SwiftUI / iOS 14: How to restore last active document (state?) with document-based (DocumentGroup) app - ios

I am working with Xcode's provided SwiftUI multi-platform, document-based app template.
Everything so far has been "smooth sailing", if you will, however I have no been able to figure out something I though was "built in":
If, for some OS management reason the app gets "killed" (or if intentionally, by stopping it in Xcode), when relaunched, the app "forgets" the document the user was working on, and starts up showing the document browser instead.
I looked on the documentation, and found an article titled "Restoring your app's state with SwiftUI" - this article offers sample code for a non-document-based app, but for the life of me I cannot even begin to understand what it is I am supposed to do to adapt it to a doc-based (DocumentGroup) scenario.
I "understand" the concept of SceneStorage, I was even able to persist some random text declared as a SceneStorage property of the example ContentView, but I cannot understand how am I supposed to use this to, when relaunching the app, have the last open document, well, back open.
I sort of tried to do this at the #main code declaration, but could not make it work.
Also, Google has NOT been my friend in this case - have not been able to find a single example of this particular scenario anywhere.
I know I might pass as a "noob" (I am...) and that this is fairly new, so I should expect lack of "stuff" around, and that this should not be so hard, so please forgive my "noob-iness" in advance.
If anyone has any idea about how to achieve this, or can point me to a WORKING sample with a document-based/DocumentGroup app, I will be eternally grateful.


Can you turn only one page into an app in meteor?

I have just tried to run
meteor run ios
That command emulates my application as an app. But there is just one page that would be interesting to have as an app. Can you control this in some way?
I don't think this is possible. The whole app gets exported regardless of platform, hence the universal/isomorphic apps concept. And in the universal app concept is one that I'm starting to find fault in. That said there is a better middle ground.
We'll call it sudo-universal apps. (probably a horrible name, but whatever :D)
Essentially the concept is that you have 3 codebases, for each device (web/ios/andriod) but share many of the same modules via something like npm, or potentially some other way of sharing code.
Then you can focus on the ui for each device and its strengths and weaknesses, but keep all the important logic you've built.
Check out the following:
Hope this helps!
You can check whether the client code is executed on iOS or not, and change the app accordingly:
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g)) {
// Disable the links, and redirect to which page you want
But Justin's answer is great, a new platform usually needs more than just some tweaks. A quickly developed app has very low value for the user.

CloudKit 'Unexpected Server Error' Anytime Manual Operations Performed in Dashboard

I have been developing an iOS app that utilizes the CloudKit feature available for Apple Developers. I've found it to be a wonderful resource, especially since the very day I started designing my backend, the service I was intending to use (Parse) announced it was shutting down. It's very appealing due to it's small learning curve, but I'm starting to notice some annoying little issues here and there so I'm seeking out some experts for advice and help. I posted another CloudKit question a couple days ago, which is still occurring: CloudKit Delete Self Option Not Working. But I want to limit this to a different issue that may be related.
Problem ~ Ever since I started using CloudKit I have noticed that whenever I manually try to edit (delete an entry, remove or add part of a list, even add a DeleteSelf option to a CKReference after creation), and then try to save the change, I get an error message and cannot proceed. Here is a screenshot of the error window that appears:
It's frustrating because anytime I want to manipulate a record to perform some sort of test, I either have to go do it through my app, or just delete the record entirely and create a new one (that I am able to do without issue). I have been just working around this issue for over a month now because it wasn't fatal to my progress. However, I am starting to think that this could be related to my other CloudKit issues, and maybe if I could get some advice on how to fix it I could also solve my other problems. I have file numerous bug reports with Apple, but haven't received a response or seen any changes.
I'd also like to mention that for a very long time now (at least a few days), I've noticed down in the bottom left hand corner of my Dashboard that it is consistently saying that it's "Reindexing Development Data". I remember at first that wasn't an issue, I would get that notification after making a change but it'd go away after the operation is complete. Now it seems to be stuck somewhere inside the process. And this is a chronic issue, it's saying this all the time, even right when I log into my dashboard.
Here is what I'm talking about:
As time goes on I find more small issues with CloudKit, I'm concerned that once I go into production more problems could start manifesting and then I could have a serious issue. I'd love to stick with CloudKit and avoid the learning curve of a different service like Amazon Web Services, but I also don't want to set myself up for failure.
Can anyone help me with this issue, or has anyone else experienced it on a regular basis? Thanks for the advice and help!
I found myself in a similar situation; the issue seemed to be linked to Assets; I had an Asset in my record definition. I and several other I noted reported the re-indexing issue on the apple support website and after about a month it eventually disappeared.
Have you tried resting your database schema completely, snapshot the definition; since you zap it completely and than reset, see inset.
Ultimately I simply created a new project, linked it to cloud kit and use the new container in my original app.

