Elasticsearch Find Out does user stops or moving - Possible? - ruby-on-rails

I want to use elasticsearch configuration about mapping to display user location and his/her direction to admin in my web app. so I create an index in elasticsearch like:
"settings": {
"index": {
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 1
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"analyzer-name": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": "lowercase"
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"driver_id": { "type": "integer" },
"email": { "type": "text" },
"location": { "type": "geo_point" },
"app-platform": { "type": "text" },
"app-version": { "type": "text" },
"created_at": { "type": "date", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd||epoch_millis"}
and start to inserting user location to elasticsearch with this curl
"driver_id": 357,
"driver_email": "Andrew#mailinatior.com",
"location": {
"lat": 37.3,
"lon": 59.52
"created_at": "2021-06-04 00:09:00"
this structure came from user mobile to my elasticsearch, after that I wrote these services to fetch data for my web-end part of my designing:
module Api
module V1
module Drivers
module Elastic
class LiveLocation
include Peafowl
attribute :driver_id, ::Integer
def call
#driver = ::Driver.find(driver_id) if driver_id.present?
result = []
options = {
headers: {
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
body: #driver.present? ? options_with_driver : options
response = HTTParty.get(elasticseach_url.to_s, options)
records = JSON.parse(response.body)['hits']['hits']
if records.present?
records.group_by { |r| r['_source']['driver_id'] }.to_a.each do |record|
driver = ::Driver.where(id: record[0]).first
if driver.present?
location = record[1][0]['_source']['location']
app_platform = record[1][0]['_source']['app-platform']
app_version = record[1][0]['_source']['app-version']
result.push(driver_id: driver.id, driver_email: driver.profile.email, location: location, app_platform: app_platform, app_version: app_version)
rescue StandardError => error
Rails.logger.info "Error => #{error}"
result = []
context[:response] = result
def elasticseach_url
"#{ENV.fetch('ELASTICSEARCH_BASE_URL', '')}/#{ENV.fetch('ELASTICSEARCH_DRIVER_POSITION_INDEX', 'live_location')}/_search"
def options
query: {
bool: {
filter: [
range: {
created_at: {
gte: (Time.now.beginning_of_day.strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
sort: [
created_at: {
order: 'desc'
def optinos_with_driver
query: {
bool: {
must: [
term: {
driver_id: {
value: #driver.id
filter: [
range: {
created_at: {
gte: (Time.now.beginning_of_day.strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
sort: [
created_at: {
order: 'desc'
this structure working perfectly but even if the user stops while elasticsearch saves his location but I need to filter user data that if the user stops for one hour in place elasticsearch understand and not saving data. Is it possible?
I use elsticsearch 7.1
and ruby 2.5
I know it's possible in kibana but I could not using kibana at this tim.

I am not sure if this can be done via a single ES query...
However you can use 2 queries:
one to check if the user's location's during the last hour is the same
Second same then don't insert
But i don't recommend that
What you could do:
Use REDIS or any in-mem cache to maintain the user's last geo-location duration
Basis that, update or skip update to Elastic Search
PS: I am not familiar with ES geo-location API


Selecting distinct values from a JSON -- in ruby

I have a json data like below :
data :[
"application_number": 1274930,
"status": "Removed",
"application_number": 1550670,
"status": "Registered",
"application_number": 1562368,
"status": "Registered",
"application_number": 1625492,
"status": "Objected",
"application_number": 1644092,
"status": "Registered",
"application_number": 1691808,
"status": "Removed",
"application_number": 1726161,
"status": "Registered",
I want to get the unique values of status only. Something like this:
["Removed", "Objected", "Registered"]
I found a similar question and solution there was in javascript :- _.keys(_.countBy(data, function(data) { return data.name; }));
Is there a similar way in ruby to find this ?
you achieve this by following ways:
uniq_status = []
data.each do |tupple|
uniq_status << tupple['status'] if status.include?(tupple['status'])
#$> ["Removed", "Objected", "Registered"
#$> ["Removed", "Objected", "Registered"
data.group_by {|tupple| tupple["status"]}.keys
#$> ["Removed", "Objected", "Registered"
data.uniq {|tupple| tupple["status"]}.collect{|tupple|tupple['status']}
#$> ["Removed", "Objected", "Registered"
I hope this will help you.

