Graph Api: search file for exact match - microsoft-graph-api

I have a file called "ABC_file1.docx".
I want to perform a search of a specific file name in a specific folder.
My code is:
var fileName = "ABC_file1.docx";
var files = _graphClient
Unfortunately this works not only for my file, but also for a similar file name, like "ABC_ABC_file1.docx", and that's not what i need.
How can I search for exact match?

Have you tried leveraging documentation here for searchable site properties and see if this helps.

I just found a solution and seems that the "Search" method is not what it needs for exact match file search.
It's better to use "Filter" rather than "Search" like this:
var fileName = "ABC_file1.docx";
var files = _graphClient
.Filter($"name eq '{fileName}'")
This resolve not only the problem of the searching about exact match, but also the issue which renaming a name on Sharepoint the update is being visible after 10/15 minutes (known issue).


How to list all the files that are in TFS GIT repo using REST API

I am trying to get the list of all the files that are in a particular repo in TFS GIT using REST API.
I found the below one but it only display the contents of the specific file name mentioned after "scopePath=/buld.xml", it only display the contents of file build.xml.
But I am trying, only to list all the files that are in a particular repository with out mentioning the particular file name.
Please help me.
You can use the api below:
Also that could be achieved using VisualStudioOnline libs (at the date of writing comment it becomes AzureDevOps): Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client.
First, you need to create access token. Then just use code below:
VssBasicCredential credintials = new VssBasicCredential(String.Empty, "YOUR SECRET CODE HERE");
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(""), credintials);
GitHttpClient client = connection.GetClient<GitHttpClient>();
List<GitRepository> repositories = await client.GetRepositoriesAsync(true); // or use GetRepositoryAsync()
var repo = repositories.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == "Some.Repo.Name");
GitVersionDescriptor descriptor = new GitVersionDescriptor()
VersionType = GitVersionType.Branch,
Version = "develop",
VersionOptions = GitVersionOptions.None
List<GitItem> items = await client.GetItemsAsync(repo.Id, scopePath: "/", recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.Full, versionDescriptor: descriptor);
Under the hood it's using the REST API. So if you try the same effect using c# lang, better delegate it to lib.
You need to call the items endpoint first, which gives you an objectId (the gitObjectType should be "tree"):
Then call the trees end point to list the objects in the tree:

Google spreadsheet direct download link for only ONE sheet as excel

I was wondering if its possible to download say only sheet 1 of a google spreadsheet as excel? I have seen few SO posts that show the method to export the WHOLE sheet as excel, but I need to just export one sheet. Is it at all possible? and if yes, how?
You can download a specific sheet using the 'GID'.
Each sheet has a GID, you can find GID of specific sheet in the URL of
spreadsheet. Then you can use this link to download specific sheet -<KEY>/export?format=xlsx&gid=<GID>
KEY is the unique ID of the spreadsheet.
From what I've found, the other two answers on this post are exactly correct, all you need to do is replace this:
This works just fine although I did find that I had to keep looking up this string and copying it. Instead, I made a quick Javascript snippet that does all the work for you:
Just run the code snippet below and drag the link it creates into your bookmarks bar. I know this is a little hacky but for some reason, stackoverflow doesn't want me injecting javascript into the links I provide.
Export Sheet as Excel
I've tested this on the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. They all work although you might have to get a little creative about how you make your bookmarks.
when you see every Google spreadsheet url looks like this
In every spreadsheet URL we can see: /edit#gid=
this is generally the default mode.
just replace it with:
it will download the single spreadsheet from the workbook
I am able to download all sheets of a spreadsheet.
Just remove anything after
and replace with
for Excel
for PDF
Please use any_value() function before the column because field(column) have more than one value for one id(group by).
select any_value(phone_no) from user_details group by user_id.
here one user_id have more than one phone number so query confused which choose.
You can do this by clicking on the down arrow near the sheet name to bring up the options, and then selecting "Copy to -> New spread sheet", then click the "Open spread sheet" in the pop up that comes up after.
You can use my code:
function emailAsExcel() {
var config = {
to: "",
subject: "your text",
body: "your text"
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
if (!config || ! || !config.subject || !config.body) {
throw new Error('Configure "to", "subject" and "body" in an object as
the first parameter');
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var spreadsheetId = spreadsheet.getId();
var file = Drive.Files.get(spreadsheetId);
var url = ''+spreadsheetId+'/export?
format=xlsx&gid=numberSheetID to email';
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
var fileName = (config.fileName || spreadsheet.getName()) + '.xlsx';
var blobs = [response.getBlob().setName(fileName)];
if ( {
blobs = [ + '.zip')];
attachments: blobs

