is my personal advice: don't use gtk. It is a dead horse. I don't know if Qt is better. The way to go is web technology.
Here are the lines which I use now. The cell gets rendered with blue color and underlined. The double click event calls a callback with uses the webbrowser module.
table = gtk.TreeView(list_store)
cr = gtk.CellRendererText()
# allow pango markup
column.add_attribute(cr, "markup", i)
# connect double click handler:
self.timeline.connect('row-activated', self.on_treeview_click)
# content in the data rows:
u'<span foreground="blue" underline="single">%s</span>' % (
def on_treeview_click(self, treeview, path, view_column):
url='....' # build your url
import webbrowser

Get value of an input element on a firefox addon

How i can fetch the value of this input element in my main.js:
<input type="hidden" value="12124054" id="ctl00_cphContent_hdnID" name="ctl00$cphContent$hdnID">
I tried var id = document.getElementById("ctl00_cphContent_hdnPlayerID").value; and contentWindow.document.getElementById("ctl00_cphContent_hdnPlayerID").focus(); but i am getting errors that document and contentWindows are unidentified :(
You need to get the value from the page using a content script and then send the value to main.js - this is because web content is inherently untrusted by the addon-sdk. Please see these docs for more on how to use content scripts:
Here is an example add-on on Builder that shows how to pass values frmo the content script back to main.js. In this case I'm using the xui library to more easily bind events in the pgae.

Save current webpage in Watin

I'm trying to save the full content of the current static web page, using the code from Show IE "Save As" dialog using Watin
So here it is:
IE ie = new IE("http://localhost");
// more code
//I expect out.html is the output file
FileDownloadHandler fileDownloadHandler = new FileDownloadHandler("out.html");
//I expect this line to popup the save as dialog box, but nothing happens
//the program is blocked at this line, as it can't click anywhere
I also tried the code below, but it doesn't save all the page:
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("output.html");
Again, I need to save the webpage from Watin, and the result to be the same as saving it manually.
Here is how I do it:
(myIE.InternetExplorer as SHDocVw.InternetExplorer).Document.documentElement.outerHtml);
Assumes myIE is a WatiN IE element, of course.
If you're ever having difficulty finding how to do something with WatiN, I often find it helpful to google how to do it with an "Internet Explorer COM object". WatiN wraps the object, but it is exposed and able to be accessed!
Try to parse the html with html agility pack and save it, there are additional abilities that you can use...
using HtmlAgilityPack;
var htmldoc = new HtmlDocument();
Link to agility pack
