Try..With Block is hanging after the First Error F# - f#

I am fairly new to F# and my code is "hanging" after the first instance of an error. It just does nothing really.
This is at the very end of a function the call is a SOAP call to an API endpoint.
let a = client.catalogProductCreateAsync(sessionId, "simple","4",priceListItem.sku, productData, "").Result
printfn "%A" a
with ex ->
printfn "%A" ex
"" // blank string returned - not relevant to the above - it's just the end of the funciton


F# - Playwright return randomly result

I am using Playwright in F# for web scrapping and I noticed that result is returned randomly.
I have this code.
let getContent (url:string) =
use! paywright = Playwright.CreateAsync()
let! browser = paywright.Chromium.LaunchAsync()
printfn "URL %A" url
let! page = browser.NewPageAsync()
let! goto = page.GotoAsync(url)
let! price = page.Locator("//span[#class='norm-price ng-binding']").AllInnerTextsAsync()
printfn "Price %A" price
When I run the console program sometimes it returns result (list of prices), but sometimes its just finished with empty result.
I really dont know what can be wrong. I also try use async wrapper instead of task but the output is same.
The delay I increase to 15s, but it also doesnt help.
Could it be that you do not await the task returned by getContent?
Maybe the program terminates before writing to the console. If the calling code is not asynchronous (and cannot propagate the task), you could try:
let printContent (url : string) =
task { ... } |> Task.RunSynchronously
Update 1:
Probably the page loads it's price data asynchronously.The default timeout on the page is there to specify a maximum timeout, not to wait that long for some data to arrive in the controlled browser instance. Most likely you'll have to wait for some request to finish or some element to appear on the page. Can you share the URL publicly?

F# Async.AwaitEvent and COM interop events

I have a COM object, which I connect to, and I should recieve an event, which would confirm that connection is established. I write code and test it in F# interactive, and for some reason it wouldn't catch COM events when I use Async.RunSynchronously.
/// This class wraps COM event into F# Async-compatible event
type EikonWatcher(eikon : EikonDesktopDataAPI) =
let changed = new Event<_>()
do eikon.add_OnStatusChanged (fun e -> changed.Trigger true)
member self.StatusChanged = changed.Publish
/// My method
let ``will that connection work?`` () =
let eikon = EikonDesktopDataAPIClass() :> EikonDesktopDataAPI // create COM object
let a = async {
let watcher = EikonWatcher eikon // wrap it
eikon.Initialize() |> ignore // send connection request
let! result = Async.AwaitEvent watcher.StatusChanged // waiting event
printfn "%A" result // printing result
return result
// I use either first or second line of code, not both of them
Async.Start (Async.Ignore a) // does not hang, result prints
Async.RunSynchronously (Async.Ignore) a // hangs!!!
/// Running
``will that connection work?`` ()
At the same time, code works perfectly well with RunSynchronously when I insert it into console app.
What should I do so that to prevent that nasty behavior?
The code we write under within a single Thread (as in STA) feels like it is made of independant pieces each having their own life, but this is actually a fallacy : everything is mediated under a common event loop, which "linearizes" the various calls.
So everything we do, unless explicitely spoecified otherwise, is essentially single threaded and you can not wait for yourself without creating a deadlock.
When you specify Async.Start it does start a new, independant computation which runs on its own, a "thread".
Whereas When you call runsynchronously, it awaits on the same 'thread'.
Now if the event you are waiting, which feels like an independant thing, is actually 'linearized' by the same event loop, you are actually waiting for yourself, hence the deadlock.
Something useful if you want to wait "asynchronously", (aka wait for an event, but not actually block and leave the opportunity for any other task to perform work) you can use the following code within your async block :
async {
let! token = myAsyncTask |> Async.StartChild
let! result = token

WebSharper force a message passing call to be asynchronous

Knowing an RPC call to a server method that returns unit is a message passing call, I want to force the call to be asynchronous and be able to fire the next server call only after the first one has gone to the server.
Server code:
let FirstCall value =
printfn "%s" value
let SecondCall() =
Client code:
|>! OnClick (fun _ _ -> async {
do! Server.FirstCall "test"
do Server.SecondCall() |> ignore
} |> Async.Start)
This seems to crash on the client since returning unit, replacing the server and client code to:
let FirstCall value =
printfn "%s" value
async { return () }
let! _ = Server.FirstCall "test"
Didn't fix the problem, while the following did:
let FirstCall value =
printfn "%s" value
async { return "" }
let! _ = Server.FirstCall "test"
Is there another way to force a message passing call to be asynchronous instead?
This is most definitely a bug. I added it here:
Your approach is completely legit. Your workaround is also probably the best for now, e.g. instead of returning Async<unit> return Async<int> with a zero and ignore it.
We are busy with preparing the 2.4 release due next week and the fix will make it there. Thanks!
Also, in 2.4 we'll be dropping synchronous calls, so you will have to use Async throughout for RPC, as discussed in -- primarily motivated by new targets (Android and WP7) that do not support sync AJAX.

