Implement append operation for linked list in dafny with O(1) complexity - dafny

In dafny, we can use a set<T> as the dynamic frame to verify the termination of a linked list:
class Node {
// the sequence of data values stored in a node and its successors.
ghost var list: seq<Data>;
// `footprint` is a set consisting of the node and its successors.
// it is actually the dynamic frame mentioned in the paper.
ghost var footprint: set<Node>;
var data: Data;
var next: Node?;
// A "Valid" linked list is one without ring.
function Valid(): bool
reads this, footprint
this in footprint &&
(next == null ==> list == [data]) &&
(next != null ==> next in footprint &&
next.footprint <= footprint &&
!(this in next.footprint) &&
list == [data] + next.list &&
(This is the implementation in Specification and Verification of Object-Oriented Software.)
However, the footprint makes it hard to implement the append operation. Because when appending a new node to the linked list, we need to update the footprint of all the previous nodes. I wonder if it is possible to implement the append with O(1) complexity in dafny (except the ghost methods) or we need to remove the Valid and use decreases *?
Thank you:)

footprint is a ghost variable, thus only used by the verifier (and functions are ghost by definition as well). It would not be compiled and executed, so you don't have to take it into account in your (runtime) complexity analysis.


Comparing Julia variable to `nothing` using !== or !=

In some Julia code when can see conditional expression such as
if val !== nothing
where val is a variable of type Union{Int,Nothing}
What is the difference between conditons val !== nothing and val != nothing?
First of all, it is generally advisable to use isnothing to compare if something is nothing. This particular function is efficient, as it is soley based on types (#edit isnothing(nothing)):
isnothing(::Any) = false
isnothing(::Nothing) = true
(Note that nothing is the only instance of the type Nothing.)
In regards to your question, the difference between === and == (and equally !== and !=) is that the former checks whether two things are identical whereas the latter checks for equality. To illustrate this difference, consider the following example:
julia> 1 == 1.0 # equal
julia> 1 === 1.0 # but not identical
Note that the former one is an integer whereas the latter one is a floating point number.
What does it mean for two things to be identical? We can consult the documentation of the comparison operators (?===):
help?> ===
search: === == !==
===(x,y) -> Bool
≡(x,y) -> Bool
Determine whether x and y are identical, in the sense that no program could distinguish them. First the types
of x and y are compared. If those are identical, mutable objects are compared by address in memory and
immutable objects (such as numbers) are compared by contents at the bit level. This function is sometimes
called "egal". It always returns a Bool value.
Sometimes, comparing with === is faster than comparing with == because the latter might involve a type conversion.

What is the most memory-efficient array of nullable vectors when most of the second dimension will be empty?

I have a large fixed-size array of variable-sized arrays of u32. Most of the second dimension arrays will be empty (i.e. the first array will be sparsely populated). I think Vec is the most suitable type for both dimensions (Vec<Vec<u32>>). Because my first array might be quite large, I want to find the most space-efficient way to represent this.
I see two options:
I could use a Vec<Option<Vec<u32>>>. I'm guessing that as Option is a tagged union, this would result each cell being sizeof(Vec<u32>) rounded up to the next word boundary for the tag.
I could directly use Vec::with_capacity(0) for all cells. Does an empty Vec allocate zero heap until it's used?
Which is the most space-efficient method?
Actually, both Vec<Vec<T>> and Vec<Option<Vec<T>>> have the same space efficiency.
A Vec contains a pointer that will never be null, so the compiler is smart enough to recognize that in the case of Option<Vec<T>>, it can represent None by putting 0 in the pointer field. What is the overhead of Rust's Option type? contains more information.
What about the backing storage the pointer points to? A Vec doesn't allocate (same link as the first) when you create it with Vec::new or Vec::with_capacity(0); in that case, it uses a special, non-null "empty pointer". Vec only allocates space on the heap when you push something or otherwise force it to allocate. Therefore, the space used both for the Vec itself and for its backing storage are the same.
Vec<Vec<T>> is a decent starting point. Each entry costs 3 pointers, even if it is empty, and for filled entries there can be additional per-allocation overhead. But depending on which trade-offs you're willing to make, there might be a better solution.
Vec<Box<[T]>> This reduces the size of an entry from 3 pointers to 2 pointers. The downside is that changing the number of elements in a box is both inconvenient (convert to and from Vec<T>) and more expensive (reallocation).
HashMap<usize, Vec<T>> This saves a lot of memory if the outer collection is sufficiently sparse. The downsides are higher access cost (hashing, scanning) and a higher per element memory overhead.
If the collection is only filled once and you never resize the inner collections you could use a split data structure:
This not only reduces the per-entry size to 1 pointer, it also eliminates the per-allocation overhead.
struct Nested<T> {
data: Vec<T>,
indices: Vec<usize>,// points after the last element of the i-th slice
impl<T> Nested<T> {
fn get_range(&self, i: usize) -> std::ops::Range<usize> {
assert!(i < self.indices.len());
if i > 0 {
} else {
pub fn get(&self, i:usize) -> &[T] {
let range = self.get_range(i);
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, i:usize) -> &mut [T] {
let range = self.get_range(i);
For additional memory savings you can reduce the indices to u32 limiting you to 4 billion elements per collection.

