Error "Result was not expanded automatically, please insert more rows": how to add rows automatically? - google-sheets

I use an ImportRange formula to get data from multiple tabs into single one. The formula looks like
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("123","B1!A2:D");IMPORTRANGE("123","B2!A2:D")},"where Col1 is not null", 0)
Is it there a way to add rows to table automatically if they are needed? With formula or setting - not by app script.

I had the same problem
Added another "arrayformula" to my original formula:
Made some tests and appeared all array-like formulas will add new rows automatically, including query. This means adding a new array function to your original formula will force the engine to recalculate again and add new rows. In general, this case looks like a bug / not expected behavior. The reason may be in the limit of resources the formula has, and it stops the work if calculations are heavy.
Limit test: Sequence
This formula will work:
This will produce an error:
After you add a new row manually, the formula works again.
Adding new formulas like INDEX(SEQUENCE(50501)) does not fix the error.
Limit test: array-like functions
I've also tested these functions:
All of them stopped working after row 50501 including.
Possible Script solution
Possible to get the number of rows from the original formula.
Next, create a trigger to execute every N minutes to add new rows to your sheet.
My Sample file with tests
All tests were made by date and in my environment. Your own tests may vary.

The sheet pulling the data (importrange) from another sheet does not have sufficient rows to display the data. Add more rows to the sheet - this solution worked for me. Ideally, this should have happened automatically, but it did not.


Combining Arrayformula with textjoin to eliminate delimiters

I am trying to use an arrayformula to join a string of cells in the same row as per picuture. This formula needs to automatically copy down to any new rows that are added. The formula I have so far seems to be the only one that returns at least something. I have googled and tried all sorts of join, textjoin to eliminate delimiters when a cell is empty but I keep getting all sorts of errors.
Also, note in column L I only want part of the cell, the city name, not state and zip code, which is why I added the Left function.
I would also like a header in row D1 "Summary".
Also, another problem I am having with the Arrayformula, is that any new rows that are submitted by my script, get pasted way down the bottom of the sheet, skipping blank rows. I think it sees the array formula as part of the last row even though those rows are blank. The only workaround I have so far is to delete all empty rows after my table, so I have the little [add 1000 more rows at bottom] after my last data row. But this then effects the filter range. The filter range does not seem to update automatically when new rows added. Maybe I need to address each of these issues as a new question in Stakoverflow?
Jobs Database
Delete everything from 'Jobs Database'!D:D (you can always undo it if you aren't happy with the formulas proposed). Then place one of the following two formulas in D1, though I recommend the second of the two.
The following formula will produce results in keeping with what you showed in your post and what is currently in the sheet (though my formula creates a cleaner result, because it addresses more potential issues than your original formula):
=ArrayFormula(FILTER(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Summary",B:B&IF(C:C="",," - "&REGEXREPLACE(TO_TEXT(C:C),"^-",""))&" - "&IF(H:H="",,H:H&" x ")&G:G&IF(I:I="",," - "&I:I)&" - "&IF(J:J="",,REGEXREPLACE(J:J,",$","")&" - ")&IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(L:L,"(.+)[\s\w]{8}")&" - ")&"ID: "&A:A),A:A<>""))
This formula is written to accommodate the fact that you've got column-level sorting in place. The FILTER clause surrounding everything inside also assures that the results only run as far down as you have data in Column A. This should eliminate the issue you were having with new rows being added after blanks.
I recommend the layout produced by this second formula, however:
=ArrayFormula(FILTER(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Summary",B:B&IF(C:C="",,CHAR(10)&TO_TEXT(C:C))&CHAR(10)&IF(H:H="",,H:H&" x ")&G:G&IF(I:I="",,CHAR(10)&I:I)&CHAR(10)&IF(J:J="",,REGEXREPLACE(J:J,",$","")&CHAR(10))&IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(L:L,"(.+)[\s\w]{8}")&CHAR(10))&"ID: "&A:A),A:A<>""))
In my opinion, the use of line breaks between information is cleaner and therefore easier to read.
Both formula options would require selecting all rows, right clicking, choosing "Resize rows" and selecting "Fit to data" for full viewing.
I have added two sheet ("Erik Help 1" and "Erik Help 2") with each of the above formulas in place, respectively).

