COUNTIF Formula moves down when row at top added - google-sheets

I have the following COUNTIF Formula in my Google Sheet.
This is a sample of the sheet which has the formula in the first row under the "Accidents" header:
It works until a user adds a row 3 to the top of the source sheet (Events/Incidents) then the formula changes to the following so that it captures row 4 down instead of the desired row 3.
I used the Query function for "All Events" (the first 3 columns). The Countif formula is under each of the Incidents. In my Countif example, X4 is the Employee, John White which was returned in the QUERY.
The QUERY continues to return/include row 3 but I don't know how to do this for the individual Incidents. I tried adding ArrayFormula to the Countif function but I have the same problem.
Would appreciate some help with this.

I understand that you want to update your QUERY to reflect the correct row without resorting to returning the Branch in every response. If my comprehension is correct, there is a way to reach your goals with little modification.
First, you'll have to create a named range that includes the whole table (from the headers to the last row). You can then use this named range in every formula so new rows can be detected without changing the formula per se.
Finally, you can modify your QUERY to return only the values of Incidents in a Branch with something similar to =QUERY(myNamedRange,"SELECT G WHERE A = 'Auckland'"). That QUERY won't return the Branch, only the Incidents. If you keep having any doubts, please ask me for further help.

I worked it out by combining Countifs with ImportRange:


Combining Arrayformula with textjoin to eliminate delimiters

I am trying to use an arrayformula to join a string of cells in the same row as per picuture. This formula needs to automatically copy down to any new rows that are added. The formula I have so far seems to be the only one that returns at least something. I have googled and tried all sorts of join, textjoin to eliminate delimiters when a cell is empty but I keep getting all sorts of errors.
Also, note in column L I only want part of the cell, the city name, not state and zip code, which is why I added the Left function.
I would also like a header in row D1 "Summary".
Also, another problem I am having with the Arrayformula, is that any new rows that are submitted by my script, get pasted way down the bottom of the sheet, skipping blank rows. I think it sees the array formula as part of the last row even though those rows are blank. The only workaround I have so far is to delete all empty rows after my table, so I have the little [add 1000 more rows at bottom] after my last data row. But this then effects the filter range. The filter range does not seem to update automatically when new rows added. Maybe I need to address each of these issues as a new question in Stakoverflow?
Jobs Database
Delete everything from 'Jobs Database'!D:D (you can always undo it if you aren't happy with the formulas proposed). Then place one of the following two formulas in D1, though I recommend the second of the two.
The following formula will produce results in keeping with what you showed in your post and what is currently in the sheet (though my formula creates a cleaner result, because it addresses more potential issues than your original formula):
=ArrayFormula(FILTER(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Summary",B:B&IF(C:C="",," - "&REGEXREPLACE(TO_TEXT(C:C),"^-",""))&" - "&IF(H:H="",,H:H&" x ")&G:G&IF(I:I="",," - "&I:I)&" - "&IF(J:J="",,REGEXREPLACE(J:J,",$","")&" - ")&IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(L:L,"(.+)[\s\w]{8}")&" - ")&"ID: "&A:A),A:A<>""))
This formula is written to accommodate the fact that you've got column-level sorting in place. The FILTER clause surrounding everything inside also assures that the results only run as far down as you have data in Column A. This should eliminate the issue you were having with new rows being added after blanks.
I recommend the layout produced by this second formula, however:
=ArrayFormula(FILTER(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Summary",B:B&IF(C:C="",,CHAR(10)&TO_TEXT(C:C))&CHAR(10)&IF(H:H="",,H:H&" x ")&G:G&IF(I:I="",,CHAR(10)&I:I)&CHAR(10)&IF(J:J="",,REGEXREPLACE(J:J,",$","")&CHAR(10))&IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(L:L,"(.+)[\s\w]{8}")&CHAR(10))&"ID: "&A:A),A:A<>""))
In my opinion, the use of line breaks between information is cleaner and therefore easier to read.
Both formula options would require selecting all rows, right clicking, choosing "Resize rows" and selecting "Fit to data" for full viewing.
I have added two sheet ("Erik Help 1" and "Erik Help 2") with each of the above formulas in place, respectively).

Formula for looking up and filtering data from a sheet

I want to do a complex formula using google sheets:
I have a list of place that will be visited by different people.
Some places are not to be visited, marked with /
Some places need to be assigned, marked with ?
Wanted outcome:
A list of cells that changes every day automatic.
An overview of who is going where that day and what needs to be assigned.
So I need a formula that can select a row based on today() and then filter out Persons in that row. Then for each person, another formula that looks up the first row in the table and puts duplicates together.
Wanted outcome:
Link to excel file, but it needs to work in google sheets too: xlsx
My solution is not the most elegant but it does the job.
First I build a column with date and unique persons or ? in this column:
Then I find Places corresponding to these persons (I use filter function for it and then I use textjoin to keep them in single cell).
The formula is copied down as filter function does not accept a range and arrayformula as a filtering criterium.
My solution is available here:

In array formula, find last specific value up till each row

I have a Google Sheets in question. Here is a mocked version that you can copy or comment on:
The sheets comes with 2 columns, Test number and Test result. I'd like to use array formula to automatically fill column C whenever new tests are entered. The specification is that the number in column C should always refer to the last "Fail" test number up till each row. You can see the expected result in column E.
I can come up with many solutions that require a formula to be applied to each new cell, which I think is iterative approach. One example is in column G. The reason is that "up till the current row" can't be met with array formula. I tried QUERY function with no success. I know App Script can do this too, but that's not auto fill approach as well.
EDIT: Added a brute-force solution, which can only work with limit number of consecutive "Pass" results.
Please see the screenshot for a solution using an array formula.

