Converting a multi column range into one column - google-sheets

I have an instance where I would love to be able to get a column of all the unique names in a range. The problem I am having is that the range is multicolumn.
Let's assume my data is in A1:B3
This works fine if I do:
But if that range is named and I do
=unique(NamedRange) or =unique(A1:C3)
Then it will spill over the column. Worse if I want to filter or sort the results in the same formula and then run into errors because the formulas want single column/row or the rows/columns don't match anymore.
I don't deal with named ranges a lot, but I did just make a formula today that had 10 columns in it that I stuck into a range like that so that I could do a complex (for me) filter that gave me the difference of two different ranges, similar to: =FILTER({B4:B93;C4:C93;D4:D93;E4:E93;F4:F93}, NOT(COUNTIF(H5:H, {B4:B93;C4:C93;D4:D93;E4:E93;F4:F93}))). I would REALLY love if I could clean that up and make that messy set B4:F instead.
Is there any formula level function that could stick these all in one column?
Usually I am looking to do other things with it like sort and filter and the multiple columns get even messier.
Thanks for your time. I DID try searching for this, but I could not seem to find the answer.



Why is my COUNTA formula counting too high?

I know a similar but different question has been asked, but I don’t know how to use query or where to learn, so I figured I’d ask…
I’d like to use this formula:
L:L is a range of names, which it should test against E2:E, a range of unique names. I also need to ensure that the cell in the column to the right of each instance of the name in E2:E has a specific word in it (“Draw”). I tried using AND, but this just sets everything to 1, even when one of them has 3 draws. There are no losses, so the loss column should show up as all 0s, but it is instead 1s. The infuriating thing about this is that the draw column is all right for some reason. Picture below. For reference, Losses(as well as draws and wins)are the end goal.
COUNT is meant for counting numeric values, COUNTA for non empty cells. COUNTIF or COUNTIFS would probably be your best choice. Try with:

Google sheets formula - lookup (alphabetical sort)

I want to create a formula, that gets me the specific value(s) from row in another table. The formula I've created
gives me false results. But when I sort the values by alphabet the results are correct.
Is there some way to create a formula that is not dependent on alphabetical sort of source table?
The LOOKUP function will only work properly if data in search_range or search_result_array is sorted. Use VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP or other related functions if data is not sorted."
Personally, I've never really used the lookup functions because of issues like this, so I'm a bit rusty on the specifics of how they all work. My go-to is the INDEX MATCH solution, which might be something like
=index(Ingredients!$F$6:$F49, match(E5, Ingredients!$A$6:A$49))
What I'm also not sure about is how Lookup is supposed to work when you're giving it more than one column as the input, though; you're giving it A and B - I thought that syntax was for an array where the output comes from the last column, and I don't know what happens if you then specify the output column as well, as you've done.

How to pick one of the results of UNIQUE() in Google Sheets

I have a column with duplicate items in Google Sheets, and I would like to get one of the unique values (say, the last one) in the cell of the formula. Is there a way to do this with just formulas (i.e., no scripts/macros)?
What I've tried
Not sure if this is the best way, but I've tried using the UNIQUE(range) function, which returns a list of distinct values, and I tried to pick one with FILTER(range, condition1, [condition2, …]), but I've only managed to do it when I know in advance and hard-code in the number of unique values.
Since I can get the length of the unique list with =LEN(UNIQUE(my_range)), I tried using the REPT(text_to_repeat, number_of_repetitions) function.
For example,
=REPT(0&";",2) & 1 returns "0;0;1"
=FILTER(UNIQUE(A$1:A$26), {REPT(0&";",2) & 1})
(or any variation I tried) doesn't quite work.
I realise this is not the most suitable problem for a spreadsheet, and I do wish I was using something like Python, but this is the restriction at the moment.
=QUERY(UNIQUE(A1:A), "offset "&COUNTA(UNIQUE(A1:A))-1)
Or more old-school using index:
You can also just enter a number fot the one you want e.g.

SUMIF with FIND as criteria

I'm trying to summarize data from several Google spreadsheet' sheets in a single one but I have some issues with SUMIF and FIND.
To Sum data from another sheet I have to use this (at least that's the only solution I've found)
Where I have the name of my sheet on A6.This makes everything easy because I have a column (A) with all the names of the sheets. I haven't found something like Sheets[1] in Google Docs.
My next step was to Sum Times from a specific column but remove a specific values, which in this case is 1 that get transformed internally 24:00:00 since it's a time column:
=SUM(INDIRECT(""&A6&""&"!D2:D")) - SUMIF(INDIRECT(""&A6&""&"!D2:D");"24:00:00")
Here I tried to do everything with a single SUMIF but I have no idea how. NOT("24:00:00") didn't work so I settled to this.
The last part is the most difficult and I'm not able to solve it.
I have a column with month names (for example) and I want to sum some data only when the month name contains "er". Here is what I thought:
This gives me always 0
(Note that the last one contains A6:A16 instead of the whole INDIRECT part because I am still testing it in a single sheet.)
Any Idea what I'm doing wrong?
I don't know why the above SUMIF doesn't work, what I've tested and works is:
SUMIF is NOT SUM + IF as I thought. I hope it will help someone else.

Google Spreadsheet range names

In Google Docs Spreadsheets, one can use Range Names to put labels on ranges of cells to make formulas more legible. In most formulas, one can use the range C:C to denote the entire C column, and C2:C to denote the entire C column after and including C2.
Is there a way to create range names of the same nature? When I try C:C or C2:C or Sheet!C:C or 'Sheet'!C:C I always get the error "The range you specified is not in a valid range format." I would like the range name to expand as my form adds rows to my spreadsheet. Thanks.
I just discovered the if you use the '-' operator, it starts from the bottom row. So,
starts from the last row and works it's way up to D12!
I had a similar problem. Although I do not know how to do exactly what you are asking, you can do essentially the same thing by referencing cells that are not yet created.
For example:
Column C currently has 100 cells (100 rows in the sheet)
Instead of referencing it with C:C, use C1:C999
If you make the row reference high enough, then you can account for future rows that you will create. Hope it helps.
I don't think so... even if you select a column manually while in the Range Name selector, it complains. That would be a nice feature and it would make sense since they support column ranges for formulas already.
I believe this does work now. I have a range name of "Sheet1!A10:AW10" with no problems.
If you try to do a whole column, I think it will just take all the available cells in the column at that time. i.e. if you make more cells later, you need to manually add to the range name.
I had the same problem with ranges such as A3:A which normally work in other places such as ARRAYFORMULA(), but the workaround is to not specify the starting row, such as A:A. In cases when this would be a problem, you can proxy the data through another column using something like ARRAYFORUMULA(A25:A) as the formula.
Update: Apparently I haven't read the question properly. I see that the OP had tried leaving out the row number, so perhaps it wasn't working at that time, but it does now. The notations still don't work.
Update2: I didn't notice that google spreadsheet replaces ranges like A:A to A1:A50, so new rows added later on do not still get included. That I think is what #Dean is trying to say in his answer.
I think it's a helpful tool to use Insert -> Define new range to make a wizard appear and make the syntax correct. Hehe
My response in other topic
