How do I type let's say a function that takes a record that has a field a and any other field?
Is some equivalent of this Standard ML function possible in F#?
fun f {a: string, ...} = "Hello" ^ a;
Tried the following but these don't seem to be syntactically valid:
let f (r: {|a: string; _|}) = impl;
let g (r: {|a: string; ...|}) = impl;
You can achieve this kind of constraint with Statically Resolved Type Parameters like so:
let inline f< ^T when ^T: (member a: string)> (r: ^T) = ()
f {| a = "yeet" |} // compiles
f {| a = "yeet"; b = "yote" |} // compiles
f {| b = "yote" |} // error
Note that this isn't just for anonymous records. It will hold true for any type that has a member with the specified signature.
I also like to hide these things behind a module and extract the nasty SRTP stuff into an active pattern like so:
module M =
let inline private (|HasName|) x = (^a : (member Name: string) x)
let inline printName (HasName name) = printfn $"{name}"
type Person1 = { Name: string; Age: int }
type Person2 = { Name: string; Age: int; IsFunny: bool }
type Name(name) =
member _.Name = name
let p1 = { Name = "Phillip"; Age = 30 }
let p2 = { Name = "Phillip"; Age = 30; IsFunny = false }
let nm = Name "Phillip"
M.printName p1
M.printName p2
M.printName nm
This has the benefit of hiding the details of how you get the constraint "lined up correctly" and lets you easily re-use the signature in other things you want to publicly expose.
Suppose I have the following type:
type Temp<'b,'c> =
A : string
B : 'b
C : 'c
D : string
And I want to create a function that receives Temp<string,string> and outputs Temp<int,int>. I tried two approaches. The most cumbersome (f1) works and the most logical (in my view) does not (f2).
let f1 (r : Temp<string,string>) = //works
A = r.A
B = r.B |> int
C = r.C |> int
D = r.D
//doesn't work
let f2 (r : Temp<string,string>) = {r with B = r.B |> int; C = r.C |> int}
Is there another way to construct such a function without having to repeat all the fields in the body?
As mentioned before, you can not (ATM) use the f2 approach but you can simply create a generic version of your f1 approach and use it.
type Temp<'b,'c> = {
A: string
B: 'b
C: 'c
D: string
module Temp =
let bind fB fC temp =
A = temp.A
B = fB temp.B
C = fC temp.C
D = temp.D
let bind1 f = bind f f
let sTemp: Temp<string, string> = {
A = "a"
B = "b"
C = "c"
D = "d"
let iTemp: Temp<int, int> = sTemp |> Temp.bind int int // with two separate functions for each generic field
let iTemp: Temp<int, int> = sTemp |> Temp.bind1 int // with one function for both fields at once
I don't think so. A copy and update record expression can only be used to create a new record of the same type, but Temp<string, string> and Temp<int, int> are not the same type. I think there are a number of suggestions to broaden this along the lines you suggest in the F# language issue tracker (e.g. this one), but AFAIK, none have made it into the language yet.
Suppose I have following record types and their lists:
type Employee = {
type Project = {
let el = [{ = 1; name = "E1"};{ = 2; name = "E2"};{ = 3; name = "E3"};]
let pl = [{ = 5; name = "P1"};{ = 6; name = "P2"};{ = 7; name = "P3"};]
I want to apply the same function(as defined below) to both type lists but the type inferred is Project.
let CreateFormattedStringList l =
l |> x -> ( |> string) + "#" +
//function signature:
//val CreateFormattedStringList : l:Project list -> string list
let res_1 = el |> CreateFormattedStringList //error
let res_2 = pl |> CreateFormattedStringList //ok
I found this helpful link which shows a simple value returned. So, the following works for both types of lists in my case:
let inline CreateFormattedStringList (l: ^T list) =
(^T: (member id:int) (l.Head))
Now I am unable to wrap my head around how to apply the more elaborate function in same way. Something like:
let inline CreateFormattedStringList (l: ^T list) =
l |> (^T: (member id:int) (x)) -> ( |> string) + "#" +
I am trying to find examples but aren't able to. How can I use inline to be able to apply the same function to both types? Also, how to add constraint for 'name' and 'id' both?
