How to access pipeline name in the freestyle job - jenkins

I have a pipeline which triggers a jenkins freestyle job.
How to access the pipeline name from the freestyle job.
I tried using ${BUILD_CAUSE} but it shows the value as UPSTREAMTRIGGER.
How to get the pipeline name?

JOB_NAME may contain the name of the job that you're after, unless it was triggered by an upstream job.
See a list of generic Jenkins environment variables that are available in most builds. The best way to find out what environment variables are available is to run sh 'printenv' in the steps.
If you need the name of the upstream job in a downstream job, I'd suggest setting a parameter on the downstream job and then referencing it when you trigger the job.
e.g. Upstream Pipeline job:
step {
build job: 'freestyle-downstream-job', parameters: [
string(name: 'upstream_job_name', value: "${JOB_NAME}")


How to get build number as a parameter for downstream job from upstream job with declarative pipeline code

I have Two jobs like one is CI jod & another one is CD. I want CI build number should use on CD number.. Can you please help me with declarative pipeline script to get build number as a parameter. here CI job is calling CD job.
Jenkins already provides a simple means to access the number of the current build using env.BUILD_NUMBER. So if you wanted to pass the build number of CI to the downstream job CD, you could do
job : 'CD',
parameters: [
string(name: 'MAIN_BUILD_NUMBER', value: "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}")
Then in the CD job, declare a parameter like this:
parameters {
string(defaultValue: null, description: 'Build No', name: 'MAIN_BUILD_NUMBER')
You should then be able to use ${env.MAIN_BUILD_NUMBER} anywhere in your CD jobs' Jenkinsfile.

how to get upstream build information in a script step of jenkins classic ui pipeline

I have an old classic ui jenkins pipeline. now i need this pipeline to be triggered on the completion of other pipelines. And get the upstream pipeline information in this old pipeline.
I know how to set the upstream build trigger in the jenkins pipeline. However i cannot find a way to get the upstream build information (eg, project name, git commit).
When i output the env variables in downstream pipeline, i can only see the BUILD_CAUSE=UPSTREAMTRIGGER which is not useful for me.
Trigger Downstream Job With Parameters
The old job would need to be updated to be parameterised, then you can pass the required information as parameters when you build the downstream job.
parameters: [string(name: 'upstreamJobName', value: env.JOB_NAME),
string(name: 'upstreamJobVar', value: "${upstreamJobVar}"]
Trigger Downstream Job Without Parameters
When parameters are not being send from triggering upstream job, then we can get some of the upstream information in the downstream job like this:
All available methods for upstreamBuilds information can be found here

Pass environment variables from parent job to child job Jenkins pipeline

I have two pipeline jobs.
Parent job: This job contains Gerrit trigger and builds on every patch-set created. After building of this job I can see the Gerrit environment variables into the build environment variable section.
Child job: which runs only if the gerrit_branch is not equal to master.
I want to pass all the gerrit environment variables to this job like the parent job.
Is there any way to pass all the env variable to the child job.
I have taken two pipeline jobs: Pipeline1 (parent job) and pipelineB (child job)
Pipeline1: I am doing SCM checkout from github where Jenkinsfile is present and in Jenkinsfile, I have called pipelineB (child job) where I am passing the parent job environment variable (GIT_BRANCH).
Pipeline1 configuration
Jenkinsfile of Pipeline1
pipeline {
agent any
stage ('Build JobB')
steps {
sh 'env'
build job: 'pipelineB', parameters: [string(name: 'GITHUB_BRANCH', value: "${env.GIT_BRANCH}")]
GIT_BRANCH is environment variable here. (
pipelineB: I have used the option This build is parameterized to capture the value of environment value being passed by parent job i.e. Pipeline1. Then, used the variable in pipeline script.
pipelineB Configuration
Please try it out.

Passing workspace url of Job A to Job B in Jenkins

I have two pipeline jobs Job A and Job B. I need to pass the workspace url of Job A (say /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/JobA) to be used by Job B. The main idea is I am trying to copy the contents of target folder which is generated due to maven build but I don't want to use Copy Artifacts Plugin or Archive Artifacts Plugin to achieve the same.
I have tried using the option "This job is parameterized" where Job A is the upstream of Job B but i am unable to so using that option.
Can anyone help to achieve the same ?
The WORKSPACE variable is an env variable from Jenkins and is pointing like / .
For eg.
If the job name is Job_A --> the workspace value will be <jenkins_path>/Job_A
For eg.
If the job name is Job_B --> the workspace value will be <jenkins_path>/Job_B
So you can't use the WORKSPACE var and expects the Job_B to point to Job_A workspace value.
The below can be used to get certain properties from the upstream job.
Jenkins - How to get and use upstream info in downstream
Even if you want to hard code it in the Job_B it will be fine(not recommended)
Also for this to work your node should be same for both the jobs
I have found a way to do the same and it is working fine.
I have made the Job B a parameterized job using "This project is parameterized" and used string parameter.
Then, in the pipeline script of Job A, i invoked the Job B by passing WORKSPACE env variable. Here is the declarative pipeline script for Job A:
pipeline {
agent any
stage ('Build JobB')
steps {
build job: 'jobB', parameters: [string(name: 'UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE', value: "${env.WORKSPACE}")]
} }
Now, in Job B pipeline you can try to echo the variable UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE. This is how we can pass the workspace url and use it to copy the artifacts.

Build Job from Jenkins Pipeline with variable

I'm not able to build a job from jenkins pipeline passing a variable for job name. Please find below the code snippet. If I replace ${service} with 'microservice' it will trigger the job
service = 'microservice'
echo "TESSSSSSSSTTT ${service}"
build(job: "'${service}'", parameters: [string(name: 'ENVNAME', value: 'uat')])
The error faced is:
[Pipeline] echo
TESSSSSSSSTTT microservice
[Pipeline] build
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: No item named 'microservice' found
Finished: FAILURE
I'm using this method because I want to hit a build command for all the microservices passing the names with multi-line string parameter, finally I want to set this build into a loop.
I assume your job is not called 'microservice' in Jenkins but microservice (without the ticks).
So change your build line to not include single quotes after the double quote:
build(job: "${service}", parameters: [string(name: 'ENVNAME', value: 'uat')])
Did some simple test with my jenkins instance and was able to call a job by setting the service variable to an existing job name.