COUNTIF Formula moves down when row at top added

I have the following COUNTIF Formula in my Google Sheet.
This is a sample of the sheet which has the formula in the first row under the "Accidents" header:
It works until a user adds a row 3 to the top of the source sheet (Events/Incidents) then the formula changes to the following so that it captures row 4 down instead of the desired row 3.
I used the Query function for "All Events" (the first 3 columns). The Countif formula is under each of the Incidents. In my Countif example, X4 is the Employee, John White which was returned in the QUERY.
The QUERY continues to return/include row 3 but I don't know how to do this for the individual Incidents. I tried adding ArrayFormula to the Countif function but I have the same problem.
Would appreciate some help with this.
I understand that you want to update your QUERY to reflect the correct row without resorting to returning the Branch in every response. If my comprehension is correct, there is a way to reach your goals with little modification.
First, you'll have to create a named range that includes the whole table (from the headers to the last row). You can then use this named range in every formula so new rows can be detected without changing the formula per se.
Finally, you can modify your QUERY to return only the values of Incidents in a Branch with something similar to =QUERY(myNamedRange,"SELECT G WHERE A = 'Auckland'"). That QUERY won't return the Branch, only the Incidents. If you keep having any doubts, please ask me for further help.
I worked it out by combining Countifs with ImportRange:

How can I disable automatic recalculation on google sheets?

Simplified scenario:
Sheet Customer_Orders, has blocks of rows with each row having product code, count ordered, and size. Bunch of other stuff is looked up/calculated on the basis of these three tidbits. By the end of the season this sheet has about 5000 rows.
Sheet Raw_Inventory has start of year in the first 500 rows, and then does a query to Customer_orders. By season end this sheet has about 2000 rows.
Near as I can tell, this query runs every time I change one of the 3 fields in Cust_Orders.
Sheet Inv_Status is a pivot table that runs against Raw_Inventory, and again, I think that every time Raw_Inventory is modified, the pivot table is recalculated. (There are a couple of other pivot tables that use the same data.)
The result is that making a change on Cust_Orders can result in up to 2 minutes while the calculations catch up.
(Hardware: Mac Pro, 24 GB ram, 3.2 GHz, 4 core; Current version of Chrome running under Yosemite)
What I would like to do is one of the following:
Lengthen the time between updates.
Be able to recalculate sheet Raw_Inventory manually.
A partial workaround:
I've created a new sheet that imports raw_Inventory. This copy is used for the pivot table. ImportRange only runs every 30 minutes.
The next step will replace the query with 1 zillion simple assignment statements. I'm hoping that this will replace querying 3000 lines with querying a single line when I make a change in Cust_Orders.
There is no way to disable automatic recalculation in Google Sheets. One option is to replace the formulas by the values either by using copy/paste as value only or by using a script. The advantage of using a script is that it also could be used to add again the formulas when needed.
Ho do I stop and start autoupdating in Google Sheets?
Formulas always recalculating when refreshing/loading spreadsheet
I had a similar problem, I solved it by creating an enabling cell and in that cell I put 0 or 1 and then I used that cell inside the formula. In such a way that:
enable formula
= if(B1=0; 0; complex_formula1)
= if(B1=0; 0; complex_formula2)
= if(B1=0; 0; complex_formula1)
= if(B1=0; 0; complex_formula2)
This way when I need to change the spreadsheet I disable formulas (putting 0 on A1), change spreadsheet and on end I enable formulas (putting 1 on A1).
It's not the best solution, but it worked for me.
This is not an answer to my original question -- how to control recalculation, but is a workaround, and ultimately a better solution.
Quick restatement of problem:
CustOrders pulled descriptions of inventory off of RawInv sheet.
RawInv updated from CustOrders. This wasn't quite a circular dependency, as RawInv only updated quantities from CustOrders. But it meant that anytime a change was made in CustOrders, RawInv needed to be recalcuated.
This was made worse by having one query per line creating descriptions.
The solution amounted to refactoring.
Another spreadsheet was created, CustSupport.
It kept RawInv and Trees -- the latter being the descriptions. It also had the master reference sheet for prices and round off tables. These two tabs are rarely changed, and are copied as needed to sheets that use them.
It imported a copy of CustOrders. Since this copy had no dependencies back to to main ordering sheet, I didn't have to wait for it to recalculate.
RawInv recalculated from this copy of CustOrders.
I did a wholesale replacement of Querys with VLookups. This required some rearrangement of columns.

