Google sheets formula - lookup (alphabetical sort) - google-sheets

I want to create a formula, that gets me the specific value(s) from row in another table. The formula I've created
gives me false results. But when I sort the values by alphabet the results are correct.
Is there some way to create a formula that is not dependent on alphabetical sort of source table?

The LOOKUP function will only work properly if data in search_range or search_result_array is sorted. Use VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP or other related functions if data is not sorted."
Personally, I've never really used the lookup functions because of issues like this, so I'm a bit rusty on the specifics of how they all work. My go-to is the INDEX MATCH solution, which might be something like
=index(Ingredients!$F$6:$F49, match(E5, Ingredients!$A$6:A$49))
What I'm also not sure about is how Lookup is supposed to work when you're giving it more than one column as the input, though; you're giving it A and B - I thought that syntax was for an array where the output comes from the last column, and I don't know what happens if you then specify the output column as well, as you've done.


Unpivoting using QUERY function is not fetching the expected result

I am currently working on a dataset that includes several columns, mostly the dates. What I am trying to achieve is - unpivot all the date columns to use for my subsequent calculations. I use the following formula to unpivot: =ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(FLATTEN(Data!A2:A&"|"&Data!D1:AG1&"|"&Data!D2:AG),"|"))
Even though this returns the expected result, when I try to nest this within a Query function, it does not work correctly. This is how I applied the formula - QUERY(ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(FLATTEN(Data!A2:A&"|"&Data!D1:AG1&"|"&Data!D2:AG),"|")),"Select * WHERE Col3 IS NOT NULL")
PS: When I change the data range to say, A2:A100, it gives me the correct result. However, it does not help since lot of new data would get added and I want the formula to be dynamic.
Here's the link to the sample sheet -
Any help/suggestions would be highly appreciated
Not sure where you got your SPLIT(FLATTEN technique,
but you have to include both the 3rd and 4th parameters of the split function as FALSE or 0. so in your case it would be:
If you do that you'll find your query works.
Also note that the way you have it it's not really working. If you look all the way down in column 1 you'll find a bunch of dates formatted to look like integers.

Converting a multi column range into one column

I have an instance where I would love to be able to get a column of all the unique names in a range. The problem I am having is that the range is multicolumn.
Let's assume my data is in A1:B3
This works fine if I do:
But if that range is named and I do
=unique(NamedRange) or =unique(A1:C3)
Then it will spill over the column. Worse if I want to filter or sort the results in the same formula and then run into errors because the formulas want single column/row or the rows/columns don't match anymore.
I don't deal with named ranges a lot, but I did just make a formula today that had 10 columns in it that I stuck into a range like that so that I could do a complex (for me) filter that gave me the difference of two different ranges, similar to: =FILTER({B4:B93;C4:C93;D4:D93;E4:E93;F4:F93}, NOT(COUNTIF(H5:H, {B4:B93;C4:C93;D4:D93;E4:E93;F4:F93}))). I would REALLY love if I could clean that up and make that messy set B4:F instead.
Is there any formula level function that could stick these all in one column?
Usually I am looking to do other things with it like sort and filter and the multiple columns get even messier.
Thanks for your time. I DID try searching for this, but I could not seem to find the answer.

Google Sheets LOOKUP Function returning the wrong values?

I'm creating a crypto tracking spreadsheet and I'm getting some strange results using the LOOKUP function.
I have two named ranges:
The symbol range is called USDCoinSymbols
and the coin name range is called USDCoinNames
Here are some function results when I try using the LOOKUP function:
Apologies for the mixed casing on the search term. I was experimenting, but
it seems the LOOKUP function isn't case sensitive (for example, BNB returned the correct coin name).
I also tried the inverse, looking up a coin symbol with a coin name (2nd result) and that works fine.
I spent a good couple hours trying to figure this out.
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
Edit: Here is a link to sample spreadsheet and I'm using the CoinGecko API to get this data.
I'm trying to pull the coin name using the symbol to fill up a table I'm creating.
This is not a bug. It's just how LOOKUP works.
LOOKUP requires that all search-column information be in strict least-to-greatest order, so it wouldn't work with your data.
I've added a new sheet ("Erik Help") which is a duplicate of your first sheet. In my sheet, I deleted your LOOKUP formulas from B20:B27 and replaced them with one array formula. This formula uses VLOOKUP with FALSE as the final parameter, meaning that your data is NOT ordered in strict least-to-greatest order and that exact matches should be searched anywhere instead. This one formula fills all results for B20:B:
If you are going to be applying this to a larger list elsewhere and want to use your named ranges, just replace B2:C14 with {USDCoinSymbols, USDCoinNames}.
You will need to use the VLOOKUP function instead
=INDEX(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A20:A25, {USDCoinSymbols, USDCoinNames},2,0)))
This single formula is all you need.
Since your lists are NOT sorted you should use 0 in the function
(please -as always- adjust formula according to your ranges and locale)

