Can you turn only one page into an app in meteor? - ios

I have just tried to run
meteor run ios
That command emulates my application as an app. But there is just one page that would be interesting to have as an app. Can you control this in some way?

I don't think this is possible. The whole app gets exported regardless of platform, hence the universal/isomorphic apps concept. And in the universal app concept is one that I'm starting to find fault in. That said there is a better middle ground.
We'll call it sudo-universal apps. (probably a horrible name, but whatever :D)
Essentially the concept is that you have 3 codebases, for each device (web/ios/andriod) but share many of the same modules via something like npm, or potentially some other way of sharing code.
Then you can focus on the ui for each device and its strengths and weaknesses, but keep all the important logic you've built.
Check out the following:
Hope this helps!

You can check whether the client code is executed on iOS or not, and change the app accordingly:
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g)) {
// Disable the links, and redirect to which page you want
But Justin's answer is great, a new platform usually needs more than just some tweaks. A quickly developed app has very low value for the user.


Is there any way or tool to check whether a particular iOS app is checking Jailbreak detection?

I'm just learning the Iphone security out of curiosity. This is completely a beginner question.
I've seen the posts on Stack Overflow,
How do I detect that an iOS app is running on a jailbroken phone?
How to detect that the app is running on a jailbroken device?
Those answers are providing the information on "if the app is running on a jail broken device or not". But I need to check "whether the app is running a JailBreak detection or not." ( Not in the programmer point view, but more of a Pentester point of view ). Are there any tools, methods ?
I'd achieve this by downloading Flex 2. With this tool you can view all of the variables, functions and procedures that are in an app.
Go to the patches tab, press the '+' symbol and locate the app to create a patch for. Then process the app by tapping it - don't worry about adding patch name.
Next, when you're inside the processed app you need to press "Add units". This will allow you to add overrides so that you can change what functions return and such.
Anyway, from here, you need to select a class to look inside. The jailbreak detection functions and variables are always stored in the executable. Tap the app name again at the top of all the classes under the 'executable' tab. Then just search.
Just search for "jailbreak" or "jailbroken" and if the app is running checks then it will return functions and vars related to this. I am yet to see an app that runs this check with a different function name that does not include "jailbreak" or "jailbroken".
If you'd like, I can show you how to override this detection.
I suggest you try the app "highway rider", because that has detection and you can easily see, and override it nice and easy and get the startup warning to go away if you want!

Linking online databases to a project for iOS

I'm working on an iOS app for having a list of top 10 of everything.
So the problem I'm facing is how do I update the list every week ?
I thought of linking it to external links but then I was unable to format the webpage according to the interface of my app.
Lastly I want the app not only to display the top 10 list but also to be able to interact. For example if the user enters into top 10 songs then he should be able to play the tracks as well ! So for this I guess I'll be needing a database which I could update weekly. I don't know how to go about this. Please help !
You need a remote server, running with an application that handles the list generation/updates, and you will probably need also to manage a remote database, if you expect that the number of item will be reasonably large.
Your ios application will have to interact with your remote server using an API that you will have to define as well.
I'm sorry to be that generic, but the hard truth is that there is no quick or easy way to do it: you will need to learn and possibly develop every part of your system and then integrate them.
You have nearly an infinite number of options in terms of platforms/languages/databases to choose from, for the backend part.
Over the last few years, there have been services that should make handling the remote backend easier (Stackmob, cloudbase...) but it really depends on much control you want to have on the "lists" you want to manage.

How do I download multiple large files and saving locally -- URLStream or URLLoader?

This is absolutely driving me crazy. While I'm a fan of the availability of asynchronous calls in AIR, I'm finding that being forced to use them for something that should be SUPER simple is a severe limitation. So severe that I may end up abandoning AIR and writing native Android and iOS apps instead of using the shared AIR platform.
OK, now that I have that off my chest, here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I have an app that, when deployed, is relatively small. But once deployed to a user's device that user will log in using a login name/password. Once they log in, content specific to that user needs to be downloaded and saved to the local device. Since the content varies by user I can't include it in the package for deployment.
But I cannot figure out how to accomplish this: say I want to download 10 files and each file is 2-3mb and I want to show a "Downloading, please wait..." view during the download. The application cannot proceed until all 10 files are downloaded. But since from what I've seen URLStream and URLLoader are both async I cannot figure out how to block the app from opening the "View available content" and say on the "Downloading, please wait..." view. Can anyone point me in the right direction??
I am new to AIR/Actionscript, but am a seasoned developer. Perhaps too seasoned in my old ways to think of an elegant solution to the above!
I would take a look at BulkLoader with a combination of dispatching/listening for completion. That way you can update the progress meter if you want, so on. Hope this helps.