Boost spirit can handle Postscript/PDF like languages?

I noticed that Boost spirit offers some limits, in a question here on SO there is an user asking for help about boost spirit and the other user who gave the answer specified that boost spirit works well with statements and not with "generic text" ( I'm sorry if I don't recall it correctly ).
Now I would like to think about Postscript and PDF in terms of tokens and simplify my approach to this formats this way, the problem is that the PDF is kind of a mix between a markup language and a programming language with jumps and tables in it, and I can't think about something similar when considering the most popular file formats like XML, C++ code and others languages and formats.
There is also another fact: I can't really find people that had some kind of experience with boost::spirit wiriting a pdf parser or writer, so I'm asking, boost::spirit it's capable of parsing a PDF file and output the elements as tokens ?
Although this has nothing to do with Boost, let me assure you that the parsing of PDF (and PostScript) are about as trivial as you could want. Let's say that you have a scanner object that returns a series of tokens. The token types you will get from the scanner are:
Dict begin (<<)
Dict End (>>)
Name (/whatever)
Hex array
Left Angle (<)
Right Angle (>)
Array begin ([)
Array end (])
Procedure begin ({)
Procedure end (})
Comment (%foo)
My scanner is a finite-state automata with states for Start, Comment, String, HexArray, Token, DictEnd, and Done.
The way you parse PDF is not by parsing it, but by executing it. Given these tokens, my "parser" looks like this (in C#):
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
PdfProcedure proc = obj as PdfProcedure;
if (proc != null)
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (proc.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
else {
I'll also add that if you give every PdfObject an Execute() method such that the base class implementation is machine.Push(this) and IsTerminal that returns false, the REPL gets easier:
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (obj.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
There's more support in Machine - Machine has a Stack of PdfObject and a few methods for accessing it (Push, Pop, Mark, CountToMark, Index, Dup, Swap), as well as ExecProcBegin and ExecProcEnd.
Beyond that, it's very light. The only thing that is slightly odd is that PdfObject.FromToken takes a token and if it is a primitive type (number, string, name, hex, bool) returns a corresponding PdfObject. Otherwise, it takes the given token and looks in a "proc set" dictionary of procedure names associated with PdfProcedure objects. So when you encounter the token << that gets looked up in a the proc set and comes up with this code:
void DictBegin(PdfMachine machine)
machine.Push(new PdfMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary));
So << really means "mark the stack as the start of a dictionary. >> gets more interesting:
void DictEnd(PdfMachine machine)
PdfDict dict = new PdfDict();
// PopThroughMark pops the entire stack up to the first matching mark,
// throws an exception if it fails.
PdfObject[] arr = machine.PopThroughMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary);
if ((arr.Length & 1) != 0)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need an even number of objects.");
for (int i=0; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
PdfObject key = arr[i], val = arr[i + 1];
if (key.Type != PdfObjectType.Name)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need a /name for the key.");
dict.put((PdfName)key, val);
So >> Pops up to the nearest dictionary mark into an array then puts each pair into the dictionary. Now, I could have done this without allocating the array. I could just pop pairs, putting them into the dictionary until I either hit the mark, fail to get a name or underflow the stack.
The important takeaway is that there really isn't any syntax in PDF, nor is there any in PostScript. At least not so much as you'd notice. The only real Syntax (and the read-eval-(push) loop shows it) is '}'.
So when you this is a PDF 14 0 obj << /Type /Annot /SubType /Square >> endobj what your really seeing is a series of procedures:
Push 14
Push 0
Execute obj (Pop two numbers and push a "definition" object).
Execute dictionary begin
Push /Type
Push /Annot
Push /SubType
Push /Square
Execute dictionary end
Execute endobj (pop the top object and then get (not pop) the next one. If the second is a definition, set its "value" to the first object, else throw).
Since "endobj" is terminal, parsing ends and the top of the stack is the result.
