Notification.onclick property not working in electronjs - electron

I am going through the documentation on electronjs and i've just gotten to the part about notifications and adding clicking events. I added the notification.onclick property but when i click on the notification after running the app, nothing gets shown on the console. This is the code in the renderer.js file.
let myNotification = new Notification('Title', {
body: 'Notification from the Renderer Process'
myNotification.onclick = () => {
console.log("Notification clicked")
Can anyone tell me where i am going wrong?


React Native : messaging().onMessage is not triggered very first time app launched in iOS

I want to handle foreground firebase messages.
But messaging().onMessage is not triggered very first time app launched in iOS. This is working fine in Android.
Exact scenario is:
First time launch app : messaging().onMessage not triggered in iOS
Close and reopen app : messaging().onMessage will trigger
import { Alert } from 'react-native';
import messaging from '#react-native-firebase/messaging';
function FCMReadInForeGround() {
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = messaging().onMessage(async remoteMessage => {
Alert.alert('A new FCM message arrived!', JSON.stringify(remoteMessage));
return unsubscribe;
}, []);
export default FCMReadInForeGround;```
i hope this help you. i have same problem, and the im looking documentation ios messaging setup.
here the link : .
in my case I haven't Linking APNs with FCM (iOS)
Try calling setBackgroundMessageHandler outside your component.
// Register background handler
messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async remoteMessage => {
try {
console.log('Remote notification', remoteMessage)
} catch (err) { console.log(err) }

Open a Modal Dialog when issue is Done

I’m just starting with Forge and JIRA apps development, I need to open a ModalDialog when an issue changes its state to “Done” (either by dragging it to the Done column or by changing its status in the issue panel). I don’t know where to start, I tried clonning the jira-issue-activity-ui-kit starter but I don’t get where the modal should open, any ideas? Thanks
This is the code I've tried:
const DONE = 'Done';
export async function run(event, context) {
console.log('Hello World!', event, event.changelog.items);
// if the issue is solved (status changed to Done)
if (event.changelog.items.some(function changedToPreferredStatus(change) {
return statusChangedTo(change, DONE);
})) {
let description = event.issue.fields.summary;
function statusChangedTo(change, to) {
return change.field === 'status' && change.toString === to;

Zendesk web widget status not correctly updating and button not hiding

I'm loading the Zendesk web widget into a page, and this is the event handler for when it's loaded in
scriptElement.onload = function () {
zE(function () {
$zopim(function () {
$zopim.livechat.setOnStatus(function (status) {
status === 'online' ? $ : $zopim.livechat.button.hide();
It has the setOnStatus event handler which should trigger anytime the status changes. It seems to be triggered once when the page initially loads in. You'd expect it to be triggered as well everytime I call the setStatus method, but that's not the case. Where I log the status, it's always just 'online', and it only happens once.
What I'm trying to do is force the button to disappear when the status is offline. Yet setting the status to 'offline' doesn't hide the button, just displays the offline version (i.e. a button which lets me send an offline message, rather than a live chat).
I thought the setHideWhenOffline method might have helped, but that doesn't seem to make any difference in this case.
Any ideas?
Actually I found the solution I needed here, this prevents the offline button appearing.
window.zESettings = {
webWidget: {
contactForm: {
suppress: true