New Google Spreadsheets publish limitation

I am testing the new Google Spreadsheets as there is a new feature I really need: the 200 sheets limit has been lifted (more info here:
However, I can't publish a spreadsheet to CSV like you can in the old version. I go to 'File>Publish to the web' and there is no more options to publish 'all sheets' or certain sheets and you can't specify cell ranges to publish to CSV etc.
This limitation is not mentioned in the published 'Unsupported Features' documentation found at:
Is there some other way this gets enabled or has it in fact been left out of the new version?
My use case is: we retrieve Bigquery results into the spreadsheets, we publish the sheets as a CSV automatically using the "publish automatically on update" feature which then produces the CSV URL which gets placed into charting tools that read the CSV URL to generate the visuals.
Does anyone know how to do this?
The new Google spreadsheets use a different URL (just copy your <KEY>):
New sheet :<KEY>/pubhtml
CSV file :<KEY>/export?gid=<GUID>&format=csv
The GUID of your spreadsheet relates to the tab number.
/!\ You have to share your document using the Anyone with the link setting.
Here is the solution, just write it like this:<KEY>/export?format=csv&id=<KEY>
I know it's weird to write the KEY twice, but it works perfectly. A teammate from work discovered this by opening the excel file in Google Docs, then File -> Download as -> Comma separated values. Then, in the downloads section of the browser appears a link to the CSV file, like this:<KEY>/export?format=csv&id=<KEY>&gid=<SOME NUMBER>
But it doesn't work in this format, what my friend did was remove "&gid=<SOME NUMBER>" and it worked! Hope it helps everyone.
If you enable "Anyone with the link sharing" for spreadsheet, here is a simple method to get range of cells or columns (or whatever your feel like) export in format of HTML, CSV, XML, JSON via the query:,%20B&tqx=reqId:1;out:html;%20responseHandler:webQuery
For tq variable read query language reference.
For tqx variable read request format reference.
Downside to this is that your doc is still availble in full via the public link, but if you want to export/import data to say Excel this is a perfect way.
It's not going to help everyone, but I've made a PHP script to read the HTML into an array.
I've added converting back to a CSV at the end. Hopefully this will help some people who have access to PHP.
$html_link = "";
$local_html = "sheets.html";
$file_contents = file_get_contents($html_link);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$html = #$dom->loadHTMLFile($local_html); //Added a # to hide warnings - you might remove this when testing
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$tables = $dom->getElementsByTagName('table');
$rows = $tables->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('tr');
$cols = $rows->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('td'); //You'll need to edit the (0) to reflect the row that your headers are in.
$row_headers = array();
foreach ($cols as $i => $node) {
if($i > 0 ) $row_headers[] = $node->textContent;
foreach ($rows as $i => $row){
if($i == 0 ) continue;
$cols = $row->getElementsByTagName('td');
$row = array();
foreach ($cols as $j => $node) {
$row[$row_headers[$j]] = $node->textContent;
$table[] = $row;
//Convert to csv
$csv = "";
foreach($table as $row_index => $row_details){
$comma = false;
foreach($row_details as $value){
$value_quotes = str_replace('"', '""', $value);
$csv .= ($comma ? "," : "") . ( strpos($value,",")===false ? $value_quotes : '"'.$value_quotes.'"' );
$comma = true;
$csv .= "\r\n";
//Save to a file and/or output
print $csv;
Here is another temporary, non-PHP workaround:
Go to an existing NEW google sheet
Go to "File -> New -> Spreadsheet"
Under "File -> Publish to the web..." now has the option to publish a csv version
I believe this is actually creating an old Google sheet but for my purposes (importing google sheet data from clients or myself into R for statistical analysis) it works until they hopefully update this feature.
I posted this in a Google Groups forum also, please find it here:!topic/docs/An-nZtjaupU
The correct URL for downloading a Google spreadsheet as CSV is:<ID>&exportFormat=csv
The current answers do not work anylonger. The following has worked for me:
Do File -> "Publish to the web" and select 'start publishing' and the format. I choose text (which is TSV)
Now just copy the URL there which will be similar to
That new feature appears to have disappeared. I don't see any option to publish a csv/tsv version. I can download tsv/csv with the export, but that's not available to other people with merely the link (it redirects them to a google docs sign-in form).
I found a fix! So I discovered that old spreadsheets before this change were still allowing only publishing certain sheets. So I made a copy of an old spreadsheet, cleared the data out, copy and pasted my current info into it and now I'm happily publishing just a single sheet of my large spreadsheet. Yay
I was able to implement a query to the result, see this table,B,I,J,K+where+B%3E=4.5&pli=1
the spreadsheet fetches data from earthquake, but I just want to select MAG 4.5+ earthquakes so it makes the query and the columns, just a problem:
I cannot parse the result, I tried to decode as json but was not able to parse it.
I would like to be able to show this as HTML or CSV or how to parse this ? for example to be able to plot it on a Google Map.

Call javascript in sharepoint custom field

I am creating a custom field in SharePoint 2007. I have seen other solutions where the current site URL was default value of a text field.
How can I get this current site URL?
I have got one answer whiches states that I shall use JavaScript, but where do I put the script?
I hope you can help.
To answer 1
I am new to SharePoint and am not quiet sure where to put the java script. Normaly i just give the initial value to the field in the FieldEditor.cs file but how can I do this with the javascript?
Here follows a picute of my files.
I have tried to put it into FiledEditor.cs but this results in the value of myString is written in the top of the web page.
Here is my current code:
string myScript = "var currentUrl = document.URL; LabelLookupFieldTargetURLText.Text = currentUrl;";
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(LabelLookupFieldTargetURLText.GetType(), "LabelLookupFieldTargetURLTextJavaScript", myScript);
I found the answer my self. I don't need to use a java script. I can just use SPContext.Current.Site.Url
use javascript:
var nowUrl = document.URL;
yourTextfiled.value = nowUrl;
you can read this:

How to get the target path of a shortcut in windows scripting?

From what I have read until now, you can get the TargetPath property of an objet of class Shortcut, which is the result of the method CreateShortcut of WScript.Shell.
But I have not found any way to get the target path of an existing shortcut.
In javascript:
var sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var sc = sh.CreateShortcut(shortcutPath);
var targePath = sc.TargetPath;
It took me some time to understand it. So I guess there will be at least one person happy to find the answer here.
by using .path property?