Firstly, I think it's simpler to write a function that works on a single item instead of a list and then use it with other higher order functions like if necessary.
The syntax for this is confusing, but what you had working so far was actually a function that contains an expression that uses the id member, while also asserting that the input type has an id member. So you need to add another expression for name. It's easier to tell what's going on if you bind those to names:
let inline formatIdName (x: ^T) =
let id = (^T: (member id:int) x)
let name = (^T: (member name:string) x)
sprintf "%i - %s" id name
formatIdName { = 1; name = "E1"} // "1 - E1"
formatIdName { = 5; name = "P1"} // "5 - P1"
I need a function to convert types from a third-party library to IDictionarys so they can be easily serialized (to JSON). There are dependencies between the types so the dictionaries are sometimes nested.
Right now I have something hideous like this:
//Example type
type A(name) =
member __.Name = name
//Example type
type B(name, alist) =
member __.Name = name
member __.AList : A list = alist
let rec ToSerializable x =
match box x with
| :? A as a -> dict ["Name", box a.Name]
| :? B as b -> dict ["Name", box b.Name; "AList", box ( ToSerializable b.AList)]
| _ -> failwith "wrong type"
This would convert everything to a primitive type, an IEnumerable of such a type, or a dictionary.
This function will keep growing as types are added (ugh). It's not type-safe (requiring the catch-all pattern). Figuring out which types are supported requires perusing the monolithic pattern match.
I'd love to be able to do this:
type ThirdPartyType with
member x.ToSerializable() = ...
let inline toSerializable x =
(^T : (member ToSerializable : unit -> IDictionary<string,obj>) x)
let x = ThirdPartyType() |> toSerializable //type extensions don't satisfy static member constraints
So, I'm looking for creativity here. Is there a better way to write this that addresses my complaints?
Here's one possible solution that addresses the type-safety question, though not necessarily your extensibility question:
// these types can appear in any assemblies
type A = { Name : string }
type B = { Name : string; AList : A list }
type C(name:string) =
member x.Name = name
static member Serialize(c:C) = dict ["Name", box c.Name]
// all of the following code goes in one place
open System.Collections.Generic
type SerializationFunctions = class end
let inline serializationHelper< ^s, ^t when (^s or ^t) : (static member Serialize : ^t -> IDictionary<string,obj>)> t =
((^s or ^t) : (static member Serialize : ^t -> IDictionary<string,obj>) t)
let inline serialize t = serializationHelper<SerializationFunctions,_> t
// overloads for each type that doesn't define its own Serialize method
type SerializationFunctions with
static member Serialize (a:A) = dict ["Name", box a.Name]
static member Serialize (b:B) = dict ["Name", box b.Name; "AList", box ( serialize b.AList)]
let d1 = serialize { A.Name = "a" }
let d2 = serialize { B.Name = "b"; AList = [{ A.Name = "a" }]}
let d3 = serialize (C "test")
as quick-n-obvious idea: use overloads
//Example type
type A(name) =
member __.Name = name
//Example type
type B(name, alist) =
member __.Name = name
member __.AList : A list = alist
type Converter =
static member ToSerializable(a : A) = dict ["Name", box a.Name]
static member ToSerializable(b : B) = dict ["Name", box b.Name; "AList", box (b.AList |> Converter.ToSerializable)]
How could nested pattern matching, such as the following example, be re-written so that None is specified only once? I think the Maybe monad solves this problem. Is there something similar in the F# core library? Or, is there an alternative approach?
match a with
| Some b ->
let c = b.SomeProperty
match c with
| Some d ->
let e = d.SomeProperty
//and so on...
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
you can solve this using built-in capabilities: Option.bind
type A =
member this.X : B option = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
and B =
member this.Y : С option = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
and С =
member this.Z : string option = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let a : A = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let v =
|> Option.bind (fun v -> v.Y)
|> Option.bind (fun v -> v.Z) with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "<none>"
Frankly, I doubt that introducing full-fledged 'maybe' implementation (via computation expressions) here can shorten the code.