Electron Web Bluetooth API requestDevice() Error

I'm trying to develop an application which communicates with Bluetooth Low Energy Devices. I established a working "website" with the Web Bluetooth API. Everything works fine, so I used the Electron framework, to build an application.
The issue is known - if you start navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice(), you get this error message:
User cancelled the requestDevice() chooser..
This causes due to the missing device chooser in Chromium. There are several topics about workarounds I found, but no examples. This is my first Electron project. Maybe somebody solved this problem and can give me a hint :-)
thank you very much for your support. According to your suggestions and some research, I developed a working solution and like to share it with you.
These two links helped me a lot:
Especially this post from MarshallOfSound – well described:
Hook event in main process
Send message to renderer process with device list
Show UI in renderer process
Send selected device to main process
Call callback
To get more Information about the main process and renderer process, events and their API, read this: (already posted by Gerrit)
For my application I wanted a device picker, as seen in Chrome. The sequence I wanted to implement is:
Start application
Search for a device
Devicepicker pops up
Select a device
Devicepicker closes
See data in application
A reference to the code for the processes of the tutorial and the code snippet:
electron application: main.js (main process) renderer.js (render process) devicepicker GUI: devicepicker.js (renderer process) devicepicker.html & layout.css (GUI)
1) Create devicepicker with a GUI (I used and two ) and a script
2) In your main.js create a select-bluetooth-device event inside the 'ready' event of your application object (docs in links above) When you start navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice() in your renderer.js, the event get’s fired and the devicelist is in the main process. With console.log(deviceList) it's visible in the shell. To handle it you need to send it to the renderer process (your application window).
3) To achieve this, we implement webContents.send of our BrowserWindow object inside the webContents.on event. Now the main process sends a devicelist every time he found new devices through the channel channelForBluetoothDeviceList
4) Create in renderer.js startDevicePicker(). devicePicker() must be started in the same function as navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice(). startDevicePicker() instantiates a new BrowserWindow() object which loads devicepicker.html
5) To get the list from the main process a ipcRenderer.on() listener must be implemented in startDevicePicker() that listens to the channelForBluetoothDeviceList channel of our main process. Now we can get the list in our electron application (renderer prcoess). To send it to the devicepicker UI, we need to forward it from our electron application (renderer process) to the devicepicker (also a renderer process)
6) To achieve this, we need the ipcRenderer.sendTo() sender in devicePicker(), which forwards messages between from a renderer process to a specific other renderer process. Additional to the channel bluetoothDeviceDiscoverList we need the of the devicepicker. Since we just instantiated it, we can use our devicepicker object. I had a device which sended only once, the main process was faster than the build of the devicepicker and my list was never sent to the devicepicker. So I used a Promise() to wait with ipcRenderer.sendTo() until the devicepicker was ready to use.
7) To receive the devicelist at our devicepicker GUI, we need to listen to the bluetoothDeviceDiscoverList with ipcRenderer.on() (devicepicker.js). I inserted the devicelist now to the <option> of the devicepicker, you can use of course other elements (devicepicker.html). Please note: implement a query that compares the sended list to the current. Otherwise you get multiple devices and your selection gets loooong. I still need to do that, it's not finished yet :-)
8) To select a device that navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice() (renderer.js) gets resolved, we need to send back the BluetoothDevice.deviceId of our selected device to the main process where we callback ‚callback‘ with deviceId as callback parameter (main.js).
9) Now we can use ipcRenderer.sendTo() send the selected BluetoothDevice.deviceId to the mainprocess (devicepicker.js).
10) In the main process (main.js) of our electron application we listen to the channel channelForSelectingDevice with ipcMain.on() and callback with the received BluetoothDevice.deviceId. The device discovery gets stopped, navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice() gets resolved and we receive data from our device in our application (renderer.js). To cancel the discovery of devices, listen with ipcMain.on() in another channel channelForTerminationSignal just a signal to the main process (main.js), for example after a click (devicepicker.js) and call the callback with an empty string (as written in the docs)
I admit it could be done much simpler without a devicepicker. Then just send the devicelist from the main process (main.js) to your application (renderer process). But this helped me a lot to understand the processes in electron. I hope this tutorial is useful for you :-) !
