Remote Docker engine in PhpStorm Services - docker

I can't find any information if I can use PhpStorm Services with Docker Engine installed on the remote server.
I know I can use docker context command to switch between local and remote Docker Engine, and it works fine for me but I want to integrate PhpStorm too to improve my work.
Is it even possible to connect PhpStorm to the remote Docker in this way?


VS Code Remote Development using a docker container hosted in the cloud

With the VS Code extension Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers I can develop inside a container that is spun up on my local computer via Docker Desktop.
Is there any way to develop inside a container hosted on Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, or any other cloud system instead?
I can't use Docker Desktop locally because I'm on a Macbook Pro with Apple Silicon, meaning that Docker does not work the same way as it would on an Intel chip.
UPDATE 2021-12-04:
I solved the issue by using GitHub Codespaces
You can use docker context
It forwards the remote docker socket via ssh to your local machine
docker context create NAME_OF_THE_CONTEXT --docker "host=ssh://$SERVER_USER_NAME#$SERVER_IP"
Use the context
docker context use NAME_OF_THE_CONTEXT
Now you can run docker commands in your local terminal that will be executed on the remote host.
So now you can connect to remote containers via VSCode as if the containers are running remotely.

VSCode combine remote ssh and remote containers

On my office desktop machine, I'm running a docker container that accesses the GPU. Now, since I'm working from home, I'm connected through ssh to my office desktop computer in vs code via remote ssh plugin which works really well. However, I would like to further connect via remote containers to that running container in order to be able to debug the code I'm running in that container. Failed to get this done yet.
Anyone has any idea if this is possible at all and in case any idea how to get this done?
Install and activate ssh server in a container.
Expose ssh port via docker
create user with home directory and password in container
(install remote ssh extension for vs code and) setup ssh connection within the remote extension in vs code and add config entry:
Host <host>-docker
User userIdContainer
Port exposedSshPortInContainer
Connect in vs code.
Note: Answer provided by OP on question section.

VSCode cannot access Docker image inside wsl2 image

I am running a cuda enabled docker container inside wsl2 and when i try to use VSCode to run scripts inside it i cannot connect to it. The message in the docker plugin window is:
Error: connect EACCESS /var/run/docker.sock
I added the default user in the wsl to the docker group. I double-checked and i know for sure that i can run docker as a user. How do I elevate the VSCode privillages to make it able to access the docker inside the wsl image?
Btw. I cannot use docker desktop because it does not allow to use the gpu inside the container.
So with the set of plugins locally:Docker, Remote - WSL, Remote - Containers, Remote SSH, Remote Development, Remote SSH - editing configuration files
in the WSL: Docker Explorer, Docker, Docker Extension Pack
I am able to log from VSCode directly to the console and perform other basic operations (starting containers etc). Attaching VSCode is still impossible as for now. At least the menu option under RMB throws an error

How to run Docker commands on remote Windows engine

I'm working on integrating Docker into our TeamCity build process so that I can create a task that runs a "docker build" to create an image from our code. Right now, all our build agents run on either Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012, neither of which can run Docker. There's a chance we can get a license for one Windows Server 2016 build machine, but I'm wondering if there's a way to run Docker Engine on that machine while issuing docker commands from other build agents.
Here's what I've considered so far:
Docker Toolkit: This is a way to run Docker on legacy systems, but it spins up a local VirtualBox VM running Linux thus it can only run Linux containers. I need to be able to build and run Windows containers.
Docker Machine: This is a way to talk to a remote Docker engine. However, according to this open bug, it appears Docker Machine is only capable to talking to remote engines on Linux hosts due to security implementations; It's an old issue but I can't find any indication this limitation has been removed.
Docker itself uses a client/server architecture, but I couldn't find any documentation on how to talk to a remote engine without using something like Docker Machine.
Anything else I'm missing, or am I just pretty much out of luck unless we upgrade all our build agents to Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016?
You can start using the remote Windows Server 2016 instance from other build agents.
Docker allows to expose the Docker Engine (aka Daemon) via tcp. In that case and especially when the host is publicly reachable you should consider configuring authentication using client/server certificates. Details can be found in the official documentation at, but you may find the Windows Server specific article at more helpful.
Regarding your aspect of using a client to connect to a remote Docker Engine, please use the -H tls://<host>:<port> argument like described at (or see the example provided at

Debugging in and deploying to containers on a remote server in IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA (and PyCharm with others) support remote deployment, debugging, and execution in "Tools → Deployment". This allows running remote SDK as well, so the workflow is identical to local development.
This works until development is containerized. In this case, you have to execute (run or debug) inside a container on a remote server.
For Docker containers:
Deployment is simple: Set up SFTP to the remote server and automatically upload files there. Files are stored in folders. Folders are attached to Docker containers as volumes. Restart the app inside the container.
Setting up a remote SDK is not clear because this SDK is inside the remote container. IntelliJ IDEA has Docker plugin that supports remote SDKs from Docker containers:
I guess I should set up a new Docker server by connecting IDEA to the remote Docker daemon via TCP socket.
Several sources explain how to configure the remote API at various stages:
Put Docker on a network socket: How do I enable the remote API for dockerd
Protect the socket: Protect the Docker daemon socket
Open it to the external world: How to open a specific port such as 9090 in Google Compute Engine
Add the server:socket to the new SDK configuration in the picture above.
Where can I get a more detailed guide on connecting IDEA to the remote Docker? For example, where do I get the certificate, what ports should I open on the remote machine, and how to set it up securely if the remote server is an AWS/GCP machine?