Ruby make put / post http call with array of object

i have this http call code, the type is form
param = {
form: {
"creatives[]" => [
is_visible: params[:creative_banner_is_visible],
type: "banner",
value_translations: {
id: params[:creative_banner_value_id],
en: params[:creative_banner_value_en]
is_visible: params[:creative_video_is_visible],
type: "video",
value_translations: {
id: params[:creative_video_value_id],
en: params[:creative_video_value_en]
http = HTTP.headers(headers)
http.put(base_url, param)
but somehow this is translated to this on the target server
"{:is_visible=>\"true\", :type=>\"banner\", :value_translations=>{:id=>\"Banner URL ID\", :en=>\"Banner URL EN\"}}",
"{:is_visible=>\"true\", :type=>\"video\", :value_translations=>{:id=>\"12345ID\", :en=>\"12345EN\"}}"
do you know how to make this http call not stringified? i used same schema on postman and work just fine
"creatives": [
"is_visible": true,
"type": "banner",
"value_translations": {
"id": "http://schroeder.info/elinore",
"en": "http://wehner.info/dusti"
"is_visible": true,
"type": "video",
"value_translations": {
"id": "85177e87-6b53-4268-9a3c-b7f1c206e002",
"en": "5134f3ca-ead7-4ab1-986f-a695e69ace96"
i'm using this gem https://github.com/httprb/http
First, replace your "creatives[]" => [ ... with creatives: [ ... so the end result should be the following.
creatives = [
is_visible: params[:creative_banner_is_visible],
type: "banner",
value_translations: {
id: params[:creative_banner_value_id],
en: params[:creative_banner_value_en]
is_visible: params[:creative_video_is_visible],
type: "video",
value_translations: {
id: params[:creative_video_value_id],
en: params[:creative_video_value_en]
http = HTTP.headers(headers)
http.put(base_url, creatives.to_json)
Second, I don't see any problem with what you get in your target server, you just have to parse it to JSON, so if you also have a Rails app there use JSON.parse on the body.
somehow this approach fixed the issue
create_params = {}.compare_by_identity
create_params["creatives[][is_visible]"] = params[:creative_banner_is_visible]
create_params["creatives[][type]"] = 'banner'
create_params["creatives[][value_translations][id]"] = params[:creative_banner_value_id]
create_params["creatives[][value_translations][en]"] = params[:creative_banner_value_en]
create_params["creatives[][is_visible]"] = params[:creative_video_is_visible]
create_params["creatives[][type]"] = 'video'
create_params["creatives[][value_translations][id]"] = params[:creative_video_value_id]
create_params["creatives[][value_translations][en]"] = params[:creative_video_value_en]

