Twilio calls integration to ios app without server app - ios

This must be a silly question, but is there any way to make calls btw two iOS apps without server app mentioned in Twilio tutorials. Tell me please what server app does and is there any way to perform such tasks on front end instead?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
The server is required to generate an access token for your users to get access to the Twilio service.
You also need to host some TwiML to tell Twilio what to do with calls when you make them.
If you are not interested in running a server, however, you are in luck. Just recently, Twilio launched Functions, a serverless environment for you to deploy code to. With a Twilio Function, you can use Node.js to generate your access tokens for your users and you won't have to host the code yourself, it will all be on the Twilio platform.
Check out Twilio Functions in your console and take a look at the Node.js quickstart application for the iOS Twilio Programmable Voice SDK which should give you an idea of how to use Node for your application within Functions. I'm sure there'll be tutorials and blog posts coming out. Also, check out this video on how to create access tokens for your apps with Twilio Functions.
Let me know if that helps at all.


Twilio sandbox for development

We are using an SMS messaging service to send SMS to customers. In order to test and develop the things do we have any Twilio sandbox? We don't want to test all the things directly in PROD Twilio account.
Searched for a solution for the sandbox in Twilio but was not able. As per the article, we saw that there is an option only for WhatsApp only.
The Test Credentials are pretty helpful if you want to test a function and does an API call without actually sending a SMS.

Twilio Studio AND Twilio Messaging Service SAME number
I have two separate API's. One API I'm using the messaging service to bulk send messages to 1k users. Recently I've been experimenting with Twilio Studio and created another API to send a survey flow to customers where they could also reply to the incoming message and its get recorded in my db.
The issue here is, twilio studio wont read the customer's message if I have messaging service. If I remove the phone number from the messenging service, then twilio studio starts reading messages again. Is there anything in the config of messenging service that I can change so that I could have both concurrently?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It sounds like you have this incorrectly configured such that you need to be using the Messaging Service when you send out the bulk messages as Studio will trigger and create a User based on Messaging Service + User as the To-From pair.
This tutorial from my former teammate Tilde on Using Twilio Studio and Conversations with SMS may be helpful.
Let me know if this helps at all!

Trying to understand Twilio

I recently signed up here as part of my course with some coaches. But, not many details given. wondering what is twilio and why we need and what all we can using twilio.
Really appreciate if someone can help me here to understand this product. Or at least route me to some place where i can learn more.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio provides APIs and tools for customer engagement and communication. For example, if you're building an app in, say, JavaScript or Python, and you want your app to send and receive text messages, make and receive phone calls, video calls, have in-app or in-browser chat, two-factor authentication, email, and more, you use Twilio so you can implement those features quickly.
There's other products for debugging, hosting serverless applications, building chatbots, and more--you can see all products offered here on the website.
There's also some code snippets and more details under documentation here.

Testing twilio webhooks in dev environment

I have a web app in production using Twilio which makes use of the programmable video API and various webhook call backs. When certain events happen, Twilio lets my API know via the webhook so the appropriate actions are then triggered.
From what I can tell, there is no development (ie: sandbox) environment for Twilio. This is very strange. I would expect there to be a sandbox environment so that we can do complete local development without needing to create fake responses from Twilio for webhooks and the likes.
It appears that Twilio's recommendation is to use ngrok or similar for development. But this is not possible when you already have a production application running and Twilio has no sandbox. I can't simply change my webhook endpoint in my Twilio account to point to my local ngrok end point. That would mean that my production end point is not live during that time.
The other suggestion by Twilio is that we create fake responses which we expect to receive by using curl or similar. This seems incredibly impractical having to trigger fake responses at dozens of different points in time throughout the flow of an app rather than simply receiving them from a sandbox/dev environment with Twilio.
What is the recommended method to do local Twilio related development which incorporates webhook callbacks when you already have a production app running?
I'm not familiar with Twillio specifically but generally speaking, you can add multiple webhook URLs. The idea would be to have one URL pointing to your production server and another pointing to the Ngrok endpoint.
Alternatively, you could use (disclaimer: I'm the founder) to send the same webhook to multiple URLs. We call this webhook fan-out, you could set up both your production URL and Ngrok as destinations and provide a single endpoint (provided by Hookdeck) to Twilio.
It would look something like this:

Twilio Client (Skype Like) Without Building One - Where Can I Find It?

Twilio is cool and has great prices for calls and toll-free. I have used it with Zoho CRM, but I would like to use it without being tied to a CRM.
Is there some service or place where you can just download or use ready-made web or windows clients? I want to use Twilio similar to how I would use Skype - and have it automatically / easily connect to my Twilio account. My Google searches have not returned any results.
The closest (already built client) I can think of is a SIP client, something like Zoiper.
Take a look at my answer in the link (it only describes the setup for voice but you could add messaging too):
How do I forward a Twilio number to a VoIP phone?
