Access docker-compose api from outside host - docker

I want to deploy an application using docker-compose inside an EC2 host.
For reasons beyond the scope of this question, one of the services will use a constant docker tag, as in myrepo/myimage:stable.
Periodically, the image will be updated (same tag, different hash) so I will need to run docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d.
My question is whether there is a way of exposing docker-compose's API so that this can be invoked using an api call to the EC2 instance so as to avoid having to ssh into the machine.

Compose doesn't have an API per se, it is just a local command-line tool. You need to use something like ssh, or a generic system-automation tool like Ansible or Salt Stack, to invoke it.
Amazon's hosted container-cluster systems do have network-accessible APIs. If you use EKS, you can use the Kubernetes API to update a Deployment spec's image:. Amazon's proprietary ECS system has a different API, but again you can use it to remotely update the image name without having direct access to the underlying node(s).
In all cases you will be better off if you can use a unique tag per build. In a Compose setup you could supply this via an environment variable
image: myrepo/myimage:${TAG:-stable}
and then deploy it with
ssh root#remote-host TAG=20210414 docker-compose up -d
Since each build would have a distinct tag/name, you don't need to explicitly docker-compose pull; Docker will know to pull an image that it doesn't already have locally.
In a Kubernetes/EKS context in particular, it's important that the image: value changes to force an update (or downgrade!); if you tell Kubernetes that you want to run a Pod with the stable tag, and it already has one, it won't change anything.


Docker compose secrets

The newer docker compose (vs docker-compose) allows you to set secrets in the build section. This is nice because if you do secrets at runtime then the file is readable by anyone that can get into the container by reading /run/secrets/<my_secret>.
Unfortunately, it appears that it's only possible to pass the secrets via either the environment or a file. Doing it via the environment doesn't seem like a great idea because someone on the box could read the /proc/<pid>/environment while the image is being built to snag the secrets. Doing it via a file on disk isn't good because then the secret is being stored on disk unencrypted.
It seems like the best way to do this would be with something like
docker swarm init
$(read -sp "Enter your secret: "; echo $REPLY) | docker secret create my_secret -
docker compose build --no-cache
docker swarm leave --force
Alas, it appears that Docker can't read from the swarm for build time secrets for some unknown reason.
What is the best way to do this? This seems to be a slight oversight, along the lines of docker secrete create not having a way to prompt for the value instead of having to resort to to hacks like above to keep the secret out of your bash history.
UPDATE: This is for SWARM/Remote docker systems, not targeted on local build time secrets. (I realised you were asking for those primarily and just mentioned swarm in the second part of the question. I believe it still holds good advice for some so ill leave the answer undeleted.
Docker Swarm can only read runtime-based secrets you create with the docker secret create command and must already exist on the cluster when deploying stack. We had been in the same situation before. We solved the "issue" using docker contexts. You can create an SSH-based docker context which points to a manager (we just use the first one). Then on your LOCAL device (we use Win as the base platform and WSL2/Linux VM for the UNIX part), you can simply run docker commands with inline --context property. More on context on official docs. For instance: docker --context production secret create .... And so on.

How to supply env file for a docker GCP CloudRun Service

I have .env file for my docker-compose, and was able to run using "docker-compose up"
Now I pushed to cloud registry, and want to Cloud Run
How can I supply the various environemnt variables?
I did create secrets in secret manager, but how can I integrate both, so that my container starts reading all those needed secrets?
Note: My docker-compose is an app with database, but I can split them as 2 containers, if needed, but they still need secrets
Edit: Added secret references.
I am unable to run my container
If env file X=x , and docker-compose environemnt app.prop=${X}
then should I create secret X or x?
Is Cloud run using Dockerfile or docker-compose? I image pushed is built from docker-compose only. Sorry I am getting confused (not assuming trivial things as it is not working)
It is not possible to use docker-compose on Cloud Run, as it is designed for individual stateless containers. My suggestion is to create an image from your application service, upload the image to Google Container Registry in order to use it for your Cloud Run service, and connect it to Cloud SQL following the attached documentation. You can store database credentials with Secret Manager and pass it to your Cloud Run service as environment variables (check this documentation).

