I am following the Account class in the GNU smalltalk documation. I have a image with the Account class added. I have tested the loading of an .st file using gst -I xxx.im file.st. But cannot make a := Account from a line in the file.st and print to prove the Account has been made. I am trying to use the file.st as a series of instructions ie. deposit etc Thanks.
I have a robot file (calc_check.robot) in which each test case has separate documentation.
*** Settings ***
... The test cases are designed to test the calculator .
Library ../../Library/AddNumbers
*** Test Cases ***
Calc_check_test Testcase01_a
... Verify that two numbers are added or not
[Tags] add calculator
${addition}= Add numbers 10 20
Calc_check_test Testcase01_b
... Verify that two numbers are added or not with negative sign
[Tags] add calculator
${addition}= Add numbers 10 -20
When i try to generate documentation for that robot file using the rst file (call_check.rst) i'm getting complete test case along with documentation as well, but i need only "[Documentation]" part only.
.. robot-settings::
.. robot-tests::
I want documentation (i.e., only [Documentation] part of test case) from two test cases excluding the test case code.
Please tell me how to generate only the documentation part of it.
Robot provides documentation generation libraries called libdoc:
Problem is that it generates only for libraries and resources files (those without ***Testcase*** part).
If you need to generate docs from test suites, I would recommand to temporary change TestSuite into Resource file (change section to Keywords) and run libdoc for such file:
python -m robot.libdoc <path to res/lib> <list/show>
I'm trying to use the TensorFlow audio recognition model (my_frozen_graph.pb, generated here: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/audio_recognition) on iOS.
But the iOS code NSString* network_path = FilePathForResourceName(#"my_frozen_graph", #"pb"); in the TensorFlow Mobile's tf_simple_example project outputs this error message: Could not create TensorFlow Graph: Not found: Op type not registered 'DecodeWav'.
Anyone knows how I can fix this? Thanks!
I believe you are using the pre-build Tensorflow from Cocapods? It probably does not have that op type, so you should build it yourself from latest source.
From documentation:
While Cocapods is the quickest and easiest way of getting started, you
sometimes need more flexibility to determine which parts of TensorFlow
your app should be shipped with. For such cases, you can build the iOS
libraries from the sources. This guide contains detailed instructions
on how to do that.
This might also be helpful: [iOS] Add optional Selective Registration of Ops #14421
The build_all_ios.sh script can take optional
command-line arguments to selectively register only for the operators
used in your graph.
tensorflow/contrib/makefile/build_all_ios.sh -a arm64 -g $HOME/graphs/inception/tensorflow_inception_graph.pb
Please note this
is an aggresive optimization of the operators and the resulting
library may not work with other graphs but will reduce the size of the
final library.
After the build is done you can check /tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework/ops_to_register.h for operations that were registered. (autogenerated during build with -g flag)
Some progress: having realized the unregistered DecodeWav error is similar to the old familiar DecodeJpeg issue (#2883), I ran strip_unused on the pb as follows:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/strip_unused \
--input_graph=/tf_files/speech_commands_graph.pb \
--output_graph=/tf_files/stripped_speech_commands_graph.pb \
--input_node_names=wav_data,decoded_sample_data \
--output_node_names=labels_softmax \
It does get rid of the DecodeWav op in the resulting graph. But running the new stripped graph on iOS now gives me an Op type not registered 'AudioSpectrogram' error.
Also there's no object file audio*.o generated after build_all_ios.sh is done, although AudioSpectrogramOp is specified in tensorflow/core/framework/ops_to_register.h:
Jeffs-MacBook-Pro:tensorflow-1.4.0 zero2one$ find . -name decode*.o
Jeffs-MacBook-Pro:tensorflow-1.4.0 zero2one$ find . -name audio*_op.o
Jeffs-MacBook-Pro:tensorflow-1.4.0 zero2one$
Just verified that Pete's fix (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/15921) is good:
add this line tensorflow/core/ops/audio_ops.cc to the file tensorflow/contrib/makefile/tf_op_files.txt and run tensorflow/contrib/makefile/build_all_ios.sh again (compile_ios_tensorflow.sh "-O3" itself used to work for me after adding a line to the tf_op_files.txt, but not anymore with TF 1.4).
Also, use the original model file, don't use the stripped version. Some note was added in the link above.
I have an old .BAS file that I'm trying to view and for which I'm running into some problems. Searching online seems to indicate that I should be able to just open it in NOTEPAD.EXE or similar, but doing so gives me gibberish, like this:
‰=É™2+df”c).vX»[šû'Û9¹8%ñx5m#8úV4ÊBº)Eª;Iú¹ó‹|àÆ„72#Ž§i§Ë #îÑ?