Google Sheets filter() wrapped in arrayformula() without vlookup()

Reference/test sheet:
I have a Google Sheets document with one sheet (calculator) that pulls some values from another sheet (database). database is organized by two columns: make, and model. I use some weird data validation and helper columns to make dropdowns in calculator. Then I use filter() to pull the matching value from database.
This all works fine but it will be a calculator that gets reused and the data discarded, so I need only a finite number of rows in calculator (10-20). For this, it would be super nice to be able to select the whole row and hit delete to clear the calculation without destroying all the formulas. Ideally, the filter() would happen inside an arrayformula() in a hidden and protected top row to allow the rows to be easily cleared.
For some reason though, I can't get that to work. vlookup() is not an option because I need to match two keys.
On another note, it would be nice to not need the helper columns B:J and the data validation unique to each row. This is workable though as I only need a few rows. In the actual version I hide and protect B:J and there are many more columns there.
I know you said Vlookup() wouldn't work because you need to match on two keys, I think that vlookup() will help in this situation. Try this formula...
The concept here is to put those two matches you need into one unique key. So we use the curly brackets {} to build an array within the formula and combine those two lookup fields in your 'database' sheet. So the columns of A and B become concatenated into one element, and the second part of that array is the column C which you need.
To lookup then just combines your A&K columns similarly, so it can lookup that combined element. The rest of the vlookup follows as normal. I.e. we look up this concatenation against that one and when it matches it returns the second column of the array we built, in this case database!C.
I don't think I'm clear on your columns B:J, so I'm not sure if this helps you with that as well.
You can't get rid of the helper column approach, as long as you want the calculator to use drop down selection for the model. Data validation for dropdowns requires either a list of values, ie. static, so no good, or a range of cells.
What you might want to do is to put those cells in a totally separate tab, eg. DataValidation, and then hide that tab. Your Calculator sheet will then be cleaner, with no hidden columns. Column K will use for data validation the "hidden" values, formerly columns B:J, that are now built off in the DataValidation tab.

Why does my importrange query fail when I "wrap" with arrayformula

I have the following formula which is currently returning the expected results -
=join(",",query(importrange(vlookup(mid(G4,1,find(",",G4)-1),xref,2,false),vlookup(mid(G4,1,find(",",G4)-1),xref,3,false)),"Select Col3,Col6,Col9 where Col1 = '"&mid(G4,find(",",G4)+1,20)&"' "))
However, I naturally want to make this as dynamic and flexible as possible so I would like to "wrap" it in an arrayformula which ends up like this -
=arrayformula(join(",",query(importrange(vlookup(mid(G4:G,1,find(",",G4:G)-1),xref,2,false),vlookup(mid(G4:G,1,find(",",G4:G)-1),xref,3,false)),"Select Col3,Col6,Col9 where Col1 = '"&mid(G4:G,find(",",G4:G)+1,20)&"' ")))
This formula gives me "Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMNCol3" error.
I tried to include an iferror to try to trap some error but this made no difference.
I tried various angles to debug and basically focussed on the importrange not providing the data to the query once it was wrapped by the arrayformula. I tried to explicitly reference the external sheet key and range in the importange function, instead of using the lookups, and this did give me a result - but only in the first cell. There should also have been a result returned about 4 rows down.
If I copy the formula down the column, I do get the expected result 4 rows down, but this obviously defeats the purpose of the arrayformula.
In my research in the Google forums there were some suggestions that arrayformula and importrange may not play well together, but no hard and fast facts.
I noticed in this forum that the combination of the two functions has been mentioned but no indication that they did not work together, so I am wondering if there is just some little thing I am missing in my syntax that is causing my ideal scenario not to work ?
I don't think this will work for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, not all the functions in Google Sheets can be automated using an arrayformula, and QUERY is one of them. As far as I know this is because the output of QUERY can be an array itself, so it is not possible to iterate an array output across another array (i.e. your results range).
Secondly, JOIN works across a either a single row or column, whereas your query outputs 3 columns. The arrayformula result would therefore consist of an array with multiple rows and columns, which JOIN cannot use.
I think the best solution is to use the IFERROR as you've described, and copy the single-row formula down the entire column - that way the blank records will not show as errors, but you will be able to add new values to column G and they will be picked up automatically.