How to setup date and fuzzy title search on elasticsearch

I am building an Rails 5 app with an Angular 7 frontent.
In this app I am using Searchkick (an Elasticsearch gem) and I have indexed a model called Event that got attributes title (string) and starts_at (datetime).
I want to be able to build a query in the search controller where I am able to do the following:
Search the title with a fuzzy search meaning it do not have to match 100% (which it now require).
Search with a date range matching starts_at for the indexed Events.
This is my controller index method
def index
args = {}
args[:eventable_id] = params[:id]
args[:eventable_type] = params[:type]
args[:title] = params[:title] if params[:title].present?
if params[:starts_at].present?
args[:starts_at] = {}
args[:starts_at][:gte] = params[:starts_at].to_date.beginning_of_day
args[:starts_at][:lte] = params[:ends_at].to_date.end_of_day
#events = Event.search where: args, page: params[:page], per_page: params[:per_page]
I have added this line to my Event model
searchkick text_middle: [:title]
This is the actual query that is run
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": [{
"term": {
"eventable_id": "2"
}, {
"term": {
"eventable_type": "Space"
}, {
"term": {
"title": "nice event"
}, {
"range": {
"starts_at": {
"from": "2020-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"include_lower": true,
"to": "2020-02-29T23:59:59.999Z",
"include_upper": true
"timeout": "11s",
"_source": false,
"size": 10000
The date search does not work (but I get no errors) and the title search must match 100% (even the case).
Thankful for all help!
Rather than using Fuzzy queries, I would recommend an ngram analyzer.
Here is an example of an ngram analyzer:
analyzer: {
ngram_analyzer: {
type: "custom",
tokenizer: "standard",
filter: ["lowercase", "ngram_filter"],
char_filter: [
filter: {
ngram_filter: {
type: "ngram",
min_gram: "3",
max_gram: "20",
You will also have to add this code to your settings index:
max_ngram_diff: 17
Then on your mapping, make sure you create two fields. 1 mapping for your regular field such as name and then another mapping for your ngram field such as name.ngram.
In my query, I like to give my name field a boost of 10 and my name.ngram field a boost of 5 so that the exact matches will be rendered first. You will have to play with this though.
In regard to your range query, I am using gte and lte. Here is an example:
bool: {
must: {
range: {date: {gte: params[:date], lte: params[:date], boost: 10}}
I hope this helps.

Elasticsearch : Multi match query on nested fields

I am having a problem with multi-match query in RoR. I have Elastic Search configured and working however I am working on setting up aggregations which so far seem to work, but for whatever reason I am not able to search on the field which I am aggregating. This is the extract from my model:
settings :index => { :number_of_shards => 1 } do
mapping do
indexes :id, index: :not_analyzed
indexes :name
indexes :summary
indexes :description
indexes :occasions, type: 'nested' do
indexes :id, type: 'integer'
indexes :occasion_name, type: 'string', index: :not_analyzed
def as_indexed_json(options = {})
self.as_json(only: [:id, :name, :summary, :description],
include: {
occasions: { only: [:id, :occasion_name] },
courses: { only: [:id, :course_name] },
allergens: { only: [:id, :allergen_name] },
cookingtechniques: { only: [:id, :name] },
cuisine: { only: [:id, :cuisine_name]}
class << self
def custom_search(query)
__elasticsearch__.search(query: multi_match_query(query), aggs: aggregations)
def multi_match_query(query)
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6", "occasion_name^6", "course_name^6", "cookingtechniques.name^5"],
operator: "and"
I am able to search on all fields as specified in the multi_match_query apart of "occasion_name" which happens to be the field I am aggregating. I have checked that the field is correctly indexed (using elastic search-head plugin). I am also able to display the facets with the aggregated occasion_names in my view. I tried everything I can think of, including removing the aggregation and searching on occasion_name, but still no luck.
(I am using the elasticsearch-rails gem)
Any help will be much appreciated.
I got this ES query from rails:
:fields=>["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6", "occasion_name^6", "course_name^6", "cookingtechniques.name^5"],
{:nested=>{:path=>"occasions"}, :aggs=>{:id_and_name=>{:terms=>{:script=>"doc['occasions.id'].value + '|' + doc['occasions.occasion_name'].join(' ')", :size=>35}}}}}}},
This is an example of all that gets indexed for 1 of my dummy recipes I use for testing (the contents are meaningless - I use this only for testing):
"_index": "recipes",
"_type": "recipe",
"_id": "7",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"id": 7,
"name": "Mustard-stuffed chicken",
"summary": "This is so good we'd be surprised if this chicken fillet recipe doesn't become a firm favourite. Save it to your My Good Food collection and enjoy",
"description": "Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Mix the cheeses and mustard together. Cut a slit into the side of each chicken breast, then stuff with the mustard mixture. Wrap each stuffed chicken breast with 2 bacon rashers – not too tightly, but enough to hold the chicken together. Season, place on a baking sheet and roast for 20-25 mins.",
"occasions": [
"id": 9,
"occasion_name": "Christmas"
"id": 7,
"occasion_name": "Halloween"
"id": 8,
"occasion_name": "Bonfire Night"
"id": 10,
"occasion_name": "New Year"
"courses": [
"id": 9,
"course_name": "Side Dish"
"id": 7,
"course_name": "Poultry"
"id": 8,
"course_name": "Salad"
"id": 10,
"course_name": "Soup"
"allergens": [
"id": 6,
"allergen_name": "Soya"
"id": 7,
"allergen_name": "Nut"
"id": 8,
"allergen_name": "Other"
"id": 1,
"allergen_name": "Dairy"
"cookingtechniques": [
"id": 15,
"name": "Browning"
"cuisine": {
"id": 1,
"cuisine_name": "African"
I managed to make the search work for occasions as suggested by #rahulroc, but now I can't search on anything else...
def multi_match_query(query)
path: 'occasions',
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6", "occasion_name^6", "course_name^6", "cookingtechniques.name^5"],
operator: "and"
UPDATE: Adding multiple nested fields - I am trying to add the rest of my aggregations but I am facing similar problem as before. My end goal will be to use the aggregations as filters so I need to add about 4 more nested fields to my query (I also would like to have the fields searchable) Here is the working query as provided by #rahulroc + the addition of another nested field which I can't search on. As before in terms of indexing everything is working and I can display the aggregations for the newly added field, but I can't search on it. I tried different variations of this query but I couldn't make it work (the rest of the fields are still working and searchable - the problem is just the new field):
def multi_match_query(query)
bool: {
should: [
path: 'occasions',
query: {
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["occasion_name"]
path: 'courses',
query: {
query: query,
type: "best_fields",
fields: ["course_name"]
multi_match: {
query: query,
fields:["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6"],
You need to create a separate nested clause for matching a nested field
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"nested": {
"path": "occassions",
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "Christmas",
"fields": ["occassion_name^2"]
"multi_match": {
"query": "Christmas",
"fields":["name^9", "summary^8", "cuisine_name^7", "description^6","course_name^6"] }

