GupShup Flow Bot Builder Goto option not working - gupshup

Use GoTo option following gupshup documentations to go from state (user select option to return to main menu).
I get the following warning message.
"The selected node has user child states. If you select this state, your bot will wait for
user inputs to continue the flow".
and it is not working as expected, and we want to show the main menu to user again.

Goto works differently. If you want to execute a certain bot-state, you need to go-to to that state's previous state.


Compose Microsoft Teams message from configurable tab

I have created a Microsoft Teams configurable tab with Angular and the Microsoft Teams Javascript library. From this tab I would like to be able to click a button which will "pre-compose" a message in the chat of the channel/chat of where the configurable tab is installed. So when the button is clicked, Teams should navigate to the "Posts" tab of the channel/chat and fill in the text/url/string in the chat and let the user decide to press enter to send it.
I've read the documentation but I cannot conclude that this is possible. I've looked at creating a task module but this only seems to be able to open dialogs to get the user to fill in data and call a service. The bot documentation also seems to mention filling the compose box of the chat but the documentation is not very clear in specifying how the bot should be called from e.g. tabs.
was able to deep link to group chat Tab by setting contextType property. Could you Please try deeplinking to group chat with the below syntax:{"chatId": "","contextType":"chat"}

How to save current dashboard selections in Powerapps

I have created a standalone app in Powerapps. It is basically just a dashboard with a text input box, a number of toggle switches and radio buttons.
The dashboard will be used just to confirm a list of actions have been started or completed.
There is no requirement to save the data as such, but I need the option to keep the toggle selections and radio buttons etc as they were previously when a user opens the app.
At present the app works great however when closed and reopened the options revert to their default selections.
I have a button that resets the selections if required but I need them to remain unchanged unless reset manually.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to persist the data somewhere, whether that is in locally on the device (more difficult, does not work for apps in-browser; mobile only) or in a data table somewhere (easy).
On-device example
Data table (Sharepoint) example:
When user clicks "Save", Patch() the data to a Sharepoint list
OnStart of the app, set a variable for the logged in user, then lookup in the Sharepoint list, all settings for varUser.
ClearCollect these into a local collection.
Use UpdateIf on each field to update the Collection
When user clicks "Save", Patch() the Sharepoint list, repeat.

Jenkins user configure "Extended Email Job Watching", but No configuration available

I want that the signed users can select to receive which jobs' email notification.
I installed the Ext. email notification plug-in, and enabled it in the jobs, and enabled watching for jobs in the overall configuration. but I still can't see anything in the user's property page display.
enter image description here
I believe you have to activate that feature in the Global Settings:
See: [] and look for the checkbox "Enable watching for jobs"; as an administrator, you would want to also enable the triggers that you want users to be able to subscribe to (default is a limited set).
This will still leave the user "Configure" screen with no possible action. Users have to subscribe to specific triggers from the job page itself, using a link (not in the left margin menu, but on the main page) named "Watch Job" whihc takes you to a separate page to choose the triggers. Then this will show in the User's Configure page.

Quickbook Menu is not showing using QBFC SDK

I used below code to add menu it's working in one machine but not working on another machine
ISubscriptionMsgSetRequest _menuSet = GetSubscribeMsgRequest();
IUIExtensionSubscriptionAdd query = _menuSet.AppendUIExtensionSubscriptionAddRq();
I am not getting any issue, actually i am not clear with the code
i have taken code from this url
check all steps one by one
Run your code using administrator account
When you will run you code check whether response status is 0? - if it is 0 then continue else check status message and update in your question
check whether below code is present
After successful execution open Quickbook as administrator
Then you will get Authorisation box - Allow your plugin to add menu in quickbook, it is required.
If you dont get any Autorisation box then go in Edit menu in Quickbook
Edit->Preference->IntegratedApplication->Company Reference
Remove your app if it is present, and close & open QB again you will get Autorisation Box
Close you Quickbook
Open Quickbook as normal user then check your menus and their events
If events are not present again you need to check you event attached code.
10.Happy Quickbook coding
If you have any concern regarding Quickbook feel free to ask.

How can I test if a link is opened from my app using UIAutomation?

I have this app that has a login screen with fields for username and password. Below the fields there is this 'Forgot password link'. I am testing this app using UIAutomation class. How can I test if, when clicked on that link, the linked page is opened in the browser? I just want to check that when the link is clicked, the browser is opened.
Thanks for any help.
if you make sure that before the UIAutomation clicks the link that the associated default browser is not open then you could just simply see if the process for the given browser is running after the click (perhaps after a wait of a second or so)
I don't think there is a way to do that. Instruments will only allow one target at a time so the script stops when the target is navigated away from.
