Trying to understand Twilio - twilio

I recently signed up here as part of my course with some coaches. But, not many details given. wondering what is twilio and why we need and what all we can using twilio.
Really appreciate if someone can help me here to understand this product. Or at least route me to some place where i can learn more.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio provides APIs and tools for customer engagement and communication. For example, if you're building an app in, say, JavaScript or Python, and you want your app to send and receive text messages, make and receive phone calls, video calls, have in-app or in-browser chat, two-factor authentication, email, and more, you use Twilio so you can implement those features quickly.
There's other products for debugging, hosting serverless applications, building chatbots, and more--you can see all products offered here on the website.
There's also some code snippets and more details under documentation here.


Twilio New Requirements for A2P 10DLC Registrations

We are not prepared to persist customer's EIN's in our systems because of the associated risks and liabilities. Does Twilio have any alternatives for registering our low-volume customers? For example, an API that our web page could interact with for our customers to register themselves?
Is there perhaps an alternative path? For example, creating sub-accounts for each of our hundreds of customers that would allow them to register on Twilio and still allow our software to interact with SMS on their behalf?
Are there any third party apps that Twilio endorses that could assist in the SMS registration for us? Or even perhaps a third party API that persists encrypted data like EINs for us and assumes that liability for us?
Update: I realized we have options to pursue for registration without needing to persist sensitive data like their EIN. We could inject user interaction in the middle of our current registration steps, meaning the registration steps stop at the required points in the process, our user is notified of needed data, then the registration resumes when they furnish the data. The data like EIN would be transferred directly to Twilio API without being persisted on our server. Problem solved. Still, it would be good to know if there are any good answers to my other questions. Thanks again.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Our Messaging Product Lead says they are not aware of any 3rd party apps that help with 10DLC registrations and believe the best option is what you mentioned in your update!

while using whatsapp with twilio, can I still use Facebook Whatsapp api directly?

facebook recently allow everyone to send marketing messages, and create marketing templates.
but when try to create whatsapp template in Twilio dashboard there is no such option as marketing message(just transaction)
I wonder if its ok for me to create templates directly through Facebook or it will mess thing up and I must use Twilio directly?
there is more missing options like attaching media or header to template
twilio dashboard (no marketing category):
facebook dashboard:
tldr: is it ok to use Facebook api directly when using Twilio to register my Whatsapp number?
I checked on this question with Twilio product support and the answer was:
I don't believe this would be possible, as the number and configuration would be tied directly to Twilio. You could certainly try, but this is not something we can offer guidance on or provide support for if you proceed.
I don't have my own WhatsApp number to try with, so I can't verify or test whether you can use the Facebook APIs directly either.
If you are in the Content API beta and you are finding that it still doesn't provide you the features you need, then I recommend raising that with the beta team, who will work to bring it to the API.

Twilio calls integration to ios app without server app

This must be a silly question, but is there any way to make calls btw two iOS apps without server app mentioned in Twilio tutorials. Tell me please what server app does and is there any way to perform such tasks on front end instead?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The server is required to generate an access token for your users to get access to the Twilio service.
You also need to host some TwiML to tell Twilio what to do with calls when you make them.
If you are not interested in running a server, however, you are in luck. Just recently, Twilio launched Functions, a serverless environment for you to deploy code to. With a Twilio Function, you can use Node.js to generate your access tokens for your users and you won't have to host the code yourself, it will all be on the Twilio platform.
Check out Twilio Functions in your console and take a look at the Node.js quickstart application for the iOS Twilio Programmable Voice SDK which should give you an idea of how to use Node for your application within Functions. I'm sure there'll be tutorials and blog posts coming out. Also, check out this video on how to create access tokens for your apps with Twilio Functions.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Transfer fund from stripe platform account to a recipient by email

One of my clients have a situation to pay their website user directly from platform account to user. I can do it by using their transfer payment API.
But, my client want to pay to user's email so that user can have option to perform rest of the action.
I went through their API documentation but don't see anything related to do that. Does anyone have similar experience or know anything related to do that?
Stripe's API doesn't have anything like that, but it is something you may be able to build into your application.
I think you might want to contact Stripe Support and fill them in on your use case and see if they can offer you some specific suggestions.

Sending AND Receiving Payments with Paypal on Rails

I am building a marketplace app for a client and need to be able to both send payments and receive payments. I am currently using ActiveMerchant to handle incoming payments, but I don't see anywhere in the documentation if it is possible to SEND payments. I've read elsewhere that it may in fact be possible to send payments using one of Paypal's many API's but I'm not sure which one I should be looking to use.
If anyone has ever had to SEND payments within a rails system I would appreciate some insight, where to start looking, gems, etc.
I would look into Adaptive Payments it seems to offer something similar to what you are looking for. There is also a gem for it over here which seems to be actively developed.
If this wont work for you for any reason let me know and I can look for something else.
PayPal supports it with MassPay. Not sure about ActiveMerchant.
(To get MassPay enabled on the live PayPal site, contact CS. For Sandbox, log a ticket at
