neo4jclient where clause not putting in parameters - neo4j

I'm having an issue with the Where clause not pulling out the values and putting them as parameters.
.Where<TSourceNode>(otherStartNodes => otherStartNodes.Id != startingNode.Data.Id)
The Query string comes out looking like "WHERE (Id <> Id)". I can fix the problem easily by not using lambdas and just using the code below but I'm interested to see why it didn't work
.Where("startNode.Id <> otherStartNodes.Id")
I've also tried the below line but that didn't work either.
.Where<TSourceNode, TSourceNode>((otherStartNodes, startNode) => otherStartNodes.Id != startNode.Id)
Tatham - I've created an issue in Bitbucket for this.
You are correct the right way for the Where clause should be.
.Where<TSourceNode, TSourceNode>((otherStartNodes, startNode) => otherStartNodes.Id != startNode.Id))

Update: This is issue 73, fixed in and above.
From what I understand of your rather dynamic query, the third option you mentioned (.Where<TSourceNode, TSourceNode>((otherStartNodes, startNode) => otherStartNodes.Id != startNode.Id)) is the correct one.
This should work. I even added more unit tests in Neo4jClient to assert that it does:
Can you explain why you think it didn't work? What was the resulting query text?
The value you're getting for .Where<TSourceNode>(otherStartNodes => otherStartNodes.Id != startingNode.Data.Id) is wrong. It should evaluate startingNode.Data.Id once in .NET, then send something like WHERE otherStartNodes.Id <> {p1} over the wire. I'll test this separately.


ZAPIER output_missing Please define output or return early

I am trying to get a document from a form here, but my script out is missing. Am i doing anything wrong here. This seems to work when there is more than on argument but it is just one it seems not to be working
documents = {}
if "Select which supporting documentation you would like to accompany your motivation letter" in input_data['checkbox']:
return documents
return {'empty' : True}
The function always has to return (or set) data. In the case where 'Select which...' is not in input_data['checkbox'], then nothing is returned.
Try something like this instead, which will be more consistent (if you add more fields):
result = {}
if 'Select which...' in input_data['checkbox']:
result['doc1'] = 'https://ess...'
return result
This way, your output is still conditional, but something is always returned.

Arel + Rails 4.2 causing problems (bindings being lost)

We recently upgraded to Rails 4.2 from Rails 4.1 and are seeing problems with using Arel + Activerecord because we're getting this type of error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::ProtocolViolation: ERROR: bind message supplies 0 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 8
Here's the code that is breaking:
customers = Customer.arel_table
ne_subquery = ImportLog.where(
importable_type: Customer.to_s,
importable_id: customers['id'],
remote_type: remote_type.to_s.singularize,
destination: 'hello'
first = Customer.where(ne_subquery).where(company_id:
second = Customer.joins(:import_logs).merge(
importable_type: Customer.to_s,
importable_id: customers['id'],
remote_type: remote_type.to_s.singularize,
status: 'pending',
destination: 'hello',
remote_id: nil
We figured out how to solve the first part of the query (running into the same rails bug of not having bindings) by moving the exists.not to be within Customer.where like so:
ne_subquery = ImportLog.where(
importable_type: Customer.to_s,
importable_id: customers['id'],
destination: 'hello'
first = Customer.where("NOT (EXISTS (#{ne_subquery.to_sql}))").where(company_id:
This seemed to work but we ran into the same issue with this line of code:
whenever we run this part of the query, the bindings get lost. first and second are both active record objects but as soon as we "union" them, they lose the bindings are become arel objects.
We tried cycling through the query and manually replacing the bindings but couldn't seem to get it working properly. What should we do instead?
We also tried extracting the bind values from first and second, and then manually replacing them in the arel object like so:
union.grep(Arel::Nodes::BindParam).each_with_index do |bp, i|
bv = bind_values[i]
bp.replace(Customer.connection.substitute_at(bv, i))
However, it fails because:
NoMethodError: undefined method `replace' for #<Arel::Nodes::BindParam:0x007f8aba6cc248>
This was a solution suggested in the rails github repo.
I know this question is a bit old, but the error sounded familiar. I had some notes and our solution in a repository, so I thought I'd share.
The error we were receiving was:
PG::ProtocolViolation: ERROR: bind message supplies 0 parameters, but
prepared statement "" requires 1
So as you can see, our situation is a bit different. We didn't have 8 bind values. However, our single bind value was still being clobbered. I changed the naming of things to keep it general.
first_level = Blog.all_comments
second_level = Comment.where(comment_id:
third_level = Comment.where(comment_id:
Blog.all_comments is where we have the single bind value. That's the piece we're losing.
union = first_level.union second_level
union2 = Comment.from(
Comment.arel_table.create_table_alias union, :comments
).union third_level
relation = Comment.from(Comment.arel_table.create_table_alias union2, :comments)
We created a union much like you except that we needed to union three different queries.
To get the lost bind values at this point, we did a simple assignment. In the end, this is a little simpler of a case than yours. However, it may be helpful.
relation.bind_values = first_level.bind_values
By the way, here's the GitHub issue we found while working on this. It doesn't appear to have any updates since this question was posted though.