XCode: Find which event was fired without a breakpoint

I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong area, please advise me on where to move it if needs be.
I've just been passed a project from a previous developer and to be honest the repository is horrendous, the previous developer used awful naming conventions, the code is completely serial, no XCAssets, XIB's or Storyboards were used and I'm finding the whole project very hard to navigate - oh and no comments! What sort of developer leaves no comments...
So far it has taken me 4 hours to fix problems that would normally take a matter of minutes due to having to scour through 200 different source files.
I was wondering if there is a way to tell the debugger to stop each time a function is called on a click events - basically on the UI there is a button which is displaying the wrong dialog, due to awful naming conventions I am finding it near impossible to locate the place in the source for me to make changes.
Any advice would be appreciated (I have told the team I am planning to rebuild the whole app, but we are due to launch next week).
Welcome to the world of programming. You are able to add a custom forwarding delegate to the AppDelegate on the Main start up that will intercept events such as the ones you described above via
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, #"MyListenerHere", nil)

Detection of function hooking in iOS

So far as I know, in iOS there are three techniques of function hooking:
preload library using DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
imported symbol table redirection using fishhook
patch the functions when they are already loaded - i.e. already in memory using substrate MSHookFunction
These expose security issues so I wanna be able to detect when such things happen. For point number 1, I can apply function pointer verification to detect. However for 2 and 3, I haven't had any idea. I am very thankful for ideas that can be done to address the issue.
I had the same issue - trying to avoid any potential function hooking within my app.
My app was recently PEN tested and was found to have a vulnerability around function hooking. The security report referenced Frida as one of the main culprits for executing such an act. I'm sure most of you peeps would be familiar with this tool.
OWASP suggests a few remedial solutions for securing your app, but in this context, the section titled Anti-Debugging Checks would be the main focus.
As suggested by OWASP, I used ptrace with PT_DENY_ATTACH - denying a GDB/LLDB process to attach to the application.
In other words, using ptrace with PT_DENY_ATTACH ensures that no other debugger can attach to the calling process; if a debugger attempts to attach, the process will terminate
Here is the solution I used (for Swift). I also had help from this Raywenderlich.com article (Objective-C). I can confirm that using the linked solution works - the app launches but the debugger cuts out, stopping all logs to the console. This could potentially deter hackers, but there will always be a way to get around this. As stated the Raywenderlich article linked:
Don’t get too comfortable. Hackers often use Cycript, a JavaScript-styled program that can manipulate Objective-C apps at runtime. The scariest thing is that the previous logic to check for debugging activity fails when Cycript is attached. Remember, nothing is truly secure…
However, according to Joseph Lord, writing apps using Swift can hopefully help you here. But then again, the reverse engineer always wins.
I hope this helps, in some way or form ...

(iOS) Way of viewing log messages directly on an iOS device?

As nice as debuggers have gotten these days, sometimes the best way of finding out what is going on in an app is still ye olde NSLog. Doing this is easy when you're tethered to your computer; Xcode helpfully pops up the Log Viewer panel and there you go. Not so easy to do when you're away from your desk, as you sometimes have to be when testing an app (for example, when you are testing CoreLocation functionality). Sure you can pop open Xcode and check the Console section of the Device Organizer as soon as you get back from a testing run, but then you have to wait, and by the time you can get back to view the logs you forgot what was going wrong with your app; also odds are that by the time you are able to do this, the log messages you are looking for have scrolled off into oblivion.
Is there any way of checking the console logs on the device itself? I'm guessing the answer is "no, unless you jailbreak" (IIRC there are at least one or two terminal apps in jailbreak-land that I could use to do this sort of thing). Unfortunately jailbreaking is not an option for me.
Alternatively, is there some sort of Objective-C framework or library or whatnot that handles log collection and on-device displaying? Ideally this would come in the form of a drop-in replacement for NSLog, whereby I could simply do a search-and-replace and change all occurrences of NSLog to SomeFancyPantsLoggingTool or whatever and be done with it.
A good example of the kind of functionality I am looking for can be found in the podcast client Downcast. If you tap the "More" tab, then tap on the version number string at the bottom of the screen, a new view slides up that contains a scrollable view of accumulated log messages. It even has an easy way of mailing said logs to a support e-mail address.
Take a look at LibComponentLogging which you can configure to output logging at different levels and to different destinations.
There is a file for the SysLog. You can simply open it and read from it. The file is at /var/log/syslog. If the file does not exist there are instructions on how to set it up here.
