Twilio conversation JS SDK - a proper way of fetching user conversations - twilio

I'm trying to display all user's conversations sorted by last message creation date and I'm a little bit confused.
I see getSubscribedConversation method in docs ( but it says nothing about page size and sorting. It returns paginator so I assume it doesn't return all conversations at once.
On the other hand I see some examples in twilio github projects where conversations are added to the list only by listening for conversationAdded event (which indeed fires even for previously created conversations) but it doesn't seem like a clean solution - if user belongs to 50 conversation then I should handle every single event and rerender the list 50 times?
To sum up, I have following questions:
Does getSubscribedConversation returns all user's conversations at once?
If no, then what is default page size and is it possible to change it (together with sorting)
If getSubscribedConversation return paginator indeed - wouldn't it break if I add conversation from conversationAdded event in the meantime?

I can't answer all your questions but I can give some insight on a couple -
From what I can tell, getSubscribedConversations returns 50 Conversations. I have not found a way to change that limit or sort it (I'm not entirely sure in what order Twilio returns them even).
For a project I'm working on we need Conversations sorted in order of recent message. The way I'm currently dealing with it is by storing the most recent message on an attribute on the Conversation. I also initialize the app by loading all the conversations with a recursive function.
Hope that sheds some light for you.


Is there a way to listen for changes in a collection WITHOUT getting back the documents in Firestore

Suppose I have a collection called 'books' and a page called "all books" in my app. Now let's say I want a little message to pop up in the top right that says "This list is outdated" every time there is an addition, deletion, or change in my 'books' collection. Is there any way to achieve this without having the listener send back all the documents in the 'books' collection each time there is a change? I only want to be notified when the data is outdated and nothing else.
If you know how to achieve this please let me know. I'm good with any language but a solution written in Swift will be preferred.
Thanks in advance!
Just add a field updatedon to your books document and set it to the current time when doing any write (on delete also then, you will have to find a way to hide deleted books).
And set a listener like this:
colref.where("updatedon", ">", new Date())
This way you are only billed 1 read every time.
It's not possible. A listener on a document or collection always receives the entire document that changed.
If you want a "lite" notification, you could try to use FCM to send a message to the client when a document of interest has changed, but then you'll have to keep a record on the backend of every interesting document for every user, check that list with every change using a Cloud Functions trigger, then notify each client of each interesting change. This is not at all the same as a listener, and would be a lot of work.

Select fields on Microsoft Graph list of Messages

I'm using Microsoft Graph to get a list of messages for a user.
I'm using the following URL
One important thing that is returned by this is the meetingMessageType when the message revolves around a meeting request.
I would also like to get the uniqueBody of the message. However, that's not provided by default. One needs to specifically ask for that field. I can do that by adding ?$select=uniqueBody to the URL.
However, that now means that I need to add the rest of the fields I want to the $select query parameter. That's not a big deal until I run into meetingMessageType. Microsoft Graph returns:
Could not find a property named 'meetingMessageType' on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message'.
What can I do to ensure I get both uniqueBody and meetingMessageType?
Try this:
$select=uniqueBody, microsoft.graph.eventMessage/meetingMessageType
Yogesh's answer is close but will result in a Only one level select is supported error.
As long as you don't care about the value of meetingMessageType, you can use this select:
$select=microsoft.graph.eventMessage, uniqueBody
You'll note that the results no longer include meetingMessageType as a property. The list however is limited to only those messages that are eventMessage, effectively giving you a result set filtered to only show meeting requests.

YouTube Data API v3 Comment Thread Discrepency

I have been trying to get a list of comments out using the new V3 Data API with mixed results.
For some videos, you only get a subset of comments out. I have noticed this on a few videos, but for this specific case I will use video ID = U55NGD9Jm7M
You can find all the comments on this video in the WebUI here:
At the time of posting, there were 5,499 comments on this video.
API Results:
When querying,snippet,replies&textFormat=plainText&maxResults=100&videoId=U55NGD9Jm7M&key={YOUR_API_KEY} I am only getting about 317 comments (including Paging, and counting all replies) (sorted chronologically).
Verification Research:
If you select "Top Comments" from the drop down and then scroll down and click "More" over and over again, you get over 1,000 comments (I stopped at about 1,000)
If you then select "Newest First" from the dropdown and repeat the process (more ... more ... more) you will find that there are about 317 comments before you are unable to show any more comments.
I find it quite odd that there is a discrepancy in the UI, but thankful that the API lines up with part of the UI. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a way to get the full text of all 5,499 comments?
Follow-up 1
As a follow-up, I was able to isolate one comment using View->Source (Thread ID z12wzfzhtybgz13kj22ocvsz2unrtn1qj04) and fetch all the information from this comment in the API here:{YOUR_API_KEY})
It even mentions the correct VideoID that the comment is associated with. However, when you query by Video, this comment ID is not returned.
Follow-up 2
I refresh the Web UI of the All Comments, and there was a significantly different list of comments that are being returned
The commentsThread.list call can only return a maximum of 100 results (see maxResults in the documentation). If you wanted to get more comment threads, you'd have to pass in the nextPageToken you get from your initial call into a subsequent API call.
For example:
gives you 100 comment threads, and the nextPageToken is Cg0Qk9fa7fHgxgIgACgBEhQIARCY49LZ5eDGAhi4rNGIrZrGAhgCIGM. If you include that token in a new API call, like so:
You get a completely different set of comment threads. You can double check this by specifying order=time in both API calls. You'll see that the earliest comment threads for both calls are different, and you won't find the comment Thread ID for either in the other call's results. To get even more comment threads, you take the nextPageToken from the newer call's results and do the same thing again (until the call doesn't give you another nextPageToken, meaning you're on the last page, and there are no more comment threads to return).

