How to get the combination table in Google Ads through api? - google-ads-api

I want to fetch ad group performance report with two demographics, gender and age_range, also with other metrics. So I used gender_view with query body below, but found the information of age_range are all "UNSPECIFIED". By the way, age_range_view is the same result which the information of gender are all "UNSPECIFIED".
FROM age_range_view WHERE BETWEEN "2021-01-01" AND "2021-04-30"
Is there any good method to query?


How to count cypher labels with specific condition?

I have a graph database with information about different companies and their subsidiaries. Now my task is to display the structure of the company. This I have achieved with d3 and vertical tree.
But additionally I have to write summary statistics about the company that is currently displayed. Companies can be chosen from a dropdown list which is fetching this data dynamically via AJAX call.
I have to write in the same HTML a short summary like :
Total amount of subsidiaries for CompanyA: 300
Companies in Corporate Havens : 45%
Companies in Tax havens 5%
My database consists of two nodes: Company and Country, and the country has label like CH and TH.
CREATE (:TH:Country{name:'Nauru', capital:'Yaren', lng:166.920867,lat:-0.5477})
WITH 1 as dummy MATCH (a:Company), (b:Country) WHERE‘CompanyA ' AND'Netherlands' CREATE (a)-[:IS_REGISTERED]->(b)
So how can I find amount of subsidiaries of CompanyA that are registered in corporate and tax havens? And how to pass this info further to html
I found different cypher queries to query all the labels as well as apocalyptic.stats but this does not allow me to filter on mother company. I appreciate help.
The cypher is good because you write a query almost in natural language (the query below may be incorrect - did not check, but the idea is clear):
MATCH (motherCompany:Company {name: 'CompanyA'})-[:HAS_SUBSIDIARY]->(childCompany:Company)
WITH motherCompany,
MATCH (childCompany)-[:IS_REGISTERED]->(country:Country)
WITH motherCompany,
collect(labels(country)) AS countriesLabels
WITH motherCompany,
size([countryLabels IN countriesLabels WHERE 'TH' IN countryLabels ]) AS inTaxHeaven
RETURN motherCompany,
size(countriesLabels) AS total,
size(countriesLabels) - inTaxHeaven AS inCorporateHeaven

AdWords Scripts. report ORDER BY not working

This function suppose to show in which hours adverts are clicked more often.
It works fine however I have problem with sorting it by "HourOfDay". When I add ORDER BY HourOfDay to the end of the query I get en error.
function exportReportToSpreadsheet() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('INSERT_REPORT_NAME_HERE');
var report ="SELECT Clicks, Impressions, AverageCpc, HourOfDay FROM ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT DURING LAST_MONTH ORDER BY HourOfDay");
Logger.log("Report available at " + spreadsheet.getUrl());
Anyone knows what is wrong with ORDER BY in ?
According to AWQL query language documentation it should work as expected.
You cannot sort reports. From the AWQL documentation:
ORDER BY and LIMIT (sorting and paging) are NOT supported for reports.
Including these clauses in a query will generate an error.
Ordering is only possible when you use the different entities` selectors, e.g. to iterate over campaigns sorted by cost you could do
campaignIterator = AdWordsApp
.orderBy("Clicks DESC");

Why Foursquare Api not Responding according to Categories filter?

Foursquare Api with Query
As per above link , i am using foursquare and passing categories in query as Strip Club,Adult Boutique, Erotic Museum .. and in response i m getting some irrelevant results like for Bushey Country Club which is under Golf Courses category , i can't figure out why foursquare returning result outside passed categories as query , any1 can help ?
Explore API can't be a good choice for filter venues can use Search API with category id filter. for example, this API return nightlife category venue at Vilnius to you,25.2797&categoryId=4d4b7105d754a06376d81259

How to get areas/regions for a country and cities for this area/region?

We made a simple query which gets some cities:
SELECT * FROM `allCountries` WHERE name='Moscow' and `country_code` = 'RU'
Here is the result of this query:
For example, for another city we get a result with 4-7 rows.
How to get all areas/regions for a country and then get all cities for this area/region?
P.S.: Please be careful. We are not interested in an API site and database fetch. Thanks!
In Geonames you have feature_classes and feature_codes which discriminate the location type. You can find detailed description of the code in the Geonames website. As in your snapshot, P.PPLC means "City (populated place) which is capital of a political entity" and S.HLC means "building (spot) hotel".
Also, every geoname have properties to identify the location in the "hierarchy" inside a country; this properties are country_code, admin1_code, admin2_code, admin3_code, admin4_code. Note that not all properties are used for every given geoname, since this depends on the political organization of a country.
Find all city inside an administrative level
To find all city inside an area (i.e. administrative level), you must first search the geoname for that admin level, in order to have the admin codes useful to filter the city query.
To find an admin level, you must first execute a query like:
FROM `allCountries`
WHERE `country_code` = 'RU'
AND `feature_class`='A'
AND `feature_code`='ADM1'
Note that the query filter out only the first admin levels (feature_code='ADM1'), but you can find admin level of any depth by changing it to:
FROM `geonames`
WHERE `country_code` = 'RU'
AND `feature_class`='A'
AND `feature_code` LIKE 'ADM_'
Now, select one record from this result set and you it to search for the cities, by using the "hierarchy" codes of that level. You should use something like (mutatis mutandis):
FROM `geonames`
WHERE `country_code` = "RU"
AND `feature_class`='P'
AND `feature_code` LIKE 'PPL%'
AND `admin1_code`="<admin1>"
AND `admin2_code`="<admin2>"
AND `admin3_code`="<admin3>"
AND `admin4_code`="<admin4>"
Beware of NULL admin codes, which you need to strip out from the SQL (the whole "AND ..." clause).
Of course, you can do the original "Moscow" search inside this filtered set.
The answer for your question is pretty long, but this code snippet may help you a little bit. These queries obtain all hierarchy information about given geonameid (it's plpython inside postgres).
get_geoname = plpy.prepare("SELECT geonameid, asciiname, country, admin1, admin2 FROM all_countries where geonameid=$1",
get_country_name = plpy.prepare("SELECT name as country from country_info where code = upper($1)", ["varchar"])
get_admin1 = plpy.prepare("SELECT asciiname, name FROM admin1 where code = $1", ["text"])
get_admin2 = plpy.prepare("SELECT asciiname, name FROM admin2 where code = $1", ["text"])

Search four fields in YQL geo.places

We are currently using YQL to query geo data for towns and counties in the UK. At the moment, we can use the following query to find all towns named Boston:
select * from geo.places where text="boston" and placeTypeName="Town"
The issue is, that we would like to specify the county and country to generate more specific results. I have tried the following query, but it returns 0 results:
select * from geo.places where (text="boston" and placeTypeName="Town") and (text="lincolnshire" and placeTypeName="County")
How can I query 3 field types to return the results I need? Essentially, we would like to query the following fields:
text and placeTypeName="Town"
text and placeTypeName="County"
text and placeTypeName="Country"
This may be an option maybe:
As it mentions:
Turning text into a location
You can also turn a text (name) into a location using the following code:
alert(' ('+','+
This wrapper call uses our Placemaker Service under the hood and automatically disambiguates for you. This means that Paris is Paris, France, and not Paris Hilton; London is London, England, and not Jack London.
