How could nested pattern matching, such as the following example, be re-written so that None is specified only once? I think the Maybe monad solves this problem. Is there something similar in the F# core library? Or, is there an alternative approach?
match a with
| Some b ->
let c = b.SomeProperty
match c with
| Some d ->
let e = d.SomeProperty
//and so on...
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
you can solve this using built-in capabilities: Option.bind
type A =
member this.X : B option = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
and B =
member this.Y : С option = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
and С =
member this.Z : string option = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let a : A = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let v =
|> Option.bind (fun v -> v.Y)
|> Option.bind (fun v -> v.Z) with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "<none>"
Frankly, I doubt that introducing full-fledged 'maybe' implementation (via computation expressions) here can shorten the code.
EDIT: Dream mode - on
I think that version with Option.bind can be made smaller if F# has more lightweight syntax for the special case: lambda that refer to some member of its argument:
"123" |> fun s -> s.Length // current version
"123" |> #.Length // hypothetical syntax
This is how the sample can be rewritten in Nemerle that already has such capabilities:
using System;
using Nemerle.Utility; // for Accessor macro : generates property for given field
variant Option[T]
| Some {value : T}
| None
module OptionExtensions
public Bind[T, U](this o : Option[T], f : T -> Option[U]) : Option[U]
| Option.Some(value) => f(value)
| Option.None => Option.None()
[Record] // Record macro: checks existing fields and creates constructor for its initialization
class A
value : Option[A];
def print(_)
// shortened syntax for functions with body -> match over arguments
| Option.Some(_) => Console.WriteLine("value");
| Option.None => Console.WriteLine("none");
def x = A(Option.Some(A(Option.Some(A(Option.None())))));
print(x.Value.Bind(_.Value)); // "value"
print(x.Value.Bind(_.Value).Bind(_.Value)); // "none"
I like desco's answer; one should always favor built-in constructs. But FWIW, here's what a workflow version might look like (if I understand the problem correctly):
type CE () =
member this.Bind (v,f) =
match v with
| Some(x) -> f x
| None -> None
member this.Return v = v
type A (p:A option) =
member this.P
with get() = p
let f (aIn:A option) = CE () {
let! a = aIn
let! b = a.P
let! c = b.P
return c.P }
let x = f (Some(A(None)))
let y = f (Some(A(Some(A(Some(A(Some(A(None)))))))))
printfn "Your breakpoint here."
I don't suggest this, but you can also solve it with exception handling:
<code that just keeps dotting into option.Value with impunity>
| :? System.NullReferenceException -> "None"
I just wanted to point out the rough equivalence of exception-handling to the Maybe/Either monads or Option.bind. Typically prefer one of them to throwing and catching exceptions.
Using Option.maybe from FSharpx:
open FSharpx
type Pet = { Name: string; PreviousOwner: option<string> }
type Person = { Name: string; Pet: option<Pet> }
let pers = { Name = "Bob"; Pet = Some {Name = "Mr Burns"; PreviousOwner = Some "Susan"} }
Option.maybe {
let! pet = pers.Pet
let! prevOwner = pet.PreviousOwner
do printfn "%s was the previous owner of %s." prevOwner pet.Name
Susan was the previous owner of Mr Burns.
But, e.g. with this person instead there is just no output:
let pers = { Name = "Bob"; Pet = None }
This is not for a practical need, but rather to try to learn something.
I am using FSToolKit's asyncResult expression which is very handy and I would like to know if there is a way to 'combine' expressions, such as async and result here, or does a custom expression have to be written?
