ZAPIER output_missing Please define output or return early - zapier

I am trying to get a document from a form here, but my script out is missing. Am i doing anything wrong here. This seems to work when there is more than on argument but it is just one it seems not to be working
documents = {}
if "Select which supporting documentation you would like to accompany your motivation letter" in input_data['checkbox']:
return documents
return {'empty' : True}

The function always has to return (or set) data. In the case where 'Select which...' is not in input_data['checkbox'], then nothing is returned.
Try something like this instead, which will be more consistent (if you add more fields):
result = {}
if 'Select which...' in input_data['checkbox']:
result['doc1'] = 'https://ess...'
return result
This way, your output is still conditional, but something is always returned.


How to determine if sysdig field exists or handle error if it doesn't

I'm using Sysdig to capture some events and have a small chisel (LUA script) to capture and format the events as necessary. On the on_init() I'm requesting fields like so :
f_field = chisel.request_field("<field>")
My question is how can I check if a field exists before requesting it? I'm going to use a new field only just released on 0.24.1 but ideally I'd like my chisel to continue to work on older versions of sysdig without this field. I've tried wrapping the call to chisel.request_field in a pcall() like so :
ok, f_field = pcall(chisel.request_field("<field>"))
and even implementing my own "get_field" function :
function get_field(field)
ok, f = pcall(chisel.request_field(field))
if ok then return f else return nil end
f_field = get_field("<field>")
if f_field ~= nil then
-- do something
but the error ("chisel requesting nonexistent field <field>") persists.
I can't see a way to check if a field exists but I can't seem to handle the error either. I really don't want multiple versions of my scripts if possible.
Steve H
You're almost there. Your issue is in how you're using pcall. Pcall takes a function value and any arguments you wish to call that function with. In your example you're passing the result of the request_field function call to pcall. Try this instead..
ok, f = pcall(chisel.request_field, "field")
pcall will call the chisel method with your args in a protected mode and catch any subsequent errors.

firefox addon webrequest.addListener misbehaving

I want to examine http requests in an extension for firefox. To begin figuring out how to do what I want to do I figured I'd just log everything and see what comes up:
(stuff) => {console.log(stuff);},
{urls: [/^.*$/]}
The domain is insignificant, and I know the regex works, verified in the console. When running this code I get no logging. When I take out the filter parameter I get every request:
(stuff) => {console.log(stuff);}
Cool, I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't see what.
Another approach is to manually filter on my own:
var webRequest = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/WebRequest.jsm", {});
var makeRequest = function(type) {
(stuff) => {
With the console.log above the if, I can see the regex returning true when I want it to and the code making it past the if. When I remove the console.log above the if the if no longer gets executed.
My question is then, how do I get the filtering parameter to work or if that is indeed broken, how can I get the code past the if to be executed? Obviously, this is a fire hose, and to begin searching for a solution I will need to reduce the data.
urls must be a string or an array of match patterns. Regular expressions are not supported.
WebRequest.jsm uses resource://gre/modules/MatchPattern.jsm. Someone might get confused with the util/match-pattern add-on sdk api, which does support regular expressions.

neo4jclient where clause not putting in parameters

I'm having an issue with the Where clause not pulling out the values and putting them as parameters.
.Where<TSourceNode>(otherStartNodes => otherStartNodes.Id != startingNode.Data.Id)
The Query string comes out looking like "WHERE (Id <> Id)". I can fix the problem easily by not using lambdas and just using the code below but I'm interested to see why it didn't work
.Where("startNode.Id <> otherStartNodes.Id")
I've also tried the below line but that didn't work either.
.Where<TSourceNode, TSourceNode>((otherStartNodes, startNode) => otherStartNodes.Id != startNode.Id)
Tatham - I've created an issue in Bitbucket for this.
You are correct the right way for the Where clause should be.
.Where<TSourceNode, TSourceNode>((otherStartNodes, startNode) => otherStartNodes.Id != startNode.Id))
Update: This is issue 73, fixed in and above.
From what I understand of your rather dynamic query, the third option you mentioned (.Where<TSourceNode, TSourceNode>((otherStartNodes, startNode) => otherStartNodes.Id != startNode.Id)) is the correct one.
This should work. I even added more unit tests in Neo4jClient to assert that it does:
Can you explain why you think it didn't work? What was the resulting query text?
The value you're getting for .Where<TSourceNode>(otherStartNodes => otherStartNodes.Id != startingNode.Data.Id) is wrong. It should evaluate startingNode.Data.Id once in .NET, then send something like WHERE otherStartNodes.Id <> {p1} over the wire. I'll test this separately.

