Where can I find the information or documentation to allow a stripe connected account to add bank information within my app? - ios

I have been looking for documentation or tutorials which show what to do in order to allow a creator (who already has a connect account (it was created when he first authenticated)) to add the banking information necessary for him to withdraw funds from his connect account (transfer his funds).
How app works:
Creator makes an account like on patreon.
User subscribes to creator like on patreon.
How can I allow the express connected account add his details?
Here are some links I have gatherd but don't seem to contain info on how to:

It depends on what type of Account.
Standard Accounts: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/standard-accounts#create-link
Express Accounts: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/express-accounts#create-link
Custom Accounts: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/connect-onboarding
For express accounts redirect users to stripes onboarding

I emailed them for info before I got this answer. I will include their info here:
I understand you would like to know how a user can input their bank account information on the client-side.
As per in docs Stripe will handle onboarding, account management, and identity verification for your platform, which means you can onboard users very quickly. This is done by using the OAuth connection flow, after this, your user will be able to connect to your platform.
You can test this by trying the sample we have using Rocket Rides. Also, here you will be able to find the demo’s source code.
On the other hand, if you are referring to updating this information after the onboarding, this is done by logging on the Express Dashboard, and you can achieve this by integrating with the Express Dashboard.
Extra info: https://stripe.com/connect/express
This is especially helpful: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/collect-then-transfer-guide


Gmail API OAUTH2 verify Desktop application

At work we have developed an individual customer specific software application that is in use for a long time. We have a new requirement in this same program to implement an option for sending emails directly from the program.
The user is able to add his own email account with the credentials and login through our program. For Microsoft and Gmail accounts OAUTH is implemented and something here is not very clear.
For Gmail-API we have made an OAUTH Client and Consent screen on Google Cloud Console which we need to publish and verify and here is where the problems start. I am not very clear with the whole process of verifying the app.
In the steps for verifying is stated that we should verify a domain for the app, but this software is not hosted anywhere on internet and is not publicly available, it is available to a number of specific users (2000-3000).
Also Google requires a YouTube video of the software to be available publicly, which we are not able to upload because of customer requirements. Also here is required a Data Protection Policy page for the application which we as a developers don't have because we are only developing the software.
Other thing that is not clear to me, how is this type of software rated by Google, internal or public?
Have anyone experience with this or something similar?
Verifying an app for one of the Gmail scopes is a very complicated process. This process depends upon which scope of authorization you are requesting of the users.
In your case you are trying to send an email so you are using the users.messages.send method from the Gmail api. This uses a restricted scope. Which means you will need to go though the full process.
First of it doesn't matter if your application is hosted or not. It also doesn't matter that you give this app to a limited number of users. What matters is the scopes you are using.
You will need to ensure that your domain has been registered via google search console. So this app will need a domain
Once that is done you will be able to host your website, and the privacy policy on that domain.
You will need to create a YouTube video showing your application running, and how authorization is used.
You will also need to submit to a third party security checkup of your application which is not free and will need to be done once a year.
All of this is needed because of your consent screen it doesn't matter if its hosted any where, It also doesn't matter if this is only available to specific number of users.
If all of the users are part of a single google workspace account, that has created your client id and client secrete then you can set the app to internal and you wont need to be verified. This only works for google workspace domain accounts.

Granting administrative consent

I'm exploring accessing mail (and sending mail) on behalf of other users. I have read about the graph api which would allow me also to handle chat messages later on.
I wanted to start implementing this with my personal account (#outlook.com) and followed basically this tutorial: https://cmatskas.com/create-a-net-core-deamon-app-that-calls-msgraph-with-a-certificate/ (this seems to be the same as the walkthrough in the portal)
I found questions and answers (like Microsoft Graph to send mail with Client Credential Flow (application permission) and personal account) but I do want to create a daemon app which seems not to work with a personal account (which makes sense because I could read Microsoft's end user customers data).
Furthermore, when trying to create such an app there is the following warning:
If I would create a development env for this I am still now working at a verified publisher, so I cannot develop an application to see if it fits our needs?
It is possible to have a developer sandbox from Microsoft for that purpose.
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program-get-started for information on this

Allow user to input financial information for stripe express account?