const { ipcMain, app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = null;
var callbackForBluetoothEvent = null;
// Create the browser window.
function createWindow () {
win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true //to activate require()
//This sender sends the devicelist from the main process to all renderer processes
win.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device', (event, deviceList, callback) => {
event.preventDefault(); //important, otherwise first available device will be selected
console.log(deviceList); //if you want to see the devices in the shell
let bluetoothDeviceList = deviceList;
callbackForBluetoothEvent = callback; //to make it accessible outside createWindow()
win.webContents.send('channelForBluetoothDeviceList', bluetoothDeviceList);
// This method will be called when Electron has finished
// initialization and is ready to create browser windows.
// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.
app.on('ready', createWindow)
//cancels Discovery
ipcMain.on('channelForTerminationSignal', _ => {
callbackForBluetoothEvent(''); //reference to callback of win.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device'...)
console.log("Discovery cancelled");
//resolves navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice() and stops device discovery
ipcMain.on('channelForSelectingDevice', (event, DeviceId) => {
callbackForBluetoothEvent(sentDeviceId); //reference to callback of win.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device'...)
console.log("Device selected, discovery finished");
function discoverDevice() {
function startDevicepicker(){
let devicepicker = null;
let mainProcessDeviceList = null;
devicepicker = new BrowserWindow({
width: 350,
height: 270,
show: false, //needed to resolve promise devicepickerStarted()
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true
//electron application listens for the devicelist from main process
ipcRenderer.on('channelForBluetoothDeviceList', (event, list) => {
mainProcessDeviceList = list;
devicepickerStarted.then(_=> {
console.log("Promise resolved!");
ipcRenderer.sendTo(, 'bluetoothDeviceDiscoverList', mainProcessDeviceList);
//Promise that ensures that devicepicker GUI gets the list if the device only sends once
var devicepickerStarted = new Promise(
function (resolve, reject) {
console.log("Promise started");
devicepicker.once('ready-to-show', () => {;
console.log("Devicepicker is ready!")
//remove listeners after closing devicepicker
devicepicker.on('closed', _ => {
devicepicker = null;
//save received list here
var myDeviceList = new Array();
//Html elements
const devicePickerSelection = document.getElementById("devicePickerSelection");
const buttonSelect = document.getElementById("Select");
const buttonCancel = document.getElementById("Cancel");
//eventListeners for buttons
buttonSelect.addEventListener('click', selectFromDevicePicker);
buttonCancel.addEventListener('click', cancelDevicePicker);
//listens for deviceList
ipcRenderer.on('receivedDeviceList', (event, bluetoothDeviceDiscoverList) => {
console.log("list arrived!")
//code: add list to html element
function selectFromDevicePicker() {
let selectedDevice = devicePickerSelection.value;
let deviceId = //depends on where you save the BluetoothDevice.deviceId values
//sends deviceId to main process for callback to resolve navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice()
ipcRenderer.send('channelForSelectingDevice', deviceId);
function cancelDevicePicker() {
function closeDevicePicker() {
In your main.js Add this code snippet
if (process.platform === "linux"){
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("enable-experimental-web-platform-features", true);
} else {
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("enable-web-bluetooth", true);
This will enable the bluetooth at your Electron app.
And use this as reference
But I'd suggest you to consider your Electron version.
Here is a code sample that will just return the first device instead of having to implement a device chooser:
mainWindow.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device', (event, deviceList, callback) => {
console.log('Device list:', deviceList);
let result = deviceList[0];
if (!result) {
} else {

Ionic 2 open modal on platform resume

I am currently working on an Ionic 2 app which requires authentication each time the app moves into the background and resumes.
import { ModalController } from 'ionic-angular';
selector: 'item-details',
templateUrl: 'item-details.html'
export class ItemDetailsPage {
private modalCtrl: ModalController) {
ionViewDidLoad() {
this.platform.resume.subscribe(() => {
let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(LoginModalPage, true);
The issue I am having is that when the app resumes, it is correctly detects that it has resumed but then gives the error:
EXCEPTION: Attempted to assign to readonly property
When I use web inspector attached to the simulator it seems to imply the modal is undefined but I am unsure why.
This is how you have created modal
let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(LoginModalPage, true);
But from docs, instance is created with create(component, data, opts) where data is an object. In your case it is a boolean. So you need to pass an object. Here is the doc