Here is an example of my function to set the ip to a subdomain, with CloudFlare:
let setSubdomainToIpAsync zoneName url ip =
let decodeResult (r: CloudFlareResult<'a>) =
match r.Success with
| true -> Ok r.Result
| false -> Error r.Errors.[0].Message
let getZoneAsync (client: CloudFlareClient) =
asyncResult {
let! r = client.Zones.GetAsync()
let! d = decodeResult r
match d |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = zoneName) |> Seq.toList with
| z::_ -> Ok z // take the first one
| _ -> Error $"zone '{zoneName}' not found"
let getRecordsAsync (client: CloudFlareClient) zoneId =
asyncResult {
let! r = client.Zones.DnsRecords.GetAsync(zoneId)
return! decodeResult r
let updateRecordAsync (client: CloudFlareClient) zoneId (records: DnsRecord seq) =
asyncResult {
match records |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = url) |> Seq.toList with
| r::_ -> client.Zones.DnsRecords.UpdateAsync(zoneId, r.Id, ModifiedDnsRecord(Name = url, Content = ip, Type = DnsRecordType.A, Proxied = true))
| [] -> client.Zones.DnsRecords.AddAsync(zoneId, NewDnsRecord(Name = url, Content = ip, Proxied = true))
asyncResult {
use client = new CloudFlareClient(Credentials.CloudFlare.Email, Credentials.CloudFlare.Key)
let! zone = getZoneAsync client
let! records = getRecordsAsync client zone.Id
let! update = updateRecordAsync client zone.Id records
return! decodeResult update
It is interfacing with a C# lib that handles all the calls to the CloudFlare API and returns a CloudFlareResult object which has a success flag, a result and an error.
I remapped that type to a Result<'a, string> type:
let decodeResult (r: CloudFlareResult<'a>) =
match r.Success with
| true -> Ok r.Result
| false -> Error r.Errors.[0].Message
And I could write an expression for it (hypothetically since I've been using them but haven't written my own yet), but then I would be happy to have an asyncCloudFlareResult expression, or even an asyncCloudFlareResultOrResult expression, if that makes sense.
I am wondering if there is a mechanism to combine expressions together, the same way FSToolKit does (although I suspect it's just custom code there).
Again, this is a question to learn something, not about the practicality since it would probably add more code than it's worth.
Following Gus' comment, I realized it would be good to illustrate the point with some simpler code:
function DoA : int -> Async<AWSCallResult<int, string>>
function DoB : int -> Async<Result<int, string>>
AWSCallResultAndResult {
let! a = DoA 3
let! b = DoB a
return b
in this example I would end up with two types that can take an int and return an error string, but they are different. Both have their expressions so I can chain them as needed.
And the original question is about how these can be combined together.
It's possible to extend CEs with overloads.
The example below makes it possible to use the CustomResult type with a usual result builder.
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
type CustomResult<'T, 'TError> =
{ IsError: bool
Error: 'TError
Value: 'T }
type ResultBuilder with
member inline _.Source(result : CustomResult<'T, 'TError>) =
if result.IsError then
Error result.Error
Ok result.Value
let computeA () = Ok 42
let computeB () = Ok 23
let computeC () =
{ CustomResult.Error = "oops. This went wrong"
CustomResult.IsError = true
CustomResult.Value = 64 }
let computedResult =
result {
let! a = computeA ()
let! b = computeB ()
let! c = computeC ()
return a + b + c
I am trying to write an API on top of a C# library. The C# code has a dictionary from types to values that I would like to represent using immutable data structures.
However, I am having trouble writing the type constraints correctly:
open System
// System.Type cannot be used a map key
// TODO: Is this enough data to form a key?
type ComparableType =
AssemblyQualifiedName : string
type TypeMap<'t> =
| TypeMap of Map<ComparableType, 't>
module TypeMap =
let private innerMap =
| TypeMap m -> m
let empty () =
TypeMap Map.empty
// Here is the problem line!
let add<'t, 'v when 'v :> 't> (v : 'v) (m : TypeMap<'t>) =
let t = typeof<'v>
let k =
AssemblyQualifiedName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName
|> innerMap
|> Map.add k (v :> 't)
|> TypeMap
Invalid constraint: the type used for the constraint is sealed, which means the constraint could only be satisfied by at most one solution
The problem is a limitation of the F# compiler. In this code, it will assume that 'A = 'B:
type T<'A, 'B when 'A :> 'B>() = class end
The work-around is to make the type parameter of TypeMap<'t> concrete. Unfortunately this requires lots of boiler-plate, but it is a solution I can live with:
type FooTypeMap =
| FooTypeMap of Map<ComparableType, Foo>
module FooTypeMap =
let private innerMap =
| FooTypeMap m -> m
// etc...