EDIT: Dream mode - on
I think that version with Option.bind can be made smaller if F# has more lightweight syntax for the special case: lambda that refer to some member of its argument:
"123" |> fun s -> s.Length // current version
"123" |> #.Length // hypothetical syntax
This is how the sample can be rewritten in Nemerle that already has such capabilities:
using System;
using Nemerle.Utility; // for Accessor macro : generates property for given field
variant Option[T]
| Some {value : T}
| None
module OptionExtensions
public Bind[T, U](this o : Option[T], f : T -> Option[U]) : Option[U]
| Option.Some(value) => f(value)
| Option.None => Option.None()
[Record] // Record macro: checks existing fields and creates constructor for its initialization
class A
value : Option[A];
def print(_)
// shortened syntax for functions with body -> match over arguments
| Option.Some(_) => Console.WriteLine("value");
| Option.None => Console.WriteLine("none");
def x = A(Option.Some(A(Option.Some(A(Option.None())))));
print(x.Value.Bind(_.Value)); // "value"
print(x.Value.Bind(_.Value).Bind(_.Value)); // "none"
I like desco's answer; one should always favor built-in constructs. But FWIW, here's what a workflow version might look like (if I understand the problem correctly):
type CE () =
member this.Bind (v,f) =
match v with
| Some(x) -> f x
| None -> None
member this.Return v = v
type A (p:A option) =
member this.P
with get() = p
let f (aIn:A option) = CE () {
let! a = aIn
let! b = a.P
let! c = b.P
return c.P }
let x = f (Some(A(None)))
let y = f (Some(A(Some(A(Some(A(Some(A(None)))))))))
printfn "Your breakpoint here."
I don't suggest this, but you can also solve it with exception handling:
<code that just keeps dotting into option.Value with impunity>
| :? System.NullReferenceException -> "None"
I just wanted to point out the rough equivalence of exception-handling to the Maybe/Either monads or Option.bind. Typically prefer one of them to throwing and catching exceptions.
Using Option.maybe from FSharpx:
open FSharpx
type Pet = { Name: string; PreviousOwner: option<string> }
type Person = { Name: string; Pet: option<Pet> }
let pers = { Name = "Bob"; Pet = Some {Name = "Mr Burns"; PreviousOwner = Some "Susan"} }
Option.maybe {
let! pet = pers.Pet
let! prevOwner = pet.PreviousOwner
do printfn "%s was the previous owner of %s." prevOwner pet.Name
Susan was the previous owner of Mr Burns.
But, e.g. with this person instead there is just no output:
let pers = { Name = "Bob"; Pet = None }
Why is t.b evaluated on every call? And is there any way how to make it evaluate only once?
type test =
{ a: float }
member x.b =
printfn "oh no"
x.a * 2.
let t = { a = 1. }
An alternative version of Brian's answer that will evaluate b at most once, but won't evaluate it at all if B is never used
type Test(a:float) =
// constructor
let b = lazy
printfn "oh no"
a * 2.
// properties
member this.A = a
member this.B = b.Value
It's a property; you're basically calling the get_b() member.
If you want the effect to happen once with the constructor, you could use a class:
type Test(a:float) =
// constructor
let b = // compute it once, store it in a field in the class
printfn "oh no"
a * 2.
// properties
member this.A = a
member this.B = b
In response to your comments in Brian's post, you can fake copy-and-update record expressions using optional/named args. For example:
type Person(?person:Person, ?name, ?age) =
let getExplicitOrCopiedArg arg argName copy =
match arg, person with
| Some(value), _ -> value
| None, Some(p) -> copy(p)
| None, None -> nullArg argName
let name = getExplicitOrCopiedArg name "name" (fun p -> p.Name)
let age = getExplicitOrCopiedArg age "age" (fun p -> p.Age)
member x.Name = name
member x.Age = age
let bill = new Person(name = "Bill", age = 20)
let olderBill = new Person(bill, age = 25)
printfn "Name: %s, Age: %d" bill.Name bill.Age
printfn "Name: %s, Age: %d" olderBill.Name olderBill.Age
The previous responses suggest switching to a class, instead of using a record. If you want to stay with records (for their simple syntax and immutability), you can take this approach:
type test =
{ a : float
b : float }
static member initialize (t: test) =
{ t with b = t.a * 2. }
This is useful if the instance of test is created by another library (like a data provider from a web service or database). With this approach, you must remember to pass any instance of test that you receive from that API through the initialize function before using it in your code.