Twilio REST API: request messages after sid

Using the Twilio REST API, I want to request only messages that I haven't downloaded yet. It seems the cleanest way to do this would be to download only messages after a specified SID.
Information not in the docs
The Twilio filter docs don't have this option. They only describe to, from, and date_sent.
However, it appears that Twilio does have this feature. You can see in their paging information, that the the nextpageuri contains AfterSid.
When browing the website, the URL contains /user/account/log/messages?after=SMXXXXXX
What I've tried so far
Using the twilio-ruby client, I have tried the following without success:
list = #client.account.sms.messages.list({after: 'SMXXXXXX'})
list = #client.account.sms.messages.list({AfterSid: 'SMXXXXXX'})
list = #client.account.sms.messages.list({after_sid: 'SMXXXXXX'})
From Dan Markiewicz - Twilio Customer Support
Unfortunately, we do not support filtering by this field in our API at this time. Your best option would be to get the DateCreated info on the SID you want to filter by and then use that to filter the messages by only those sent after that date. Since the date filter only supports filtering down to the day, it may return some number of unwanted messages that were sent that day but before the message you want to filter by. However, each message in the list will have a full date_created field down to the second, so you should be able to filter these out fairly easily on your end. This should produce the result you need.
After looking at the documentation you outlined, it looks like what you want to accomplish can't be done by the twilio-ruby gem. This link shows which filters are supported by the list method inside the gem in regards to messages.
If you look at the source here, starting on line 45 the gem uses next_page_uri as a way of determining the offset of where the next page should begin. For instance:
calls = twilio_client.account.calls.list # returns the initial set of calls.
calls.next_page # this uses next_page_uri to return the next set of calls internally.
This isn't something that can be changed via the gem currently.

Broadcasting to a subset of subscribers in Atmosphere

What I'm trying to do:
Be able to have users subscribed to a number of different 'chat rooms' and use reverse AJAX / comet to send messages from a chat room to everyone logged into that room. (a bit more complicated but this is a similar use case).
What I'm doing:
Using Grails with JMS and Atmosphere. When a message is sent, I'm using JMS to send the message object which is received by a Grails service which is then broadcasted to the atmosphere URL (i.e. atmosphere/messages).
Obviously JMS is a bit redundant there but I though I could use it to help me filter who should retrieve the message although that doesn't really look it'll work (given that the subscriber is basically a singleton service...).
Anyway, what I need to be able to do is only send out a message to the correct subset of people listening to atmosphere/messages. A RESTful-type URL will be perfect here (i.e. atmosphere/messages/* where * is the room ID) however I have no idea how to do that with Atmosphere.
Any ideas / suggestions on how I can achieve what I want? Nothing is concrete at all here so feel free to suggest almost anything. I've even been thinking (based on the response to another question), for example, if I could do something like send out messages to a Node.js server and have that handle the reverse AJAX / comet part.
If I understand your requirements correctly the following should work (jax-rs + scala code):
1) Everyone who wants to get messages from a chat room registers for it:
def register(#QueryParam("chatroomId") chatroomId: Broadcaster) {
// alternatively, the Suspend annotation can be used
new SuspendResponse.SuspendResponseBuilder[String]()
.period(suspendTimeout, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.addListener(new AtmosphereEventsLogger()).build
2) To broadcast a message for all the registered users, call the following method:
def broadcast(#PathParam("chatroomId") id: String) {
// first find your broadcaster with the BroadcasterFactory
BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookupAll() // or maybe there is a find by id?
broadcaster = ...
broadcaster.broadcast(<your message>)
I also recommend reading the atmosphere whitepaper, have a look at the mailing list and at Jeanfrancois Arcand's blog.
Hope that helps.
There is a misunderstaning of the concept of comet. Its just another publish/subscribe implementation. If you have multiple chat-rooms, then you need to have multiple "topics", i.e. multiple channels the user can register to. E.g.:
broadcaster['/atmosphere/chatRoom1'].broadcast('Hello world!')
broadcaster['/atmosphere/chatRoom2'].broadcast('Hello world!')
So I would advance you to creaet multiple channels and do not filter manually the set of users, which should retrieve messages (which is definitely not the way it should be done). You do not need to create anything on the server side on this, since the user will just register for a specific channel and receive messages, which anyone is putting into it.
I would recommend you create an AtmosphereHandler for one URL like /atmosphere/chat-room and then use the AtmosphereResource and bind an BroadcastFilter with it, lets say name it ChatRoomBroadcastFilter.
Whenever a user subscribes to a new chat room, a message would be sent to the server (from the client) telling the server about the subscription. Once subscribed, maintain the list of users <> chat room bindings somewhere on the server.
Whenever a message is broadcasted, broadcast it with the chat room id with it. The in the ChatRoomBroadcastFilter (You probably need to make this a PerRequestBroacastFilter) propagate the message to the user only if the user subscribed to the chat room. I am not sure if this clears it out. If you need code example please mention in the comments. I'll put that but that needs some time so ain't putting it right now ;).