There is a request for change here:
See also:
I do not think F# can handle a generic constraint like that. Also, it wont let you do a coertion to an undetermined type. Your best bet is to use box v instead of (v :> 't)
Like this:
type ComparableType =
AssemblyQualifiedName : string
type TypeMap =
| TypeMap of Map<ComparableType, obj>
module TypeMap =
let private innerMap =
| TypeMap m -> m
let empty () =
TypeMap Map.empty
let inline add (v : 'v) (m : TypeMap) =
let t = typeof< 'v>
let k =
AssemblyQualifiedName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName
|> innerMap
|> Map.add k (box v)
|> TypeMap
let inline get< ^v> (m : TypeMap) : ^v =
let t = typeof<'v>
let k =
AssemblyQualifiedName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName
(innerMap m).[k]
|> unbox
I have issues with generation of data within my tests.
testProperty "calculate Operation against different operations should increase major" <| fun operationIdApi operationIdClient summaryApi summaryClient descriptionApi descriptionClient ->
( notAllEqual [
fun () -> assessEquality <| StringEquals(operationIdApi, operationIdClient)
fun () -> assessEquality <| StringEquals(summaryApi , summaryClient)
fun () -> assessEquality <| StringEquals(descriptionApi, descriptionClient)
]) ==> lazy (
let operationClient = createOpenApiOperation operationIdClient summaryClient descriptionClient
let operationAPI = createOpenApiOperation operationIdApi summaryApi descriptionApi
let actual = calculate operationAPI operationClient
Expect.equal actual (Fact.Semver.IncreaseMajor) "return IncreaseMajor"
The code that is actually tested is :
semver {
if operationAPI.OperationId<> operationClient.OperationId then yield! IncreaseMajor
if operationAPI.Summary <> operationClient.Summary then yield! IncreaseMajor
The test should fail when the data produced is same OperationId, same summary and different description.
But it does not and it led me to create my own generator or at least try to do so:
I wanted my test to be written like this :
testProperty "calculate Operation against different operations should increase major" <| fun (operationId:ElementSet<string>) (summary:ElementSet<string>) ->
Therefore I create a type accordingly:
type ElementSet<'a> =
| Same of 'a
| Different
and a generator for this type :
let setGen<'a> =
Gen.oneof [
gen {
let! v = Arb.generate<'a>
return Same(v)
gen { return Different}
type ElementSetGenerator =
static member ElementSet() =
Arb.fromGen setGen<'a>
do Arb.register<ElementSetGenerator>() |> ignore
I was then trying to extract the data to construct my object :
let createOpenApiOperation operationId summary=
let pi = OpenApiOperation(OperationId=operationId.Get, Summary=summary.Get)
The Get method did not exist yet so I was about to implement it by adding a member to my ElementSet<'a>:
type ElementSet<'a> =
| Same of 'a
| Different
with member this.Get =
match this with
| Same s -> s
| Different -> Arb.generate<'a>// some random generation here
And this is where I am stuck. I would love to get some randomness here when I extract data. I wonder if this is the correct way to do so, or if I should have answered the problem earlier?
Thanks for your inputs.