Highlight rows with unique values when compared to a different sheet

I have two sheets:
The first is the Master Sheet of responses to a survey.
The second will be an Update Sheet auto-generated from the new responses.
New responses can be either entirely new rows or edits/updates to previous entries.
I am trying to create a Conditional Formatting rule to auto-highlight any rows in the Update Sheet which do not match the corresponding rows in the Master sheet.
(A row "does not match" when it shares the same Respondent ID number as the Master sheet row but contains different information in the following cells.)
I'm also trying to make it ignore any empty cells.
I created named ranges: "Master" and "Update" on each sheet respectively.
Here's an image of what I'm trying to accomplish:
I'd like to accomplish this without scripts or using a helper column if possible.
Any help from you genuine experts out there would be greatly appreciated!
And here's the Demo Sheet for reference.
So far I have tried to use INDIRECT to accomplish the cross-sheet highlighting (below). However, that didn't work so I'm obviously doing something wrong.
- Apply to Range: A3:A200,F5:F200
- Custom Formula: =ISNA(match(A3,INDIRECT("Master!F5:AS"),0))
Update #2:
With help from #I'-'I I've been able to get closer with:
Apply to range: A3:F200
Custom Formula: =and(isna(match($A3,INDIRECT("Master!F5:F"),0)),not(isblank($a3)))
However, while it now highlights the "New Data" rows, it ignores the "Updated Data" row which has the same Respondent ID but different data in the following cells.
Any suggestions on how to rectify this would be appreciated!
Conditional formatting custom formula applied to range A3:F200:
=IF(LEN($A3),IFERROR(SUMPRODUCT(QUERY(INDIRECT("Master!F5:J"),"where F = "&$A3&" limit 1")<>$A3:$E3),1),)
With help from #I'-'I I now have the following solution, which works perfectly. :
#I'-'I provided this explanation:
VLOOKUP to lookup ID(A3) in the master sheet and return the
corresponding 5 columns(5 cells).
VLOOKUP results are compared
against current row's 5 columns(<>A3:E3).
IFERROR to return TRUE if
lookup fails(suggesting NewData).
ISBLANK to ignore blank rows.
AND/OR/NOT Self explanatory. Used to combine TRUE/FALSE in a specific
way to achieve intended result.
The solution by #AdamL also works, but I don't know how to give credit to two answers at the same time.

Setting formula range from first to last populated cell in a column?

For a league I run we keep track of games played and w/l/t and calculate that into a ranking score. The player name is listed in column U and the ranking score in column AD of a fixed table. I then use an array formula to list the players in ranking order in column E (then vlookup to pull in other stats based on the value in E for that row). Specifically I use this formula in column E:
=ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(ARRAYFORMULA(INDEX($U$4:$U$153,MATCH(LARGE($AD$4:$AD$153-ROW($AD$4:$AD$153)/COUNT($AD$4:$AD$153),ROW(E72)-ROW(E$4)+1),$AD$4:$AD$153-ROW($AD$4:$AD$153)/COUNT($AD$4:$AD$153),0))), 1, 1)
I need to be able to add players to the table in U:AD without having to edit the formula every time, i.e. from $U4:$U153 and $AD$4:$AD$153 to $U4:$U154 and $AD$4:$AD$154 in all the various places in the formula then copy the new formula all the way down.
Is there a way that I could define the range as $U$4:$U(last populated row) and the same for column AD in the above formula?
I eventually be using this in both Excel and Google Sheets so I would really like to avoid scripting. First I'm looking to solve this for Google Sheets.
Here is a copy of the sheet I am working on.
You could use INDEX and COUNTA
Instead of $U4$U153,
The COUNTA portion will give the number of populated rows and feed it into INDEX to give $U4:$U153
The answer for the Google sheet that you shared.
skip to the end for the simple solution
I used the indirect method by entering a formula in E1 that counts the AD column for player stats and adds 3 to get the last row. (I was going create the full range AD4:AD?? but you also have U4:U73 in the formula)
I then changed your formula use indirect, indirect("$AD$4:AD"&E$1), to reference the last row number in cell E1 to create the required range.
=iferror(ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(ARRAYFORMULA(INDEX(indirect("$U$4:U"&E$1),MATCH(LARGE(indirect("$AD$4:AD"&E$1)-ROW(indirect("$AD$4:AD"&E$1))/COUNT(indirect("$AD$4:$AD"&E$1)),ROW(E4)-ROW(E$4)+1),indirect("$AD$4:$AD"&E$1)-ROW(indirect("$AD$4:$AD"&E$1))/COUNT(indirect("$AD$4:AD"&E$1)),0))), 1, 1),"")
I discovered by accident that if you remove the ARRAY_CONSTRAIN from your formula and change U4:U73 to U4:AC73 then the formula will populate the scores to the right of your formula where you currently have vlookups. I put an example of this in E4 but note that you will have to delete the vlookup formulas if you want to fill the formula down otherwise it will show REF
I also added iferror so that the formula can be copied to the same row as the end of the "open slots" in column A without showing errors.
Also, I got to this point and was thinking that since you're using Google Sheets, a better way to do this could be to use the QUERY function to pull the data and also sort it using ORDER BY with a single formula in cell E4.
I've not really used the QUERY function but maybe it's time to learn.
Turns out it doesn't take much learning
Put the formula above in cell E4 and delete everything beneath and scores to the right and you're done. you'll notice that there is no indirect because Google understands that you don't want the blank rows.
Why are you using $ signs around U4:U153,remove $ signs for rows that will give you flexibility while keeping columns fixed.As your drag the formula,the data array will append the newly filled cells or you can create table using Ctrl+T that will automatically expand as you keeping adding data.
