AdMob displays different Ads with same ID on iOS - ios

I’ve made a game with libgdx, and imported Google Ads SDK to add ads.
I downloaded a sample project to see how I should have imported Interstital.
But soon I found out that the interstial shown in my app were very different from the one shown in the sample project, but I don’t know why
Does somebody knows what this could be all about?
Sample project interstitial:
My game interstitial:
EDIT: the two projects use the same AdMob account and Ad ID

You can't fully control what you want the users to see in your Interstitial ad. And you have to be mindful of the Google AdMob's best practices and policies too.
If you want a custom layout, you can use Native Ads Advanced (Unified)
And if you ONLY want a video rewarded ad, there's another format of ad available:
Rewarded Video Ads
I hope this helps.
EDIT: OP knows the info above, apparently. What OP wanted to know is the reason why the two projects have different ad content.
There should be multiple reasons why you experienced that.
Bundle Ids of the apps.
Either of the two projects has set test device id (or simulator id) to generate test ad, and the other one has not, thus giving you different ads.
Some AdMob's FAQs:
Do I have to choose which ads to show in my app?
No. AdMob automatically serves ads to your apps from the AdMob Network
and third-party networks of your choosing. These ads can be targeted
to your app content and audience.
If you do want control over what appears in your app, you can block
ads from certain advertisers and categories from being shown in your
Who decides which ads to show in my app?
AdMob uses an ad auction to automatically select the ads that will
appear on your pages from all the available ad sources. Generally, the
highest performing ads will be shown in your app.
If you do want control over what appears in your app, you can block
ads from certain advertisers and categories from being shown in your
To know more, read:


Different smart banners in iOS

I've noticed fairly recently that certain websites on iOS seem to get a more persistent smart banner from Apple. For example on and I see smart banners like this:
Note how the smart banner doesn't have the usual close cross on the left (and it's slightly shorter than the normal one).
I've looked at the page code and neither twitter or facebook have the meta tag with their app-id linked.
So my question is how did they get these banners? Is this just something Apple has decided to add on their behalf due to the popularity of their sites / apps? Or is there some secret config you can add to a site to get these special banners?
Smart App Banners are dynamic. They are different depending on whether you already have the app installed or not. If the app is not installed yet, the big banner with the close button is displayed. If the app is already installed, the banner from your screenshot will be displayed.
You can find a detailed description about that on the Apple Developer Documentation.

Display ads without leaving app

I'm looking at some ad SDKs and it's difficult for me to find a way to present them without leaving the app. I've tried a handful of them but lets say AdMob for purpose of answering this question.
Is there a way to present AdMob ads in an in-app browser once they are clicked? Or would I have to use a different SDK if I want to achieve that.
If the answer is the latter, what well known Ad SDKs would let me do that?
Opening the target page in Safari and not in an in-app browser is on purpose: Safari allows to better track the users. The reason is related to the cookie handling: Safari stores cookies globally while the UIWebView based in app-browsers have a cookie store restricted to a single app. Therefore with in-app browsers, you cannot track users across apps.
However, there is a solution to mitigate the problem provided you have a certain control about the ads (and aren't simply taking the from a network).
An ad can consist of more than just an image with a target link. It can contain interactive elements. You can take advantage of it by creating an ad that opens an overlay when tapped. The overlay shows a web page within your app. The user can then either close it or tap a link that takes her to a further web page shown in Safari.
The standard API to implement an overlay supported by most ad SDKs is MRAID. Google Mobile Ads SDK (formerly known as AdMob SDK) supports it. The Google SDK additionally supports the AdMob SDK.
Good examples for such ads can be found on a Google support page. Specifically check out "Sample Code for an expandable ad (MRAID)" and "Target window: in-app overlay window".

How to show a full-screen ad (like Flixster) randomly in an iOS app?

I have recently started programming in iOS. I found this really interesting way of showing an Ad in the Flixster app. It randomly pops up a latest movie banner and asks to watch trailer or skip to continue using the app. How is it actually implemented? how can they be pushing a variable screen (may be a view) at runtime? Every time you open the app, you see a different banner.
I work for Flixster and here's how we do it:
Every time the app starts or resumes, the app pings our API to ask for what ads should be shown. Our api gives our app the url of the image to be shown, as well as the click-through url, which can be a regular url, or a custom link to one of our native pages like viewing a trailer, or a movie info page.
We have an admin tool where we can upload the ad image, modify the properties of the ads, or remove old ads and add new ads. However, we've recently started using 3rd party Ad networks like DFP and Admob (acquired by Google) to take over this management.

iOS >> Ads Conversion Link: Is there a way to "catch" from which site / banner / ad users got to my app in the App Store?

I did some ads to my apps; the only information I get regarding how many people got to my app is from the sites where I advertised (Google, Facebook, etc...); and this is only showing how many people clicked the link.
I want info about the following:
How many people got to my app page - per each ad that I have
How many people downloaded the app - per each ad that I have
Can anyone assist?
What you are talking about is conversion tracking.
There's no easy way because you don't get stats from the app store page itself, so you have to do it like this:
when the user clicks your banner, record their device IP address in your database.
when they launch your app on their iPhone for the first time, make a call to your website using native code in your app and log the IP address again. If you get a match then you'll know that the user who clicked the banner is the same one who launched the app, therefore they must have just downloaded it from the app store.
It's not perfect because it won't work if there's a long time between them downloading and first launching the app (assuming they don't have a static IP), or if they download the app on a PC and then install it via iTunes later. It should work in a lot of cases though.
Some of the standard analytics packages have this capability already, for example Google/Admob supports tracking a user from clicking an Admob ad to launching the app in this way (Assuming you are using Google analytics in your app):

iAds: Displaying own ads when didFailToReceiveAdWithError

Outside the US and a few other countries (UK, France, Deutschland, Italia, España, Japan/日本), ads from the iAd Network aren't showing up much on iOS, yet.
In the meantime, besides using AdMob and the like to fill the blanks, I wonder if it's possible to display our own ads built with the iAd Producer.
So, the mechanism would be that when advertisements are not available, therefore triggering bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError:, it triggers our own ad instead.
If so, any ideas on: (1) if it's effectively possible to run our own iAd-Producer ads; (2) if so, how to implement that mechanism?
You can also create what adMob calls "In-house" ads. You can upload an image to use as the ad, or simply specify some text and a small icon and AdMob will make it look like their standard ads. This way, you can have your house ads filling up the remaining inventory when iAds aren't being displayed (100% house ads), or whatever amount of space you would like.
I've built an open-source library to handle both iAds and fallback AdMob ads in a single container with a single line of code in each view. This allows me to customize everything about my users' ad experience when there are no iAds to display. Just set your google publisher id to your account's and you're good to go.
You can use custom events in AdWhirl to basically make your iAd-Producer ads its own ad network, where you can assign it a percentage and backfill order.
You will have to implement the code to create the ad and replace the bannerView with your new ad.
