Google AdMob Publisher data not found. error iOS - ios

I have a problem with AdMob.I add all implementations for AdMob.When I tried I had an error: Publisher data not found. Then I searched on google. They mention to check id but it is no problem with my id. (My ad type is rewarded)

Google gives next recommendations:
...Always test with test ads
When building and testing your apps, make sure you use test ads rather
than live, production ads. Failure to do so can lead to suspension of
your account.
The easiest way to load test ads is to use our dedicated test ad unit
ID for iOS rewarded ads:
It's been specially configured to return test ads for every request,
and you're free to use it in your own apps while coding, testing, and
debugging. Just make sure you replace it with your own ad unit ID
before publishing your app...
More information here


iOS 14 - Source app's responsibility - Display ads that the ad network signs

I have little bit of confusion regarding the second point mentioned for the source app's responsibility in documentation of SKADNetwork.
Add the ad network’s ID to its Info.plist.
Display ads that the ad network signs.
First part is done. I have addded the ad network IDs in my info.plist.
Regarding the second part Display ads that the ad network signs.
Is this something I need to do? Going through the documentation I see the keys but if I do have to implement it what would the value be?
According to this article
Display the ads that the ad network signs -
While this is listed under "Source App" this responsibility will ultimately fall on the ad network SDK if it is going to be handling displaying ads in the app. In any case, the source app must use a set of keys when they call the loadProduct() method to describe a specific impression from the ad network's ad in order to associate an app install with an ad campaign.
Does this means this part of code is handled by the ad sdk?
according to this article it seems like sdk will handle
Displaying an advertised product/initiating a validation involves
calling the loadProduct(withParamters:completionBlock:) method, which
requires a signature key that the ad network generates, known as the

Changing test ads to real one

I'm almost ready to publish my first app to the App Store. I use AdMob banners and reward videos. I used test ID for both all the time as it said on AdMob website. But now I'm not sure about few things and I can't find direct answers anywhere.
Before sending app for review I should change test IDs to my personal. As far as I understand I can't test my app with real IDs before sending, even if I won't be clicking any ads. So, can't I test it few times to make sure real ads work? And do I need to do this? Can I be sure if test ads work flawlessly real ads will work as well?
After my app is published, should I change IDs to test ones again to continue working on my app?
I also've seen an option to enable test devices, but I constantly using different simulators and real devices to make sure app looks right on all of them. And it just not too convenient to list all of them on every page.
If test ads were already shown successfully, I will only need to make sure you switch your TestAd IDs with your RealAd IDs correctly (No typos).
Please note that test ads operate through the same channels as live ads. Being able to return a test ad ensures that your application is communicating properly with our network.
And yes, I think you should switch back to TestAd IDs if you are reworking your app. Perhaps make a simple if/else statements to simplify the process of going back and forth between RealAd and TestAd.

AdMob displays different Ads with same ID on iOS

I’ve made a game with libgdx, and imported Google Ads SDK to add ads.
I downloaded a sample project to see how I should have imported Interstital.
But soon I found out that the interstial shown in my app were very different from the one shown in the sample project, but I don’t know why
Does somebody knows what this could be all about?
Sample project interstitial:
My game interstitial:
EDIT: the two projects use the same AdMob account and Ad ID
You can't fully control what you want the users to see in your Interstitial ad. And you have to be mindful of the Google AdMob's best practices and policies too.
If you want a custom layout, you can use Native Ads Advanced (Unified)
And if you ONLY want a video rewarded ad, there's another format of ad available:
Rewarded Video Ads
I hope this helps.
EDIT: OP knows the info above, apparently. What OP wanted to know is the reason why the two projects have different ad content.
There should be multiple reasons why you experienced that.
Bundle Ids of the apps.
Either of the two projects has set test device id (or simulator id) to generate test ad, and the other one has not, thus giving you different ads.
Some AdMob's FAQs:
Do I have to choose which ads to show in my app?
No. AdMob automatically serves ads to your apps from the AdMob Network
and third-party networks of your choosing. These ads can be targeted
to your app content and audience.
If you do want control over what appears in your app, you can block
ads from certain advertisers and categories from being shown in your
Who decides which ads to show in my app?
AdMob uses an ad auction to automatically select the ads that will
appear on your pages from all the available ad sources. Generally, the
highest performing ads will be shown in your app.
If you do want control over what appears in your app, you can block
ads from certain advertisers and categories from being shown in your
To know more, read:

Fabric - MoPub: No ads found for ad unit

I am currently developing an iOS app (could be Android or sth else, that's not the issue here) and have just included the MoPub kit through fabric in order to monetize the app through ads.
After implementing a full screen/interstitial ad with the test unit id, the interstitial shows perfectly. However, when using my personal ad unit ID, the ad doesn't show up. What I get from the console is the following:
MOPUB: Interstitial controller is loading ad with MoPub server URL:
MOPUB: Interstitial ad view is fetching ad network type: clear
MOPUB: No ads found for ad unit: 1234567890
N.B: if I do the exact same process with the banner, no issues; for some reason I ignore, it only happens to me with the interstitial.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
One thing I noticed is that it takes steady requests to get the ad unit 're-loaded' and be responsive. If there has been a period of no requests. I think it is officially referred to as a "warm up" period. But you can 'stim' your ad unit by making and saving a change to the ad unit on the MoPub portal. I usually get a better response if I make an edit (then change it back) a few minutes before testing. This is just an empirical observation.
Edit Just had another parting thought. Make sure your NOT paused in the segment for all networks for that ad unit!
It happened to me when I tried to load a fullscreen ad with image creatives that exceeded the size available to show them in the app.

Applovin returns error code 204 with test mode enabled

I'm integrating Applovin into a cocos2d-x game and interstitial ads work just fine. I'm unable to receive any banners (most likely because of my location), though.
I went through the Applovin docs and found this:
This error means “no fill” or that our server is unable to return an ad given the parameters/circumstancs of the ad request. We will never have 100% fill so it is important you can manage this error code correctly (see Best Practices for Handling 204s). If you are testing your app and need to see an ad to verify your integration, here are the likely causes of a 204 and their respective fixes:
Advertiser demand is limited for your country/geo, app category, or phone characteristics. Fix: use the Test Toggle in the UI.
I suppose after enabling the test mode, that I should be able to receive test ads but I'm still getting 204s.
Once you turn on test mode it can take ~30 minutes to become effective, so you might just need to wait a bit. Also, it turns itself off after some amount of time (I think a few hours), so that could be the cause, too.
I was getting this error on an emulator and the ads were blank (error 204). When I tried on a physical device, the ads would come up.