In array formula, find last specific value up till each row

I have a Google Sheets in question. Here is a mocked version that you can copy or comment on:
The sheets comes with 2 columns, Test number and Test result. I'd like to use array formula to automatically fill column C whenever new tests are entered. The specification is that the number in column C should always refer to the last "Fail" test number up till each row. You can see the expected result in column E.
I can come up with many solutions that require a formula to be applied to each new cell, which I think is iterative approach. One example is in column G. The reason is that "up till the current row" can't be met with array formula. I tried QUERY function with no success. I know App Script can do this too, but that's not auto fill approach as well.
EDIT: Added a brute-force solution, which can only work with limit number of consecutive "Pass" results.
Please see the screenshot for a solution using an array formula.

Why does my importrange query fail when I "wrap" with arrayformula

I have the following formula which is currently returning the expected results -
=join(",",query(importrange(vlookup(mid(G4,1,find(",",G4)-1),xref,2,false),vlookup(mid(G4,1,find(",",G4)-1),xref,3,false)),"Select Col3,Col6,Col9 where Col1 = '"&mid(G4,find(",",G4)+1,20)&"' "))
However, I naturally want to make this as dynamic and flexible as possible so I would like to "wrap" it in an arrayformula which ends up like this -
=arrayformula(join(",",query(importrange(vlookup(mid(G4:G,1,find(",",G4:G)-1),xref,2,false),vlookup(mid(G4:G,1,find(",",G4:G)-1),xref,3,false)),"Select Col3,Col6,Col9 where Col1 = '"&mid(G4:G,find(",",G4:G)+1,20)&"' ")))
This formula gives me "Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMNCol3" error.
I tried to include an iferror to try to trap some error but this made no difference.
I tried various angles to debug and basically focussed on the importrange not providing the data to the query once it was wrapped by the arrayformula. I tried to explicitly reference the external sheet key and range in the importange function, instead of using the lookups, and this did give me a result - but only in the first cell. There should also have been a result returned about 4 rows down.
If I copy the formula down the column, I do get the expected result 4 rows down, but this obviously defeats the purpose of the arrayformula.
In my research in the Google forums there were some suggestions that arrayformula and importrange may not play well together, but no hard and fast facts.
I noticed in this forum that the combination of the two functions has been mentioned but no indication that they did not work together, so I am wondering if there is just some little thing I am missing in my syntax that is causing my ideal scenario not to work ?
I don't think this will work for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, not all the functions in Google Sheets can be automated using an arrayformula, and QUERY is one of them. As far as I know this is because the output of QUERY can be an array itself, so it is not possible to iterate an array output across another array (i.e. your results range).
Secondly, JOIN works across a either a single row or column, whereas your query outputs 3 columns. The arrayformula result would therefore consist of an array with multiple rows and columns, which JOIN cannot use.
I think the best solution is to use the IFERROR as you've described, and copy the single-row formula down the entire column - that way the blank records will not show as errors, but you will be able to add new values to column G and they will be picked up automatically.
