As per Job DSL plugin API documentation for Git, there are two forms to use it:
git {...} //with lot of additional options
What is the difference between these two approaches ? One is a method call and the other one is calling a closure ?
As per this article, I guess both forms are calling a Groovy closure + some Groovy syntactic sugar.
One is a method call and the other one is calling a closure ?
Both are method calls - but the first takes a string on git - while the latter takes a closure as argument.
As per the api-doc api you shared above, it looks like the first one - git {} - provides maximum options to setup the SCM context - that includes an option to manipulate directly the generated XML through configure closure. All the others seem to be the variants of this option with the last argument as the configure closure.
If the last parameter of a method call is a closure, it can be passed outside the parentheses
Yes, you are right. And, if the closure is the only method argument, then method can be called with just that and without any parentheses. That's exactly what the first call is about git {}
I'd like to visualize method chains of our codebase (which method invokes which method) starting from a given method with jqassistant.
For normal method calls the following Cypher query works. workupNotification is the method I am starting from:
MATCH (begin:Method {name: "workupNotification"}) -[INVOKES*1..20]-> (method:Method) WHERE not method:Constructor and exists( RETURN begin, method, type
But many of the methods calls in our software are calls to interfaces of which the implementation is not known in the method (SOA with Dependency Inversion).
How can I select the implementation of this method (There are two classes implementing each interface. One is automatically generated (Proxy), the other is the one I'm interested in.)
You need to do what the JVM is performing at runtime for you: resolving virtual method invocations. There's a predefined jQAssistant concept that propagates INVOKES relations to implementing sub-classes: java:InvokesOverriddenMethod. You can either reference it as a required concept from one of your own rules or apply it from the command line, e.g. with Maven:
mvn jqassistant:analyze -Djqassistant.concepts=java:InvokesOverriddenMethod
The rule is documented in the manual, see
(The name of the concept is not intuitive, it would be better to replace it with something like java:VirtualInvokes).
It is deprecated. In 1.9.0 version it should be used this command line:
mvn jqassistant:analyze -Djqassistant.concepts=java:VirtualInvokes
I'm creating a wrapper class for an API because my application will need to call it with different credentials at different times. I started off passing the wrapper a method and arguments and then doing (basically) this when calling it
TheAPI::Thing.send(method, args)
HOWEVER, I realized that a challenge here is if I need to chain methods; this way I can only call one at a time; so for example I wouldn't be able to to TheAPI::Thing.find(id).delete. (At least, not without re-calling the credentials setter, which is undesirable since I have to fetch a token).
Is there a way using ruby to collect the methods/args being chained onto an object? Or would I simply have to pass in some ugly ordered set of things?
EDIT: Surely activerecord's query builder does something like this, collecting the chained methods before returning, and then after they're all collected, ensuring that as a final step the query is built, called, and returned?
the way to do this is to define a proxy object and to pass that around instead of the actual thing.
In the object itself, hold a reference to the Thing and override method_missing:
In the method missing do the thing you are doing today. In a nutshell this is what ActiveRecord is doing.
As far as chaining things, I don't believe it would be a problem as methods that can be chained usually return references to self. When you call the 2nd method in the chain, you actually have done the work for the first one and have an object that has the 2nd method in the chain. The only trick you need to pay attention to is that you want to return a reference to the proxy class that encapsulates the thing instead of the actual return of the thing if you want the chaining to succeed.
Give it a shot and ping me if you run into trouble and I can spin up a fully working example.
I'm starting to learn grails and there is some groovy syntax that I don't get at all, and is undocumented as far as I can tell because I don't know what it's called.
What are 'grails', 'views', and 'gsp' in the code below?
grails {
views {
gsp {
encoding = 'UTF-8'
// ...
p.s. I feel like an idiot for not being able to figure this out...
This is an example of DSL (domain specific language) code. In Groovy, many DSLs are implemented as Groovy code, although sometimes it can look pretty funky. This code block is run as Groovy code, and it's more clear that it's code if you add in the omitted optional parentheses:
encoding = 'UTF-8'
// ...
and more so if we replace the property set call to the equivalent method call
// ...
If you ran this in a console or as part of other Groovy code or in a Grails app it would fail, because there's no 'grails' method taking a closure as an argument, or a similar 'views' or 'gsp' method, and there's no setEncoding(String) method either. But when run as DSL code, often the code is run inside a closure whose delegate is set to a DSL helper class that handles the resulting methodMissing and propertyMissing calls.
This helper looks at the method name and the number and/or types of the method arguments (or property name and value type) and if they are valid for the DSL, it does the corresponding work, otherwise it throws a MissingMethodException/MissingPropertyException, or a DSL-specific exception, or handles the problem some other way.
In this case, there's a configuration DSL handler that translates these method calls into config property calls.
There are several other DSLs in use in a Grails app that work the same way. The mapping and constraints blocks in domain classes, the grails.project.dependency.resolution block in BuildConfig.groovy, etc. All are evaluated as Groovy code, and the missing method/property calls configure GORM mappings, constraint definitions, plugin dependencies, etc.
Programming Groovy 2 is a particularly good Groovy book for learning DSLs.
In Grails you can declare a controller action like this:
def create(Integer foo, Integer bar) {
And if your HTTP request has parameters named foo and bar with values that can be converted to an Integer, the parameters will be assigned these values. I'm wondering how Grails can do this, because my understanding is that at the JVM bytecode level, a method's formal parameter names are not available. Is this witchcraft or am I misunderstanding something?
Basically what happens is that there's an AST transform that adds a new method with no args and the same name. This new method has logic in it to do the data binding based on the declared types of your "real" method, and then call your method. That's why the types are required (otherwise there's no way to do a conversion) and why you cannot have method overloads.
The inability to have overloaded methods is easy to work around though. Say you wanted an action
def foo(String bar)
and another
def foo(String bar, Integer wahoo)
In this scenario just keep the 2nd method and check to see if wahoo is null.
It's also important to use object parameter types and not primitives. If you use int/long/boolean/etc. and there is no provided parameter, you would get a NPE (since zero is not an acceptable conversion from null for numbers, and either is false for booleans).
You can get a decent sense for what's going on if you decompile the class using JD-GUI or another decompiler.
The fact that Grails controllers are Groovy classes helps quite a lot. Looking through the source code for controllers you can see where it makes heavy use of AST transformations, in particular the MethodNode. So, before it becomes bytecode the "witchcraft" is done. :)
Method 1:
def funtion1(){
//Code here
Method 2:
def function2={
//code here
actually what are the difference between defining these two type of method... And which one is good ..
Controller Actions as Methods
It is now possible to define controller actions as methods instead of using closures as in previous versions of Grails.
In fact this is now the preferred way of expressing an action.
So, if you use grails > 2.*, define actions as methods instead of as clothures.
Similar questions:
Well, the first one if a function and the second is a closure.
A Groovy Closure is like a "code block" or a method pointer. It is a piece of code that is defined and then executed at a later point. It has some special properties like implicit variables, support for currying and support for free variables.
I think that traditional methods is what you need. You probably should use closures in some special cases, but it's really big topic for thought.
So you better read about closures here and may be here.