So when you are asked to look up object 14 in the PDF, the cross-reference table tells you where to seek to, you make a new Machine with the stream pointer at that location and run it. If the top of the stack is a "definition" object, you've succeeded.
About now you should be nodding but not trusting me, since you're thinking about PDF streams, which look like this:
<< [/key value]* >> stream ...raw data... endstream endobj
Again, there is no syntax. The proc stream looks at the top of the stack, which should be a PdfDict. If it is, it consumes characters until the next newline (scanner does this), stores the current file position in the stream as data start, reads the stream length from the dict (which may cause another Machine to get newed up), and skips past the end of stream and pushes the new stream object on the stack. endstream is a no-op. The only difference between a PdfDict and a PdfStream is that a PdfStream has a start position and a bool saying that it's a stream, otherwise I dual-purpose the object.
PostScript is almost identical except that the execution environment is a little more complex. For example, you need several stacks in your machine: a parameter stack, a dictionary stack, and an execution stack. From there, you more or less just bind your tokenizer into the set of primitive procedures as well as the word exec, and then most of your interpreter is written in PS itself.
If you're talking about boost, you're looking at C++, which means that you can't be as fast and loose with memory as I am, so you'll want to either use smart pointers or figure out where you scope is and be careful to dispose objects instead of blithely throwing them away, but that's just the normal C++ stuff.
Currently, I make PDF tools for my company in .NET, but in a former life I worked on Acrobat versions 1-4, and most of what I described is exactly what Acrobat did under the hood (well, more or less - it was C, not C++, but it's the same approach).
With respect to the xref table (or xref stream), you read that first - the spec tells you that if you jump to EOF and scan back, you find the start of the xref table. You parse that (which is a CS 101 assignment), parse the trailer, seek to the /Prev if any and repeat until no more /Prev entries. That gives you a complete xref for looking up objects.
As for writing - there are a number of approaches that you can take. The most obvious one is that when an object is meant to be referenced, you create a new reference object by assigning the newest available xref entry to it. Whenever objects refer to other objects for writing, they ask if these objects are referenced. If they are, they write the reference (ie, 14 0 R). When it comes time to write a referenced object, you get the current stream pointer and store it in the xref, then write <objnum> <generation> obj <object contents> endobj. For example, my code to write a dictionary looks like this:
public override ToStream(PdfStreamingContext context)
if (context.HasReference(this)) // is object referenced in xref
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionBegin(this, context);
if (context.HasReference(this))
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionEnd(this, context);
I've chopped out some chaff so you can see the wheat underneath. The context is an object that holds a new xref table as well as an object for writing to streams that automagically handles appropriate newline discipline, indentation, line wrapping, and so on.
What you should see is that the basics here are straight forward, if not trivial. And now's when you should be asking yourself the question, "if it's trivial, how come there isn't more (serious) competition for Acrobat in the market? The answer is that even though it's trivial, it's still easy to write PDFs that aren't spec compliant and Acrobat handles most of those. The real challenge is to be able to honor the spec and make sure that you include all required values in a dictionary and that they are in range and semantically correct. Hell, even the date time format--which is pretty well-specified--is a mound of special case code in my library to manage where other people have screwed it up royally. Being able to generate consistently correct PDF is hard and consuming the garbage in the sea of PDFs in the world is harder.
I could (and probably should) write a book about how to do this. While a lot of the fringe code is grubby, the overall structure can be very pretty.
tl;dr - If you're thinking of a recursive descent parser for PDF, you're thinking too hard. All you need is a tokenizer and a simple REPL.