Rails.where Greater/Lesser Than without writing SQL statements

So I have DB query
ageVariable = 36
Actor.where("age > ?", ageVariable)
is that possible to avoid ? syntax?
I'm looking for :key based solution that would look something like this:
Actor.where(age: greater_than(age_variable) or ...where(age: > age_variable)
In response to #bounty answer:
Range doesn't solve problem.
Actor.where(:created_at => (1000000.years.ago..2.days.ago) sounds terrible
You can use Arel to get it done without using raw SQL:
You can use range condition for this.
ageVariable = (36..1000)
Actor.where(:age => ageVariable)
This will give all actor which are in between 36-1001
ageVariable = 36
Actor.where("age > :target_age", target_age: ageVariable)
I avoided ? and made it look like the latter one ...where(age: > age_variable)...And I'm not even using between but greater than. Did I get closer to what you have in your mind?

how to use ilike with Integer in grails

I use EasyGrid plugin and must find values where integer field like '%001%'
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%""%")
But ilike doesn't work with Integer. How to do it?
I tried to do:
initialCriteria {
ilike('id'.toString(), "%""%")
initialCriteria {
ilike('str(id)', "%""%")
but it's not work.
If id is an integer in the database, then ilike doesn't really make much sense and there is probably a better way to do what you are trying to do (like adding a type field or something to the domain object, and filter by type)
However, you should be able to do something like this (untested):
initialCriteria {
sqlRestriction "cast( id AS char( 256 ) ) like '%001%'"
Following criteria not working if you search from your textbox when user search any text character by mistake like 12dfdsf as your searchable id. It will give you an exception
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%""%")
For better use you can use following criteria
initialCriteria {
sqlRestriction "id like '%${params?.id}%'"
You could do:
String paddedId =,'0')
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%$paddedId%")
The solution offered by tim_yates with the sqlRestriction would work in version 1.5.0 of easygrid.
One of the main differences from 1.4.x is that the gorm datasource no longer uses DetachedCriteria, but Criteria - which maps directly to Hibernate's Criteria API.
So you can try it on the last version.
(Keep in mind that the upgrade might break your existing grids. There's also many other changes)
Another small observation is that 'initialCriteria' is not the right place to do stuff like that. (it's not wrong, but there is a 'globalFilterClosure' property for applying column independent filters)
I mixed the code posted by #tim_yates and mine:
String paddedId =,'0')
def crit = Book.withCriteria {
sqlRestriction "lpad(cast( id AS char( 256 ) ), 3, '0') like '%${paddedId}%'"
I've tried with a h2 in-memory db and it works, but I am not sure about two things:
the real usefulness of that
lpad syntax consistence across all db engines

Rails: Where clause doesn't work in any condition

I'm about to lose my mind due to a simple Rails where query. I simply cannot understand why it does work like 10 lines ago and does not after it. I could not figure out what might be causing the problem
#userID = Token.where(:tokenCode => #tokenReceived)
##init.tokenCode=#tokenReceived+"1" #randomize algorithm required!
if #userID.nil?
#tokenToAdd = "12"
#newToken=Token.where(:userID => "1")
#if #newToken.nil?
When I make a successful JSON request to 'http://localhost:3000/inits.json' it gives me a page with tons of erros but I think the main error among those are:
in InitsController#create
<pre>undefined method `tokenCode=' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x007fc43cb40b88></pre>
What could be the reason? Am I writing the where clause all wrong?
Edit: When I activate the if clause it works. I simply believe the #newToken object is null, however it is almost impossible for me to detect why. There is a data in my Token table with userID 1.
When you do:
#newToken=Token.where(:userID => "1")
You get an ActiveRecord::Relation, but you expect an object. So simply replace it with:
#newToken=Token.where(:userID => "1").first
