Is it possible to get a module from a baseline object in DOORS? - ibm-doors

I need to get the most recent baseline of a module in DOORS DXL. How do I store all of the objects from this version of the module in a skip list? Can I get the module objects from the baseline?

most recent baseline:
Baseline getMostRecentBaseline(Module m [,bool lastbaseline])
Returns the last baseline. If lastbaseline is set to true, it returns the version number of the last baseline even if it has been deleted. Otherwise, it returns the last baseline that still exists.
module from baseline:
Module load([Module m,] Baseline b, bool displ
Loads baseline b of module m; and if the last argument is on or true, displays it. If the first argument is omitted, it uses
the current module
Objects to skip list: that depends on what you want to do with these objects, which information you need (structure, links, content of (all?) attributes etc.), whether you want to have information available even after you closed the module, etc.
The first approach might be
// key: type integer = absolute Number
// value: type Object = complete object (valid only until the module is closed)
Skip skObjects = create()
Module mBaseline = load (m, getMostRecentBaseline(m, false), false)
Object o
for o in entire mBaseline do {
int absNo = intOf(o."Absolute Number""")
put (skObjects, absNo, o)
Another approach might be that your skip list contains some information about the object, that is valid after the module is closed:
// key: type integer = absolute Number
// value: type Skip =
// key: type string = property name
// value: type string = value of property
// information is still valid when Module is closed
Object o
for o in entire mBaseline do {
int absNo = intOf(o."Absolute Number""")
Skip skProperties = createString()
put (skProperties, "Object Heading", o."Object Heading""")
put (skProperties, "Object Text", o."Object Text""")
put (skProperties, "Priority", o."Priority""")
put (skProperties, "Object number", number (o) "")
put (skProperties, "Object level", level (o) "")
put (skProperties, "Object Parent AbsNo", (parent (o))."Absolute Number" "")
put (skObjects, absNo, skProperties)
Or may be you want to store that Skip List into another Skip List which contains Modules (key might be fullName m)


How to find requirements by keywords using DOORS DXL

I have identified 3-5 keywords for every requirement in module-A. Each keyword is separated by a comma. Now I want to search every requirement in module-B to see which of them have words that match each of the key words.
Not sure exactly what you're looking for. You might have to specify if none of these solutions I'm about to propose are exactly what you're looking for.
If you're trying to create a filter which displays only objects with those keywords in your current view, you can create an advanced filter by first going to filter (Tools > Filter > Define) and then select the Advanced button on the bottom left of the filter menu that appears.
At this point you can create custom rules for the filter. I would just create an individual rule for each word with the following definition:
Attribute: Object Text
Condition: contains
Value: <insert word here>
Match Case: uncheck
Regular Expression: uncheck
Then select the Add button to add the rule to the list of available rules in the Advanced Options.
At this point you can select multiple rules in the list of available rules and you can AND/OR these rules together to create a custom filter for the view that you want.
So that's for if you're trying to create a custom view with just objects containing specific words.
If you're talking about writing DXL code to automatically spit out requirements that have a particular word in it. You can use the something that looks like this:
Object o
String s
int offset, len
for o in entire (current Module) do
if (isDeleted(o)) continue
s = o."Object Text"""
if findPlainText(s, "<insert word here>", offset, len, false)
print identifier(o) // or replace this line with however you want to display object
Hope this is helpful. Cheers!
To perform actions on a comma separated list, one at a time, you can use a while loop with some sort of search function that cuts off words one at a time.
void processWord (string someWord, Module mTarget, Object oSource)
Object oTarget
string objID = identifier(oSource)
for oTarget in mTarget do
if (<someWord in oTarget Object Text>) // edit function as necessary to do this
if (oTarget."Exists""" == "")
oTarget."Exists" = objID
oTarget."Exists" = oTarget."Exists" "," objID
int offset, len
string searchCriteria
Module mSource = read("<path of source module>", true)
Module mTarget = edit("<path of target module>", true)
Object oSource
for oSource in mSource do // can use "for object in entire(m)" for all objects
if (oSource != rqmt) continue // create conditions specific to your module here
searchCriteria = oSource."Search Criteria"""
while (findPlainText(searchCriteria, ",", offset, len, false))
processWord(searchCriteria[0:offset-1], mTarget, oSource)
searchCriteria = searchCriteria[offset+1:]
processWord(searchCriteria, mTarget, oSource) // for last value in comma separated list

Repast: how to get a particular agent set based on the specific conditions?