Cuda - selective memory store

In my kernel, if a condition is met, I update an item of the output buffer
if (condition(input[i])) //?
output[i] = 1;
otherwise the output may stay the same, having value of 0.
The density of updates are quite unpredictable, depending on the input. Furthermore which output location will be updated is also not known. (i may force them though, in some cases)
My question is, is it better to write all items, to achieve coalescing, or do a selective write?
output[i] = condition(input[i]); //?
Would you mind discussing your statements?
Coalescing is achieved even if some threads in the warp do not participate in the load or store, as long as all participating threads satisfy the requirements of coalescing. So conditional writes should have no effect on memory throughput.
However, doing a conditional write may involve additional instructions due to involving a branch (this would probably explain, for example, the difference in performance measured by Eugene in his answer).
On my setup kernel that does conditional set (option 1) runs for 1.727 us and option 2 1.399 us. This is my code (setConditional is the faster one):
__global__ void conditionalSet(unsigned int* array) {
if ((threadIdx.x & 3) == 0) {
array[threadIdx.x] = 1;
__global__ void setConditional(unsigned int* array) {
array[threadIdx.x] = (threadIdx.x & 3) == 0 ? 1 : 0;

Can the lock function be used to implement thread-safe enumeration?

I'm working on a thread-safe collection that uses Dictionary as a backing store.
In C# you can do the following:
private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>> Enumerate() {
if (_synchronize) {
lock (_locker) {
foreach (var entry in _dict)
yield return entry;
} else {
foreach (var entry in _dict)
yield return entry;
The only way I've found to do this in F# is using Monitor, e.g.:
let enumerate() =
if synchronize then
seq {
try for entry in dict -> entry
finally System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(locker)
else seq { for entry in dict -> entry }
Can this be done using the lock function? Or, is there a better way to do this in general? I don't think returning a copy of the collection for iteration will work because I need absolute synchronization.
I don't think that you'll be able to do the same thing with the lock function, since you would be trying to yield from within it. Having said that, this looks like a dangerous approach in either language, since it means that the lock can be held for an arbitrary amount of time (e.g. if one thread calls Enumerate() but doesn't enumerate all the way through the resulting IEnumerable<_>, then the lock will continue to be held).
It may make more sense to invert the logic, providing an iter method along the lines of:
let iter f =
if synchronize then
lock locker (fun () -> Seq.iter f dict)
Seq.iter f dict
This brings the iteration back under your control, ensuring that the sequence is fully iterated (assuming that f doesn't block, which seems like a necessary assumption in any case) and that the lock is released immediately thereafter.
Here's an example of code that could hold the lock forever.
let cached = enumerate() |> Seq.cache
let firstFive = Seq.take 5 cached |> Seq.toList
We've taken the lock in order to start enumerating through the first 5 items. However, we haven't continued through the rest of the sequence, so the lock won't be released (maybe we would enumerate the rest of the way later based on user feedback or something, in which case the lock would finally be released).
In most cases, correctly written code will ensure that it disposes of the original enumerator, but there's no way to guarantee that in general. Therefore, your sequence expressions should be designed to be robust to only being enumerated part way. If you intend to require your callers to enumerate the collection all at once, then forcing them to pass you the function to apply to each element is better than returning a sequence which they can enumerate as they please.
I agree with kvb that the code is suspicious and that you probably don't want to hold the lock. However, there is a way to write the locking in a more comfortable way using the use keyword. It's worth mentioning it, because it may be useful in other situations.
You can write a function that starts holding a lock and returns IDisposable, which releases the lock when it is disposed:
let makeLock locker =
{ new System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(locker) }
Then you can write for example:
let enumerate() = seq {
if synchronize then
use l0 = makeLock locker
for entry in dict do
yield entry
for entry in dict do
yield entry }
This is essentially implementing C# like lock using the use keyword, which has similar properties (allows you to do something when leaving the scope). So, this is much closer to the original C# version of the code.