I think I found it, the answer was to handle it at the beginning :
let setGen<'a when 'a:equality> =
Gen.oneof [
gen {
let! v = Arb.generate<'a>
return Same(v)
gen {
let! x,y =
|> Gen.two
|> Gen.filter (fun (a,b)-> a <> b)
return Different(x,y)
and then to use two getter to access the values :
type ElementSet<'a> when 'a:equality=
| Same of 'a
| Different of 'a*'a
with member this.Fst = match this with | Same s -> s | Different (a, b)-> a
member this.Snd = match this with | Same s -> s | Different (a, b)-> b
this way I can access values within my test:
testProperty "calculate Operation against different operations should increase major" <| fun (operationId:ElementSet<NonWhiteSpaceString>) (summary:ElementSet<NonWhiteSpaceString>) (description:ElementSet<NonWhiteSpaceString>) ->
let operationClient = createOpenApiOperation operationId.Fst summary.Fst description.Fst
let operationAPI = createOpenApiOperation operationId.Snd summary.Snd description.Snd
let actual = calculate operationAPI operationClient
Expect.equal actual (Fact.Semver.IncreaseMajor) "return IncreaseMajor"
for the record I then have the creation of my stub as follows :
let createOpenApiOperation (operationId:NonWhiteSpaceString) (summary:NonWhiteSpaceString) (description:NonWhiteSpaceString)=
let pi = OpenApiOperation(OperationId=operationId.Get, Summary=summary.Get, Description=description.Get)
I'd like to transform my F# OOP version of Tagless Final into a typical FP approach and I'm thinking to use Statically Resolved Type Parameters of Type Classes from OO.
What I've done is
open System
open FSharpPlus
type UserName = string
type DataResult<'t> = DataResult of 't with
static member Map ( x:DataResult<'t> , f) =
match x with
| DataResult t -> DataResult (f t)
creating the SRTP I need
type Cache =
static member inline getOfCache cacheImpl data =
( ^T : (member getFromCache : 't -> DataResult<'t> option) (cacheImpl, data))
static member inline storeOfCache cacheImpl data =
( ^T : (member storeToCache : 't -> unit) (cacheImpl, data))
type DataSource() =
static member inline getOfSource dataSourceImpl data =
( ^T : (member getFromSource : 't -> DataResult<'t>) (dataSourceImpl, data))
static member inline storeOfSource dataSourceImpl data =
( ^T : (member storeToSource : 't -> unit) (dataSourceImpl, data))
and their concrete implementations
type CacheNotInCache() =
member this.getFromCache _ = None
member this.storeCache _ = ()
type CacheInCache() =
member this.getFromCache user = monad {
return! DataResult user |> Some}
member this.storeCache _ = ()
type DataSourceNotInCache() =
member this.getFromSource user = monad {
return! DataResult user }
type DataSourceInCache() =
member this.getFromSource _ =
raise (NotImplementedException())
by which I can define a tagless final DSL
let requestData (cacheImpl: ^Cache) (dataSourceImpl: ^DataSource) (userName:UserName) = monad {
match Cache.getOfCache cacheImpl userName with
| Some dataResult ->
return! map ((+) "cache: ") dataResult
| None ->
return! map ((+) "source: ") (DataSource.getOfSource dataSourceImpl userName) }
and that kind of works as follows
let main argv =
let cacheImpl1 = CacheInCache()
let dataSourceImpl1 = DataSourceInCache()
let cacheImpl2 = CacheNotInCache()
let dataSourceImpl2 = DataSourceNotInCache()
requestData cacheImpl1 dataSourceImpl1 "john" |> printfn "%A"
//requestData (cacheImpl2 ) dataSourceImpl2 "john" |> printfn "%A"
The problem is that I'm getting the warning
construct causes code to be less generic than indicated by the type
for both cacheImpl1 and dataSourceImpl1 and so I can't reuse requestData for the other case.
Is there a way to detour this issue?
I'm not familiar with the abstraction you're trying to implement, but looking at your code it seems you're missing an inline modifier here:
let inline requestData (cacheImpl: ^Cache) (dataSourceImpl: ^DataSource) (userName:UserName) = monad {
match Cache.getOfCache cacheImpl userName with
| Some dataResult ->
return! map ((+) "cache: ") dataResult
| None ->
return! map ((+) "source: ") (DataSource.getOfSource dataSourceImpl userName) }
As a side note, you can simplify your map function like this:
type DataResult<'t> = DataResult of 't with
static member Map (DataResult t, f) = DataResult (f t)
I am familiar with final tagless, but I'm not sure why you would use SRTPs.