BlackBerry - call time tracking application

I have a common question, I hope it is ok to ask it here.
I have a project, where I should develop a small appliation for BlackBerry. I know Java ME is the platform to do that (Browser and Widget are other opstion).
What I need to do is a samll application which pops-up after every call and asks the user if he wants to save(assign) this conversation (only the duration in minutes of the phone call is important) in his time-tracking database. He can click NO, but after it, he can start my application and see all unassigned phone calls and still he can assign them in the time-tracking db. This should happen offline and than be synchronized with the server via online connection.
My question now:
What APIs are to be used, for handling with the phone-calls?
Are there some downsides in this kind of application, which I newby can not see at first?
What about the different devices?
Thanks for any information you share with me, to help me avoid common newby mistakes!
Thnaks a lot.
That should definitely be doable, look at the PhoneListener interface to check when the phone call disconnects. What I would do is write the application as a system module, that will run in the background on startup. You can use an alternate entry point so that when the user clicks on your icon the application will create a GUI.
Edit: By the way BlackBerry uses an extended version of J2ME. You can ignore all the RIM specific extensions if you want and develop an app that will (theoretically) work on any J2ME device but you won't be able to use a lot of nice features including the PhoneListener interface. I doubt you'll be able to create this specific application with J2ME alone.

Self Updating

What's the best way to terminate a program and then run additional code from the program that's being terminated? For example, what would be the best way for a program to self update itself?
You have a couple options:
You could use another application .exe to do the auto update. This is probably the best method.
You can also rename a program's exe while it is running. Hence allowing you to get the file from some update server and replace it. On the program's next startup it will be using the new .exe. You can then delete the renamed file on startup.
It'd be really helpful to know what language we're talking about here. I'm sure I could give you some really great tips for doing this in PowerBuilder or Cobol, but that might not really be what you're after! If you're talking Java however, then you could use a shut down hook - works great for me.
Another thing to consider is that most of the "major" apps I've been using (FileZilla, Paint.NET, etc.), are having the updaters uninstall the previous version of the app and then doing a fresh install of the new version of the application.
I understand this won't work for really large applications, but this does seem to be a "preferred" process for the small to medium size applications.
I don't know of a way to do it without a second program that the primary program launches prior to shutting down. Program 2 downloads and installs the changes and then relaunches the primary program.
We did something like this in our previous app. We captured the termination of the program (in .NET 2.0) from either the X or the close button, and then kicked off a background update process that the user didn't see. It would check the server (client-server app) for an update, and if there was one available, it would download in the background using BITS. Then the next time the application opened, it would realize that there was a new version (we set a flag) and popped up a message alerting the user to the new version, and a button to click if they wanted to view the new features added to this version.
It makes it easier if you have a secondary app that runs to do the updates. You would execute the "updater" app, and then inside of it wait for the other process to exit. If you need access to the regular apps DLLs and such but they also need updating, you can run the updater from a secondary location with already updated DLLs so that they are not in use in the original location.
If you're using writing a .NET application, you might consider using ClickOnce. If you need quite a bit of customization, you might look elsewhere.
We have an external process that performs updating for us. When it finds an update, it downloads it to a secondary folder and then waits for the main application to exit. On exit, it replaces all of the current files. The primary process just kicks the update process off every 4 hours. Because the update process will wait for the exit of the primary app, the primary app doesn't have to do any special processing other than start the update application.
This is a side issue, but if you're considering writing your own update process, I would encourage you to look into using compression of some sort to (1) save on download and (2) provide one file to pull from an update server.
Hope that makes sense!