I am previously working with Netlogo and there are some very good built-in methods that allow me to filter and control the desired agents from the total population. (see: For instance, I could very easily to command the different class of people agent in a simulation with simple codes like:
ask peoples with [wealth_type = "rich"] [donate money...]
ask peoples with [wealth_type = "poor"] [get money from rich people...]
In Repast, are there list of methods specifically built for easy controlling of agent set?
The equivalent in Repast Simphony Java is to use a Query. Queries apply a predicate to each agent in the Context and returns those that evaluate to true in an iterator. The PropertyEquals query evaluates an agent's property w/r to some value (e.g. "wealth_type" and "rich"). Note that "property" here refers to a Java property, i.e., a getter type method:
String getWealthType() {
return wealthType;
where "wealthType" is the name of the property.
As an example, in the JZombies example model, we can query Humans whose energy is equal to 5.
Query<Object> query = new PropertyEquals<Object>(context, "energy", 5);
for (Object o : query.query()) {
Human h = (Human)o;
The query() iterator returns all the humans whose energy is equal to 5.
You can get a bit more complicated in the equivalence test by providing your own predicate. For example,
PropertyEqualsPredicate<Integer, Integer> pep = (a, b) -> {
return a * 2 == b;
Query<Object> query2 = new PropertyEquals<Object>(context, "energy", 8, pep);
for (Object o : query2.query()) {
Human h = (Human)o;
Here, we are checking if the energy * 2 == 8. The predicate is passed the agent's property value in the first parameter and the value to compare against in the second parameter. Given that the predicate returns a boolean, you could also test for inequality, greater than etc.
Simphony has a variety of queries available. See,
for more info.
You can also do this in Simphony's ReLogo dialect:
ask (turtles()){
if (wealth_type == "rich") {
if (wealth_type == "poor") {
If you want to just collect the richTurtles you can do (where "it" is the default method to access the individual turtle that is iterated over with findAll):
richTurtles = turtles().findAll{
it.wealth_type == "rich"
or with an explicit closure argument:
richTurtles = turtles().findAll{x->
x.wealth_type == "rich"

DXL ignoring the error if an attribute doesn't exist in a module

I am writing some DXL for use as a DXL column that for each object in a module, looks at the in-links and returns the link name. Then if the link name starts with "verif", it will get the object text from an attribute "TestResultFloating" in the linked module and show it in the current module, in the DXL column.
The problem I will have when I use this on the whole database (currently I am just using a sandbox) is that some of the modules linked through the "verif" link module will not contain the "TestResultFloating" attribute. For these I would like to oppress the 'unknown Object attribute (TestResultFloating)' error and instead display something like N/A for that Object in the current module.
Below is my code that currently works as long as the "TestResultFloating" attribute is present in the linked module, but will throw the error if the attribute is not present.
ModName_ mSrc
Object o = current
Object nObject
Object oSrc, oDest
LinkRef lr = null
Link l = null
string linkname = ""
string attrbName = "TestResultFloating"
for mSrc in (obj <- "*") do {
if (!open(mSrc)) {
read(fullName(mSrc), true)
for l in (obj <- "*") do {
oSrc = source(l)
linkname = name(module(l))
string linkmodname = upper(linkname[0:4])
if(linkmodname == "VERIF") {
string objText = oSrc."TestResultFloating"
I tried one way of doing it which I got from the dxl reference manual which was to check whether the attribute exists and then do the operation. This is what I added but it doesn't seem to work, I still get the same error "unknown Object attribute (TestResultFloating)"
What I tried is shown below:
if(linkmodname == "VERIF") {
if(exists attribute "TestResultFloating"){
string objText = oSrc."TestResultFloating"
else {
Please also note that i'm very new to DOORS and DXL so if I am doing something drastically wrong or I am asking a simple question please forgive me.
There is a utility function called string probeAttr_(Object o, string attrName) that can be used for getting an attribute value if you are not sure whether the attribute is readable or whether it even exists.
This function and a lot of similar functions tailored for different circumstances can be found in the file "c:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.6\lib\dxl\utils\"

How to make a class table member distinct in Lua objects?