Save and later restore Docker stack state

I'm using docker swarm deploy -c docker-compose.yml somestack to deploy to a docker swarm. However, I can later scale it with docker service scale somestack_someservice=5 (or whatever). So now docker-compose.yml no longer reflects the system. My question is, is there any way to save off the current configuration of the stack, and then later reapply it, similar to how I originally created it (with docker-compose.yml)?
There is no direct way to generate docker-compose.yml file, although you can use
docker service inspect --pretty <service-name> command to obtain all configuration in text/json format.
There are some chances we can try to create docker-compose.yml from it.
Also, think about lack of this feature as advantage. If you want to make some adjustments, make them in docker-comose.yml first and then call docker stack deploy to apply it.

How to "docker push" to dynamic insecure registries?

OS: Amazon Linux (hosted on AWS)
Docker version: 17.x
Tools: Ansible, Docker
Our developers use Ansible to be able to spin up individual AWS spot environments that get populated with docker images that get built on their local machines, pushed into a docker registry created on the AWS spot machine, then pulled down and run.
When the devs do this locally on their Macbooks, ansible will orchestrate building the code with sbt, spin up an AWS spot instance, run a docker registry, push the image into the docker registry, command the instance to pull down the image and run it, run a testsuite, etc.
To make things better and easier for non-devs to be able to run individual test environments, we put the ansible script behind Jenkins and use their username to let ansible create a domain name in Route53 that points to their temporary spot instance environment.
This all works great without the registry -- i.e. using JFrog Artifactory to have these dynamic envs just pull pre-built images. It lets QA team members spin up any version of the env they want. But now to allow it to build code and push, I need to have an insecure registry and that is where things fell apart...
Since any user can run this, the Route53 domain name is dynamic. That means I cannot just hardcode in daemon.json the --insecure-registry entry. I have tried to find a way to set a wildcard registry but it didnt seem to work for me. Also since this is a shared build server (the one that is running the ansible commands) so I dont want to keep adding entries and restarting docker because other things might be running.
So, to summarize the questions:
Is there a way to use a wildcard for the insecure-registry entry?
How can I get docker to recognize insecure-registry entry without restarting docker daemon?
So far I've found this solution to satisfy my needs, but not 100% happy yet. I'll work on it more. It doesn't handle the first case of a wildcard, but it does seem to work for the 2nd question about reloading without restart.
First problem is I was editing the wrong file. It doesn't respect /etc/sysconfig/docker nor does it respect $HOME/.docker/daemon.json. The only file that works on Amazon Linux for me is /etc/docker/daemon.json so I manually edited it and then tested a reload and verified with docker info. I'll work on this more to programmatically be able to insert entries as needed, but the manual test works:
sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
sudo systemctl reload docker.service
docker info

Packaging an app in docker that can be configured at run time

I have packaged a web app I've been working on as a docker image.
I want to be able to start the image with some configuration, like this is the url of the couchdb server to use, etc.
What is the best way of supplying configuration? My app relies on env variables can I set these at run time?
In addition to setting environment variables during docker run (using -e/--env and --env-file) as you already discovered, there are other options available:
Using --link to link your container to (for instance) your couchdb server. This will work if your server is also a container (or if you use an ambassador container to another server). Linking containers will make some environment variables available, including server IP and port, that your script can use. This will work if you only need to set references to services.
Using volumes. Volumes defined in the Dockerfile can be mapped to host folders, so you can use them to access configuration files, for instance. This is useful for very complex configurations.
Extending the image. You can create a new image based on your original and ADD custom configuration files or ENV entries. This is the least flexible option but is useful in complex configuration to simplify the launching, specially when the configuration is mostly static (probably a bad idea for services/hostnames, but can work for frameworks that can be configured differently for dev/production). Can be combined with any of the above.
It seems docker supports setting env variables - should have read the manual!
docker run -e MYVAR1 --env MYVAR2=foo --env-file ./env.list ubuntu bash
