does it possile rails declare gem should update automatically? - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails project that have alot of gems, whitch works on server, few days ago I decide to update my project to latest version of rails and gems then I found some gems in my project depricated and I have to refactore my code.
Then i found does it possilbe to change some configuretions in my rails project to declare me when should I update gems in gemfiles or i have to check my gemfile manually to be sure my project up to date?
I google my idea but nothings found useful witch can help me

Not sure this is possible by rails configuration. rails or gems used will usually log deprecated messages if they intend to deprecate any feature.
however, there are other free apps that can do similar things like which will depend on how you set your configuration, open a PR with gems that need updates
there is also by Github which also has the power (if your project is on any git platform) to show you messages on which gem needs a security update or is being deprecated in the security tab


How to upgrade Administrate gem

I have a Rails 4 app with Thoughtbot Administrate for the admin part.
Recently I tried to upgrade from version 0.1.2 to 0.1.4, but I got this error: cannot load such file -- administrate/fields/base.
It was triggered from a custom field file, so I tried to run rails g administrate:install, which asked me to overwrite all my administrate controllers and dashboards.
Now, I have made customizations to those files, so I opted not to overwrite them, but then I ended up with the same error as before.
Next, I made another branch to test and let administrate to overwrite my controllers and dashboards, and this time it worked!
So, I think the question is, what is the process to upgrade the gem without losing my customizations?
Is there any task I can run in order to "register" the updated gem, like rake administrate:upgrade or so?
Found out the error.
Seems that administrate/fields/base is now administrate/field/base, so this subtle update in the Administrate gem code is breaking my custom field.
Anyway, I think a potentially breaking update to the gem's code should be advertised and maybe even change the mayor version number, so I'll rise an issue in github for this one.

What kind of things should go into a Ruby gem as opposed to a Rails plugin?

I have a set of functionality that I am considering packaging so as to use them in multiple projects, but I can't decide whether to choose a gem or a plugin. What is the difference? Which one should I choose?
Gem is currently acknowledged as the 'best practice' for Rails. (You can also package as a gem and include an install.rb so that your project can be optionally be installed as a plugin - see this Rails dispatch article).
Basically the only reason to go with a plugin is if your users will want to be able to modify the code more often than not, as it stores a copy in vendor/plugins. However, with the advent of bundler it's pretty simple to store your gems per repository as well and modify them.
If you go with gems, you get the advantages of dependencies, versions, and the functionality that offers for searching, alerts and so on.
Definitely make it a gem!

Should I create a Ruby gem or plugin

I have some logic code that is literally cut and pasted across several different sites I own (it's code that interacts with a web API I've created). Considering that this isn't DRY and that when I update one thing I want it to update across all my sites I wanted to move this to a gem or a plugin. My main question is which one is the best to use in this scenario?
One big sticking point is that this code is private and shouldn't be made available to just anyone.
Gems are the de-facto standard for packaging and releasing Ruby libraries.
There used to be two major drawbacks to using gems instead of plugins in Rails applications. Gems did not have access to all the functionality that plugins had. For example, in Rails 2, gems could not directly add rake tasks to your application. In Rails 3, plugins and gems are completely equal.
The second drawback was that gems were harder to bundle with your application. This has been resolved a while ago by rake gems:unpack:dependencies. It copies all gems your application depends on to your app's vendor/gems application. If you deploy these with your application, there is no need to install them on remote servers. In Rails 3, the new gem bundler further improves this mechanism. It even allows you to bundle Ruby C-extensions!
Also consider the things that cannot be done with plugins: versioning, packaging, dependency management, extending Ruby, etc.
In my opinion there is no serious reason to use plugins instead of gems anymore. The last advantage of plugins will be void when Rails 3 is released. Spread the word, and help everyone convert their plugins to gems!
Let's see Pros / Cons:
Easier to update the version (gem update)
Code encapsulated and available for all applications on the machine
Webapp code and gem code aren't encapsulated together.
You have to install every gem on each pc the application will run.
You have to install rubygems on each pc, too.
Maybe it's nedeed to be sudoer to install the gem.
Code encapsulated within the application
You don't need special rights on the machine to work.
You don't need rubygems.
More difficult to update the code than gems
You have to install the plugin on every application that will need it.
I think this are all the differences. The decission now is yours :)
For me both solutions are OK, you have to think about your needs.
Hope that helps.
Will you ever have more than one version of this API being used in production at the same time?
If not, the simplicity and flexibility of a plugin is probably easier, especially if you use a tool like Piston to install/update the plugin from a centralized code repository.
Gems are not too convenient for private stuff, imo, with the way they're distributed. And distributing them by hand avoiding the gem hosts is an overhead. If it was me and I had a piece of private code I need to use in a bunch of places, I'd simply throw it into lib/ dir as a fake git submodule. Then pull once in a while.

Running Rails as an embedded app inside of a gem

I'm trying to understand what exactly the above (in my question's Title) means? This is taken directly from the project:
If you’re an experienced Rails developer you may be wondering where your app directory is. Spree actually runs as an embedded Rails app inside of your gem. How do you customize things then? We’ll cover that later in extensions.
Can someone further explain what exactly it means when a Rails app is run "inside of your gem"
With the gem spree, you can install your application and use it. A lot of application need download complete package to install it. When the gem spree, you don't. So it's more easier to install spree on your server.
The phrase you quote is poorly written and not particularly useful. What you should take away is that Spree is structured different from the majority of Rails plugins.
Typical plugin:
your rails app <-- plugin functionality
A Spree app:
spree rails app <-- your site specific code
Typically, most Rails plugins are installed in the vendor/plugins directory of your Rails app. Some additional functionality is added by classes and modules that you can then reference in your code (subclassing a ResourceController, for instance).
Spree does not work in this way. Because, presumably, there is so much configuration code for Spree, each Spree instance creates a separate Rails app -- one that's missing some of the more important parts of a Rails app (such as the app directory). All of your site specific code goes in the vendor/extensions/site directory. This means you don't have to worry about editing any of the Spree-specific code (since it's all in a different directory) and you can more easily put your own code under source control.

How to get a rails commit into my gemmed version

Rails 2.3 was released last week and I installed it with gem install rails. Everything is working fine. However, I noticed a bug, so I searched a bit and sure enough a new commit was accepted 2 days ago that fixes the same bug I saw.
How can I get these latest changes into my version of rails that I'm running locally?
I tried gem update rails --include-dependencies but it doesn't update rails (as I assume because I already have the latest gem 2.3.2). So, how can I get the last few commits into my version of rails?
I've never used Edge Rails but I imagine that's what you'd need to do. Edge is the last commit and may have other bugs in it.
If the changes are small, just edit the code. Once you've done that you may be able to freeze the gems after you've edited them, but I'm not sure that freeze will freeze the rails code itself. If it does then everything should still work fine, otherwise you'd also need to edit it on your production gems too.
Hope this helps, doubtless some Rails Edge god will come along and tell us the easy way.
If you use git to checkout the release, then you can use git cherry-pick to grab the specific patches that you want for your own personal tree. google for git cherry-pick for more info (and if you aren't familiar with git, it's worth learning!)
I found some comprehensive instructions for this here:
If you freeze rails to the 2.3.2 version, you can then edit the file yourself and be sure that your application will use that edited version of rails.