Final tagless uses type classes, and these can be emulated with interfaces (see the way scala emulates typeclasses).
The approach is similar to (basically the same) as "object algebra", which can be implemented using standard OO constructs.
I'm currently learning F# and hitting a few stumbling blocks; I think a lot of it is learning to think functionally.
One of the things I'm learning at the moment are computation expressions, and I want to be able to define a computation expression that handles some tracking state, e.g:
let myOptions = optionListBuilder {
let! opt1 = {name="a";value=10}
let! opt2 = {name="b";value=12}
I want to be able to have it so that myOptions is a Option<'T> list, so each let! bind operation effectively causes the builder to "track" the defined options as it goes along.
I don't want to have to do it using mutable state - e.g. having a list maintained by the builder and updated with each bind call.
Is there some way of having it so that this is possible?
Update: The resultant Option<'T> list type is just representative, in reality I'll likely have an OptionGroup<'T> type to contain a list as well as some additional information - so as Daniel mentioned below, I could use a list comprehension for a simple list.
I wrote a string builder computation expression here.
open System.Text
type StringBuilderUnion =
| Builder of StringBuilder
| StringItem of string
let build sb =
type StringBuilderCE () =
member __.Yield (txt : string) = StringItem(txt)
member __.Yield (c : char) = StringItem(c.ToString())
member __.Combine(f,g) = Builder(match f,g with
| Builder(F), Builder(G) ->F.Append(G.ToString())
| Builder(F), StringItem(G)->F.Append(G)
| StringItem(F),Builder(G) ->G.Append(F)
| StringItem(F),StringItem(G)->StringBuilder(F).Append(G))
member __.Delay f = f()
member __.Zero () = StringItem("")
member __.For (xs : 'a seq, f : 'a -> StringBuilderUnion) =
let sb = StringBuilder()
for item in xs do
match f item with
| StringItem(s)-> sb.Append(s)|>ignore
| Builder(b)-> sb.Append(b.ToString())|>ignore
let builder1 = new StringBuilderCE ()
Noticed the underlying type is immutable (the contained StringBuilder is mutable, but it doesn't have to be). Instead of updating the existing data, each yield combines the current state and the incoming input resulting in a new instance of StringBuilderUnion You could do this with an F# list since adding an element to the head of the list is merely the construction of a new value rather than mutating the existing values.
Using the StringBuilderCE looks like this:
//Create a function which builds a string from an list of bytes
let bytes2hex (bytes : byte []) =
string {
for byte in bytes -> sprintf "%02x" byte
} |> build
//builds a string from four strings
string {
yield "one"
yield "two"
yield "three"
yield "four"
} |> build
Noticed the yield instead of let! since I don't actually want to use the value inside the computation expression.
With the base-line StringBuilder CE builder provided by mydogisbox, I was able to produce the following solution that works a charm:
type Option<'T> = {Name:string;Item:'T}
type OptionBuilderUnion<'T> =
| OptionItems of Option<'T> list
| OptionItem of Option<'T>
type OptionBuilder () =
member this.Yield (opt: Option<'t>) = OptionItem(opt)
member this.Yield (tup: string * 't) = OptionItem({Name=fst tup;Item=snd tup})
member this.Combine (f,g) =
match f,g with
| OptionItem(F), OptionItem(G) -> [F;G]
| OptionItems(F), OptionItem(G) -> G :: F
| OptionItem(F), OptionItems(G) -> F :: G
| OptionItems(F), OptionItems(G) -> F # G
member this.Delay f = f()
member this.Run (f) = match f with |OptionItems items -> items |OptionItem item -> [item]
let options = OptionBuilder()
let opts = options {
yield ("a",12)
yield ("b",10)
yield {Name = "k"; Item = 20}
opts |> Dump
F# supports list comprehensions out-of-the-box.
let myOptions =
yield computeOptionValue()
yield computeOptionValue()