how to get the union of hashes in ruby for this json structure

Below is json I translated from ruby hash for ease of representation for this question using hash.to_json. Notice how the key range is being repeated since the values in the nested doc are different. How do I merge the ranges so that for the weight key both "gt": 2232, "lt": 4444 fall under the one hash key weight inside range. Is there some union or collapse method in ruby to sort of "compactify" hashes?
"must": [
"match": {
"status_type": "good"
"range": {
"created_date": {
"lte": 43252
"range": {
"created_date": {
"gt": "42323"
"range": {
"created_date": {
"gte": 523432
"range": {
"weight": {
"gt": 2232
"range": {
"weight": {
"lt": 4444
"should": [
"match": {
"product_age": "old"
Want to change the above to this:
"must": [
"range": {
"created_date": {
"gte": 523432,
"gt": "42323"
"range": {
"weight": {
"gt": 2232,
"lt": 4444
"should": [
"match": {
"product_age": "old"
I don't know of a built in way to handle something like this, but you could write a method that does something like this:
def collapse(array, key)
# Get only the hashes with :range
to_collapse = array.select { |elem| elem.has_key? key }
uncollapsed = array - to_collapse
# Get the hashes that :range points to
to_collapse = to_collapse.map { |elem| elem.values }.flatten
collapsed = {}
# Iterate through each range hash and their subsequent subhashes.
# Collapse the values into the collapsed hash as necessary
to_collapse.each do |elem|
elem.each do |k, v|
collapsed[k] = {} unless collapsed.has_key? k
v.each do |inner_key, inner_val|
collapsed[k][inner_key] = inner_val
[uncollapsed, collapsed].flatten
hash[:must] = collapse hash[:must], :range
Note that this is a specific solution that's mainly applicable to the presented problem. It only works for the hash/array depths specified here. You could probably write a recursive solution that could potentially work at any level of depth with a bit more work.