Why this F# code does not generate expected output when used with MailboxProcessor?

I was going through one of Don Syme's blog posts Async and Parallel Design Patterns in F#: Agents. However, the following seemingly extremely simple code did not generate output as expected.
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
let agent =
Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
async { while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
printfn "got message '%s'" msg } )
for i in 1 .. 10000 do
agent.Post (sprintf "message %d" i)
Instead of expected 10,000 messages , I only got something around 3000 messages using Mono 2.8.1 under Ubuntu, or 15 messages using Visual F# under Windows XP. Am I missing anything here? BTW, I tried to replace the printfn statement with the following File op and ended up with same partial results.
open System.IO
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
let agent =
Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
async { while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
use logger = new StreamWriter("a.log", true)
logger.WriteLine("got message '{0}'", msg.ToString())
} )
for i in 1 .. 10000 do
agent.Post (sprintf "message %d" i)
Just run your code in Win machine - everything is OK. Try to add
ignore( System.Console.ReadKey() )
as a last line, because agent.Post is non-blocking and after posting 10000 messages control flow will move forward, possibly exiting the program.

Is there a better way to write named-pipes in F#?

I am new to F#. I am trying to communicate with java from F# using named pipe. The code below works but I am not sure if there is a better way to do this (I know the infinite loop is a bad idea but this is just a proof of concept) if anyone have any idea to improve this code please post your comments.
Thanks in advance
open System.IO
open System.IO.Pipes
exception OuterError of string
let continueLooping = true
while continueLooping do
let pipeServer = new NamedPipeServerStream("testpipe", PipeDirection.InOut, 4)
printfn "[F#] NamedPipeServerStream thread created."
//wait for connection
printfn "[F#] Wait for a client to connect"
printfn "[F#] Client connected."
// Stream for the request.
let sr = new StreamReader(pipeServer)
// Stream for the response.
let sw = new StreamWriter(pipeServer)
sw.AutoFlush <- true;
// Read request from the stream.
let echo = sr.ReadLine();
printfn "[F#] Request message: %s" echo
// Write response to the stream.
sw.WriteLine("[F#]: " + echo)
| OuterError(str) -> printfn "[F#]ERROR: %s" str
printfn "[F#] Client Closing."
Well, it doesn't look like anything is throwing OuterError, so I would remove that exception type and unused handling.
I am unsure about your experience level or what type of "better" you are looking for. You way want to read F# async on the server to learn more about async and avoiding blocking threads.
Below you can find a few modifications to your code. Your question is pretty vague so I can't tell exactly where you're wishing to improve your code, but my suggestion uses recursion instead of the while loop (don't worry about stack overflows, F# can handle recursion very well and the whole recursive bit will be optimized into a loop at compile time), makes use of the use keyword (like C#'s using) and will swallow any exception happening in the process of the communication with the client. If an exception occurs, the server will not listen for other connections.
open System.IO
open System.IO.Pipes
let main() =
printfn "[F#] NamedPipeServerStream thread created."
let pipeServer = new NamedPipeServerStream("testpipe", PipeDirection.InOut, 4)
let rec loop() =
//wait for connection
printfn "[F#] Wait for a client to connect"
printfn "[F#] Client connected."
// Stream for the request.
use sr = new StreamReader(pipeServer)
// Stream for the response.
use sw = new StreamWriter(pipeServer, AutoFlush = true)
// Read request from the stream.
let echo = sr.ReadLine();
printfn "[F#] Request message: %s" echo
// Write response to the stream.
echo |> sprintf "[F#]: %s" |> sw.WriteLine
| _ as e -> printfn "[F#]ERROR: %s" e.Message
printfn "[F#] Client Closing."
Also please notice how the AutoFlush is set within the call to the constructor and how the pipeline operator is used to write the echo to the pipe, resulting in what looks (in my opinion) like cleaner code.