Consider the following code:
local field =
name = '',
array = {},
new = function(self, o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
local fld1 = field:new()
local fld2 = field:new() = 'hello'
table.insert(fld1.array, 1)
table.insert(fld1.array, 2)
table.insert(fld1.array, 3) = 'me'
table.insert(fld2.array, 4)
table.insert(fld2.array, 5)
print('fld1: name='' len='..#fld1.array)
print('fld2: name='' len='..#fld2.array)
The output when executed is as follows:
fld1: name=hello len=5
fld2: name=me len=5
From the output, it can be seen that name has different values in fld1 and fld2. array, however, has the same value in fld1 and fld2 (fld1.array and fld2.array are the same and therefore have the same length of 5).
How do I fix this code so that fld1.array is independent of fld2.array (so that modifying fld1.array does not change fld2.array)?
First off, fld1 and fld2 have distinct names because you gave them distinct names - their own properties.
When you perform table key assignment the new key and value are stored directly in the table that you specify. The __index metamethod only comes in to play when you perform table key lookup and the key is not found in the table.
A quick example where we can see that table key assignment will shadow keys in the __index lookup chain.
local Foo = { shared = 'shared', private = 'private' }
Foo.__index = Foo
local foo = setmetatable({}, Foo)
foo.private = 'a shadowed value'
print(Foo.shared, foo.shared) -- shared shared
print(Foo.private, foo.private) -- private a shadowed value
Note: there is a __newindex metamethod for catching table key assignment that involves a never-before-seen key.
Consider treating the new method more like a traditional constructor function, wherein you assign 'private' properties to newly created instances.
local Field = {
-- shared properties go here
-- shared methods are defined as such
function Field:new (name)
local o = {
-- private properties for the newly created object go here
name = name or '',
array = {}
self.__index = self
return setmetatable(o, self)
function Field:insert (value)
table.insert(self.array, value)
local fld1 = Field:new('hello')
local fld2 = Field:new('me')
print('fld1: name='' len='..#fld1.array) -- fld1: name=hello len=3
print('fld2: name='' len='..#fld2.array) -- fld2: name=me len=2
Some more notes:
Generally, 'class' names should be in PascalCase, to make them distinct.
Having a :new function in the lookup chain means instances can invoke it, this may or may not be desirable. (Can create slightly ugly inheritance this way.)
There is a difference between how you define methods which use the implicit self. You should give Chapter 16 of Programming in Lua a read. It might be a tad dated if you're using 5.2 or 5.3, but it should still have a lots of useful information.
If you're interested in a tiny library for this, I recently wrote Base. If you look around, you'll find lots of little OOP packages for making these kinds of things a bit easier.
Lua's oop technic not same c++, java
__index metamethod reference target table record.
and so, fld1, fld2 array item is Field's array item.
you must make a new table and use it.
why name's value different. Because, Your assign a name = 'hello'
simply code fix
fld1.array = {}
using new method code fix
local o1 = {name = '', array = {}}
local o2 = {name = '', array = {}}
local fld1 = field:new(o1)
local fld2 = field:new(o2)
make new table(make o) and insert new method.

Inserting Key Pairs into Lua table

Just picking upon Lua and trying to figure out how to construct tables.
I have done a search and found information on table.insert but all the examples I have found seem to assume I only want numeric indices while what I want to do is add key pairs.
So, I wonder if this is valid?
my_table = {}
my_table.insert(key = "Table Key", val = "Table Value")
This would be done in a loop and I need to be able to access the contents later in:
for k, v in pairs(my_table) do
There are essentially two ways to create tables and fill them with data.
First is to create and fill the table at once using a table constructor. This is done like follows:
tab = {
keyone = "first value", -- this will be available as tab.keyone or tab["keyone"]
["keytwo"] = "second value", -- this uses the full syntax
When you do not know what values you want there beforehand, you can first create the table using {} and then fill it using the [] operator:
tab = {}
tab["somekey"] = "some value" -- these two lines ...
tab.somekey = "some value" -- ... are equivalent
Note that you can use the second (dot) syntax sugar only if the key is a string respecting the "identifier" rules - i.e. starts with a letter or underscore and contains only letters, numbers and underscore.
P.S.: Of course you can combine the two ways: create a table with the table constructor and then fill the rest using the [] operator:
tab = { type = 'list' }
tab.key1 = 'value one'
tab['key2'] = 'value two'
Appears this should be the answer:
my_table = {}
Key = "Table Key"
-- my_table.Key = "Table Value"
my_table[Key] = "Table Value"
Did the job for me.