jQuery Mobile Filtered List - only match beginning of string

Im using the jQuery mobile search filter list:
Im having somer performance issues, my list is a little slow to filter on some phones. To try and aid performance I want to change the search so only items starting with the search text are returned.
So 'aris' currently finds the result 'paris' but I want this changed. I can see its possible from the documentation below but I dont know how to implement the code.
$("document").ready( function (){
$(".ui-listview").listview('option', 'filterCallback', yourFilterFunction)
This seems to demonstrate how you write and call your own function, but ive no idea how to write it! Thanks
UPDATE - Ive tried the following in a seperate js file:
$("document").ready( function (){
function beginsWith( text, pattern) {
text= text.toLowerCase();
pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
return pattern == text.substr( 0, pattern.length );
$(".ui-listview").listview('option', 'filterCallback', beginsWith)
might look something like this:
function beginsWith( text, pattern) {
text= text.toLowerCase();
pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
return pattern == text.substr( 0, pattern.length );
Basically you compare from 0 to "length" of what you're matching to the source. So if you pass in "test","tester" it will see you're passing in a string of length 4 and then substr "tester" from 0,4, which gives you "test". Then "test" is equal to "test"... so return true. Lowercase them to make it case insensitive.
Another trick to improve filter performance, only filter once they've entered more than 1 character.
edit it appears jQueryMobile's filter function expects that "true" means it was not found... so it needs to be backwards. return pattern != text.substr( 0, pattern.length );
This worked for me. I am using regular expression here so sort of different way to achieve the same thing.
But the reason why my code didn't work initially was that the list item had a lot of spaces at the beginning and at the end (found that it got added on it's own while debugging).
So I do a trim on the text before doing the match. I have a feeling Jonathan Rowny's implementation will also work if we do text.trim() before matching.
$(".ui-listview").listview('option', 'filterCallback', function (text, searchValue) {
var matcher = new RegExp("^" + searchValue, "i");
return !matcher.test(text.trim());

Lua arguments passed to function in table are nil

I'm trying to get a handle on how OOP is done in Lua, and I thought I had a simple way to do it but it isn't working and I'm just not seeing the reason. Here's what I'm trying:
Person = { };
function Person:newPerson(inName)
p = { };
p.myName = inName;
function p:sayHello()
print ("Hello, my name is " .. self.myName);
return p;
Frank = Person.newPerson("Frank");
FYI, I'm working with the Corona SDK, although I am assuming that doesn't make a difference (except that's where print() comes from I believe). In any case, the part that's killing me is that inName is nil as reported by print(inName)... therefore, myName is obviously set to nil so calls to sayHello() fail (although they work fine if I hardcode a value for myName, which leads me to think the basic structure I'm trying is sound, but I've got to be missing something simple). It looks, as far as I can tell, like the value of inName is not being set when newPerson() is called, but I can't for the life of me figure out why; I don't see why it's not just like any other function call.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Remember that this:
function Person:newPerson(inName)
Is equivalent to this:
function Person.newPerson(self, inName)
Therefore, when you do this:
You are passing one parameter to a function that expects two. You probably don't want newPerson to be created with :.
Frank = Person:newPerson("Frank");