I'm trying to build a Patreon-like app: A creator creates an account where users can then subscribe for some price.
I have gotten to the point in my code where I now need the user to add his bank info into stripe so he can receive funds. I have come across questions like this, and this, but neither shares any information on how a user can input his bank info on the client-side (they only deal with the backend).
The connected accounts are Express accounts.
How do I make the user add banking information on the client-side?
I have been recommended this stripe page but it does not show how to allow a creator to input banking info on client-side. I have also implemented the example backend code from firebase and updated it for my specific case.
I've also come across this page about Managing bank accounts and debit cards but it appears to be for custom accounts not express.
Stripe uses a hosted onboarding page for Express accounts. It's basically a form hosted on a Stripe domain that handles all the common onboarding requirements (e.g. verification documents and bank account details) needed.
Once the user has filled everything in they are redirected back to your site/app. In other words you don't really have to worry about collecting bank details client side, Stripe does it for you: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/express-accounts

ios Stripe payment(Account to Account Transfer)

I am making an application in Objective-C(iOS). I want to transfer some amount from my account to the other account using my application.
Case: The transfers will be user specific.
1.There will be a user who will post his need for money.
2.The other person who wants to help him will contact him in personal chat.
3.There will be a payment option from where the donator will send money to the person in need.
Please help if anybody is having knowledge about it, as I haven't worked with stripe before.
Thanks in advance.
The first step would be setting up Stripe
The tutorial uses Heroku which handles the backend side of the payments.
Here is the documentation https://devcenter.heroku.com
Just incase you're looking for a way to do this with Firebase, check out my answer here Swift Firebase Stripe Connect
The next step would be altering your Stripe project to work for Stripe Connect
The documentation for Stripe connect is here https://stripe.com/docs/connect
You basically need to setup your account to allow for users to sign up as 'Connected accounts' that can receive payments. Your stripe account takes the payment and then dishes out to the connected account accordingly, it needs to be setup in the node server.
Stripe has an example project that uses Stripe connect which is what you're looking for, this handles marketplace style payments.
Take a look at their project. The concept is that users can sign up online and be accepted for payments.
Here is the project https://github.com/stripe/stripe-connect-rocketrides
and the demo website https://rocketrides.io

can't find where to create adwords developer token

I'm truing to figure out how to create an adwords developer token in new google interface. It was in settings tab formerly (right here at the screenshot http://take.ms/9lBlZ) but now it's gone. I looked through almost all links and didn't find an answer. So I really appreciate your help guys! Thanks!
If you create a campaign in your MCC (manager account), the MCC became normal Account, and you cant find "AdWords API Center" option.
I had to re-create another MCC
This thread is kind of old, but I just went through this so I can highlight the things that were confusing to me.
You need to create a legitimate MCC account, AND a test account. In the real one you need to apply for a developer token. You want to put this token in the properties file here api.adwords.developerToken
From your test MCC you need to create a test client. Use the clientId from the TEST client you just created in api.adwords.clientCustomerId in the properties file.
You need to get an API token for your app (and an OAuth token) through Google's developer console https://console.developers.google.com
Make sure the active google account session for your browser is for the email you registered your TEST Account to. Run the script they give to get the refresh token and put it here api.adwords.refreshToken in the properties file.
Now you're using your test developer token from your real account and given permissions to use the test account.
Google made this way more confusing than it had to be in my opinion...hopefully this helps someone figure it out though!
There are two types of Adwords Manager accounts, normal and testing.
How to get a testing account
With the normal one, I got the developer token but I cannot run nothing throught the API because the account was not approved.
So I created a testing account, which allows to work with the API without the need of being approved.
With the testing account I didn't saw the Adwords API Center link under Account Settings.
Reading documentation I saw the developer token of a normal account can be used with a different Adwords account.
So I'm using the info (client_id, client_secret, oauth_token) of a testing Adwords account and the developer token a normal Adwords account.
To get the Oauth_token you can use the OAuth Playground (remember to set the Playground link for redirection on your Oauth credentials).
Instructions to get a OAuth Playground with Adwords
Please complete the billing details after creating MCC account.
Once that is completed you can see API Center option under Tool Icon.
By filling billing details doesn't charge you but its just for verification purpose.
I just had the same issue.
Go here: https://ads.google.com/home/tools/manager-accounts/
Click "Create a manager account", follow the prompts and voila.