}+d&jQ *YòÎg)ʇŒ~Š¯DË?úŽ©Ž5\šm€S{ÔÍo—#ìôÔ”ÜÍѱ]ʵ¬0wêÂLª¡öm#Å„Ws雦 X
Ô¶æ¯÷¦É®jÛ ¼§
”n ŸëÆf¿´ó½4ÂäÌ3§Œ®
I know the file is sound, because I can open it in GW-BASIC. However, list does not seem to work to view the file, and trying to save the file in ASCII format from within GW-BASIC, didn't work either. Both just gave me an "Illegal function call" error:
(C) Copyright Microsoft 1983,1984,1986,1987
60300 Bytes free
Illegal function call
SAVE "Pwrharm2",A
Illegal function call
[Program runs successfully]
Then again, the run command works just fine. What am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong; the file was originally saved in GWBASIC with the ,P option. There is a 'hack' to unprotect it, described at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.os.msdos.misc/PA9sve0eKAk - basically, you create a file (call it UNPROT.BAS) containing only the characters 0xff 0x1a, then load the protected file, then load UNPROT.BAS, and you should then be able to list and save the program.
If you can't LIST or EDIT a GW-BASIC .BAS file that you LOADed from disk, it means that the file was originally SAVEd in protected format via SAVE filespec, P.
The 1988 "Handbook of BASIC - third edition" by David I. Schneider describes it as follows:
A program that has been SAVEd in protected format can be unprotected with the following technique.
(a) Create a file called RECOVER.BAS with the following program.
20 PRINT #1, CHR$(255);
30 CLOSE #1
(b) LOAD the protected program into memory.
The formerly protected program will now be in memory and can be LISTed or EDITed, and reSAVEd in an unprotected format. This technique appears to work with most versions of BASIC. I have used it successfully with IBM PC BASIC, Compaq BASIC, and several versions of GW-BASIC. LOADing the file RECOVER.BAS will also restore a program after a NEW command has been executed.
I know with NixOS, you can simply copy over the configuration.nix file to sync your OS state including installed packages between machines.
Is it possible then, to do the same using Nix the package manager on a non-NixOS OS to sync only the installed packages?
Please note, that at least since 30.03.2017 (corresponding to 17.03 Nix/NixOS channel/release), as far as I understand the official, modern, supported and suggested solution is to use the so called overlays.
See the chapter titled "Overlays" in the nixpkgs manual for a nice guide on how to use the new approach.
As a short summary: you can put any number of files with .nix extension in $HOME/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/ directory. They will be processed in alphabetical order, and each one can modify the set of available Nix packages. Each of the files must be written as in the following pattern:
self: super:
boost = super.boost.override {
python = self.python3;
rr = super.callPackage ./pkgs/rr {
stdenv = self.stdenv_32bit;
The super set corresponds to the "old" set of packages (before the overlay was applied). If you want to refer to the old version of a package (as in boost above), or callPackage, you should reference it via super.
The self set corresponds to the eventual, "future" set of packages, representing the final result after all overlays are applied. (Note: don't be scared when sometimes using them might get rejected by Nix, as it would result in infinite recursion. Probably you should rather just use super in those cases instead.)
Note: with the above changes, the solution I mention below in the original answer seems "deprecated" now — I believe it should still work as of April 2017, but I have no idea for how long. It appears marked as "obsolete" in the nixpkgs repository.
Old answer, before 17.03:
Assuming you want to synchronize apps per-user (as non-NixOS Nix keeps apps visible on per-user basis, not system-wide, as far as I know), it is possible to do it declaratively. It's just not well advertised in the manual — though it seems quite popular among long-time Nixers!
You must create a text file at: $HOME/.nixpkgs/config.nix — e.g.:
$ mkdir -p ~/.nixpkgs
$ $EDITOR ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
then enter the following contents:
packageOverrides = defaultPkgs: with defaultPkgs; {
home = with pkgs; buildEnv {
name = "home";
paths = [
nethack mc pstree #...your favourite pkgs here...
Then you should be able to install all listed packages with:
$ nix-env -i home
$ nix-env -iA nixos.home # *much* faster than above
In paths you can put stuff in a similar way like in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix on NixOS. Also, home is actually a "fake package" here. You can add more custom package definitions beside it, and then include them your "paths".
(Side note: I'm hoping to write a blog post with what I learned on how exactly this works, and also showing how to extend it with more customizations. I'll try to remember to link it here if I succeed.)
I'm using the Pascal FC implementation for Windows Vista found on http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/burns/pf.html
I'm trying to run the dining philophers problem found on the link but I don't get how to make the compiler work.
In the screen shot, the program appears to be waiting for you to enter the name of the file to use for the compiler output. Enter a file name.
Better yet, use the pfc.bat command and let it choose the output names for you. The batch file will also run the program automatically after it has been compiled. At the command prompt, run the command like this:
C:\pascalfc-vista> pfc philchan.pas