UILabel and Text invisible after archive and upload to testflight - ios

I have been stuck on a problem since last week. The thing is when I build on my phone/simulator, my app works well shows like the first picture with label and texts showing perfectly. But, when I archive and upload to testFlight or exports, it shows like the second picture(No visible Text/UILabel anywhere in the app).
Things I’ve tried:
custom font: I was able to override the systemfont successfully but still faced with the same problem after upload
accessibility inspector: I was able to read out the texts in the label meaning they are there but not showing.
This is the correct way for the app to show. The text and labels should be visible:
This is how it is showing when i upload and install from Testflight. All text and labels blank (even UIAlertViewController):

Is it possible to have your dark mode on on the device you install the build? And maybe you used custom colors within the app so it only reflects in the text colors, which may be system.
E.g.: you used custom white for your background color (not system white) and the text was system black. After changing to dark mode, the text will turn white, but the background will stay white because it's custom


Theme Color Changing in iOS

I have seen this question asked before however I haven't found a response that seems to work too well.
I am new to Xcode and am trying to make an app for iOS where a user can go into the settings tab and choose a theme such as Red where the buttons, background etc. can change to a certain color. Is there a way to do this by referencing the attributes tab and then telling Xcode to change the button property if the settings button is pressed.
Also if the background is using an image is there a way to change that image with another one if a button is pressed.
I am using Xcode 8.2 and using Swift 3.

Is there a way/tool/framework to write test automation for individual UI elements on iOS? (whitebox)

I have an application and I want to test individual ui elements in the application from the inside. The purpose is to verify that display controls such as labels are displaying what they should and that touches trigger the correct results.
And I don't mean any E2E tests (I will use Appium for that), I'm looking for something that would allow me to open the app in a state that I need and test one element(if it is displayed correctly and if it behaves correctly - I will probably split these two actions into two separate tests).
For example:
Let's say I have an app that has a "Hello" button in the middle of the screen and upon clicking on that button a new screen opens that has two other buttons. One has label "Red" the other has label "Blue". If I click on "Red" the background of the application turns red and if I click the "Blue" button the background turns blue.
Now I want to write separate tests that would open the app on:
initial screen and check the "Hello" button is there
initial screen and check that clicking on the "Hello" button opens new screen
second screen and check that there is "Red" button
second screen and check that upon clicking on "Red" button the screen turns red
and so on..
I don't know how to call this testing but for me it sounds like "ui unit testing"
I know this is possible on Android using Espresso so I hope it is possible on iOS too.
Have you looked at the new UI Testing tools (XCUITest) in Xcode 7? With it, you would definitely be able to detect the presence of UI elements, and manipulate them (such as tapping on buttons). However, I'm not sure if you'd be able to confirm that the background view's color changed, unless you set the view's UIAccessibility value to include color information.
UI Testing overview: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2015-406/
potential limitations: https://medium.com/#larcus94/ui-testing-with-xcode-7-221d16bad276

UINavigationBar font replication

I am trying to create a custom share button to implement into my xcode project instead of just typing in the word "share" into the bar item's title in the attributes inspector. I am creating a small image instead with a little image followed by the word "share." Since I am creating the image on my PC I want to replicate or come close to the default "item" button font:
Does anyone know the default font used on iphones? And what size i should make the image to be around the same size as the button in the image?
Helvetica-Neue and soon San Francisco with IOS 9
See more here:

How to change the List Text colors in windows phone7 app

I submitted my Wp7 app but it was rejected for the reason is
Application content, such as text and visual
elements, must be visible and legible regardless of
the phone theme. For example, if the phone
theme changes from black background to white
background, the text and visual elements of your
application must be visible or legible.
Test Process Required:
1. Navigate to the Settings page in the app list.
2. Tap theme and change Background to 'Dark'.
3. Launch the application.
4. Verify that the text and visual elements of the
application are visible and legible.
5. Navigate back to the theme page under
Settings, and change Background to 'Light'
6. Launch the application.
7. Verify that the text and visual elements of the
application are visible and legible.
actually i am using ListBox in my Xmal page in that i have set baground color Block and font color is white. How to change Font color that when they Change Device Background color in Window phone7..please help me..How to resolve this ..
You could hard code your back and foreground colors in XAML or you could use the WindowsPhone Color resources.
MSDN Windows Phone Resources
To Solve this i showed a MessageBox to the User the first time he starts the application that the app is using his location and what the app is doing with it. Then you need to give an option in the application somewhere to turn the using of his location completely off, i added this to my apps settings page. And you could provide information about why you using location in a separate page and have the setting to turn it on and off there.
The MessageBox and the Turn off setting works my app got certified like this.

changing the color of Phone number(UITextView...with detect Phone Number enabled in xib file) in objective c

Can we change from default blue color of Phone number(UITextView...with detect Phone Number option enabled in xib file) to other color in objective c?
For example number like 00471122345 shown in blue color in app which is not suiting by application back ground.
You can't change the default text colors in a UITextView. If you want control over text colors, the best way is to use UIWebView. It even has built-in detect phone numbers, if you want that. In a web view, you can change the text color, the background color, the link color, the visited link color, etc. just like on a normal web page.
(You can also do fancy alignment, tabling, add images, put have different parts of text be different size/font/color, etc. It's just a web page! :)
